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KPD Application | _A3he


Level 200

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Event Team [+1 year]
Baseball College
Football College Females (current)
[ shops ]
Oto-Nashi (s. manager) (current)
Jaibatsume Cosmetics
Lightning Electronics (s. manager)
Kufuku Maid Cafe (s. employee)

Lore team

Librarian (accepted to denied, shared account)
Surgeon (capacity)
Lawyer x2 (capacity)
BMD (capacity)

Describe your activity on the server:
Currently, as it stands, my activity might look iffy! That is, just for my main account. I haven't had much reason to get on while being extremely busy over the prior weeks (keyword prior) and wasn't online much. However, I am now becoming more active as my schedule is immensely freed. The only current faction I'm partaking in is football, so my availability when on the server will be very open. If I am accepted into the force, I'd like to be made aware that I'll be a tad busy in May but after that, my schedule will include practically full availability. Also, I have health issues! I've had them since I was 2 so it's nothing I can’t manage, but I tend to have quite the few doctor's appointments. Luckily for me, I am capable of knowing the dates and times for these appointments beforehand. Below is a pretty straightforward view of my schedule to aid you in viewing my availability (this applies until the end of May).
After 4pm, I am available depending on when I get homeAfter 4pm, I am available depending on when I get homeI will mostly be unavailable on this day due to multiple eventsAfter 4pm, I am available depending on when I get homeAfter 3pm, I am available depending on when I get homeI will be available this day most of the time for a majority of the timeDepends on the day, as I usually partake in family events

What is your motivation for applying?:
As I’ve kind of sprinkled throughout this application, I am aiming to focus on the law division IRL and feel that this experience (even if just RP) would help me with some of the basics in the future. I’ve cyphered through a few divisions (SRP factions), and have wanted to apply for KPD since a few years ago but always had the idea pushed back into my mind until recently. A decent chunk of my friends decided to also go for the title and encouraged me to apply. I was involved in the gangrp side of SRP for quite a long, long time up until about a year or two ago. I think I was waiting for or longing for a sense of similarity and therefore started this application that while back. However, in recent times, my motivation has shifted. I have wanted to try something new, and with summer very shortly around the corner; I’ve had a large chunk of time start opening up that I will be able to utilize for KPD unlike before. I have a decently busy-ish school schedule that will disperse when summer hits.
This application mostly just relies on me having a certain passion I’ve wanted to expand upon for quite some time now, with both new availability, and a randomly large spike in my passion. I have always loved the idea of criminology but in recent years it's only grown to a higher degree, and I feel invested in expanding my knowledge. I have been rather invested in criminology topics for far longer than anything else. I started gaining my passion back around 2019-2022 after finding some silly shows that my friends recommended to me, later divulging into a full-fledged passion no one had known about. It wasn’t until covid hit my area hard that I got a bit more time to explore my new passion more. Since I have immune system issues, I was forced to stay inside my house for about 2 years longer than the average person.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
In all honesty, I’d define my knowledge by limiting it down to most of the basics. However, I do hope to improve my knowledge (and experience) in this field through the KPD! I’ve been considering going into the law sector IRL, and that would include either being a lawyer, CSI, or an officer and I feel it would be a nice relief to get that bit of experience and insight to see how much I like the department. My basics include everything I have from documentaries, shows, books, and overall knowledge from my family members who are in the force. To aid in my quest, however, I have done some research. I've tried to take a different approach to presenting my knowledge of the faction, which you will see below.
Below I will list some of my knowledge of the faction:
Items and utilizations (in order of lethality) -

[Generalized, mixed-order]
- This item is utilized as a strong yet non-lethal way to apprehend criminals when in pursuit. It is the opposition to a very lethal option like the Glock and has since replaced the item. Tranquilizers are only given to those in higher positions of the KPD, these ranks being (main division) Sergeant and (detective division) Detective Inspector plus. The tranquilizer, when fired, sends out in a directional path a single dart that releases an Immobilon drug into the target's bloodstream when contact is made to the skin, sending them into a drowsy state and therefore temporarily leaving them immobile with an effect that lasts for two minutes that cannot be stolen. [Estimated 30-block range]
Stun Blaster - The stun blaster works as a taser (as that is what it is). When one shot is fired, 2 longer-ranged prongs are sent into the air to potentially latch onto the skin of a criminal. When this impact is made, an instant electrical shock is sent throughout the target's body and immobilizes the player for less time than the tranq. This item is accessible to all officer ranks and cannot be stolen from the player. [8-block range]
Crowbar - Crowbars are a non-official type of tool that officers can utilize to break down barricades/containers or entry items such as doors and windows. These tools are not allowed to be utilized as weapons against criminals and can only be utilized by police corporals plus. Crowbars can be mugged by the player. [2-block range]
Baton - An item accessible to all officers that can be stolen from the player. This steel item can be used to apprehend criminals in non-lethal and close proximity if a criminal attempts to act up. These items are typically used if a fight breaks out in jail cells to avoid potential backlash to the officer. Batons are extremely short-range and offer similar aspects to the likings of bats but with better grip stability. [2-block range]
Pepper spray - A very small bottle capable of being held in one hand. Inside this tiny canister contains oleoresin capsicum, an oil from a plant type that includes chili peppers as it includes capsaicin (a compound found in chili peppers and responsible for their burning and irritant effect). When sprayed above the eyes, it'll slowly trickle down the forehead and make contact with the eyes, causing a very severe burning sensation that temporarily blinds players. Pepper spray is accessible to all emergency workers, including all officers and all EMS workers and it cannot be taken from the player. The item when sprayed will successfully blind players for 60 seconds. [2-block range]
Handcuffs - This item marks one of the first lower-level lethality tools. Made out of steel and shaped in a particular way to fit a person's wrists, this item is adjustable after being unlocked and clicked through with a simple push. Handcuffs are extremely sturdy and can only be destroyed by blunt objects as they are utilized to restrain the player. Often, handcuffs are applied with both arms locked together behind the backs of players to restrain them thoroughly. Handcuffs are an immediate-range tool and must be applied carefully. [1-block range]
Riot shield - Riot shields are roughly the size of a human, and act as a two-block high shield made of tempered glass (which is nearly indestructible to many items, including all weapons IC). This item cannot be used offensively to attack players outside of pushing them away. It is used as a barricade against frontal/side attacks (unless put into off-hand). This shield is accessible to all officers regardless of rank and is typically used in SWAT formations against riots (as to why it's called a RIOT shield). When utilizing this tool, the officer's back is unprotected unless guarded by another player, leading to the potential for sneak attacks. This item is typically accompanied by riot gear, a special type of protective uniform for officers in pursuit that hides personal features. [1-block range]
Gas mask - An unofficial item accessible to all officers made from either silicon or rubber which isn't typically used as a method of physical protection but biohazard protection. These masks can be taken from officers without a knockout. Wearing a gas mask automatically voids player identification to the public and protects from biological items like pepper spray and tear gas. [1-block range to mug from player]
Breathalyzer - Similar to pepper spray, the breathalyzer is a smaller handheld item used by all emergency teams to tell if a player is intoxicated. The accuracy of testing on these items varies depending on relation to the station. Breathalyzers cannot be mugged from the officer. [1-block range]

[Non-item dependant]
First-aid kit
- First-aid kits are accessible to all officers who are on duty as an aid when EMT or ambulance services are not available. These kits typically include the basic resources to heal wounds quickly. Typically, they include bandaids, latex disposable gloves, sterile (antiseptic) wipes, gauges, medical tape, splints, hand sanitizer, and scissors. This range of items can typically change, yet it usually involves that specific list and adds on or removes certain items. [1-block range]
Body camera - A very small camera that is barely the size of your hand, resting tucked into the corner of your tactical vest. The camera is accessible to all officers as a waterproof and constant live-stream video service that's attached to the cloud. Body cameras run the same way that CCTV runs, acting in the same way that streaming through these cameras does. Body cameras cannot be mugged from officers but can be destroyed by blunt or sharp objects. [Destroy range, 1-block range]
Police radio - This radio specifically sets itself apart from the normal handheld radio as you have the opportunity to attach it to your vest, leading to easier communication. It has three channels that can connect to other emergency services, or take specific calls. This radio is available to all officers and cannot be stolen, yet it can be destroyed. When a sharp or blunt weapon is faced against the radio it can be shattered. [Destroy range, 1-block range]
Luminol Spray - A spray accessible to all on-duty officers made of a specific luminol oil mixed with chemicals to create this specific type of spray that detects things like blood or dents. Typically, luminol is applied to legal items like bats. Luminol spray cannot be taken. [1-block range]

Basics of the divisions -
[Main Division]
This is the division you start in as a cadet, yet it has a higher ranking system and high priority. The roles in this division consist of cadet, patrol officer, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and commissioner which then break off into other sub-role titles that are unofficial. The commissioner title acts as the highest ranking role in the police force as dawned by the mayor to lead the town's police force. The main division focuses their time moreso on generalized tasks of the force ranging from the little things like dealing with reports, managing CCTV, or working against the criminals of Karakura by patrolling. The main division often focuses on the general areas of the KPD, leaving certain specialization to the detectives of the force.
[Detective Division]
The detective division includes all tasks of the main division with the addition of a select new set of tasks. Detectives have a higher level of task as they are given the job of differentiating between truth and faulty in things like interrogation or inspections. The roles of the detective division include constable, sergeant, inspector, chief inspector, and superintendent. Similar to the commissioner, the detective superintendent acts as the watcher of the detective division, ensuring that their tasks are going smoothly.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
As you. . might know, there is quite a LOT of gang/criminal RP that takes place on the server. While yes it is a school-focused server, there are quite a few town aspects. that is undeniable. For this reason, there needs to be some sort of justice and governmental system put into action to keep the peace. Police work is important not only for the gangrp side of the server (despite that being the main portion of their duties) but to also watch every aspect of the server, ranging from forest wanderers to BMD events, and even more. The main job is to keep the peace, and enforce Karakura’s laws, then ranging and extending from this idea. There should also be some level of respect for upholding the structure of the server, roleplay-wise. If there isn’t some sort of sense that there is a secure hierarchy, there isn’t a lot to be afraid of.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do acknowledge this term and will make sure to attend as many trainings as possible.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Kōki Nonaka

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male, he/him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelor of criminology

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
French, JSL

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
At first glance, Koki does not stand out from the crowd. He's of shorter height, with soft brown hair and a tanned but peachy skin tone. Yet, visually his eyes set him apart. With a soft and gentle pearl-violet hue, his eyes often complimented gold accessories, eyes that gave him an unforgettable glimmer in the golden hour–a shimmer that reflected onto his skin nicely. Often, Nonaka was mocked for his professor-like appearance, leading his friends to comment about the very peculiar way he dressed himself. Usually, Koki stylized with a vintage/light academia type of apparel, not very often showing himself in other styles of clothing unless fitted by another person. One of the major talents he possesses that sets him apart from others is his very keen ability to play a multitude of musical instruments, some even by ear. The key instruments he stood by were amongst the strings family, finding his peak interest in the violin-cello combo, combating guitar on its own a-chord (I'm so funny..) when played acoustically. If not accompanied by some certain feature like his violin or usual outfit, he would be seen with one of his many culinary attires–aprons!

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professional: When on duty or in a professional setting, Nonaka shows a stern and concentrated demeanor. With his head held high and his chin pointed upwards, Koki struds forward facing through trial and many errors without a glance back. His lineage shines through most while he is in professional settings whilst truly highlighting how he is expected to act. Rarely does Nonaka fool around professionally to avoid potential damage to those around him, aiming to be as alert and in-present as possible. Though everyone loves to have their fun as they go about life, he prioritizes the safety of himself and his co-workers mostly through this specific scenario.
Casual: By himself, Koki is one of the most laid-back people you’ll ever meet. . literally. He’s typically taking a nap or playing one of his few mastered instruments. Though, he will always throw in random jokes that aren't usually that funny, stemming from his sporadic thought process. This specific thought process of his stems from his childhood, and the fact he was always surrounded by nothing but noise. People would always be talking to him, whether that be siblings or parent, and that forced Nonaka to have a specific hate towards louder environments, giving him his now laidback aura.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Despite his slight standoff-ish aura, Nonaka is a relatively BIG fan of teamwork (ironically). In more recent years, Nonaka has found himself mostly alone and simply wishes for a better community to surround himself with—one community that shares a similar interest with himself. Simply put, he's kind of like the one who spaces out in the group, always wandering in his mind for new ideas. On the aspect of co-workers, he is a bit more stern as he (following through with the rest of his bloodline) has always placed a certain level of high priority in respect and authority. If someone steps out of line, he'll be quick to jump on it; however, since Koki is a more laid-back fellow, he approaches the confrontation with a certain sense of grace often matching the level of respect and maturity he longs to have replicated. I would say, when working as a team, both he (and I, oocly) succeed to a higher degree in particular aspects rather than when working alone.

What's your character's backstory?
Not too far outside of Nara, Japan located in the Ibaraki prefecture sits a small, worn mansion with a closed off gate and a large field. This particular mansion had been owned by the Nonaka family after centuries of refining a lineage. Now in current times resides the bloodline of Aoto Nonaka, the eldest member of the Nonaka bloodline. One night in the Nonaka mansion in 1998, a smaller child was born into the family—he was a boy. The third child to Shugo and Himari Nonaka, and the one of highest influence. Koki was born and raised as the child who was most respectful, always fearful of his parents and their influence on his family. In his younger years, Koki was quiet and focused on staying to himself, opposite of his louder brother who usually had the voice. For this reason, he was often pushed out of his comfort zone and forced to interact with strangers to gain a better relationship with the outside world as his parents ‘favorite child.’ Growing up, Koki was an average kid with little passion to anything outside of cooking, being made as the class representative of his private school forced by his parents to follow in the footsteps of his sister's reputation. Through this he found little time to himself, always working for the best grades and gaining more reputation—and eventually, he joined performing arts. Koki picked up the violin and found it semi frustrating at first, yet after a few months he fell in love with the hand held instrument. To this day, he still plays instruments in the strings family. Despite that, nothing else has really stuck around from his highschool years outside from his culinary passion. Though, partly through his first year in college he found a new interest in the law district and decided to switch degrees when the year ended. Therefore, Koki got his associates in the medical district (as provided by his father) and decided to switch his degrees to begin preparing for field work in law, the police division. Now, he's here, writing his application.

General knowledge

*From the perspective of Kōki*
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
”The simple answer is no. As to why? Pocket knives can be considered lethal in certain situations, and having this unstable advantage, even in an act of self-defense, works in a hostile way. Many other methods of protecting yourself deem themself less inhumane and are much more preferred. Possession of illegal weaponry finds itself to 3 months in jail due to its brutality. It’s rather immoral in itself to manufacture such an item of power, as to why the bail is placed highly to reflect that of the jail time (this being 150,000 yen).”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
”I’ve listed some of the items below based on what I believe can be the most mixed up. A majority of medically prescribed and unprescribed antidotes (medicines) such as melatonin might just blend in with the normal crowd of items, leading the object to be overlooked and affect the user. For this reason, when overviewing the list again, I made sure to point out some of the more detrimental items that offer debate. Other things like iron supplements can be often confused as the need for prescription despite their unprescribed nature.”
1. ParacetamolMaximum purchase: 3Importance: Used for temporary pain relief (cuts, abrasions, concussions)Side effects: Allergic reaction--rash, swelling, persistent fever Group: Pain medication
2. Iron SupplementsMaximum purchase: 3Importance: Used to treat iron deficiency or certain types of anemiaSide effects: Upset stomachs, constipation, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain/cramps, and diarrhea - to seizuresGroup: Dietary supplements
3. MelatoninMaximum purchase: 3Importance: Commonly used to help control how and when a patient sleeps - used in older patients and those with insomniaSide effects: Headaches, dizziness, nausea, restlessness, irritability, dry mouth, itchiness, drowsiness, and strange dreams.Group: Dietary supplements
4. Wooden CaneMaximum purchase: 2Importance: An assistive cane is used for those with mobility issuesSide effects: N/AGroup: Medical devices
5. GlassesMaximum purchase: 2Importance: Uses lenses that are built in a way to help and treat an individual who has poor eyesight through vision correctionSide effects: N/AGroup: Medical devices

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
”While the inmate had a reason for getting time, they should in no way be treated so immorally. If I saw my fellow officer committing this action, I would assess the situation before stepping back to confirm what I saw. Then, I would quietly sneak off—not too far and in a VERY fast manner—by myself to inform a higher-up of their actions, ensuring I had my utility belt for safety precautions. Then, my following actions would go one of two ways, based on the availability of my higher-ranking officer. If my higher-up was unavailable, I would ask them for actions on proceeding, following them precisely. This would most likely include me calmly trying to downgrade the situation into a calm environment while I try to get my co-worker out of there, ensuring at the same time the inmate is secured. Or, rushing in to pull the two apart swiftly as an alternative. The latter would depend on if the higher-up was there. If this is the fact, I would carefully let them take the lead while standing back to offer any additional assistance that I can. Ending both situations, I would direct the inmate toward the station hospital to assess any injuries.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
”Immediately radioing in for backup along with the potential need for EMS aid before rushing in to help my co-worker is how I start off my situation. Without a second thought, I yell at them to get back away from my co-worker and holster my taser. With one warning shot into the air and therefore aimed in their direction, I would attempt to involve myself in as little physical involvement as I can offer. My first goal is to defuse the situation carefully while attempting to pull my co-worker out of there. The worst possible scenario is having both I and my co-worker injured from this expedition, leading to a much more difficult situation for both of us and others who might come and try to help. If there was an appearance of fellow officers, I'd leave my co-worker to those new arrivals and keep the criminals on lockdown.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
”This depends on how I find out. Assumingly, I am most likely not in the area with them, and have found it out either through a witness or one of their ‘associates’. It’d be a pity that my co-worker is committing such acts, but I wouldn’t hesitate to bring it to the higher-ups of the faction–in this example, the commissioner–and instantly allow them to figure out the situation. It wasn’t my place to deal with it, nor should I, as I was working directly with them. If anything, I should hold off my work for a bit and be prepared to ask any potential questions respectively thrown my way. If my partner is found guilty, obviously I will be put into the spotlight as number two on the chopping block. In this scenario, I would make it my priority to hand everything off to the higher-ups in a concise and non-sloppily done way. This is a hard situation to deal with, but unfortunately a rather common occurrence globally. Overall, it is my force and community I take pride in over the greedy bartering of my so-called associate.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
”I would immediately shut down the idea. I’ve never been somebody to even consider small bribes within my own family, and wouldn’t be one to place all my trust in a measly criminal. I would give the offender a warning at first, and if they proceeded–I would then offer to hand over a bribery fine, basing further details on how far they tried to go. If the situation escalated in any way, I would further assess the area and then go from there based on the criminal’s activities. To me, I view bribery as a pitiful last-grab tactic to try to corrupt law enforcers, and shouldn’t be taken in any case, for any reason.”
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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