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Accepted Laywer | tpture


Level 64

In-game Name:

tpture (applying account)

Discord Tag:

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Timezone & Country:

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
As of currently, I do lack my activity on this account yet upon acceptance my activity on this account will be granted. I am normally seen on my second account rather than any other one of them! I am as active as I can be with my schedule, I should be starting a job soon so my activity will be decreasing at some point in the future.

Besides that, I am on from basically whenever I wake up to when I sleep over the weekends and when I am free.

9 am-12 pm​
3 pm-12 pm​
3 pm-12 pm​
3 pm-12 pm​
4:30 pm-12 pm​
3 pm-2-3 am​
10 am-2-3 am​

My schedule is always subject to change, so don’t rely on it fully.
On any of the dates, I do not stay up past those times.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I’ve been a part of the Government faction before, and let me say this; it's one of the friendliest factions I’ve been a part of and I would like to be a part of a positive area again. The role I had previously was one that was quite enjoyable but the never-changing Governor!

A lawyer is something I’ve always been interested in OOCly as a job offer myself if I am unable to go the original way I want to go in life and the goals I have set for myself at the moment, and maybe even making a small change in my own family for what people normally go to for jobs. Then it also goes into ICly terms; this character is trying to at least make a small change in their family line, walking away from the corrupt police officer's life to the Lawyer's life; she now wants to protect the people she used to work beside.. Even if it isn’t in the same place, she still holds the same morals.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I would consider myself knowledgeable with this and I’ll be able to explain most if not all of them.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
The goal I have for myself is to learn specifically more about what a Lawyer does; behind the scenes and on the topic of how to form their arguments properly and to assist myself in being able to conduct arguments correctly, I want to enjoy this role specifically which I can try my best at doing!

“My goal? My goal is to protect and serve a new place to my fullest ability. Protect the innocent and show how guilty the guilty actually are. It's pretty plain and simple.” Yet my own goal for Onryo is different from what her own goal is. I want her to specifically fulfill her dream, and to be known for doing that as a lot of people can’t exactly do that, or they aren't able to do so; especially in Karakura. And also sort of unknown kept to her goal; of being different in her family. Her sister already took a different path than everybody else, why not use the degrees she used to be like everybody else to make a change in her family line and the Government?

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer is a person who studies and works for the law, they make sure that people are being justified for a crime that they could have committed, and if they are innocent they are deemed such, as the vice versa; a guilty person gets chosen as guilty. They are trained correctly and have amazing argument skills to prove their point to the judge or the jury. of the court, they assist their clients in what to do in their cases, and what to say to make it winnable yet making sure their client isn't lying and is still following the rules of the court with the utmost respect and reliability. There are other types of Lawyers; but from what I know of Karakura mainly does hold the criminal and business Lawyers. They are one of the many people, that people put a lot of trust in due to their job title. They are meant to protect their client and assist them in any way possible.. Convincing the Judge or the Jury that their client is either telling the fullest of the truth or proving that the other person is proven to be guilty by many factors.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Of course, yes.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I do understand that and I’ll try my best with it.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, of course.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have yes, and I agree to follow them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
If they fit into my schedule, yes and I’ll try my best to make them all if I am able to do so.


Full name:

“Onryō Saisei.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
“I do prefer Miss.”

Current age:
“I am 29.”

Date of birth:
“Same date of birth as my twin, August 10th, 1994.”

“Female, she/her pronouns.”

Academic Degree:
“Graduated from High School top of my class, graduated with a Masters, top of my class.”

Political Science

Law and Social Justice

Work experience:
“In high school I was doing what any other teen would do, working at local shops, and food stores. Anything I was able to do when I graduated College I quickly went into the Police Force. I may not have broad work experience outside of the police force, but it is one I hold highly, it was a part of my major skill-building. Yet I can say during my later high school years, I was in a police camp; where I learned the basics of what to do within a team, and most of the requirements of being a police officer. During college, I put my full focus on what I actually wanted to be; a Lawyer. Having family within the Government it was easy for me to earn an Internship to learn more.”

Political background:
“I don’t exactly have one, yet my family does on Japan's mainland, most of them did end up being cops but my father is currently the Police Commissioner in my hometown as my mother is a Governor. I look up to both of them on where I want to go in life, as they continue to work and better the area. They wanted me to stay in Shinagawa, but upon my sister moving to Karakura, I followed. I personally don’t have one, but my family does.”

Nationality & born location:
“I’m Japanese, born in Shinagawa like the rest of my family.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, French, German; yet I am currently in the works of learning Latin.”

Criminal record:
“No criminal record; I don’t exactly think I would be going for a Lawyer if I did have one..”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“I’ve been in the police force for a while now, I’ve seen many trials and even been a part of a few due to my career choice in the past. I am a person that gives my full dedication. I am able to hold an argument without getting upset about it and understand the other side without invalidating them in any way, I’m able to stay respectful in many situations.. These are all things a Lawyer should hold, but some are lacking with it. I am somebody who is considered rather stubborn, meaning once I take a side I will stick to it until I am given multiple amounts of evidence to make me think otherwise.”​


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @Zaldoria to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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