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Denied DarkEclipic Event Team Application


Level 166
Community Team
Lore Team
(Alts: LightEclipic, GreyEclipic, WhiteEclipic, BlackEclipic)

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:
I would say I am rather active within SRP, about an 8/10. There are days when I log on and then forget to log off(if that is me just completely forgetting or tabbed out doing something else). I am a pretty active Government Official and able to be around when people need me. If that is for IDs, questions about the faction/server, or Trials(last minute and scheduled). On average I am on about 5-15 hours a day, depending on what is going on that day or how well I am feeling.

I have one warning back in 2021 and a ban back in Late March(I can explain the ban more in DMs if you need more of an explanation).

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:
(It is possible there are more, I just can’t find them all at this time)

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
DarkEclipic#3032 ; Yes I do have a microphone

What is your time zone and country of residence?:

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?:
I am aware that if I am inactive on the team that I risk being removed or demoted at anytime

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:
IRL: During my time in life, I worked in retail in which we had to work as a team(during the overnight shift) to clean up the store, put items back on the shelves, stock the shelves, and have the store completely clean in a timely manner before we opened back up to the business. I worked there for about 5 years. Among working as a follower, there were many times when I was put as the ‘trainer’ for the new members of our team, to assist them in learning the ropes and knowing how the store operates. There are other times when I worked with the higher-ups (supervisors/shift leads) where I had to lead my own team temporarily or stepped up with no one else would. This could be a simple shift in getting the team motivated or even becoming a temporary higherup during Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving, a very busy season) or even Christmas (more than often, I would have to work Christmas night) with making sure the store was ready and taking on the harder jobs myself while the others and newer members of the team were elsewhere assisting.

SRP: I started playing SRP around late 2021 where I eventually found my place. I got into College B on my main account(DarkEclipic) and went into gangrp. As that isn’t a big step, it was something I was able to contribute and assist with giving opinions in. When I left gangrp for the first time, I went into the Teacher Faction on where I stayed for 3-4 months. I had attended numerous detentions, made many friends, solved many situations, and even attended a college exam myself to help. During this time was also when I joined the Shrine Faction where I stayed for a couple of months. Helping newer shrine members learn the faction and what to do, talking and addressing people on what and how Shinto works, and just overall how the shrine operated. I had previous interactions with the shrine faction prior to this when I was in gangrp for the first time.

As I left teaching and became an adult, this was when I focused on the community and learning more about the server, as I am embarrassed to say, I didn’t know the server lore or history that well. I took a couple of months to focus on that, to learn and apply for the Lore team for the first time(In which was denied, but we must learn). This made me want to try again and delve deeper into the lore of other parts of the community; The Crime side of things. Learning more about Akihito and how they started and even the families of SRP. Old and new, Around the time I reapplied for Lore for the second time(this time getting accepted) I applied for Government with the push of my friend, who was in the faction himself(This was when Mike was still over the faction). I put in my first Governor application when it went through 2 Pending statuses before being accepted by Cam(who put me on my second pending and then later accepted me, the reason for the accepting is amazing). And that was when I started my journey in Government, I worked day in and day out on making sure that I was active in a next-to-dead faction which it furiously. I gave ideas, I made sure I was around to make sure if people were unable to make it to trials I would be able to fill in, and overall just being a team player in the community and meeting and working with many new people. During my time currently in SRP, I am part of the BMD as an associate and assisting them when they need help or even just for a simple hangout. I am also the former second-in-command of the UVG; Forelli Crime Family. I started from the very bottom and worked my way up through the ranks, I helped arranged events, training, meetings, and overall hangouts and a welcoming community to the newer members of GangRP. Along with this, I do have three icly jobs on my alt account working with shopkeepers in their shop.

Are you currently part of any Community Team? If so, which one and do you think you are able to manage your activity in both?
I am currently not on any Community Team, I was previously on The Lore Team

Please provide a minimum of three (maximum of five) detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:
(Going over the set limit of event ideas can potentially jeopardize your chances of being accepted.)

Town Event: Animal Showcase!
Event concept:
The idea for the event is to involve the animals along with their owners when it comes to animal shows! Typically this would be reserved for just dogs but why not allow other animals! Cats are able to be pure breeds for the event; It shows off the breed, how well-behaved they are, what tricks they know, and just the overall creativity of the roleplayers! This is mainly for Foxes, Raccoons, Dogs, and Cats. But other animals(that are allowed) are welcome to come and attend! This is based on animal shows for pure-breed animals.

Event Description:
Karakura’s First Animal showcase shows off Karakura’s BEST of the BEST animals with a panel of strict judges! Contestants and their pets are able to attend and show off their animal's BEST moves! This could be simple tricks of waving, spinning to even carrying a platter of CHICKEN on their head! Contestants will have only a couple of hours and ONE WALK to impress the judges for a ribbon and badge for the two!

Building necessary:
  • A stage, runway at the Pier.
  • Food/Drink stalls for Shopkeepers/School Teams to be involved with their shops and sell!
  • Platforms and animal-only areas for pets to hang out at! (Bird perches, animal hangouts)

Resources needed:
  • 3 Judges (We can throw in the Mayor/SLT/Commissioner/any head of a faction to be able to participate!)
  • 2 Event Animal Caretakers(Event team members/Staff)
  • 2 to 3 Event Animals(Event team members/Staff)
  • 2 to 3 members per stall!

Beneficial to the server:
A lot of people complain about not many Town related events and when they are town-related events, they are only small or involve the school faction in the main set of events. This will give the lesser known Town members(Animals) the spotlight! A lot of animals know how to roleplay animals and tricks and it would be nice to see more involvement when it comes to the town factions in general! Along with getting more people involved, this will increase the roleplay across the server involving the majority of the factions! It will also show off the amazing animal whitelist players can buy in the shop or even want to apply for other town-related factions or community teams!


School Event: Pie Smashing!
Event concept:
We all love the concept in real life of Pieing a teacher in the face! Haven’t done it before? Let me explain it to you. For this event in the gym, you will have stalls around run by the different school clubs and Faculty members! Within the stalls, each club will make a game revolving around their club to let students experience the club and donate money to the club and council side of the school. The stalls with the faculty members would be donated to the faculty factions(Professor, Teacher, Employees) to allow them to have more Adult related events with the cash(seen fit from their heads)! Before the event, a poll can be posted to see which Club Leader/Counsel/Teacher/Professor/Faculty member will be nominated for getting pied in the face! The top three of the poll would be the ones who will be nominated. During the event would be when people do a SECOND poll on which member gets pied!

Event Description:
Enjoy being involved with Clubs? Love interacting with the Faculty members? Want to throw a pie in their face?!? Introducing Karakura High School and College V School Faculty! Raise money for your faction to see who will win! Each faction will have a nomination to the stage for a pie to the face! Who will win?! Club?! Counsel?! School Faculty?! WHO KNOWS!

Building necessary:
  • Different stalls for the Clubs(12), Counsel, and School Faculty!(14 stalls total)
  • Sitting area on the stage for the nominated characters! (3 chairs)

Resources needed:
  • SLT involvement(At least, Principle and Dean)
  • Announcer of the event! (Event member / Staff member)

Beneficial to the server:
There have been a lot of school events due to this being 'SchoolRP', but from my time on the server I have yet to see some type of event like this(there might have been similar but none that I had seen)! This will get the school community together and see who the most popular members of the school! Not many clubs are seen to be around or involved with events so this will be the push they can get more involved! This may seem like a popularity contest, but in no way they should treat this as one! Who do you want to pie in the face more? Which one would be funnier and it is a tad goofy! Which is what some events should be, goofy! This is a block game and it will be more fun and entertaining to see how the school community of the server sees other members of the school community! The cash earned can go towards future events/builders on who might be assisting in building(The builders deserve good treatment too!) The money that is gathered if isn't used for anything ICly can be tax payed as to help the economy of the server!


Town Event: Traveling Circus!
Event concept:
We have had large-scale events like the France trip or the Music Festival! Why not bring in more entertainment with a Traveling Circus? With what I saw with the music festival, it allowed many people to get involved and introduced to new types of music! Seeing more detailed actions like Lion taming or even just simply jumping through flaming hoops is an amazing idea to get people talking and involved! You could also work with the Lore Team on the character backgrounds and where they came from! Closer to the end of the event, allow the members to come up to the event characters to listen to their story and hear where they had been or where they were from! It gives creativity when it comes to interacting with the community and allows other community team members to be more involved than they already are!

Event Description:
Nearby on the edge of the Island of Karakura, a Traveling Circus would be moving from Island to Island in the Izu Archipelago! Giving entertainment to those who do not leave the Archipelago often! Want to meet performers from all around the world? Want to know more about cultures around the world? Want to spend a fun evening with your friends and family? Introducing the Circus!

Building necessary:
  • Large sitting area for the viewers!
  • Waiting for area for the performers/workers
  • Drink/Food/Merch Stalls!
  • A Bus/Travel method to the nearby circus tent!

Resources needed:
  • 3 to 5 Circus performers! Can range from the bearded lady, Lion tamer(lion can be someone dressed up as a lion for the funny), etc. (Event members / Staff members)
  • 4 Security (Event members / Staff members)
  • 1 Ring leader (Event member / Staff member)
  • 1 to 2 people per Stall
  • Merch to be made(From shirts to jackets)

Beneficial to the server:
Large-scale events like this take a LONG time to plan out and get together, and resources needed to be made and prepared. BUT! When it comes to the involvement and likeness of the event to the community, will be entertaining to see which performers would be brought into the event or even see how much the community and tailors would make from selling the merch or items that shopkeepers would make from the event. As much as this is SCHOOL ROLEPLAY, we do need to involve all of the servers to make sure that teams, factions, or just the normal player are able to have fun! School factions could use this as a type of paper or project while Reporters or other adult factions could get involved more with the news side of things and interview other members of the town!
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Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for your application, unfortunately, we have decided to deny this application, the events in your application are quite generic. In the event team, we're looking for people with original ideas so we can create great and original events for the server. If you reapply try to put some more creativity in the events you make.

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