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Level 43
Lore Team
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
Main - KotaLobo [Applying on]
Alt - oboLatoK
Alt- https_dakota
Alt - Kotaawa

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

I do have a working microphone and my discord username is _iko. (With the period).

List your timezone and country:

CST | U.S.

Describe your activity:
I’m on every day for at least 12 hours a day if I’m not busy

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
While I’ve played the server for just over three years now, I’ve been in about five different factions. Being a reporter was one of my few
favorite factions in the server so far. It’s a small community of people who are all close, friendly, and welcoming to newcomers. For a while,
I’ve been trying to decide what factions I want to stay in long-term, and Reporter was something I jumped on, especially after I had brought
back my old character. I know I’m going to be active, and I’ve grown as a writer, so I want to come back and prove my writing skills.
Overall, I genuinely love the faction and the people in the community, so I would be excited to be welcomed back.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I’ve been writing since I was around the age of nine or ten. I know my grammar can be kind of weird sometimes, it’s something I’m always
going to be working on. I’ve been a reporter before but had to leave last year due to IRL issues, and I’m currently on the Lore Team.
I’ve been working on trying to publish some stuff OOCly, but it’s a weird process.

Honestly, I love writing because it’s something that can help with emotional release, assisting in making somebody feel better.
Writing can make somebody feel free because there’s no limit to one’s creativity and writing style. My favorite part about writing is that
there are not many ‘rights’ or ‘wrongs’ when it comes to writing since it can be considered an art style.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I am aware of the set rules and will follow all of them.

Why should we accept you over others?:
Accepting me over other applications would be a good idea because I know I would be as active in the faction as I possibly can be, not just through quota,
but also in the channels in the discord server, as well as in-character interactions. Not only will I be active, but I'll be somebody who always wants to help and
contribute as a member of the faction. I will be pushing myself out of my comfort zone, trying out new report styles, and even helping others who ask
when they need it!

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I understand and will make sure to be neutral with all of my reports.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I know that I’ll be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
Being a former reporter, I imagine it being almost the same as when I started. I imagine it as a faction that’s friendly, active, and welcoming overall.
I don’t imagine it to be easy breezy, but I do imagine the work and quota to not be a huge weight on your shoulders like it can be in many other factions.

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:
Calico O’Sullivan Ōmori

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Nickname(s); Cali, Cal, etc. | Ms/Miss

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
I was a Caretaker for about two years, then I moved on to the Reporter faction for about a year before I became a Shrine Maiden for just almost a year.

I currently have a Master's Degree in English and a Bachelor’s Degree in Art.

Nationality and born location:
Irish-Italian, born in France.

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
While growing as a person, I like to describe myself as a hard-working and stubborn person. I’m aware of what I can and can’t handle, but I
know that I’m going to be stubborn and still take a bite at anything I can grab. However, as a worker, I’m skilled in any kind of situation,
especially if it includes being social.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I’m not picky about writing, but I prefer writing more about government and city events. I plan to achieve this by going out in the town and being well-known and
active in the government world, along with the community. I’ll do my all to put myself out into the public, hoping to be in the right place at the right time. I’d consider
going out of my comfort zone, but I don’t believe I’d go on to do many crime reports due to personal reasons.

What are your expectations for the job?:

Knowing what it takes to be a reporter since I’ve been one prior, I don’t have too many expectations. However, my few expectations for the job are to have a good
relationship with my boss and coworkers, have a healthy work environment and have a good time working there overall. I know it’s not going to be all fun and games,
but I am going to expect a lot of communication from the faction.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
My record is now clear.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Italian, French, Japanese

General report:

KARAKURA NEWS - Sekando Hebun

In Karakura, crazy things happen on a daily, whether it be some kind of criminal activity or a new part of the government, hell it
could even be something going wrong during a huge event everyone planned on attending! Whatever adventure the day
brings us Karakurans, we’ll be prepared for anything.. Or so we thought!

On Wednesday, February 14th at 8:17 PM, loud music was reported to be heard coming from the Family Store. Within just minutes, a large crowd had
formed around the area to see two people on stage wearing masquerade masks, one of them with realistic angel wings. Frequently, the two are seen holding up
the number seven, along with one person in the crowd. The only item identifying them was the white hairpin they wore while the performance was taking place.

Not long into the performance, the cops were informed of the presence of these individuals, causing them to make their way over to the Family Store. Once Karakura
police arrived, the small concert came to a surprising halt as the two masked disappeared into the crowd, seeming to have taken the unrecognizable figure from the crowd along with them. Police pursued them but lost them shortly into the chase. After looking around the area, the hairpin of the crowd member was left behind. Taking a closer look, the crowd found writing on it that spelled out Sekando Hebun, or Second Heaven.

Will we ever know who these figures turned out to be, and are they dangerous? Feel free to state your questions below so we can get them answered for you if we ever get an interview!


KARAKURA NEWS - Interview With Second Heaven

Today, I’ll be interviewing the two confirmed members of the group who named themselves Sekando Hebun. I was lucky enough to have gotten in touch
with two a few days after the performance. Sitting in front of me during the interview are the duo who will be going by Roman numerals,
I and VI
from now on during this report. Check out the link for the recording down below!

Good evening, thank you both for joining me tonight for this interview.
Thank you for having us here. What do you want answered?
Well, I think the most obvious question is what made you come to Karakura.
There are so many other places to go, why here?
Believe it or not, some of us are locals in Karakura.
About half of Second Heaven has spent their entire lives in Karakura,
the other half are from other areas of the world.

When you say ‘half of us’, how many people are a part of Second Heaven?
Well, there are seven of us in total. Three of us are Karakuans
and the rest are from other countries or are from other cities in Japan.

Many locals from Karakura, especially government workers, are all wondering the
same thing. Is the group that you guys are in dangerous in any way?
No, we have no intent on bringing harm to Karakura or the citizens who live here.

We are simply here to entertain while spreading a message of the second
heaven. We’re a group that believes that there is not only one heaven but
there are two, possibly even more.

While you guys were performing, you both were seen, as well as a member of the
crowd, holding up the number seven quite frequently. Why is that?
That is our sign, only three of us go to each performance. This does not mean we all
perform, but we go in threes and hold up the number seven. Three sevens in a row are angel numbers.

Have all of you ever been in the same place at the same time while
performing, or is it some type of rule that you can only go in trios?
We have only been in a group of seven once or twice I believe.

Yes, we have. It is not a rule, but it is something we like to follow
very often unless it is a special occasion. For example, we’re going
to perform for a large group of people who request to have all of us there.

Do you all have some type of leader of this group,
or is it just run by you all collectively?
There are three people who we consider ‘leaders’ of Second Heaven.
The three that lead are I, II, and III, so they are the three founders

Is there a reason why you all go by Roman numerals
instead of names?
Yes. Originally, I’s father was a pope of the church when they were young. I had then
taken the inspiration of the Roman numerals and started the creation of Second Heaven,
originally as their own religion. Soon, we turned it into a group that spreads information through song.

Does anybody know, friends, family, whatever, that you guys do
this, or are all of you completely anonymous, even to your own family?
I do not feel comfortable telling anybody about this except for one person. The only person
I told my older sister who did not support me, so she got me kicked out of my house for this.

I have not told anybody about this. I know anybody who has told their family hasn’t
been supported and has been removed from their house, or even disowned by their
family, depending on who you are talking about.

Is there any way to get into Second Heaven other than being asked to join, apply,
or even be born into the group and fill in for an ex-member?
As of right now, there is no way to get into Second Heaven.
We are all people who consider each other family. Until we need
new members, we will not have a way to join or leave Second Heaven.

Do you all plan to stay in Karakura and continue to throw massive concerts around the city?
If so, will there be any set dates for these performances, or will they all be random?
Currently, there are no other ‘concerts’ that are going to be planned
by us. We want to be a surprise every time we are heard by the city. It could
be during the day, or very late at night, we are the only ones who will know beforehand.

Thank you both for joining me for the interview.
No, thank you.

Thank you as well, Ms. O’Sullivan.

That concludes the report with two members of Second Heaven. Let me know if
you would like to keep up with news on the members and their performances. Until next time.


Additional Information:
If I don't have my track swapped to my alt, I'll need that done. Thank yew!


Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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