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HighlightedTwin | Police Officer Application


Level 87
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:

Misuse of /me on Alt account.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am very active on the server! Even though I recently joined back from a long break (between the end of November and the beginning of December), I am already back to my usual routine of hours on the server. Because I have not much else to do in real life, I’m always on the server for nearly 6+ hours a day and possibly much longer if it’s not a school day for me. During the time I’m online, I’m either trying to teach during school hours/dealing with students or hanging out with friends and doing other aspects of roleplaying. I take most of my pride in my own activity within the server, that’s for sure!

Which timezone are you in?:

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag

Do you have a microphone:

List your current and past applications: - Accepted - Accepted - Denied - Accepted - Accepted - Accepted - Accepted - Accepted - Denied - Accepted

Alts: - Denied’s-french-app.21160/ - Accepted - Accepted - Accepted - Accepted - Denied

What is your motivation for applying?:
At first, I didn’t think I would like to be part of the KPD as friends would tell me that their friends said it’s boring or that your character could get killed and so on. So I didn’t really think about it for the time being. However, after witnessing police do their job, dealing with crazy and chaotic situations, I thought it was very cool! Yes, it seems stressful and panicking at certain points but the kinds of experiences they get into are actually quite fun. Personally, I wanted to sprout out more from the education faction and dip my toes into the emergency faction(s), try something new, and learn more about the role. This kind of role takes a lot of dedication and time to spare and I feel as though roleplaying in this kind of aspect will help me get a “fresher start” with roleplay in general and with my own character. For me, teaching is just shaping the minds of students while I see being a police officer is protecting all citizens and serving a greater purpose, a heroic figure. I want to be able to experience the everyday life of an officer and make tough decisions in certain situations, learn the importance of leaning on your colleagues for assistance, clearing the town of evil and violence, and explore the deeper meaning of what it means to be a police officer as my meaning is probably just the surface of what it actually is.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes. There are “common sense” laws such as no killing, no j-walking, street racing is bad, underage drinking is bad- while also being drunk in public and disrupting the peace can get you fined for sure. Weapon dealing and buying weapons, kidnapping, trespassing, theft & robbery, using and/or selling/buying nonprescription drugs, and so on would be considered bad crimes and against the law. Some crimes are less severe than others, leaving the person who committed the crime to pay a fine and if they don’t have the money, be sent to jail for a certain amount of time. Other crimes that are more severe land you in jail automatically. Basically, I pretty much have a good idea as to what laws exist as most are universal but I am willing to learn a lot more than what I currently know.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Police work, in general, isn’t a walk-in-a-park kind of job. There will be the good times of saving lives and putting the criminals where they belong and there will be the bad times where you lose a fellow colleague in the middle of a situation happening before yet still have to maintain composure while doing your job. The term of police work is quite broad as there are smaller branches of the entire Police Department such as detective/investigators, forensic police, traffic police, and so on. Each branch has the same goal of keeping the town peaceful as possible and ensuring citizens’ well-being.

All units listed below are what I know based on shows I’ve watched, real-life knowledge, and inferences:

Main Police Unit - The actual police we all commonly know are generally the ones to arrest criminals when a crime happens. They are usually sitting in the station waiting for any kinds of reports to come their way when danger appears and go through a process of questioning the reporter, bringing the information to the rest of the force, then having to deploy a proper team to investigate the case and arrest whoever needs to be arrested or at least settle the situation if it’s not too serious for an arrest.

Investigation Unit - Probably one of my favorite branches. Investigators and detectives work on cases such as murders and missing people. It is their job to find all the clues and gather all the evidence to conclude what happened on the scene, who was involved, who may be a suspect, the reasoning behind what happened (the motive), questioning suspects, and concluding their research with perhaps someone behind bars for the murder or finding out where the missing person may be. It takes a lot of brainpower to figure things out and sometimes cases may go cold meaning so much time has passed with no more leads and therefore forcing themselves to leave the case until further information comes forward.

Forensic Unit - The forensic police usually pull up to the scene after a murder takes place to collect any kind of DNA from hair strands, blood stains (of course), fingerprints, shoe prints, etc… They have to wear protective gear head to toe in order to not incriminate any evidence of the crime scene. The moment their own DNA or prints ends up on the scene regardless if they are supposed to be helping with the case, they would now be considered a suspect. All of this would be sent to a proper facility to identify what prints belong to who which also provides information for the main police force and investigation unit to get a general idea of who the criminal may be in order to knock out suspects (move them off the list) or add suspects on the list depending on more new evidence they come across. So technically forensics plays a very important role in police work, especially murder cases.

Traffic Police Unit - Traffic police usually handle anything related to road safety. Patrolling roads to make sure no one is going above the speed limit, handling traffic if necessary, handing parking tickets to those that park in the wrong spots, etc… It’s a much lighter position.

SWAT Unit - They are deployed during severe emergencies such as bank robberies, bomb threats, and massive riots. They are trained more crucially to be able to handle heavily protective attire and gear and to deal with the worst kinds of situations. Very cool.


Reports - Police work mainly involves listening and reading over reports from citizens. It is their job to take the reporter in to obtain the proper information about what they’re reporting such as what happened, who’s involved, the location, and time. Once all information is gathered, it’s brought to the rest of the team’s attention so that a plan may be made and to deal with the situation as soon as possible.

Gun & Taser Usage - All cops hold a taser by their side and already trained and trusted cops hold a gun with them. Tasers are temporary shocks to prevent the lawbreaker from running away which would help the cop successfully arrest them. Depending on the situation, it’s more likely for a cop to only use their taser if the person does not show any intent on using a weapon or isn’t too dangerous for the cop to handle.

Arrests and Bails - Obviously police work involves arrests and bails. As they have to maintain peace of mind for citizens and keep the community safe, arrests are put in place for the criminal to repent and be released after the allotted time or if someone from outside bails them (although some may never be bailed depending on the severity of the crime). Police must keep track of who’s going in and out of jail at all times. One slip-up could endanger innocent life.

Patrolling & CCTV - Police also patrol from time to time. Why? Because there may be something going on at the time and just waiting at the station for someone to come to report it won’t really do much. With patrolling, it’s like hall sweeps. Checking for any suspicious-looking people, patting those people down in case of any weapon, stopping any sorts of violence on the streets, ensuring citizens are following the laws, and so on. CCTV provides extra help for viewing all of the city. Cameras set up in specific locations allow for police to pinpoint people's whereabouts and what’s going on in the area.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police maintain the peace in SchoolRP by handling unexpected emergencies, investigating cases, arresting lawbreakers, and of course, enforcing the laws. With the existence of GangRP, police are definitely needed to prevent both prevent and future crimes from happening. The police force has to be a symbol of justice, hope, and peace for the citizens’ well-being and state of mind. If the police didn’t exist on SchoolRP, well, we might as well call it the purge as this would allow people to go crazy and commit violent acts whenever and wherever they pleased. So because nobody would want to live in such a town with inhabitants that would kill you the moment you step out the door, police are the heroes to step in during a situation where an innocent victim is in trouble.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, of course. All actions have a consequence and if my actions are enough to have me be considered for demotion or plain demoted, I will have to accept that fact and allow it to be that way.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes! I am so ready to step into new territory of roleplay. This means pure dedication to the role as I will be eager to learn something new.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?
Yes! I will most likely always be attending regardless unless something happens in real life to which I would inform the trainer. I cannot miss training as someone who’s very new to police work.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes. I’ve already witnessed the type of harassment police go through during patrol. It isn’t something new or surprising. I am 100% ready to deal with any situation that comes my way.

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Iris, a Korean woman, stands at about 5’5 with gemstone green eyes and silky-dyed blue hair. Her physique is that of a cola bottle, not so muscular or skinny but not so thick or overweight. Iris is quite the ‘quirky’ lady. Although she seems normal and old, she is actually wild, weird, and full of randomness. Stuck in the past, the only thing she could do is dab, showing older folks about the younger generation’s dance moves, trying to stay ‘hip with the kids, all while trying to discover more of herself with adult life. The more she grows up the more childish she may seem for her age and yet she doesn’t care that much for others’ judgment as long as she’s happy.

What they're like on and off the job?
On Duty: Iris keeps it as professional as possible while working. She keeps herself tidy, worries about her tasks for the day, and always makes sure to keep in touch with her colleagues. She has a serious attitude while working but she does care deep down about her colleagues around her but doesn't show it often, she takes her job very seriously while on duty.

Off Duty: The moment she’s off duty, she’s back to her usual childish self. Usually hanging around friends, legally drinking, adventuring around Karakura, and spending time with her family whenever she can. While off duty she isn't as serious as when working which can partly give her time to relax a little bit before returning to work.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Iris looks up to her elder co-workers, those who have been in the field much longer than her. She hopes to learn the ropes from them as she continues to work. Those who join the PD at the same time as her, she will definitely make it her goal to befriend them as they would presumably be in the same boat as her; fresh meat and at the bottom of the food chain. Her superior, boy, would she be scared to breathe the same air as him. With the steep difference in the amount of experience between them, it’s only natural for her to show respect and her potential whenever he’s around.

Her plans are quite simple: work then retire. She will be committed to her line of work as an officer but eventually retire after many achievements or accomplishments, setting small goals for herself such as arresting 50 criminals, breaking up a couple of street fights, using her taser for the first, and so on. As she reaches the end of her personal ‘bucket list’, she would plan for future retirement. It is during her retirement that she would settle down once more with family and become a grandma. Then she could tell her ‘war stories’ from when she served as an officer back in her days.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Iris Cortez was born November 3, 1988, in South Korea. She was a daughter of a wealthy businessman and a hardworking housewife as well as a little sister to her 4 older siblings she never was able to meet. However, Iris was born out of an affair that her father had and as a man who didn’t want to get caught, he booked it! Her mother was left to nurture her on her own but she didn’t want to keep the child out of fear for her own marriage crumbling and to be looked down upon by her neighbors and friends. So, the night before her husband would finally return from his year-long trip, she would sneak Iris to a nearby orphanage, leaving her on the steps after knocking twice. Iris would start her life as an orphan born from a scandalous affair.

Growing up and attending school like all the other children her age, she focused mainly on schoolwork and playing with the other children back in the orphanage. Once she entered middle school, she was able to branch off and open up more to finding friends. Although she wasn’t adopted yet, she never let that get to her head. This is around the time she met a woman named Oni. To Iris, she was like a mother and mentor. They spent a lot of time together, hanging around at the park, eating out, and teaching Iris different languages. Eventually, it would come close to the time where Oni would return to Karakura, Japan. Iris was, of course, saddened by the news but held her tears back. But instead of leaving alone, she went to the orphanage to adopt Iris! It would delay her trip for a little longer but once she was legally able to keep Iris, her flight was set!

A new environment, a whole new country! Getting used to her new surroundings wasn’t easy but she made it her goal to gradually warm up to it. This meant making new friends! Now a high school student, it was about the time she find out what she wanted to do with her life. Looking up to Oni and admiring her teachers, her main goal was to be a teacher herself! Fast-Forwarding. June 2017, Iris has been a teacher/professor for many years and even has a family of her own. However, since Oni passed earlier in the year, Iris began to reconsider what she wanted to do. After watching many crime shows and movies, she caught the idea of becoming a police officer herself. She sat down with her family and explained her interest in joining the PD. They praised her and gave her much support as she would return to college to major in law enforcement, earning a Bachelor’s Degree before graduating in 2020 then attending the police academy and doing a year’s worth of training.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:
Iris Cortez

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss

Given Name(s): Iris

Preferred Name: Iris

Age: 33

Gender: Female

IC Phone number: (030) 162-0353

Religious Denomination: Atheist

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Korean

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

Working Experience: 7

Academic Degree: Bachelors

Year of Graduation: 2020

Major(s): Law Enforcement

Minor(s): Criminology & Psychology

Native Languages: Korean

Other Languages: Japanese, JSL


Level 328
Welcome to the Karakura Police Department! Please make sure to have
a look at the Emergency Discord server for further information.​

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