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Judge | xBonnie's Application


Level 73
Community Team
3D Modelling Team
Event Team
Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?: xBonnie
Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username): Yes I do, Bonnu#8868
Do you have a microphone? Yes I do.
List your timezone and country: BST/GMT, UK.
How active are you on the server?: I am extremely active on the server which I intend to continue to be. I spend roughly 7+ hours per day on the server, depending on my IRL schedule (which is almost always clear apart from school). SchoolRP is how I spend most of my time during the day, usually in the afternoons if I have school to attend in the morning and when I have holidays, I spend practically all day on the server (with small breaks in between of course) so it is safe to say I am a very active member of the SchoolRP community. The SchoolRP is my safe haven for expressing my creativity, as I have always been involved in roleplay since I got Minecraft on my PC, thus I have proudly stayed dedicated to the server for a couple of years now.
Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals): I do not have any previous bans.
Link any past applications below: Welp, here we go:
Language Applications: [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [ALT] [Accepted] [Accepted]

Main Account Applications: [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Denied] [Denied]

Alt Account Applications: [Denied] [Unreviewed]

Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?: I am applying for the role of a Judge.

What is your motivation for applying?: As you may have been able to tell from my previous applications, I have been (or tried to be) a part of different roleplay factions within the SchoolRP server, as I want to gain as much roleplay experience as I possibly can whilst having fun in these new scenarios. Although my luck with applying recently hasn’t been great I wanted to stay optimistic for any upcoming opportunities. So, when I saw the new jobs had arrived my initial thought was, this is my chance to take part in a newly found form of roleplay on the server. I have had a lot of fun in the other factions I have taken part in, mainly focussing on the school as a student (joining teams and being a part of the school council) and a member of staff (becoming a professor as well as a school nurse) as well as the EMS faction but I do want to try new things, and this felt like the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Do you have any plans for your spot or character with this role?: As this role is fairly new, my current plans for this character is simply to develop her into an intelligent, responsible and fairly serious grown woman with much integrity. My plans for the role as well as the character are sure to develop much further if I were to be accepted as my understanding in this newly released faction will have become much broader.

Are you aware that if you falsely accuse, imprison, or sentence someone you will lose your role?: Yes I fully understand this.

Do you recognize that you cannot be corrupt in any way? (Being bribed, being biased, etc): I have no intention of having a corrupt character (even if this was allowed) and I intend to follow all rules set completely.

Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?: Yes I am.

Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?: Yes, I have made sure to do my research and study up on the laws of Karakura.

Do you have a good understanding of this position?: Yes I have a fairly decent understanding of the role of a Judge.

Summarize what your position does in the town: Going off of my research, I have gathered that the role of a Judge is to oversee and manage court proceedings. They are to be impartial, gathering all the facts available and are to reinforce the law as well as justice as the court sees fit. This can consist of hearing allegations, questioning witnesses, notifying the defendants of their rights, as well as making logical decisions based on provided evidence.

In Character | Questionnaire
Full Name: Primrose Fernley.
Preferred name & Title: Miss. Fernley.
Current age? (25+): 36 years old.

Past job experiences?: During my time as a student, my main work experience consisted of working as a barista for a rather well-known coffee house. However, as my skills were being put to waste serving coffees alongside cold (and rather bland in my opinion) pastries, I studied myself multiple qualifications in Law as well as a couple of degrees to go along with it, you’d be correct to assume I pulled many overnighters during this time in my life. I also spent one week during my time studying marshalling a Judge, I had practically filled my notebook by the time Monday rolled around once again, I had also made multiple copies of those notes, my poor hand was aching to be allowed rest, I simply got used to the cramping. My work experience in the law faction is precisely 10 ½ years, with my license to practice law more than valid by this point. I was a determined lawyer with one goal at heart, to get to this point in time, being appointed as a Judge. Oh right, I was also a part of a research and debate team during my studies at university.

What plans do you have for the town?: As I have been a citizen of this town for multiple years now, the plans I have made in my head have become quite clear, and rather simple. Whilst witnessing the major crime rates Karakura holds I have decided my plan is to do my part in changing this dangerous and life-risking town using logical thinking and reason along with my sympathy I hold for the citizens of this town. I am to take my position with full-on dedication and precise decision making along with my co-workers. No case is to be taken lightly, my years of built-up experience shall be put to good use and justice will be served accordingly using my skills in the role with impartial judgement and the right amount of empathy. This town is quite clearly in some serious need of change when it comes to crime and the consequence of such.

What jobs will you execute with this position? As a Judge, I intend to execute my job with complete precision and professionalism, as logical thinking, research, and debate are really my forte. My jobs consisting of taking in the facts and evidence, such as pictures, fingerprints, and collected material alongside possible motives, discussing with my co-workers on the issue at hand, and coming to a final verdict on the issue in both civil and criminal cases if we are talking simplistically.

Do you practice any sort of religion?: I do indeed, I have practiced Shinto since I was a child. I did not originally follow this religion before I moved to Japan though when I moved here I decided it was important to educate myself on the culture which I did so, I haven’t looked back since.

How did you get into politics?: I was introduced into the idea of Politics in more of a boring way, it was simply through school, I had mandatory lessons on the subject of Politics and as I got older I decided to continue down this path, which I haven’t looked back since. Politics has been a part of my studies ever since my first year of high school, I always knew I wanted to have a job which involved law, when I was 10 years old my goal was to become a police officer although as you may have gathered my life plans have altered quite a bit since then.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes: No, I do not have a criminal record.
Nationality & Born location: I am British and was born in England specifically.
Fluent languages: (Underline your native): English/Japanese
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Level 165
Congratulations on being accepted for your role of choice!

Keep in mind that the rules stated in the format are strictly enforced and
certain acts can get you instantly removed from your position depending on the severity.

- After reading, you may DM me in order to get your roles set up. (Oph#1556)

- Ensure that you are in the following discord: KARAKURA TOWN


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