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  1. RexLobo

    Accepted Doctor Application | KickedCone

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): KickedCone What is your discord username? rexypoo Describe your activity on the server: My weekly activity varies, as I am a full-time student. By all means, this doesn’t mean I struggle to log on daily though! My busiest days are Mondays and...
  2. RexLobo

    LORE | The History of Karakura Hospital

    This document was worked on by @RexLobo @will! @Oli @Yume_ , and brought together by the entirety of the lore team. Every person who put their part towards this work, a very special thank you! Thank you @Nylu for the screenshots! SYNOPSIS Hospitals on the city-island of Izu-Karakura obtained...
  3. RexLobo

    Accepted Plushie "Alpha" Copy Request

    Username: RexLobo What is your Minecraft username? RexLobo Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-49717224a71762-3ca427 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Plushie "Alpha" What type of item are you requesting...
  4. RexLobo

    Accepted Frog Plushie "Commissioner Cuburt" Copy Request

    Username: RexLobo What is your Minecraft username? RexLobo Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-49717224a71762-3ca427 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Frog Plushie "Commissioner Cuburt" What type of item...
  5. RexLobo

    Kaede Saiky | Biography

    ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ WIP Perhaps.. You can be among those on this list.! ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
  6. RexLobo

    KPD Application #2 | RexLobo

    IGN (In-Game Name): RexLobo Discord Name & Tag: rexypoo Which timezone are you in? EST List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Describe your activity on the server: My activity varies throughout the week. I am a full-time student, but my schedule allows for plenty of free...
  7. RexLobo

    RexLobo's KPD Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): RexLobo Discord Name & Tag: rexypoo Which timezone are you in? EST List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Describe your activity on the server: Since I joined in early 2022, I have been a very active member. I spend at...
  8. RexLobo

    Official FOLKLORE | Kaigan's Guardian

    The Ochiba Forest, which once was a vast forest that covered the whole island, was now but a tourist attraction. From housing two areas for the college population to party to holding the respectable Shinsei-Seinaru Monastery atop one of its mountains. Despite losing much of its land, its history...
  9. RexLobo

    Official SHOP | Mai-Yume

    Mai-Yume is a gift and accessory shop that took over the former shop, Miyage-Hin Mato. Our stock ranges forms plushies and toys to earrings and bags! Our selection can solve most of your needs! Our staff are well trained and are here to meet your shopping needs! We are located behind the...
  10. RexLobo

    Accepted Judge | Loboken's Application

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: Loboken Previous bans (include appeal links): Discord Tag: Rexypoo#3334 Do you have a working microphone?: Yes I have a working microphone. Timezone & Country: EST & United States Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Describe your...
  11. RexLobo

    QuitUniversity's BMD Application | #3

    QuitUniversity’s BMD Application Credits to F1F4 for help with the banners! OOC INFORMATION: IGN: (Alt/Applicant) QuitUniversity (Main) RexLobo (Alt) JayyLobo (Alt) ItsRexs (Alt) Loboken Previous bans/warns/kicks: Describe your activity on the server: I am an extremely active member on the...
  12. RexLobo

    Accepted JayyLobo Professor Application

    OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: JayyLobo Do you have any previous bans/warnings?: What is your time zone?: EST What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g. Tippie#6666): Rexypoo#3334 Link all previous applications you made on the server: Describe your activity on...
  13. RexLobo

    Accepted Maiden Application | Loboken

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IN-GAME NAME (IGN): Loboken DISCORD NAME & TAG: Rexypoo#3334 WHAT IS YOUR TIMEZONE?: EST LIST ANY PREVIOUS BANS: DO YOU HAVE A MICROPHONE?: Yes I do! DESCRIBE YOUR ACTIVITY ON THE SERVER: I would describe myself as a very active member of the community. From...
  14. RexLobo

    Denied Governor | Loboken's Application

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: Loboken Previous bans (include appeal links): Discord Tag: Rexypoo#3334 Do you have a working microphone?: Yes I have a working microphone. Timezone & Country: EST & United States Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Describe your...
  15. RexLobo

    Karakura News | Why School Faculty Chose Karakura

    ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─ Hello Karakura. Jin Kuroki Here. Today’s report is about why school faculty chose to work in Karakura. It will be broken off into three sections: Teachers, Professors, Employees ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─ The first section will be the answers from two teachers. I...
  16. RexLobo

    Karakura News | The Government Fiasco

    ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─ Hello Karakura. Jin Kuroki Here. Today’s report is about a government worker prank gone terribly wrong. ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─ On December 23rd, following the Winter Wonderland event, all government workers went out for a dinner. After this dinner, there was an...
  17. RexLobo

    Accepted Lehmua | Librarian Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Lehmua Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Rexypoo#3334 How old are you? (Optional): N/A What is your time zone?: EST Describe your activity on the server: I would describe myself as a very active...
  18. RexLobo

    Karakura News | Priestess Attacked

    ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─ Hello Karakura. Jin Kuroki Here. Today’s report is an interview with a Shinto Priestess, who was attacked in the dead of night. She explains her story of the night, and how the events unfolded. ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─ [!] - An audio recording would be attached...
  19. RexLobo

    Fiorenza Ōshiro's Biography

    < Made with Canva >
  20. RexLobo

    BMD Application 2 | QuitUniversity

    OOC INFORMATION: IGN: (Alt/Applicant) QuitUniversity (Main) RexLobo (Alt) JayyLobo (Alt) Lehmua (Alt) Loboken (Alt) _7th Previous bans/warns/kicks: Describe your activity on the server: I would describe myself as a very active member of the community. I joined the server in early 2022 and...