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  1. Ruin

    happy pride month

    love yourselves guys
  2. Ruin

    whats you guys like, that one roleplay idea that you'd want to share with people

    mine is this one idea that i wrote down like few days ago, the roleplay revolves around two characters, one who's extremely involved in crime & underground businesses and the other is either an adopted / blood related child who tags along with them and learns from them. Kind of like Léon: The...
  3. Ruin

    that 1 forum post you love

    do you guys got favorite forum posts? mine is that 1 time a player asked who's the best gangrper I still sometimes go to that forum post whenever im bored or feel nostalgic (dont necropost that forums post though i wldnt want staff to delete it or anyone getting in trouble) anyways, whats yours?
  4. Ruin

    what do you guys do

    when you got alot of ideas but cant do them
  5. Ruin

    dont wanna necropost but like damn

    would it be necroposting if i commented on a biography made 4 years ago and wld i get in trouble? i really like the biography though
  6. Ruin

    the age old question

    unlimited bacon but no games or unlimited games but no games? btw heres the secret entrance to the bmd hideout
  7. Ruin

    exam suggestion by yours truly

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Ruin06 What's the title of your suggestion?: exam suggestion by yours truly What's your suggestion?: dear schoolrp, I think the College & Highschool exams should be done on different days, they dont have the same questions & it would help atleast a bit with...
  8. Ruin

    Ruin06 | EMS Suggestion

    IGN: Ruin06 DATE: 14.08.2023 4:18 AM WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Ability to get an appointment in other ways, this could be done on discord or via something in game, like maybe dropping a book with your phone number in it then the EMS would call you back, just an idea, I'm sure the...
  9. Ruin

    Denied Ruin06 | Governor Application.

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: Ruin06 Discord Tag: ruin Do you have a working microphone?: Yes of course, I have a working microphone. Timezone & Country: GMT+3 Turkey Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Describe your activity on the server: From the time I joined...
  10. Ruin

    SRP | Tachitsu Re-unification.

    For a long time in Karakura, the Tachitsu Family was divided between two brothers, Hideyoshi and Fujikawa Tachitsu due to some 'competition' and 'disagreements' though nobody knows the real main reason why these brothers got in a fight and divided the family. Amidst the bustling streets of...
  11. Ruin

    Private Interview #1 | Head of Tachitsu Interview.

    The atmosphere in the room crackled with anticipation as the interviewer, Hakaru Fuji and Masuyo Tachitsu exchanged a firm handshake. With a subtle nod, they took their seats, ready to delve into the heart of the matter. The room hung in suspense, filled with silence, until the interviewer broke...
  12. Ruin

    Accepted Family Pin "Tachitsu" Copy Request

    Username: Ruin What is your Minecraft username? Ruin06 Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-68715823a69020-13c458 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Family Pin "Tachitsu" What type of item are you...
  13. Ruin

    Accepted Family Pin "Tachitsu" Copy Request

    Username: Ruin What is your Minecraft username? Ruin06 Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-68715823a69020-13c458 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Family Pin "Tachitsu" What type of item are you...
  14. Ruin

    Denied uh oh

    wont be able 2 apply, sorry.
  15. Ruin

    Accepted Tachitsu Family Pin Copy Request

    Username: Ruin What is your Minecraft username? Ruin06 Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-68715823a69020-13c458 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Tachitsu Family Pin What type of item are you requesting...
  16. Ruin

    Ruin06 | Custom Ownership & Inactivity suggestion

    IGN: Ruin06 DATE: 10.06.2023 (4 days after my birthday) WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Ability for banned players & inactive players to pass their customs to the individuals they'd like. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Before certain individuals reply with things like "-1 too...
  17. Ruin

    Ruin06 | Blackmarket Dealer Application.

    IGN: Ruin06 (Applying) Hermias06 RuinsAlt06 Previous bans/warns/kicks: Unfortunately I have 4 Bans on the server, 3 of them were hacking and the other is i do not remember. Describe your activity on the server: From the time I joined SchoolRP, I have been an active and dedicated player on the...
  18. Ruin

    The loong long waited application of RuinOSix. | BMD

    IGN: Ruin06 (I also have an account named Vanish06 but I'm applying with Ruin06 account.) Previous bans/warns/kicks: Unfortunately I have 4 Bans on the server, 3 of them were hacking and the other is i do not remember. Describe your activity on the server: If i had to rate my activity...
  19. Ruin

    Anonymous Chatting Website (suggested by yours truly, therealosix)

    IGN: Ruin06 DATE: 20.01.2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Another anonymous chatting website that will be led by staff and used just like old-ikigai but with maybe more new features HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: The current ikigai (The famous anonymous chatting website...
  20. Ruin

