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  1. Mo!

    Irina Lei - The Character Biography (No.2)

    Nah wtf I want Shnow !!
  2. Mo!

    Irina Lei - The Character Biography (No.2)

    Irina Lei - The character biography No.2 [!] Do not take any of this information icly unless given permission to by me. [!] All art is credited to the artist of each art piece The biography is still a work in progress, but most of it is now done.
  3. Mo!

    HEDDO, Rokku | Hospital Director

    Yaban is always the nicest to Rokku.. though he's such a gaslighter
  4. Mo!

    HEDDO, Rokku | Hospital Director

    Rokku Heddo needs help. Mental help he gaslights his family !!
  5. Mo!

    Neko Heddo || Offical Character Biography [W.I.P]

  6. Mo!


  7. Mo!

    Accepted sasaiina's Professor Application!

    OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: sasaiina Do you have any previous bans/warnings?: N/A What is your time zone?: GMT What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g. Tippie#6666): mo!#1590 Link all previous applications you made on the server: Judge Application - Accepted...
  8. Mo!

    Irina Lei - The Biography!

  9. Mo!

    sunsetskies_'s Surgeon Application !

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Sunsetskies_ Previous bans: I have not been previously banned on the server, this applies to all of my accounts. Describe your activity on the server: I am very active on the server and can typically be found...
  10. Mo!

    goodbye srp

    Why are you leaving me carti!!!! Grumbling rn. </3 Since I've met you, you've been an amazing person and ill always be there for you no matter what. You've been through shit times but you've always pulled through. You better stay in contact or I'm hunting you down. Keep your chin up ily. P.s...
  11. Mo!

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Haunting Spirits and Possessive Ghosts

    Girl always gonna be an icon !!
  12. Mo!

    The Theories behind the Katō Satomi Incident | Lore Study

    Drop me a DM! Ruby wants to meet Hallward but .. stuff keeps happening
  13. Mo!

    The Theories behind the Katō Satomi Incident | Lore Study

    Ay the important stuff is hidden away for reason.. can't keep the secret part out! :o Thank you for helping me with the last bit of my theory that's hidden!
  14. Mo!

    The Theories behind the Katō Satomi Incident | Lore Study

    The Theories behind the Katō Satomi Incident This is all written Icly by my character Ruby Martínez. You are able to take this information and use it icly, However I do not wish people to take credit for my work. This has taken me a few days to write up and perfect, and there is still more...
  15. Mo!

    Accepted KA713A's Judge Application!

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: KA713A is the account I am applying on, However my Main is KoalaRP. Previous bans (include appeal links): No previous bans! History is clean. Discord Tag: mo!#1590 Do you have a working microphone?: Yes! However I do have personal reasons which will be spoken...
  16. Mo!

    Akemi Medwedev Lacrosse | Biography - WI.P

    Working on it! If i've forgotten you let me know. . I Dont remember things
  17. Mo!

    Akemi Medwedev Lacrosse | Biography - WI.P

    | Akemi M Lacrosse | >. General Information .< .............................................................................................. First Name: Akemi. - Surname: Lacrosse. - Nickname: Kemi. - Gender: Female. - Age: 20. - Hight: 5ft. - Weight: 110 lbs. - Sexual...