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  1. robinzee

    Elaborating on Danger Zone rules in "Terminology & Server Rules"

    What's your Minecraft Username?: robinzee What's the title of your suggestion?: Elaborating on Danger Zone rules in "Terminology & Server Rules" What's your suggestion?: As it stands right now, the Power Plant Danger Zone (or Danger-Zone, or Dangerzone) has no codified rules in the Terminology...
  2. robinzee

    please deny

    OOC INFORMATION: IGN: My in-game username is "robinzee". My alternate account is "robinaye". Describe your activity on the server: Hi, I'm Robin. This is my third summer on SRP. My Fight Club Journey I was (or rather, my character was) accepted into Fight Club as a bartender. There, I worked...
  3. robinzee

    Make Support Subforums Private

    What's your Minecraft Username?: robinzee What's the title of your suggestion?: Make Support Subforums Private What's your suggestion?: See title. As far as I know, it's a simple change forums-side and it won't really impact anyone negatively, I don't think. Unless there's somebody really...
  4. robinzee

    SchoolRP Frequently Asked Questions / "If I knew then..."

    Hi everyone! I'm writing a comprehensive beginner's guide for SRP which covers things people should know from Grade 7 -> Grade 12. I'm hoping to include a "Frequently Asked Questions" section where I answer... well, FAQs about SchoolRP. So, my question for you guys is, what do you wish you knew...
  5. robinzee

    Black Market Dealer Application V: The Phantom Pain | robinzee

    ... R has come to... R has come to... R has come to. R has come to. IGN: The username of the account I'm using to apply for this position is "robinzee". I also have an alternate adult account, robinaye. Describe your activity on the server: Hi, I'm Robin. I began playing about two years...
  6. robinzee

    Fixing Karakura Town's #reaction-roles

    IGN: robinzee DATE: August 15, 2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The Shop Openings and News Reports reaction roles MEE6 message in Karakura Town's #reaction-roles no longer works, and hasn't worked for a while now. I'd like for that to be fixed. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE...
  7. robinzee

    Make Faction Quota Requirements More Transparent

    IGN: robinzee DATE: 13/07/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I want to suggest adding monthly quota information to all faction application information threads which currently do not show it. The definition for "monthly quota requirement" can be summarised as a mention of the time or...
  8. robinzee

    Denied PLEASE DENY :) | Robinaye's Shopkeeper Application: The Final Cut | Queen Mart クイーンマート

    Player Information What is my Minecraft username?: The IGN of the account I'm using to apply for this role is robinaye. My main account on the server is robinzee. Do I have Discord (If so, what is my Discord username?): I'm on Discord every day as it is my primary form of internet...
  9. robinzee

    Black Market Dealer Application 4 Golden | robinzee

    OOC SECTION IGN: The username of the account I'm using to apply for this application is robinzee. That's my main account. I also have an alternate account, robinaye. It's a play on words. From Robin Aye to Robin Zee. Previous bans/warns/kicks: I haven't been banned, warned or kicked the...
  10. robinzee

    Denied Robinaye's Shopkeeper Application | Mihiyo

    Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: The IGN of the account I'm using to apply for this role is robinaye. My main account on the server is robinzee. Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): I'm on Discord every day as it is my primary form of internet...
  11. robinzee

    Black Market Dealer Application 3 Royal | robinzee

    IGN: My IGN is robinzee. I also have a college professor alternate account, robinaye. Previous bans/warns/kicks: I've not received any bans, warns or kicks for any reason. Describe your activity on the server: Hi, I'm Robin. I began playing about a year ago now, with me joining earlier...
  12. robinzee

    Add a Ladder to the Shopping District Station Platform

    IGN: robinzee DATE: December 28, 2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest a ladder be added to the edge of the platform of the Shopping District Station. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I sincerely believe this is no more than an oversight that nobody's...
  13. robinzee

    Black Market Dealer Application: Director's Cut | robinzee

    IGN: My IGN is robinzee. I also have a college professor alternate account, robinaye. Previous bans/warns/kicks: I've not been banned, warned or kicked for any reason. Describe your activity on the server: Hi, I'm Robin. I began playing actively about a year ago now, with me joining earlier...
  14. robinzee

    Black Market Dealer Application | robinzee

    IGN: robinzee I also have a College Professor alternate account, robinaye. Previous bans/warns/kicks: None. List any applications you have created on the forums: Language Application || Osca Kenji [Denied] Vietnamese Application | Osca Kenji [Accepted] College Professor Application | robinaye...
  15. robinzee

    Accepted College Professor Application | robinaye

    OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: The account I am applying for to become a Social Science Professor is 'robinaye'. My main account is 'robinzee'. Do you have any previous bans/warnings?: I do not have any previous bans or warnings by staff. What is your time zone?: I live in...
  16. robinzee

    RIDLEY AKIYAMA | Character Biography

    Ridley Akiyama | 秋山リドリー "If you love everyone so much, dear... you truly love no-one." (Character art by the ever-talented @reifumo ) ♪ ♫ S O U N D T R A C K ♫ ♪ Character Theme - Main Menu (From "Resident Evil VII: Biohazard")...
  17. robinzee

    Bank Deposits QoL Feature

    IGN: robinzee DATE: 17/7/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest a quality of life improvement for the bank - when making a deposit, the banker could display how much money the player is carrying at the time so they don't have to do /balance while making a deposit. I'm aware...