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Denied Lawyer application | 37454


Level 73

In-game Name:

37454 (applying)

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes I do have a working microphone

Timezone & Country:
Gmt uk.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I’d say my activity ranges from 4-7 hours per day, it can vary depending on my mood.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I do enjoy a good argument, I really do. People making points and proof, evidence. I believe this is something I have a thing for, something I’m good at and that I’d enjoy a lot. Arguing or collecting and providing proof in or for an argument is something I quite like doing. Being a lawyer results in arguing back and forth, evidence and making important points. This alone motivated me to apply to this, I would like to apply because I do enjoy being on one side of an argument. And none better than on a roleplay server where there are crazy scenarios that can happen.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes I do.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Yes, I do have a few goals for myself and my character. I would like to join a faction, be able to partake in a faction with goals and ambitions. I would like to first apologise if anyone has had a bad first impression of me, I can assure you that I’ve worked on becoming nicer ever since I’ve quit gang-roleplay. My main goal is to first create or be in an environment of positive players who are relaxed and having fun with one another. The other goal is to try and change my reputation, ever since my gang-roleplay arc, how I acted might have been a bad reputation for me to a few players. My goals for my character is, I would like Franca, or a character of mine to be introduced to the town hall faction. I quite enjoy a good court case. I did enjoy it a lot in the past because of the constant shows I’d watch about parents in court-cases and others. My goal is I’d like one of my characters to be able to be present in court. Franca, a criminal who’s been in a various amount of gangs that is changed to an up-tight government worker. One that has developed a respectable tone and attitude, unlike her past self. That is my goal for my character Franca.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer is a person who speaks for the law. Someone who is allowed and can be trusted with giving legal advice in regards to the law. They are allowed to prepare court cases or be able to speak for a side of someone on the court who does not want to speak or can’t. People in face of accusation of a crime are permitted to wait for a lawyer before speaking if they wish to. This is an ability which only lawyers are able to do if someone wants a lawyer that can provide evidence or speak for them legally in accusation of a possible crime.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes I do acknowledge that upon being accepted I can face being removed at any time

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I do understand this and I will be dedicated to my position upon being accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware of this and I will refrain from having OOC bias towards anyone.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes I have and I do agree to these rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I will be able to attend unless something else interferes with it.


Full name:

“My name is Franca Viktorovna Rozmanova Santos. Viktorovna is my middle name, just in case you think I have three last names! But you can call me Franca, Franks, Viktor. I don’t mind at all.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
“I would prefer to have the title of Mrs, thank you very much.”

Current age:
“I’m currently 21 years old.”

Date of birth:
“I was born on the 7th of April, 2003. Well, that’s what my birth certificate says.”

“My gender is female.”

Academic Degree:
“In Karakura I managed to reach an Academic degree of grade-12th before being expelled from Karakura High-School because of my rather violent and rude behaviour towards school faculty or other students. I managed to appeal being expelled and was allowed to re-enter the school for around a couple weeks until I was expelled once more for my intoxicating, rude and violent behaviour yet again. After that I left Karakura, in hopes of heading to Korea to finish my education. I managed to reach Korea which soon later allowed me to finish high-school. I then soon searched for a college to allow me to study the law, I found one which would almost accept me into getting in. It was a close call but I managed to just get in. There I studied for around a maximum of three years that allowed me to graduate and earn my Juris Doctor degree which can now allow me to be a lawyer.”


“I have a Juris Doctor degree.”

Work experience:

Daisuki Yohin - 18

“My first le- I mean my first job. What I did to get this job was a funny story.. I walked in and asked to get hired, but I needed a resume so I just sorta went back, made one and handed it to the one behind the counter. Thankfully they allowed me to work..! Never told me what to do but I began to work security there making around 20,000 every shift there was! It was wonderful, really. Then I expanded my jobs and moved to Saynora.”

Sayonara - 18

“When I was 18, I was looking for a couple jobs because I needed money.. My Parents' allowance was not really going to get me anywhere so I decided to get out of my apartment and search for a job nearby. Luckily by chance, Sayonara was hiring and thus gave me an option to work. I could have picked between cashier or security but I chose to apply for security. In the end, I managed to get the job where I worked security! It was not really fun, I just said hi and waved. Never really did much.

Part Time Tutor - 20

“After getting enough money to move to Korea I of course needed a job. It’s not like my savings is going to just help me from running poor or dirt broke, that wouldn’t end good for me at all and it will cause a lot of issues.. If I’m dead broke in the middle of no-where then what would I do? But in the end I found a job as a Part Time Tutor for a company which I worked at. It made me enough to stay on my feet for a little while, I tutored students on subjects like science.”

Nationality & born location:
“My nationality is Russian and I was born in Russia.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
“Japanese, Russian, Italian, Korean.”

Criminal record:
“In the past I.. Had questionable choices. My first arrest was a misdemeanour for Obstruction of Justice x2. The arrest after that was Assault with a weapon and gang affiliation but that was when I was 18. Since then I promise, I have changed as a better person.”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“Despite my past criminal record, ups and downs I’d like to say confidentiality that I have changed. I’m less violent, more relaxed and I will refrain from committing such an act of crime once more. I would like to believe that throughout all my hard work, my qualifications and not will allow me to redeem myself. In the past I was constantly denied service from here because of my- well.. Attitude so to say. I would like to believe that throughout my change, I would be an amazing lawyer. One to argue to save innocent citizens from accusations of crime or criminal allegations. To be presented in a court case to show that I can prove the innocence of one, and that I as a person and human being has changed and matured into a respectable woman.”​
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Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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