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  1. Kana

    P2L Suggestion

    IGN: ImKana DATE: 7/28/21 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I want to suggest that P2L (Play to lose) combat be pushed a little more than it is. P2L is an enjoyable form of action, and with the roll system in place, there isn't much chance to use it actively. Sure, people can agree to P2L...
  2. Kana

    Kitty Thread #10: Tenth Kana Thread

    Once upon a time, there was a maid named Ten. This maid was very important, so important that they had to speak to God on the daily. It was the maid's 10th time writing a "Maid Thread". Maid Threads were random stories created by the maid to practice a different, more informal way of writing and...
  3. Kana

    Kana Thread #9: Baka Kitty

    One day there was a cat, this cat's name was Baka. Baka was a very nice cat, but sometimes she could act up. Baka wandered out of her kitty home, before looking around and smelling the air. Baka clearly admired the smell of the fresh air in the morning. He loved the air so much that he turned...
  4. Kana

    Poker face

    Can't read my, can't read my!! No, he can't read my poker faceee.. she's got me like nobody Can't read my, can't read my!! No, he can't read my poker faceee po po po poker face
  5. Kana

    Kana introduction???? two years late but eh

    Soo uh, I'm relatively late for this but.. I'm Kana! I like cats and anything that has to do with writing. My favorite thing to do is write lore for people. It's a great feeling to share my own creativity with others and in doing so, create a story that could have an impact on someone's life...
  6. Kana

    Kana Thread #8: Doodles vs Witchilda

    Once upon a time, there was a very thick cat named Doodles. Whether it be from climbing trees to eating mice, he loved to go on adventures. One day, Doodles stepped outside. This was his first time going outside because there was an evil witch who locked him in. The evil witch's name was known...
  7. Kana

    Kana Thread #7: Casablushno

    Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman, their name was Casanono and Vampireblush. One day, they decided to go to the supermarket and meet each other for the first time. Upon meeting each other, they noticed something on each of their heads. They were both wearing the same headband. They...
  8. Kana

    Kana Thread #6: Luo the Baker

    Once upon a time, there was a baker. His name was Luo. Luo loved to bake furniture, and not like you're thinking. He truly loved to buy a couch from IKEA, put some flour on it, and bake it. One day, he went to his nearest IKEA to find amazing furniture to bake. He searched through the IKEA...
  9. Kana

    Kana Thread #5: The dogs shoelace

    Once upon a time, there was a dog. The dog had a very nice shoelace, the shoelace was always rested on top of the dogs head. It was just kind of placed there, but it was indeed a very good accessory. One day, the dog decided to become a model. It went on a run way, showed off its shoelace, and...
  10. Kana

    Kana Thread #4: Kitty the kitty PART 2

    Eventually, Kitty the kitty got so fat that we had to take Kitty the kitty to see the kitty vet. They gave Kitty the kitty this magical kitty shot, filled with kitty medicine that immediately made Kitty the kitty, a much less obese kitty kitty. The problem was solved, obesity is gone, and the...
  11. Kana

    Should we make Kitty the kitty a series?

    Kitty the kitty was a simple adventure I thought of about my kitty who happens to be named Kitty, but I was thinking it'd be nice to make it a series. I'll talk about the adventures of my kitty named kitty while also posting pics of my kitty :)
  12. Kana

    Kana Thread #3: Kitty the kitty

    Once upon a time, there was a kitty named Kitty. This kitty was a very good kitty, therefore Kitty deserved some kitty food. So the Kitty's owner, not named for privacy purposes went to the supermarket. Once he arrived, he went to the kitty food isle, only to see Kitty the kitty standing there...
  13. Kana

    Kana Thread #2 (Starting over with numbers)

    Once upon a time, there was a Toca Lab player. They played Toca Lab all day every day.. This was an unhealthy addiction of theirs, though it honestly couldn't be helped. In fact, they spent a good majority of time DRAWING Toca Lab characters.. now how you draw a little fucking ball with an eye...
  14. Kana


    There was a princess, her name was Charlotte the princess. She was pretty fuckin cool, she wore some drippy ass shades and even rode trees. (How you ride a tree? Do not ask me) She woke up one day, thinking it was just "one of those days" but it really wasn't. Today was a special day, it was her...
  15. Kana

    Motako Application

    ~---------=❅=---------~ IGN ImKana ---------=❅=--------- Discord Kana#2526 ---------=❅=--------- Describe your activity on the server I am active on the server every day for anywhere from 8 - 10 hours a day typically. Normally, I just do the same thing as the ordinary player. Roleplaying...
  16. Kana

    my wittle susys baka

  17. Kana


    Click the spoiler, it'll be funny.
  18. Kana

    Alright homies

    Alright homies, click I'm feeling lucky on google and tell me what you got.
  19. Kana


    Alright homies, tell me what your favorite song isp llsslsllslss
  20. Kana

    Rank Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Ingratiating WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Grade-10 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade-12 EVIDENCE: