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  1. V_Is_Fruity101

    Gay and Lesbian /|\ Pride Post Day 2 and Day 3

    hi (yes i missed the gay one.. i MISSED MY OWN DAY-) IM VINCENT AND VERY GAY AND NON-BINARY Im just combining lesbian and gay Here's my calender I made for this year I'm focusing on the toothpaste flag and the sunset flag G A Y What is the first flag? (Day two) Day two's flag is the gay...
  2. V_Is_Fruity101

    Stonewall riots / LGBT as a whole

    [!] HOMOPHOBES AND TRANSPHOBES, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY :) (as in leave SRP too)[!] Wagwan, I'm Vincent. Fun fact: There is no calendar for this year that I am able to find so I'm making my own fr el oh el Today is every single sexuality/gender (THAT IS SOCIALLY ACCEPTED, NO UR NOT POTATOSEXUAL AND...
  3. V_Is_Fruity101

    Pride month stuffz

    Hellooo! I'm Vincent or V! I'm a non-binary, Abrosexual and polyamorous srp player who goes by They/Them Xe/Xem and He/Him! As we all know, the month of pride, June, is coming up in 2 days, I think. And what wouldn't be a way to celebrate it in true Vincent fashion but to make an srp thread...
  4. V_Is_Fruity101

    Thank you SRP.

    I just wanted to thank everyone that I've met on SRP. I may have joined two-odd years ago (Around February 2021, COVID lockdown times) but honestly, just logging on and rping has been a major pleasure for me. Just seeing the people I've roleplayed with from then to even now, the new people and...
  5. V_Is_Fruity101

    Kuga Clément Biography 2.0

    [Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ] (Photo credits to @Yuhn ) Kuga Clément Kuga Clément | クーガ・クレメント "I like.. Ants?" "I'm not a threat until you make me one.." thanks to @lobsterrdog for the art xx <3 ♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫ ♪ (TW : Swearing, mentions of blood/death, mention...
  6. V_Is_Fruity101

    Turtle Suggestion

    IGN: V_RP DATE: 08/04/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Having turtles as an animal whitelist. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It will very much benefit the community because first of all, who doesn't love turtles? They're so cute and cuddly! Anyway, this will benefit the...
  7. V_Is_Fruity101

    How to use/get used to a friend/family member's new pronouns.

    Woo! Second pride post before pride month! Hello! This is my very friendly introduction, I'm V/Vincent and I use They/Xe/He. I'm a fellow AFAB (Assigned Female At Birth) Non-Binary SRP player! Let's just be honest, people that use a set/sets of pronouns that aren't what was our "sex assigned"...
  8. V_Is_Fruity101

    Service dog language suggestion

    IGN: V_RP DATE: 18/03/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: STRICTLY service dogs being allowed to know human-originated languages except for the default language - Japanese -. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: We all know by now that service dogs, and any animal in that matter...
  9. V_Is_Fruity101

    What ARE xenogenders exactly?

    HELLOOO! Thank you for reading my amazing guide on xenogenders! I'm your host, Vincent or V, and I did that one neopronoun guide thing last year. I've decided to get this out quite a few months early so I can post more things like this! I'm Vincent (Or V) a non-binary school roleplay player who...
  10. V_Is_Fruity101

    Major perms suggestion

    IGN: V_RP DATE: 12.03.23 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: KO major perms but not like that. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: When you truly think about it. If you ko'd a gangrper or someone in the criminalrp side of srp, they'd get majors on you and it'd just not make sense...
  11. V_Is_Fruity101

    Service dog application GUIDE

    Thinking about applying for a service animal for an oc with some condition that prevents some things in their life? Well.. Top tips from a very HIGHLY informed person on service dogs. First of all. ESA's (Emotional Support Animals) are NOT service animals. They do not help one with a disorder...
  12. V_Is_Fruity101

    Icly guide to having a pet snake

    Hellooo! Unsure if this will be moved to general despite it being a guide but hi! You have read the title and decided to click on it. Let me give you a little info first of all, snakes are NOT on the whitelist sadly, I'd love them to be though but yknow, you don't always get your way in life...
  13. V_Is_Fruity101

    Guide Question

    If I had made a snake guide for rp purposes to help people understand on how to rp a pet snake more but could also be used oocly, would it be here in general or under the community guides form? As it helps rp although it might not be relevant enough to go beneath community guides.
  14. V_Is_Fruity101

    Pride month

    Okay, I need to know
  15. V_Is_Fruity101

    LGBTQIA+ Discussion

    Everyone knows we have gay panic, bi panic, lesbian panic etc. But for pansexual people, would it be a pan panic or a PANic? I personally believe PANic should be the term, it sounds a lot easier and it's easier to say. There's no repetition of sounds one after the other. Let me know your thoughts.
  16. V_Is_Fruity101

    Crying, whos with me?

    Who's mentally preparing to be deadnamed quite a bit during the holidays? Cause I am.
  17. V_Is_Fruity101

    Ignore this

    @FishDuckFinley's hands are pretty
  18. V_Is_Fruity101

    Just had to. Im sorry

  19. V_Is_Fruity101

    Genuine Question

    If an enby person was straight.. Who would they date?