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Denied LightEclipic | Shop application


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:


(Other accounts; WhiteEclipic, GreyEclipic, DarkEclipic, BlackEclipic)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
8/10, i am typically on the server for hours at a time on my main account(DarkEclipic) but I do get on my LightEclipic account when it comes to roleplay and other fun exciting things! You are able to find me usually walking around plaza area or finding me at school as my main is a teacher! I like interacting with people and enjoying roleplaying with others!

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
1 warning back in 2021 for FailRP
Appeal 1 / Appeal 2 / Appeal 3

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge that I can be removed/demoted from the position if I become inactive.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
(I might have more but I cant find them all)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
LightEclipic; Reporter(If Accepted, I will leave this role)
(DarkEclipic: Teacher)

Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:

Any shop that is open for a Bar/Restaurant!
(If the name can be changed, I would like to call it Kami-no-Shita or God's Tongue)

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I want to become a Shopkeeper as to bring more social life to Karakura's nightlife. I want to be able to give the younger and older players a place where they can keep one another and enjoy a nice dinner or party. I want to be able to have more events revolving around the town and adult factions as this is SchoolRP, I want to be able to meet the needs of other factions that typically don't have much going on, like adult tags who are looking for people who roleplay with or maybe even suspended students who have nothing else better going on.

I want to be able to help the faction itself by bringing a bright, and positive light to the faction! Giving out ideas, and opinions, or even wanting to help other shops when they need some extra assistance during their openings or making decisions!

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Kami-No-Shita will be unique in a few different ways. I have planned to create an interactive bar with active staff and hope for equally active town folk. Part of this will be how the store will be laid out; The front of the shop will be a type of ‘waiting room’ as you wait to be seated at either a table/booth(2-6 seats per table) or at the Bar top(4-6 stools).

If you are the head of a faction(Commissioner, Director, Mayor, etc.) and prove you are the head of the said faction, have a VIP Ticket(read the next section on how to obtain it), or Pay for the VIP(There will be a channel to where people can request it and can be accepted or denied by a Co-Owner/Owner, Payment of said Room will be paid to the bouncer guarding the VIP section in FULL(50k)) Then you, and your party, will be taken to the VIP area and the VIP area will be closed off for your enjoyment! If you have a large party attending (5+), please contact the Owner/Co-Owner/Onrain Profile about the said arrangement to ensure open seating(Contacting can be done via DMs over discord as to 'email' the shop owners).

Donations to the shop are welcomed and will follow the point system(Every 60k given, refer to the point system below).
Point Information;
For each buy at our shop over 60k(120k, 180k, etc; about every 60k), the person will start to earn ‘points’ with us (Note: This will only go towards the person who bought 60k so for example if you are there with yourself and a friend, and you pay for the whole check(60k+) the person PAYING will receive the point and not the other person.) that can be spent on many different things within our store. Points will be given out like this; if a purchase is 60k you get 1 point, 120k you get 2 points, and so on and forth(Another Note: You can only use your points one time during the opening, so if you have 20 points you CANNOT get 2 bottles of free Alcohol).
- An additional note on why I wish to introduce a type of 'point system', as I said before in my application, I wish for a large RP-orientated shop for the people of SRP. With this, I also want the shop to be able to be used as more of a 'relaxing place' for people. There will always be a small area open at all times if people want to come inside and RP(This will be a side area)! As, yes, I do care about making money, But I do not care about making money for MYSELF and would rather it go back into the shop for stock and to my workers that work hard at their position.

10 points; 1 free bottle of Alcohol(If of age, those who are not of age can get 4 Non-Alcoholic drinks; The barkeeper/Waiter will check their ‘tablet’/phone to see if you ACTUALLY have the said points)

30 points; Skip the line(There will be two lines, the main line, and the Point line. This means there will be 1-2 bouncers at the door at one time, to have a nice flow of people. If the line is SUPER long and the place is busy, the Point line can become the normal line IF stated by the owner/co-owner/bouncers)

80 points; Buy a VIP Ticket(This will grant you to stay in our VIP section IF not already full, Please also note that this includes ONE other person if you buy a VIP Ticket as not for you to be alone in the VIP section. Any more than the first two will have to buy another VIP ticket. This Ticket can be used in our NEXT opening of the shop, cannot be used WHEN bought.)

100 points; Access to our VIP room/section(VIP Ticket, which will be turned in once used, Bouncer will check if you have the points/Ticket then will allow you and your +1 inside to the section)

200 points; Rent out the shop for a private party/dinner/meeting(This will have to be requested on Discord(It can be brought up with the Owner/Co-Owner ICly but you will be directed to our 'website' and 'email' for further assistance), This rank will allow 2-3 waiters, 2 barkeepers, Managers(Optional), and Owner/Co-Owner attendance at your service. The prices of the Drinks and Food will be set at full price and you will be ID’ed(Upon arriving) if you order any Alcohol. This allows you to use the shop for 1-2 hours(OOCly), any more time will have to be pre-approved by the owner)

VIP Premium Points; Once a person goes into the VIP section, they are given 5 VIP Premium points. They are able to either use these for gambling, using the points to buy drinks/food, or you are able to save them(These are able to be recorded along with the VIP points). You are able to buy more VIP Premium points for 5,000 yen each(Max 5 each time you are in the VIP section, 25k total)

Public Gambling:
Black Jack; The House(The shop) doesn't pay you money, you are required to use your own money(You also have to have the money you are saying), we are only there to help keep up with the game. The Dealer will roll on a third-party site a number between 1-14, 1-10 being the normal number cards. 11 being Jack, 12 being Queen, 13 being King, and 14 being Ace(Only 4 of each number can be out in play at one time, and the Game Host or Senior Employee will keep tabs on it). If you surpass 21, you automatically lose. From the Dealers' Left to Right, each person can either do 1 of 3 things; Call, Pass, or Fold;
-Call; This will tell the dealer to give you another card.
-Pass; This will tell the dealer you are happy with your cards.
-Fold; This will tell the dealer you are out of the game.

Once everyone has taken a turn or two and everyone passes, everyone will turn over their cards to show the number they have. The Highest of the party will win that round.

Wheel Of Fortune; You can bet a min of 1k to a max of 50k, You can use V.I.P points min of 1 and a max of 10. A Senior Employee/Game Host and up will spin the wheel(Third-party, there will be images that will be taken with times and posted to a channel as to 'log' and not cheat) and there will be different colours to what you get;
-White; Nothing(Not a win or loss)
-Red; Lose X(Money/Points gets donated to The House)
-Green; Double Money/Points!
-Purple; Triple Money/Points!

VIP Gambling:
Roulette; Everyone can play this if you are in the V.I.P. section! You can either use Cash/V.I.P Points/Premium V.I.P Points!(Note you can only bet ONE of them);
Cash- Max 15k
V.I.P- Max 10
V.I.P.P- Max 5

This is pretty simple, the dealer will roll 2(/roll 2, in-game), 1 being White and 2 being Black. Before the dealer rolls, you must pick White or Black with how much you are betting. If you win, you get to keep your cash/v.p/v.p.p and double it(If you bet 1 point, you will get an extra point, equaling 2 total points). If you lose, you lose what you bet and it gets added to the House Pot.

Other Information:
The discord will be utilized as a type of ‘online website’ where people can use their points on the next opening, keep track of how many points others have, or request. This will keep track of everything that happens, Uniforms will also start to be made when the shop gets approved.

In addition, I plan on adding on a small stage to host bands, comedy/standup events, and other small shows for the public to advertise get the community more active with each other, and hold little mini-events!

With this, Advertisement boards will be around the shop for Onrain Users or Business Owners! As to promote their band, pop group, dance group, organization, Influencer, and more! There are a few rules revolving around this;
-You MUST provide your Onrain tag / Business website(Discord and must be a Verified business under Karakura Town) to the Owner/Co-Owner
-You MUST have had 3+ posts about you are promotion / Able to prove your business is active
-You MUST put down a deposit of 15k for 2 weeks(Total you can rent is 4 weeks/1 month for 30k)


Different types of adverts that will possibly be said will depend on the time of day.

School hours; ‘Kami-No-Shita opens its doors! Any student will be denied at the doors, get your education! It’s important! Adults are welcomed at this time to make their way to the mouth of the gods.’

After School Hours; ‘Kami-No-Shita opens the doors for all who want to hang out and spend time with others who you might like! Or dislike, just don’t cause a problem or we will step in. Special Price for School Staff! You deserve it!’

Evening; ‘Kami-No-Shita? God’s Tongue has opened its business for those of Mortal status and Immortal status! Don’t worry, we will keep your secret!’

Evening(special); ‘Half-price drinks for those over the age of(x-age, can range from 20-100) for this opening! Those who are under that age will have to pay full price! Better luck next time!’

Dawn; ‘Up for a morning drink? Just got done working a double shift at night and need something for your weekend. Or even just someone who doesn’t have a job and just wants a simple drink? Kami-No-Shita has opened its doors for the early birds! Students ordering Water and Food will get a second water for free! Gotta stay hydrated!’

Monthly Event for the Gambling side:
Each person who loses to a gambling game or donates to The House(The Shop) can add to the Pool(This consists of Normal Points and Cash). Each month, there will be a tournament(This will hopefully happen on an ICly weekend so all people can participate), and there will be two sections for both Cash and Points. Each person will vote on which game to play in one of our three games(Blackjack, Wheel of Fortune, Roulette) once the votes go out that is what we will play. Depending on what people pick, they will either be put in pairs or vs everyone(Pairs; Wheel of Fortune, The two people who win will split the prize pool if they choose. Singles; Roulette and Blackjack, whoever wins gets the full pool).

There are rules for normal patrons and staff members;

-No Excessive Swearing
-No Talking down or ill of Workers/Owners/Patrons
-No Stealing(This includes from the inventory room as the numbers will be RECOUNTED by the Manager on duty/Owners)
-No Bribing(This will result in a blacklist, and if a worker accepts the bribe and is caught. The worker will be fired and blacklisted)
-Keep a happy, smiling attitude(If you have an issue with someone, report it to a Manager on duty/Owners. If it is with a customer, you will be switched with another waitstaff to a different section of the store)
-Staff MUST wear their uniform, No if, ands, or buts.
-No Fighting(This will result in CCTV being pulled around the time of the fight and the police will be called if you refuse to leave. Depending on what had happened, Blacklists might be issued)
-No Masks/Weapons(If you pull it out at ANY TIME, Police will be called and you will be escorted out when police arrive and will result in a blacklist)
-No Refunds/Exchanges(Any and all sales are FINAL)

What will you sell in your shop?:
There isn’t a set list that I would like to sell. The main profit that I will be selling will be Alcoholic beverages(This can range from Beer, Gin, Vodka, Wine, etc..), Non-Alcohol beverages(Teas, Coffees(My custom coffee mug will be sold here), water, milk, etc.) and many different types of food(This will involve foods that can be held and travel with; Sandwiches, sweets(Cookies, cakes, ice cream), and box foods).

Since there is a large selection that can be sold at a bar, I will limit what I would sell in what category.

Alcohol; 5 - 8 (1500 - 30000 yen)(From least expensive to most)
(Guinness beer, Sanrio Seltzer Can, Sake, Soju, Hennessey, Whiskey, Grey Goose Vodka, Watermelon Gin)
(The two you can take off if only 5 are required would be Soju and Hennessey)

Non-Alcohol; 4 - 5 (200 - 1000 yen)
(Water, Juice, Milk, Aloe Vera, Coffee- This coffee will include my coffee mug custom)

Food; 4 - 5 hand foods and sweets (400 - 1500 yen)
(Ham and Cheese, Bacon and Egg, BLT- Food)
(Blue Lolly, Ice cream sandwich- Sweets)

How many employees do you plan to have?:

The Owner of the bar/club will have the last say in all sales, no sales, taxes, the stock, paying employees, the opening, and making sure that everything is running smoothly while opening. This rank can wear anything formal, they have no dress code.

The Co-Owner does what the owner does, minus some of the payment processes, but they help decide on what to do on the floor when the club is open and if problems start to arise. This rank can wear anything formal, they have no dress code.

There are going to do Three types of Managers; Bouncer(Fancy way of saying security), Front end(This will be two managers of the Bartenders and Waiters), and Inventory(They handle figuring out where is what and what to give to the waiters/keeping tabs on what goes out). They will be in charge of their particular section and people, they can help out where they are needed but they are the first step if something happens before the Owner or Co-Owner steps in. This rank does have a dress code that they will have to follow, the only exception is Inventory as they are not seen by the public(but they can dress formally if they choose).

These are your Barkeepers, Waiters, Bouncers, and Inventory workers. They are the ones who take the orders and take them to their tables, give out drinks(Once they check their IDs a Second time), and allow entrance(They originally check IDs before letting people in, and they also will mark 19 years and younger hands with an X to show the barkeepers that they are underage, they will also be in charge of escorting someone off the property if need be), and keep up with what we have in the back and what we have in stock(They can tell a waiter if they are out of something to recommend something similar in price and item) This rank does have a dress code that they will have to follow(Refer to the Manager section), the only exception is Inventory as they are not seen by the public(but they can dress formally if they choose).

Recommended ages for said ranks; Barkeepers(20+), Bouncers(19+), Wait staff(16+), Inventory(16+), Manager(18+)

These are the trainees that will be placed with a more experienced worker and show them the ropes, They can change where they wish to work at this stage. When they first submit their application, if they do not like what they applied for they would have to get in contact with their manager and owner in trying out a different section of the bar/club. This rank does have a dress code that they will have to follow(Refer to the manager Section), the only exception is Inventory as they are not seen by the public(but they can dress formally if they choose).
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Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying!
I will be reviewing this at another time.​

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