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Reporter Application | bonbaboobe


Level 70
Community Team
Media Team
Event Team

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OOC (Out-of-Character) Information


What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

bonbaboobe (xBonnie & yBonnu are my other accounts, I am applying with bonbaboobe)

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
I do indeed, my discord is bonnu and I have a microphone.

List your timezone and country:
I am from the UK, my timezone is GMT.

Describe your activity:
My memory on Roleplay Hub goes as far back as 2019! I’ve been an active member of the community since 2021. I’ve been in many factions, such as the Hospital, Government and KPD. I’ve also been an active participant in the sports teams over the years, as cheer captain, volleyball player and swim team. The school faction has been one of my favourites to participate in, I took on roles such as club leader, councillor and journalist too. I will talk more about my journalism experience later on in this application.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
My recent motivation to become a reporter came from the idea for a new character. She’s recently become my new obsession, and as I’ve been piecing together her backstory, the topic of her occupation came up. For me, the most fitting feeling was her becoming a reporter. This is due to the character being inspired from a character out of a book where she digs into a ‘solved’ murder case and documents her journey through reports. I didn’t want to rejoin the KPD as a detective and the character gave me big reporter vibes. So, here we are! I’ve also been trying to get back into writing, as it’s always been a big passion of mine. I am a huge bookworm and get very inspired after finishing a novel. As I am no longer a journalist, I’ve been needing another outlet for my burst in motivation for writing. I have lots of ideas on how to make this new character live a busy and exciting life with the help of her occupation, so I’m hoping my writing impresses you!

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
All my writing experience has come from personal projects or hobbies such as roleplay. I’ve been a fan of role playing since I was a kid, building my own role play plots until I discovered the Roleplay Hub website after some casual browsing for a new experience. It is safe to say I stuck around here. This server helped me learn lots of new types of writing skills, and even helped me improve when it came to creative writing for school. As I grew more comfortable on the server, I stepped into more heavy writing roles, such a cheer. Cheerleading was a goal of mine on this server, so when I was offered the role of Captain, safe to say I was ecstatic. Writing for cheer was a daily occurrence, as I received the role right before tournaments. I wrote five routines in five weeks. Safe to say I was exhausted. However, it was great practice for my creativity, as coming up with five unique routines is no easy task. I was proud of what I accomplished and still take pride in how far my writing has come.

During my cheerleading days, I also joined the Journalism club. For my application, I wrote a short report on a flash event I did a couple of weeks prior. Writing that application was actually a lot of fun for me and I’m glad I was accepted. I stayed in the Journalism club for I want to say over a year, where I was promoted to senior Journalist and I became the school newspaper lead. We released one volume of the newspaper before I retired from the club, however it taught me a lot. I want to get back into that creative space and reporting in-game events is my cup of tea. I like to add a bit of humour and little jabs into my writing to keep it fresh and entertaining, making a personal connection with the reader whilst maintaining neutral to the report’s key topics.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I am and I will.

Why should we accept you over others?:
A role such as reporter needs committed and passionate people, as well as those who have the time to be active within the town of Karakura. I believe I tick all of the boxes when it comes to this criteria. I’ve been a committed member of this community for many years, taking part in lots of events, factions and roleplay overall! I like to make an impact, and I love to make an impact on the citizens of Karakura’s news coverage. My writing style captures the reader’s attention and keeps people interested. I’m also super stoked to get to play this new character and get up to all sorts of (completely harmless) trouble with her nosiness! She’ll definitely crack down on any assignment given to her or personal project she chooses to take on. If the public wants answers? She’ll give ‘em to them!

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes, I understand this. This should be no issue!

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yep, with this new character I’m ready to rock n’ roll.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
From my experience, a reporter finds the hidden gems (or stories) in Karakura and spreads the message. A reporter’s duty is not only to entertain, but to inform. Karakura’s latest government speech or the next Commissioner retirement are important topics after all! I suspect that reporter’s do a lot of research into what they think are important or interesting topics, crack down on the details, then write thorough and exciting reports on the latest topic.

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IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it


Full Name:
Pippa Heddo, pleasure to meet you!

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Most people call me Pip, and I go by Miss.

Current Age (25+):
I am twenty seven years young.

Past job/work experience:
I graduated from Karakura High School. I moved for college to get my degree. I then took on an internship at Kyodo News, based in Minato, Tokyo. This was a thrilling experience for younger me and an opportunity I couldn’t refuse! After my six week internship was complete, I was offered and took on a full-time permanent role at the agency for four years before deciding to move back home to be closer to my family. Although I was sad to leave my job, I am happy to be back with my folks.

PHD in Writing

Nationality and birth location:
I am Japanese and I was born and raised in Karakura.

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
Too clever for my own good is what my old man used to say! Or was it too nosy? It doesn’t matter! I would say I am a passionate writer with the ability to captivate an audience. I’ve perfected my craft to the best of my abilities and only want to improve from here. If it convinces you further, I always handed my homework in on time. I’m very punctual, especially when in a deadline frenzy. If you’re wanting to know more about me as a person, well then… I am five-foot-six, with an only slightly severe coffee addiction. I am left-handed and I enjoy reading romance novels in my free time. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a happy ending. I’d say I’m a pretty optimistic person with a passion for people, I like to know all there is to know about those I surround myself with.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
Unfortunately, crime rates in my beloved hometown are exponentially high. Fortunately for me, I am a sucker for true crime stories. I like to think I’m finding the good in a bad situation. I often listen to true crime podcasts when I’m working, and ever since High School I’ve been intrigued by criminal cases. Reporting on active cases or previous crime would be my personal preference. People like to stay informed of the latest criminal activity and I like to report on it, it’s a win-win! My first hope would be to make connections with those most involved in criminal cases, those being people working in the government or the police. Of course, reporting on such sensitive topics can be a difficult task to get scoop on. However I think I’ll be just fine plucking the truth out of those I interview. I’ve learned that a kind smile and gentle voice can go a long way.

What are your expectations for the job?:
My expectations would be to have captivating topics and driving intriguing narratives for the agency's readers.I’m also suspecting a lot of research and planning will go into my reports in order for my stories to be the most informative and fulfilling that they could possibly be. I want my reports to start discussions and make conversations happen. If I can do this, I know I’ve done my job right. I’m not wrong often.

Do you have a criminal record?
If so, list the crimes below: I have no criminal record. I wouldn’t harm a fly, seriously though, my folks did all of the spider killing in my household. Maybe I shouldn't of told you that.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Japanese and Dutch are the two languages I can speak fluently. Japanese is my native tongue, and I have a passion for languages.

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You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarising an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

Ochiba forest has never been safe, Karakura police tell KA News.

After many rumours and suspected sightings of spiritual activity within the confines of Karakura’s home to wildlife, Ochiba forest, a recent confrontation involving multiple police officers and a cave suggests fables turn to facts. On the 9th of May, three officers were allegedly lured into a cave by a man, and returned with graphic and disturbing hallucinations. The man in question was described to have skin as grey as rock, and eyes without pupils. The officers were admitted into hospital following their experience, and after extensive treatment, Dr. Zaiaku, Clinical Manager of Karakura’s Hospital, informs KA News that the cause of these callous hallucinations was due to black mould in the lungs.

Black mould is often found in damp or cold houses, and can cause asthma, infections and occasionally even be fatal to those who touch or inhale the air spores surrounding it. The mould growing in a damp cave isn’t necessarily the mystery here, but how and why these officers were exposed to such harmful fungus in the first place. Officers tell KA News that the man responsible for the mould exposure has been detained and is currently being evaluated by Karakura Hospital psychiatrists. The unknown man was also reported to have ingested the same black mould that caused severe hallucinations for all three officers. Forensic scientists suggest this could be an explanation for his malicious behaviour and unique appearance.

One mystery in this case yet to be solved is the timing of the officer’s hallucinations. When interviewed, all three officers described the same scene. The Karakura Police Department have decided to keep the details of these hallucinations confidential, however witnesses to the victim’s outbursts claim that they all reacted to these hallucinations at the same time, as if they were connected.

“It was like a scene out of Stranger Things.” Karakura High School student witness claims. “They all freaked out at the same time, like a flash mob but less entertaining and more disturbing.”

The cave has since been shut off to the public, and the Karakura Police Department warns citizens to keep a distance from Ochiba forest for the time being whilst investigations are underway. This case has left many questions unanswered. What possessed these officers to venture into this cave? How did black mould end up within the victim’s lungs? Is this mould infection contagious? Whispers of this incident being connected to a spirit with great influence and power over Ochiba forest have been spread but not confirmed. KA News will continue to report on the latest updates surrounding this story. If you have an experience or story related to this case, please get in touch at (020)-980–4487.
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#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

Transcript of Interview with Professor Henry Hidgens from Karakura Community College.

Henry: Hello.

Pip: Hi, this is Pippa Heddo, Karakura News. You sent us an email regarding a robbery case you wanted to share?

Henry: Ah good, you received my message. Bloody nightmare those pesky emails are. Always ending up in the junk.

Pip: Pesky indeed. Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions regarding the case?

Henry: Go right ahead.

Pip: Alright, I will be recording this interview for print later on. Is that okay with you?

Henry: Yes, yes. Let us get on with it.

Pip: So, Professor Hidgens, can you tell me a little bit about the robbery?

Henry: I most certainly can. 12:07 pm on Tuesday the 23rd is when I noticed the first theft. My calculator, swiped from my desk. 4:30 pm on Thursday the 30th, the handle under my revolving chair had disappeared. 3:15 pm on Monday the 3rd is when I notice the clock missing from my classroom wall. Luckily, I wear a watch so I could record the time of when I noticed it was missing.

Pip: So multiple classroom items of yours have gone missing?

Henry: That is right! Multiple crimes all a couple of days after the other. Coincidence? I think not.

Pip: I see. What did you do after the third robbery?

Henry: Well I went to the proper authority of course. I took it straight to the police, as well as my boss. Disappointedly I was shrugged off by the police and my boss. Unbelievable really. You’d think somebody who dedicated their life to solving crime would have some empathy.

Pip: The police declined your case?

Henry: Correct, they told me that without CCTV within the classroom and no witnesses to the string of crimes, my case had no legs.

Pip: So you’ve decided to take things into your own hands, is that right?

Henry: When the proper authority chooses to turn a blind eye to my distress, then I am left with no other choice! I have set up multiple hidden cameras in my classroom and I no longer turn my back to write on the whiteboard. The lengths I’ve had to go to are extensive.

Pip: I… I hear that. Do you have any idea of who could be the thief?

Henry: Yes, I had to remove the motivational posters from my classroom wall to make room for my investigation board. I’ve started to piece together some delightful clues and intel based on my carefully planned lessons. Every student is guilty until proven innocent.

Pip: Interesting. So you believe a student is the bandit behind all of this?

Henry: Who else would have a motive to steal from me? Certainly not another Professor. Although Professor Handrick has always been jealous of my revolving chair. His one is falling to bits.

Pip: How close are you to cracking the case?

Henry: I think I’m about near the end. I have summed it down to two suspects. Two of my students, two young minds I’ve graced with knowledge over the years. I hope I am wrong, however things aren’t looking good.

Pip: What is your plan if you catch the thief?

Henry: Well, I will firstly be calling home and handing out a very long detention slip! Then of course, I will call the police.

Pip: Wow. The police? Quite the severe consequence for such a crime, do you think the police will acknowledge the evidence you’ve gathered?

Henry: They better, otherwise they will have a mighty lawsuit heading their way!

Pip: Is there anything you’d like to say to the criminal you intend to bring to justice?

Henry: Yes. Once I have the proper evidence you put you behind bars, you will never see the light of day again. You will rot in a cell for the rest of your puny life. I will be the only visitor you ever have and only to rub it in your face that I caught you. This is your final warning, return my items or I will rain hell upon your soul.

Pip: Lovely… really motivational. Thanks so much for your time, Professor Hidgens. This was a very unique case.

Henry: Of course.

Pip: Bye.

Transcript ends.

Well, wasn’t that something? College criminals be warned, Professor Hidgens is onto you. If you’ve got a crime case you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to email or call us at (020)-980-4487


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