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Accepted Receptionist Application | Cawot69


Level 8

What is your Minecraft username?:
ALT: CawotTheDogHot

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I am 18 years old

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I consider myself to be reasonably active on the server! I've been around since 2020, but I didn't start playing more consistently until 2021. Because of my time zone, I can usually be online from 4 to 9 p.m. however depending on the day, I still manage to spend 5 to 6 hours a day online! I have been playing for 19 weeks now, and if I had to rate my activity level on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give myself a 7! Why? I do, however, always make an effort to meet my quotas and record my absences in an inactivity log whenever I am away for longer than 3 days.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes, regrettably, I was banned due to ERP at the beginning of 2020. Since I was inexperienced and did not fully understand the regulations, I was banned for 30 days. Other than that, no, I have not been banned recently.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I am fully aware of this fact!

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying to become a Receptionist.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
When you walk into the school, the first thing you notice is the receptionist's cheery face! The Receptionist's tasks and responsibilities include greeting students and other faction members, helping a student with equipment such as books, pens and schedules. However, if you have done well in class, assisted a faculty member, or simply been pleasant, you can always receive a sticker from any faculty member. To hand it in, you must walk over to the front desk to get your prize. Depending on how many stickers you have, you will received a reward!

The people at front desk can also help a student whenever they feel lost of can't find a certain place. The receptionist will gladly assist them in finding their way to their destination, such as the nurses' office, library, or even the tutors' room. You can always help a student find another faculty by using the radio to ask if they are avalible to come down to the front desk to meet them.

Another responsibility a receptionist has is to answer calls if anyone outside of school needs to get on school grounds, if we for example say KPD is in need to get on schools property, the receptionist can hand them a KSH visitor pass and they're free to search school for the specific student. Of course, anyone can call this phonenumber such as students. If they notice a fight, they can quickly call the front desk and ask them to come!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
As stated above i've been playing on srp since 2020 but only started playing seriously in 2021, during my time since I have been in 2 different factions, i've come to learn more of the rules as well as the player base and my knowledge over all in different branches of the server, i might not know everything on the server.. but i know the rules well enough and i know how to properly rp out a scenario as well as the over all rules within the serve. Whistle playing i have known how to detail due to my characters being both caretakers and cooking, and a performing arts teacher! Whenever I haven't been in a faction I have done some gangrp, learning combat actions as well as some recovery rp and so on. Again, I've been around for a while and I believe I have a lot of experience!

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I've been somewhat busy with school and work, so I've had to leave any factions I was in; however, now that I've learned how to manage my working life, I've noticed that I have a lot more time to play games and be on SRP; I've been in this faction before, but as a caretaker, and I remember enjoying it! As an adult, I find it boring and uninteresting. In other words, I want to change it, and I really miss the school faction! I miss assisting those who are new, as well as interacting with faculty and students

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Cawot69 - Adult
CawotTheDogHot - Collage (B)


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

She would simply give no reaction, instead taking a deep breath and begin to speak "now i've done all i can to help you, instead of being rude could you please thank me in a kinder manner, it would be much appreciated" she would have a smile on her face as she returned to her work, if they continued to cuss at her, she would remind them of the language they were using and state that contingency of such strong words could result in a detention

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
She would approach them and try her best to separate them; once separated, she would have both of them stay with her and listen to both of their versions of the story. After they had finished their story, she would ask over the radio if anyone could look into the cameras for her; if they were not in shot of the camera, she would use her best judgment and, depending on the bruising, hand both of them a detention slip or a verbal warning, stating that this would not happen again and that they should go their separate ways.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
She would take a step back and inform them that this is a working atmosphere with both children and adults, and that type of behavior is not acceptable. She would also remind them that as adults, they are setting a negative example for the children, which may affect their behavior. She'd tell them again to stop and then leave the area. She would hope that a camera or another colleague heard/saw what just happened, and she would then report it to an SLT member.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the break room she would either keep to herself, she could be found reading the newspaper, a book or she could be scrolling on her phone with a cup of tea on the side, or she would be interacting with her fellow colleague and try to get to know them more, but for the most part she would talk about anything and everything and just try to match evryones vibe.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

As soon as she noticed the student getting closer, she would beam broadly and say, "Good morning! Do you require any assistance this morning? As the young man continued to explain his problems, she would hold her pen and make small notes. Later, she nodded and said in a calm voice, "I see. Well, sadly, I haven't seen your scarf anywhere around here but I'll be sure to let everyone know to be on the lookout for a pink scarf, I will be sure to let you know if anyone finds it okay?" The young man turned to find his scarf, but she had a comforting smile on her face.

/me As she was writing some papers, she heard a lot of noise coming down the hall, and when she peeked out, she saw a group of students crowing over something, so she put down her pen to see what everyone was doing, and as she got closer, she noticed that there were students on top of each other, so she went hands on and said "AYE! The two of you break this up, and the people who are not involved, please move along." As the fight continued and students went running away, she would loudly state "I am NOT repeating myself, break this up or I will make sure SLT will hear about it." As the fight broke up and she listened to what they had to say and handed both of them a detention slip.

/me As she was looking something up on the computer she heard a weak voice speak, as she looked away from the screen she noticed a nervous young girl “Oh i'm sorry! hello how can i help you?” she would say with a big smile as she listened to the girl she would continue to have the smile on her face “ah! do not worry, the public gym is to the left in the corner, if you are unsure of where i'm more than happy to guide you?” she would put her hands together and nod at the reply “of course, if you need any more help ill be here. good luck!” her smile wouldn't fade as she went back to looking on the screen.


(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Edith Misono

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Edith or Miss Misono

Age (Minimum is 25):

Female She/ Her

Academic Degree:
Master degree

Communication, English


Russian & German

Known Languages:
Russian, German, Japanese and Korean


In 1996, Edith was born in Moskva, Russia, along with her twin sister. Her family consisted of her father, mother, herself, her twin, and her elder brother. Edith had always been a kind person who would lend a helping hand to the other children while they played. a few years after she was born her parents, sister, and she- herself moved from Moscow to Japan, they only stayed there for a few months before she returning to meet the rest of her mother's side of the family! Moving to Russia wasn't a huge deal for her; she spoke German with her father at home but only spoke Russian with people she didn't live with + mom and sister, Suddenly, she was told not to speak any German at home. her father had gotten a call stating she was in fact failing russian. years would past and her German would be rusty, but you could still understand what she was saying, she would be by that time be 16, moving back to Japan she would still be forbidden to speak German at home, but she would speak and learn Japanese at school and outside of her home with friends. After a few months of being back in Japan she would meet new friends that she could speak Russian with and share her story with, she would seem to have it perfect but later the same year her father got a better job and they had to move again. meaning she was going to leave behind everything again... she was mad and frustrated but would soon get over it when she learned her father was very sick, he soon got better but the family didn’t, her mother would one night decide to leave Edith and her father to start another family, nobody knows where she went and until this day she longs for her mother and her hugs.. because of her mother leaving she and her father would struggle to keep a roof over their heads to help Edith would sell baked goods at school while her father worked almost 3 jobs at once, it would almost send him into a heart attack but soon after he would finally get a job and had a stable income, while this happened Edith would be 19. Edith would keep studying to become something of herself, knowing she wanted to help people she would study hard to become someone people can turn to, she spent most of her time studying abroad!
Over the years the family would grow, meaning her father would adopt more and more siblings before dropping them all off onto her uncle and later vanishing standing today is her adoptive siblings and her twin carrying the Misono Lagacy.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

I would love to join the Karakura High School faculty because I know i can be both an inspiration and a helping hand on their path on becoming their own person. I know I want to do anything and everything I can to provide something to these kids, something I never had growing up. i will motivate them and cheer them on their learning pathway and be the biggest supporter i know i can be

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I'm a hardworking person and i will never let these students down, im fast and can think quickly on my feet. im a positive person to be around and i know i will love working with all the student and the rest of the faction


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?: no
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Congratulations on being accepted, please DM me on discord so we can get started!
- ozinth

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