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Denied Psychiatrist application | ScaryBook


Level 9

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

(Applying for) ScaryBook - Adult/bird
Prizebox - college B Councillor/Fish
JoyPill - grade 11
Stresscat - Cat

What is your Discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I first joined the server in February 2020 and am actively looking for a new faction to join for a new RP experience. The only faction I've been a part of is faculty, I was an art teacher for around 4 months and then moved on to become a criminology professor for about a year. I've also taken part in the criminal side often reaching a higher-up position. Since I resigned from the Faculty, my most common RP would probably be AnimalRP oddly enough, as listed above I have 3 animal whitelists Each with a unique storyline. with an average of 4 hours online daily and a total playtime of 1,540 hours across all accounts, I believe I am well-rounded with how the server works.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
NOTE: I had 2 forum accounts, Prizebox is my active one.

Denied applications

Event Team

Lore Team



Media Team




(Old Forums conversion application format)


Accepted applications



College Student Council

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have taken part in many different types of roleplay roles, official and icly, some are:

which revolves around planning classes that are entertaining and engaging for the students within your applied subject as well as practicing crowd control and ethical use of authority.

A role that has a lot of unwritten rules, helps you differentiate and ****yze what is realistic for many different scenarios around animals, their behavior, and natural instincts, while also keeping in mind that not every real-life aspect is applied to SRP. it’s been good practice for determining what could be seen as FailRP as well as unseriousRP, which is a concept that isn't talked about very often.

Gang/crime Higher-up
This is one of my current roles, its mainframe isn't only being well-rounded with the rules of combat, permissions, weapons stats, and so on, but there is a big part that is played within the organization of the members, making sure they are following the rules and maintain a good ocly reputation of the gang, mostly about its behavior and an awareness of the current standing of the gangRP community.

What is your motivation for applying?
As mentioned above, I've been looking for a new RP experience, which explains the amount of applications from every faction. RP has been a major hobby of mine for about 4 years, and I often find myself not knowing what to do next as my attempts to join a new faction in search of something new haven't been successful, which has brought me to try the EMS faction, I believe my main character would be a good fit for the position of psychiatrist with the focus of forensic psychiatry based by his extensive storyline so far since 2020.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):


What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?

They are the head of the faction, it's a role taken by only a member of the staff team.

Clinical manager
They are the second person in command and usually make the icky calls whenever the director is not available at the scene to make decisions as well as look over the leads of the different branches of the hospital.

Clinical lead
They are the individual leads of each of their own department, they have shown the most dedication and proven their capabilities to lead their branch throughout their time performing.

They compose most of the mental health departments of the hospital which treat different mental illnesses, make diagnoses, hold therapy sessions, create treatments for different mental situations, and prescribe medication to patients as well as expand more on this depending on their specialty.

They are the ones in charge of going through different surgeries and procedures as well as overlapping in some general doctor work.

They are your primary host during most visits for checkups, and diseases and respond to most walk-ins from patients.

They are the medics sent to the field, show up to dangerous scenes, and work along with KPD to respond to any casualties or possible ones to occur. They are often promoted to this position based on their past position as surgeons, psychiatrists, or doctors.

These are the new recruits to the hospital, they are tested and trained on their skills for around 2 weeks, in which if passed, they will be settled in the hospital with the position they had applied for.

Callsigns are the number by which they are communicated and identified between KPD and other EMS workers through the radio.

It is the time that a player must remain in the hospital to recover from their injuries, surgery, procedure, or any other conditions that put the patient or others in danger.

The minimum quota for every EMS worker is 20 points which equals a 200,000 yen paycheck, the maximum quota is 40 points which is optional to reach, however, this is something that will be noticed and taken into account by the higherups of the department when it comes to promotions with other thing in consideration.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes, I understand that any of my actions that go against the rules can lead to my dismissal from any position or faction.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes, This would be my only official role on the server and would take most of my free time.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I’m considerate of other people’s time.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, it is against the rules to do so in general.

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:
Neo Corvid

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
became a high school art teacher for around half a year

A Doctorate in Criminal Justice with a focus in psychology.
Was a criminology professor for more than a year

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:
Married for about 2 years (ocly years)

Character’s Religious Denomination:
None, does not partake in any religious activities

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Backstory (100+ Words)

Neo Corvid's journey in Karakura began as a high school student, an unassuming figure navigating the complex web of adolescent relationships and academic challenges. Born into the gritty backdrop of the city, Neo always felt the pulse of its shadows, an enigma pulsating beneath the surface.

In high school, Neo's academic prowess stood out. His interest in criminology sparked early, fueled by the tales whispered in the streets. While other students dreamed of mundane futures, Neo found himself drawn to the mysteries of the criminal mind. His keen intellect and curiosity earned him respect among his peers, and his academic achievements painted a promising path.

However, life in Karakura seldom follows a straight trajectory. Neo's academic pursuits collided with the chaotic dance of the city's underworld. Intrigued by the allure of power and influence, he found himself entangled with local delinquent groups. The streets became his canvas, and he orchestrated maneuvers that blurred the line between academia and criminality.

As Neo rose through the ranks of various gangs, his understanding of criminology evolved beyond textbooks. He became a living embodiment of the theories he once studied—the intersection of academic knowledge and street-smart survival. Neo's reputation grew, not just as an academic prodigy but as a figure shrouded in mystery, someone who navigated the shadows with an enigmatic grace.

The turning point came when Neo, now known as Corvid, found himself at the helm of the CROWS, a delinquent group that mirrored the complexity of Karakura's underbelly. The CROWS became an extension of Neo's vision, a canvas where he painted stories of rebellion, influence, and calculated chaos. The streets, once a source of academic inspiration, transformed into a playground for real-world experimentation.

Yet, as the years passed, a sense of ennui settled in. The thrill that once accompanied each calculated move waned, replaced by a monotonous routine that echoed the very boredom Neo sought to escape. The risks to his reputation loomed large, and the city's shadows, once allies, now seemed to cast judgmental glares.

It was in this backdrop that Neo Corvid, the orchestrator of chaos, contemplated a drastic shift. The very academic interest that ignited his journey in Karakura beckoned once again. Forensic psychiatry emerged as the nexus where his criminological knowledge could be wielded not as a tool for survival, but as a beacon for understanding the criminal psyche.

The decision to apply for a position as a forensic psychiatrist at Karakura Hospital marked a pivotal moment. Neo envisioned a new chapter where he dissected the minds of criminals not from the shadows but within the sterile walls of a medical facility. The transition from orchestrating schemes in the streets to dissecting criminal minds in a clinical setting symbolized not just a career change but a profound shift in Neo's identity.

As Neo embarked on this journey, he carried with him the scars and tales of the streets, an academic foundation forged in the crucible of Karakura's underworld. The echoes of his past mingled with the promise of a new beginning, as Neo Corvid sought to unravel the mysteries of the criminal psyche from a perspective that transcended the shadows he once called…home.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Forensic Psychiatry
Forensic psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in the interface between mental health and the law, often working with individuals involved in the criminal justice system.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
A residency in psychiatry with a focus on forensic psychiatry.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
No experience in the medical field other than residencies.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
No additional schooling. However, Neo has written his own reports and investigations in Karakura revolving around the mentality of crime and justice independently, showing his interest in criminology and the latest events occurring in Karakura, causing an overlap for him to shift over to forensic psychiatry.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?
Neo Corvid possesses a striking and distinctive appearance that sets him apart in any crowd. Standing at an above-average height, his lean yet athletic build gives him an air of both grace and strength. His ebony-black hair, perpetually styled in a meticulous manner, frames a face chiseled with sharp features that embody a blend of mystery and refinement.

What truly sets Neo apart is the enigmatic allure of his eyes—intense, sharp, and often harboring a glint of calculated intelligence. The color of his eyes, a deep and penetrating shade of blue, adds to the sense of mystique that surrounds him. Even in moments of apparent calmness, those eyes betray an underlying intensity, leaving an indelible impression on those who meet his gaze.

Neo's wardrobe is a carefully curated collection of tailored suits and impeccably chosen accessories. His fashion choices reflect not just a penchant for style but a deliberate effort to project an image of sophistication and authority. The suits, always in dark and neutral tones, contribute to the overall aura of seriousness and control that Neo exudes.

What truly makes Neo unique, however, is the symbiosis of his composed exterior and the intricate web of mysteries that lie beneath. It's not just his physical presence, but the silent intelligence and strategic mind that make him stand out. Neo is a master of blending into the shadows, navigating the complexities of Karakura's underworld with a finesse that is both intriguing and formidable.

In a city where chaos reigns, Neo Corvid emerges as a calculated orchestrator, his uniqueness residing not just in his physical attributes but in the enigma that surrounds him—a man whose every move is a well-thought-out piece in the intricate puzzle of his clandestine existence.

How does your character act on and off duty?
While on duty, Neo would approach his clinical duties with clinical precision, conducting forensic evaluations with meticulous attention to detail. When called upon to provide expert testimony in legal proceedings, his articulate and well-reasoned statements would carry weight. He would draw upon his extensive knowledge of criminology and forensic psychiatry to present a compelling case grounded in both medical expertise and an understanding of criminal behavior. Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of forensic work would collaborate seamlessly with legal professionals, law enforcement, and other experts. His ability to bridge the gap between medical and legal realms would make him an invaluable asset in solving complex cases.
When off duty, he would maintain a low profile, respecting the confidentiality of the cases he handles. His enigmatic nature would extend to his personal life, keeping details private and allowing the boundary between his professional and personal personas to remain distinct. He would engage in continuous learning, staying abreast of the latest developments in psychiatry and criminology. His intellectual curiosity would drive him to explore new perspectives and theories, enhancing his capabilities as a forensic psychiatrist. Neo might cultivate professional connections within the medical and legal communities, fostering relationships that contribute to a collaborative and dynamic approach to forensic work. Networking would be a strategic element of his off-duty activities. He would mostly prioritize his own mental well-being because a blind person can't guide another blind person. Whether through solitary activities or carefully chosen social interactions, he would find ways to decompress and maintain resilience.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Neo has the ability to work alone with autonomous control of his actions and make strategic decisions, with greater stealth and secrecy. His enigmatic nature is outstanding when he operates independently, allowing him to maintain a low profile and execute his duty discreetly.
When working in a group or with a partner, he values each of their skills and collaboration, as well as their information and assets. Neo has learned the importance of creating alliances during his time navigating Karakura’s underworld.

What plans does your character have for the future?
His plan is to advance in the field of forensic psychiatry to achieve professional recognition and cultivate a network of connections to navigate toward high-profile cases that will give him the challenge and rush that he has been looking for, as well as gain personal growth on the way.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Others perceive him as someone with an uncanny ability to navigate the shadows, a strategist who orchestrates intricate plans with precision. The piercing intensity in his eyes, coupled with his refined and serious presentation, contributes to an air of mystery and intimidation.
His self-perception aligns with others to a certain extent. He acknowledges his calculated and strategic nature, understanding that his ability to maintain composure is an asset in the unpredictable world he navigates. He recognizes the respect he commands and the influence he wields in the shadows.
However, beneath the enigmatic exterior, Neo carries a burden of complexities. He is aware of the fine line he treads, the moral ambiguities of his choices, and the toll that his past clandestine life has taken on his psyche. While others may perceive him as a symbol of control, Neo grapples with the internal turmoil that comes with orchestrating schemes in the shadows.

Internally, Neo might feel the weight of the decisions he makes, questioning the blurred boundaries between right and wrong. He may harbor a sense of loneliness, a consequence of the isolating nature of his calculated existence. The strategic mind that earns him respect also leads to a sense of detachment, making it challenging to form deep and meaningful connections, which has led to complexities in his relationship with his wife, Rini K. Corvid.

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Level 234
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- Your application contains information that has been plagiarized from other sources and/or written by AI, and as a result, you have been blacklisted from applying to the Hospital faction until further notice. If you wish to appeal this, contact me via discord.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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