players online


  1. BramvanZijp

    Shop application - Shop 1 (11/7)

    IGN: BramvanZijp Previous applications: I did 3 lang apps, sadly they all got denied, and i applied for this shop once before. Previous warns/kicks/bans: None (Except a few afk kicks) Shop wanted: Shop 1 (11/7) Why do you want to own a shop?: I want to own a shop becouse its a good way to...
  2. Lust

    Application For Shop 1

    IGN: LustofTime Previous Applications: None Previous warns/kicks/bans: I have been kicked once by someone helping me get up the mountain with props. Shop Wanted: Shop #1 Why Do I Wanna Own a Shop: My number one reason for owning a shop is because of the challenge. I believe that it will be...
  3. BramvanZijp

    Shop application - Shop 1 (11/7)

    IGN: BramvanZijp Previous applications: I did 3 lang apps, sadly they all got denied Previous warns/kicks/bans: None (Except a few afk kicks) Shop wanted: Shop 1 (11/7) Why do you want to own a shop?: I want to own a shop becouse its a good way to get money, and you can get know some more...
  4. HeyImSahara

    Shop 11 Application!-StateOfMindd (CAT CAFE!)

    IGN: StateOfMindd Previous applications: I applied for eleven 7 Because I wanted the same opportunity as I did now but this time I would love to make my own shop but more interesting to the liking of everyone in the server! previous warns/kicks/bans: I got warned for minor ERP, (was about to...
  5. OmqLizzy


    Hello, I'm sunfulower! I love roleplaying on this server, it is so much fun. I would love to own a shop. It would make it so much more fun for other players on the server. Owning a shop would be a lot of work. I'm up for it! The reason I would love to own BlockyMart is because, I was exploring...
  6. LordSplash

    Is new Staff still required?

    Hello everyone, As my question at the Thread Title already states: "Is new Staff still required?" I found an information button/box at the top of the website that says: "We are looking for staff: Apply now" When I clicked on the "Apply now", it brought to an unavailable page, does this mean...
  7. Oswin-chan

    Application Problem?

    I applied for an iron shovel, and it was accepted a few days ago now. Yet I still have not received it. Is there a wait time, or something?
  8. Orinzaki

    Accepted Akemi Kimura Secretary Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name: Fujiioko School Employee Role you are Applying For: Secretary How often do you log onto the server?: At least once a day for at least 3 hours Do you have discord? Yes I do, Blueberry#3610 Do you have a microphone? Yes Have you ever been banned, If yes when and...
  9. Orinzaki

    Denied Katie Johnson - Fujiioko - Secretary Application

    [OOC SECTION] In Game Name: Fujiioko School Employee Role you are Applying For: Secretary How often do you log onto the server?: I get on a couple time a day. I could get on at least four hours each day. Do you have discord? I do have Discord. Do you have a microphone? I do have a...
  10. NukaRndz

    Accepted Teacher Application #2

    IGN (In Game Name):Ender__Phoenix Previous bans:Noen Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?: Yes I understand Describe your activity on the server: 6 out of 7 days a week for 2-3 hours if not 6 than 5 days and 4-6 hours on weekends Do you have TeamSpeak3? No...
  11. NukaRndz

    Denied Phoenix Teacher Application

    IGN (In Game Name):Ender__Phoenix Previous bans:none Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?: yes I do understand awnsures to most things can be found on the roleplay documents. Describe your activity on the server: I play every 6 out of 7 days a week if not 6...
  12. NukaRndz

    Denied Assistant teacher Application

    I [OOC section] In Game Name:Ender__Phoenix School Employee Role you are Applying For:Teacher assistant How often do you log onto the server?: 6 out of 7 days a week Do you have TeamSpeak3? No I have discord and can get teamspeak if neeeded. Do you have a microphone?yes Have you ever been...
  13. Sea

    Accepted Sea's Teaching Assistant Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name: SeaOfArt School Employee Role you are Applying For: Teaching Assistant How often do you log onto the server?: I try to join almost everyday, unless it is a special event I have planned. Do you have TeamSpeak3? No, I do not. Do you have a microphone? No, I do not. Have...