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Accepted angelwhocries lawyer app ☆


Level 5
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Timezone & Country:
south korea ; GMT+9

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Age 18 Application (ACCEPTED)
EMS Nurse Application (ACCEPTED)
EMS Nurse Application x2 (ACCEPTED)
School Nurse (ACCEPTED)
College Professor (ACCEPTED)
Sign Language (JSL) (ACCEPTED)
Account hacked (ACCEPTED)

EMS Psychiatrist Application (ACCEPTED)
EMS Doctor Application [DENIED]
KPD application [DENIED]
AUFFALLEN Shop Application [DENIED]

Describe your activity on the server:
I've been playing SchoolRP for the past two years or so. I've been a reasonably active person throughout the years. Due to my IRL commitments, my activity has been sporadic since last month, but lately, I've been much more dedicated to maintaining a high level of activity. I've dabbled with a number of roleplaying components over the past few years, including sports teams, EMS, teaching, and others. When I'm a part of these factions and teams, I'm more motivated to stay active on the server. I'm excited about the prospect of playing roleplaying games with more people in a variety of situations since I really like it. I have a second account where I play as a psychiatrist because of my current SRP work, which helps me expand my roleplay and maintain a high level of involvement. I frequently play SRP for six to eight hours. I enjoy learning about new hobbies and skills in SRP in general. I also like talking to others and learning new things. As a psychiatrist, I engage in a variety of activities on my main account and treat patients pretty frequently (as indicated above). I also enjoy interacting with others, meeting new people, and learning more about the server. Furthermore, I spend a lot of time and effort chilling in EMS and doing MedicalRP with any patients who come in needing assistance, which has enhanced my activity in recent days.


What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for the role of lawyer!!

What is your motivation for applying?:
I decided to implement it since I'm interested in law. My interest in studying law has greatly grown. I now want to practice business law in the real world, and thus I believe this will be beneficial in preparing me for that career. It would also educate me on how to communicate with those who need my assistance. Additionally, because I enjoy helping others, I want to offer the finest assistance possible to anyone in need. In order to create some law roleplay, I'd like to change the fact that I seldom ever see any active lawyers on a regular basis, both for myself and the server. I've always been the type of individual who likes to question accepted knowledge. I'm certain that practicing law and having to negotiate and resolve conflicts would enable me to develop some useful abilities and broaden my perspective. I honestly believe that I should seize this opportunity to grow personally and as a character, both inside and outside of character. Additionally, there's something in me that has always enjoyed argumentation and supporting my position with facts. Court cases also hold a great deal of interest for me; it's almost obsessive. Lastly, I've always admired attorneys, whether it was because I saw a true-crime documentary or because I studied government processes and procedures in college. Because of my expertise as a professor, I am also aware of what is truly necessary and required on the server, as well as where the focus is also necessary.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yepppp!!! I am aware of the Karakura Laws, have conducted research on them, and I have a basic understanding of the legal system &. . .from time to time, I just go thru the Karakura laws & make sure I have an understanding of basically all the new rules implemented and whatnot!!

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Yes!! I have several objectives for both my character and myself. As for me, I truly like being helpful and available, and I detest it when someone's human rights, etc., are violated. Since I was a little child, I have detested witnessing people being treated inhumanely or having their rights violated. Moreover, I have ambitions not just for my character but for the community as well.

I intend to do all in my ability to fulfill this responsibility and provide the best support I can in order to make our town's judicial system excellent. I would never disagree with my clients, quarrel with them, or physically or verbally attack them. My goal is to demonstrate that my clients deserve justice or a second chance. In addition, there are a lot of other things. I would use every effort to provide my customers the best service imaginable. I would present several examples with supporting evidence and plead to uphold the rights of my clients. I will make every effort to diffuse a problem if one of my clients is being held accountable for something. Additionally, if my client has been found guilty, I will do all in my power to prove their innocence by providing information and proof of what happened.

I want to have the most joy and fulfillment while playing this role, something I could never have done before due to my account being hacked when I got the role of a lawyer, something fresh and distinctive from prior parts, something that appeals to me. Fundamentally, I have faith in my capacity to contribute to the team with my special experiences and to do so as a contributing member who is more than capable of doing so. In this department, I would also like to make a lot of friends, meet a lot of new people, and ideally make lifelong friends that would end up being my sort of best friends. Another is maintaining my honor to serve and devote my time to this duty, and I work hard to do my best and maintain a high level of activity.

Last but not least, I want to be regarded as a lawyer who is committed to getting any case off the ground. A lawyer that invests several hours only to get a decision and provide their client with the justice they are due. I am the kind of person who gets a lift from seeing people's rights being neglected; therefore, it motivates me to crack the case and prevail in order to give my clients the justice they are due.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Lawyers sometimes referred to as attorneys, offer clients legal counsel and advocacy in courtrooms, before governmental bodies, and in private legal disputes. Additionally, they communicate with their clients, employees, judges, and other case players. Among the legal documents they create and submit are lawsuits, appeals, wills, contracts, and deeds. Finally, lawyers guide their clients through the complexities of the law by educating them on their legal rights and obligations. Sometimes, attorneys need evidence in order to present their argument and support it. They also help those who are seeking revenge after suffering a horrific event by showing them the right path to take and helping them get their vengeance.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yepp! I acknowledge this 100% percent.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I fully anticipate committing myself to the job of a lawyer, and I'll do all in my power to do so during the day.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I will make efforts to avoid showing any prejudice OOCly, and I consider it one of my top goals to never allow bias to negatively affect my standing as a lawyer.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have read and concurred with all of the laws that the Karakua government has established.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yepp! I certainly am able to attend weekly meetings & events!


Full name:

Jòhanna Amaya.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Ms. Amaya!!

Current age:

Date of birth:
August 26, 1991


Academic Degree:


Law & Criminal Justice.

Philosophy & Economics.

Work experience:
She formerly held a position as a professor in Istanbul, where she taught all subjects pertaining to the law. She also spent some time in Istanbul working as a school nurse, helping kids that needed it. When she initially came in Karakura, she managed to secure employment at a café close to the shopping area. She used to teach law while she was a professor, though, since she always had a small spark when she heard anything about law and it had always been something she had been interested in.

Political background:
Since I was little, I have always enjoyed talking and arguing about various topics. Throughout my time in high school, I participated in several debate classes and always came out on top! All throughout high school, the thought of appearing in court and defending someone whose rights had been violated or stolen from them piqued my curiosity. I realized very early on that the only job option that would suit me was one in which I would always stand up for and defend others—a career as a lawyer! I was much better equipped to go to law school after I finished and got a job as a professor since I had a solid understanding of every potential case that might arise. Due to this, I used to teach law in a college environment. Additionally, I'm a very helpful person who enjoys helping those in need, which is another reason I decided to become a school nurse: I believe in helping others and treating them with the utmost respect.

Nationality & born location:
Istanbul, Istanbul.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Istanbul, sign language, and English.

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
I believe I have more patience than the other candidates. I will be able to devote a lot of time and energy to reaching this potential as well. I treat everyone with the highest respect at work and do all in my ability to maintain a professional demeanor. I am very honest and professional. I like to think of myself as an upbeat and cheerful person. I am a caring person who values other individuals. Because I've always enjoyed helping others and making them feel better about themselves (as mentioned earlier), I put a lot of time and effort into offering the best support I can. In fact, I consider myself to be an expert when it comes to conducting research and being composed under pressure. In addition, I am suitable for this job since I have in-depth knowledge of the legal field and its companions, such as the jury and judge.

But not just that! My particular philosophical studies have captivated me and improved my outlook and legal viewpoint generally. The majority of my time has also been devoted to hard labor and teaching the Law of Karakua to college students. I have studied, understood, and repeated my courses numerous times to ensure that I am completely capable of applying them. I also fully understand how a trial is conducted. I also want to tailor my abilities to the community and work toward creating a safe atmosphere for the city's citizens rather than just trying to make ends meet. I think I would be the ideal choice to serve the Karakura and to seek justice for the residents whose rights have been violated or ignored, after many years of research and teaching. I have developed a strong sense of confidence in my skills via my years of research and experience instructing college students.. I also want to be able to keep my honor and represent it because it is no joke that a lawyer's role is to take on cases that serve as representatives for the whole legal system. Last but not least, I continually work to get better, retain an open mind, and maintain my respectability as a young person. I believe this is the ideal career for me because I enjoy debating, winning cases, and ensuring that people receive the justice they are due.

Finally, I believe I will succeed in this position since I possess the abilities to handle the responsibilities and develop knowledge via experience. Since I am an expert on law's of karakua, I have the communication and interpersonal skills required to effectively defend my clients. I would want to share my expertise and experiences with the faction if provided with the opportunity. I'm eager to investigate other aspects of the legal system and understand more about its components. Furthermore, I am a highly flexible individual that is willing to take on any case that comes my way. I'm willing to look actively for evidence that contradicts one's preferred ideas, plans, or objectives and to honestly consider such information when it is made accessible.
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I've decided to keep this application on PENDING

Your application was great, unfortunately we decided that others stood out a little more to us at the moment. I'll keep this application pending until more Governor spots open up, if you'd like to have this application removed/denied please DM me on discord at: oZinth#0001


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I've decided to ACCEPT this application

Your application was great, and really stood out to us above the others, Please reach out to me on discord at oZinth#0001 and we'll get you started! welcome to the team.

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