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In Progress Police Application | _A3he


Level 198
Listen. I made this really cool, really fancy-looking banner. Guess what? I broke it. I DON'T KNOW HOW. So I tried to make it again but a funny version, BUT I BROKE THE FUNNY VERSION! So now you have this. Imagine a really, really cool ash banner interested here. Wouldn't it be literally epic? YEAH! I KNOW.

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name): _A3he

Discord Name & Tag: [Latte] @Verified_Idiot.

Which timezone are you in? CST - GMT-6

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Event Team [+1 year]
Shrine (current)
Baseball College
Football College Females (current)
[ shops ]
Oto-Nashi (s. manager)
Jaibatsume Cosmetics
Lightning Electronics (s. manager)
Kufuku Maid Cafe (s. employee)

Lore team (capacity)
Librarian (accepted to denied, shared account)
Surgeon (capacity)
Lawyer x2 (capacity)
BMD (capacity)
KPD (capacity)
School Club (activity: I was. . Severely sick, twice)

Describe your activity on the server:
Right now, as I write this application the week before and of, I am like.. pretty deathly ill so my activity has been a little bit poopy. Luckily though I am overcoming it slowly and just received my antibiotics. I'm going to be a bit busy catching up on the schoolwork I missed while sick, but after I'm able to finish all of it, I should be good to continue with my normal schedule! My time can typically be seen as follows.
Before and after 3pm
3:30pm +
Usually 7pm +
Usually 6pm +
7pm +
3:30pm +
All day (:
Sunday is the day I have mandatory practice with my team (for srp)! It's only an hour and hasn't changed in the near year I've been on the team.​
This is my most available day of the work week as I purposefully take it off in case anything comes up.​
I have practice until 6:30 and don't get home until 7, sometimes it can be canceled or I won't be called on this day in particular.​
Wednesday is a hit or miss because I have practice until 5:30 sometimes but typically have music lessons after it every 2 weeks.​
I always have practice on Thursday until 6:30 so I will always be home by 7, nothing is after it.​
Fridays are my off days, so I'm usually free.​
This is really a hit or miss depending on if I go to my dad's house for the weekend, but if I don't, I'm available all day. (:​

I would say I'm always available at random times on my free days and am willing to work around my trainer's schedule because of my insomnia. I'm either not asleep or wake up really early after falling asleep early. My time zone most definitely does not hold me back. If there's also any confusion in the timetable, I'm willing to clarify. – I do also want to reaffirm something. I know that I just joined a new faction, yes, but if I am accepted I think I’ll find it fairly manageable to uphold both quotas considering I’ve nearly completed my shrine quota already. Please do not see this as a downside, I can well manage my time.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Looking back to my past application, I believe that I mentioned how I am seeking to work in the law field IRL and believed having some experience, like on SRP, would be beneficial. And in all honesty, this goal I've set in mind practically hasn't changed and neither has its purpose. I feel the only thing that's changed now is my drive to accomplish this goal. Before I really wasn't too sure when writing the application and now assume that affected how I wrote the application and the words I used to describe myself and my goals. However, now I am trying for my dream, truly leaping forward in hopes of success. The difference between then and now is that I really do want to work as a KPD officer, I've had a ton of interactions with the officers recently and felt they've all been nothing but pleasantly well and good reminders of why I remain on SRP; for its amazing community and wonderful roleplay opportunities.
By applying for the KPD, I'm seeking to find a new place to have my interests shine through in an area that I know I can truly flourish in. I've taken my awkward leap of faith into unfamiliar territory, countless times! Each time I've felt uncertainty and entertainment, enthusiasm. For example, I've recently joined the shrine team which I've felt mostly unsure of until I met the faction, all full of nothing less than kind souls and I've managed to learn so much more about a religion I truly haven't been familiar with. Now, I'm seeking to use all of these skills I've built up over the years and shuffle them into a place of familiarity where I can truly thrive as myself. I'm taking a new leap, one into a place where I know I can succeed and show my worth in.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
In all honesty, I’d define my knowledge by limiting it down to most of the basics. However, I do hope to improve my knowledge (and experience) in this field through the KPD. I’ve been considering going into the law sector IRL, and that would include either being a lawyer, CSI, or an officer and I feel it would be a nice relief to get that bit of experience and insight to see how much I like the department. My basics include everything I have from documentaries, shows, books, and overall knowledge from my family members who are in the force. To aid in my quest, however, I have done some research. I've tried to take a different approach to presenting my knowledge of the faction, which you will see below.

[Generalized, mixed-order]
- This item is utilized as a strong yet non-lethal way to apprehend criminals when in pursuit. It is the opposition to a very lethal option like the Glock and has since replaced the item. Tranquilizers are only given to those in higher positions of the KPD, these ranks being (main division) Sergeant and (detective division) Detective Inspector plus. The tranquilizer, when fired, sends out in a directional path a single dart that releases an Immobilon drug into the target's bloodstream when contact is made to the skin, sending them into a drowsy state and therefore temporarily leaving them immobile with an effect that lasts for two minutes that cannot be stolen. [Estimated 30-block range]
Stun Blaster - The stun blaster works as a taser (as that is what it is). When one shot is fired, 2 longer-ranged prongs are sent into the air to potentially latch onto the skin of a criminal. When this impact is made, an instant electrical shock is sent throughout the target's body and immobilizes the player for less time than the tranq. This item is accessible to all officer ranks and cannot be stolen from the player. [8-block range]
Crowbar - Crowbars are a non-official type of tool that officers can utilize to break down barricades/containers or entry items such as doors and windows. These tools are not allowed to be utilized as weapons against criminals and can only be utilized by police corporals plus. Crowbars can be mugged by the player. [2-block range]
Baton - An item accessible to all officers that can be stolen from the player. This steel item can be used to apprehend criminals in non-lethal and close proximity if a criminal attempts to act up. These items are typically used if a fight breaks out in jail cells to avoid potential backlash to the officer. Batons are extremely short-range and offer similar aspects to the likings of bats but with better grip stability. [2-block range]
Pepper spray - A very small bottle capable of being held in one hand. Inside this tiny canister contains oleoresin capsicum, an oil from a plant type that includes chili peppers as it includes capsaicin (a compound found in chili peppers and responsible for their burning and irritant effect). When sprayed above the eyes, it'll slowly trickle down the forehead and make contact with the eyes, causing a very severe burning sensation that temporarily blinds players. Pepper spray is accessible to all emergency workers, including all officers and all EMS workers and it cannot be taken from the player. The item when sprayed will successfully blind players for 60 seconds. [2-block range]
Handcuffs - This item marks one of the first lower-level lethality tools. Made out of steel and shaped in a particular way to fit a person's wrists, this item is adjustable after being unlocked and clicked through with a simple push. Handcuffs are extremely sturdy and can only be destroyed by blunt objects as they are utilized to restrain the player. Often, handcuffs are applied with both arms locked together behind the backs of players to restrain them thoroughly. Handcuffs are an immediate-range tool and must be applied carefully. [1-block range]
Riot shield - Riot shields are roughly the size of a human, and act as a two-block high shield made of tempered glass (which is nearly indestructible to many items, including all weapons IC). This item cannot be used offensively to attack players outside of pushing them away. It is used as a barricade against frontal/side attacks (unless put into off-hand). This shield is accessible to all officers regardless of rank and is typically used in SWAT formations against riots (as to why it's called a RIOT shield). When utilizing this tool, the officer's back is unprotected unless guarded by another player, leading to the potential for sneak attacks. This item is typically accompanied by riot gear, a special type of protective uniform for officers in pursuit that hides personal features. [1-block range]
Gas mask - An unofficial item accessible to all officers made from either silicon or rubber which isn't typically used as a method of physical protection but biohazard protection. These masks can be taken from officers without a knockout. Wearing a gas mask automatically voids player identification to the public and protects from biological items like pepper spray and tear gas. [1-block range to mug from player]
Breathalyzer - Similar to pepper spray, the breathalyzer is a smaller handheld item used by all emergency teams to tell if a player is intoxicated. The accuracy of testing on these items varies depending on relation to the station. Breathalyzers cannot be mugged from the officer. [1-block range]

[Non-item dependant]
First-aid kit
- First-aid kits are accessible to all officers who are on duty as an aid when EMT or ambulance services are not available. These kits typically include the basic resources to heal wounds quickly. Typically, they include bandaids, latex disposable gloves, sterile (antiseptic) wipes, gauges, medical tape, splints, hand sanitizer, and scissors. This range of items can typically change, yet it usually involves that specific list and adds on or removes certain items. [1-block range]
Body camera - A very small camera that is barely the size of your hand, resting tucked into the corner of your tactical vest. The camera is accessible to all officers as a waterproof and constant live-stream video service that's attached to the cloud. Body cameras run the same way that CCTV runs, acting in the same way that streaming through these cameras does. Body cameras cannot be mugged from officers but can be destroyed by blunt or sharp objects. [Destroy range, 1-block range]
Police radio - This radio specifically sets itself apart from the normal handheld radio as you have the opportunity to attach it to your vest, leading to easier communication. It has three channels that can connect to other emergency services, or take specific calls. This radio is available to all officers and cannot be stolen, yet it can be destroyed. When a sharp or blunt weapon is faced against the radio it can be shattered. [Destroy range, 1-block range]
Luminol Spray - A spray accessible to all on-duty officers made of a specific luminol oil mixed with chemicals to create this specific type of spray that detects things like blood or dents. Typically, luminol is applied to legal items like bats. Luminol spray cannot be taken. [1-block range]

[Main Division]
This is the division you start in as a cadet, yet it has a higher ranking system and high priority. The roles in this division consist of cadet, patrol officer, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and commissioner which then break off into other sub-role titles that are unofficial. The commissioner title acts as the highest ranking role in the police force as dawned by the mayor to lead the town's police force. The main division focuses their time moreso on generalized tasks of the force ranging from the little things like dealing with reports, managing CCTV, or working against the criminals of Karakura by patrolling. The main division often focuses on the general areas of the KPD, leaving certain specialization to the detectives of the force.
[Detective Division]
The detective division includes all tasks of the main division with the addition of a select new set of tasks. Detectives have a higher level of task as they are given the job of differentiating between truth and faulty in things like interrogation or inspections. The roles of the detective division include constable, sergeant, inspector, chief inspector, and superintendent. Similar to the commissioner, the detective superintendent acts as the watcher of the detective division, ensuring that their tasks are going smoothly.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
When speaking to many sorts of players on this server, it really does seem that they all have their individual different views on this topic (what purpose does KPD have on SRP). Ranging from many varying types of ideas like gangrp to general aid for the school even into a general patrol of the town, all sorts of ideas extend in wide ranges. However, I think that I’ve personally narrowed down these many separate traits into one opinion, my opinion. The police force works on the server as almost a combat for the massive rise in the server, this is true, yet with the change that has been occurring more and more in the player base the little details have started to come to light about the job description of a police officer. General aid, emergency aid, personal aid, and criminal aid. These are the subcategories that I’ve created to help me better visualize the type of work that the police do for SRP.
General Aid involves the use of just going through the daily patrol, helping citizens with smaller 911 calls such as a bear dispute in the forest or some random event with an unwarranted personnel. Emergency aid focuses more so on first-responder dispatch and side-by-side aid with the emergency service (or, well, the hospital). This type of aid is more risky and tends to be completed by experienced police personnel. Personal aid involves helping a specific person such as an important individual (like the princess event, or celebrity events), and working almost like security. This also includes escorting and searching for high-profile missing persons, and more detective work. Finally, criminal aid. I’ve put this as its own majority category as it works to combat Gangrp and mostly just focuses on this aspect of the server. These categories I’ve made are in no way official or the “real deal”, mostly just ways I’ve made for personal separation when viewing the police work on SRP.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I do acknowledge and agree to this.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?: Nyoko Kaeda

How old is your character (if accepted)?: 36

What are your character's gender and pronouns?: Female, She/Her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application: Graduated, masters.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?: French, Italian, JSL

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Nyoko always had a soft and calm expression, and her aura seemed to be relatively welcoming! However, it was clear that the woman seemed to be usually on edge or moderately weary of her surroundings. A good majority of her family had either brown or orange hair, and it was clear that she didn’t differ much from this trait. On first glance you can clearly make out her distinctive caramel brown hair color that was typically slicked up into a tight bun or loosely d****d down her back and shoulders, only being held together via a single ponytail. As for her skin? It was a warm mid-tone of peach, almost falling into the lighter side. However, it did nicely complement Nyoko’s vibrant crystal eyes and subtle pink lips. What was Kaeda always wearing? Some hint of green! She didn’t particularly differ in color unless it fell towards a more blue hue, such as her green overcoat versus her washed blue kimono. Either way, she tended to stay relatively close in color range on the color wheel when choosing her next outfit. Nyoko had no particularly interesting or differing features on her skin like some others in the town with their scars and tattoos, rather her skin was the perfect soft complexion with an untouched look to it.

[ Minecraft Description: Before you stood a woman of certain significance, forgotten significance. Her fixed stature placed her height just near 5'6, seeming taller through her updo but in actuality being shorter from the flat tip of her zori. Seemingly, Nyoko was an observer, not an invoker, matching her keen interest in nature and its elements. Always accompanying the woman was a small green frog, resting on her shoulder. ]

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professional: Nyoko is relatively tense, always caught up in her little world, just trying to phase through the day. For this reason, she doesn’t interact much unless she is directly spoken to. She finds no aid in seeking much conversation when in a professional setting and knows that it will find her instead. Kaeda is relatively quiet overall but will be rather outgoing when she’s more familiar after she has settled into this new territory. However, she forever remains dormant on precaution above all kinds of familiarities. . even between those she loves. If Nyoko is seen caught slacking off or doing something abnormal with her personality, she will typically quickly change how she is acting due to fear. Summary? Quiet, simple, and closed to herself unless spoken to.
Casual: In more casual settings, Kaeda truly does act the same way she does professionally. However, she speaks a lot more freely and can typically have more open conversations in this form. Though, her guard is rarely down. . she always is looking for little hints in conversations, but typically tends to miss them due to the numbness of the interactions she’s had with her husband and his family. Mostly Nyoko cannot be persuaded by anyone outside of her family. Summary? The same as professional but a lot more talkative than usual.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Nyoko has an interesting outlook on teamwork and working in a team. Generally, she enjoys the experience that can come from the company, but she fails to show the emotion of enjoyment. Therefore, she often weirdly expresses herself when working in teams and doesn’t typically know how to show what she means. This most definitely comes from her place and time in the rural setting of her homelands, as she never truly had to interact properly with anyone during her childhood. But, her outlook on her co-workers is generally good and remains well unless someone happens to betray her trust. If this were to happen, she would quietly resign from them and request with her higher-ups for a transfer. She never makes anything particularly public for the sake of her image and the other parties, as she views that it isn’t necessarily their fault for whatever upbringing that they had received.

What's your character's backstory?
Nyoko Kaeda, the eldest of her three ‘sisters’. Born into the Kaeda family, much was expected of her, and that definition entangled her entire life. Nyoko was born as the eldest child of Sana and Yoshitsugu Kaeda (the only child), who were the two founding members of The Koeda Branch. After the marriage of Umeko Otori and Hajime Kaeda, these three branches (Rūtsu, Toranku, and Koeda) were formed as a separation of power to be given to the family for whenever Hajime would inevitably pass away due to his. . relatively old age. Umeko and Hajime had three children, none of which could eligibly take either the Kaeda or Otori child, especially since Umeko had other children from her prior marriage. Therefore, it was agreed upon that the firstborn child of each branch would take up the lead as soon as Hajime died. Unfortunately, this did not happen right away, as Umeko became temporarily titled Matriarch of both the Kaeda and Otori families in his absence, meaning all affairs would be titled by her. At least, this is what was brought to light.

Due to Umeko’s new reign, she decided to continue with the family her way. The woman began to treat the three girls as her three daughters, raising them to respect her as such, despite them being her grandchildren. So, the woman raised them in a traditional Japanese manner, her lineage would continue, and so would her bloodline. The woman would ensure this. Nyoko was the first of her tests, as she was roughly four years older than her second daughter, Hanae. When Nyoko turned twenty-five, she was married into the Fujimoto family, and arranged to marry Rubeus Fujimoto. Umeko offered them a lifetime of prosperity, as did she money. . earnings, anything to get them to stay. And boy, did she have plenty of it. Umeko Otori was no woman to mess with, therefore Nyoko decided to remain quiet and continue on with her new life. One with someone she was meant to love, meant to show affection to.

Let’s go back a bit. Nyoko had a strange childhood, she was trained to be a quiet, respectful girl, never picking fights and never talking back. She always kept her head held high, her shoulders back, and a respectable title. Her mother was a lawyer, her father was a journalist. They were an inseparable pair, one that Nyoko always looked up to and wished to live up to one day. Would this happen? Only time could tell. The day that Umeko became the matriarch of the Kaeda family was the day that everything changed, the day that Nyoko Kaeda turned twelve. While she had been used to the proper treatment due to the greatness her family typically expected of her, everything grew far worse on this day. Nyoko was torn from her home in the city and was forced to move to a rural estate, one surrounded by farms and more traditional structures. Something she was not used to. This was the day Umeko began raising her as her own daughter, raising Nyoko how Umeko was taught as an Otori. To grow to have strong blood. She was stripped of all that she knew, and failed to see her parents again after that day.

“Shoulders back, nose up, smile present.”
The words that Nyoko heard every, single, day. She went through eight new years of training, relearning everything that she knew. Learning how to be the perfect daughter. Learning how to mimic an Otori. How to fill the void that Umeko had since her parents had been murdered. That was Nyoko’s job now, that was the expectation that had been placed on her since childhood. As she grew older, and wiser, not much changed for her. When Nyoko was told she was to have an arranged marriage when she turned twenty, she was furious. The woman began retaliating against her grandmother, doing any little thing to undermine the woman. But slowly, her spirit was torn from her, as was any fight that she had left. She accepted that she had to be married, and when she turned twenty-five, this was lived. It was a grand, almost royal wedding. Many people had appeared, many people she hadn’t known. She and Rubeus had talked maybe two times in the five years she had left of freedom, he seemed kind at the time.

Years went by, Nyoko remained quiet and kept her cards close to her chest. Rubeus was a foul, manipulative man. Much different from what she had originally seen of him. With this, he was abusive, and a compulsive liar. Though, they later had two children, Futaba and Kiyomi Kaeda, the lights of her life. While they might favour their father, and might not be quite around as much as Nyoko would like. . she sincerely loves them both, more than most of the people in her life. She’s remained strong and therefore decided to apply for KPD.
Wait, why the police department? Why Karakura? It started after Nyoko made a sudden choice to evacuate from her home. She took her kids, Futaba and Kiyomi, and left their rural abode in a hurry. They didn’t tell Rubeus, didn’t even give him any sign of where they would go to. Nyoko just needed an escape, she needed an out from this figment of a life she had been given, the taunt of having a nearly perfect image that had constantly been taken from her. When Nyoko learned her sister, Hanae Kaeda, had moved to Karakura to join their grandmother, she was overjoyed and decided to use it as her ‘excuse’. The only out she had of this lie of a life she was living. For three years Nyoko went without contacting her husband, and during this time, she trained. She learned how to be stronger, more independent, and a better mother for her children. She also started learning more about law, originally deciding to be a lawyer. . however, she quickly decided that was not the path for her.

Nyoko still sought reassurance, something that only she knew she could put her talents to use in. Now is when we introduce Nyoko’s first initial introduction to the KPD. She saw a small flyer for their most recent applicant process and decided to take the leap. She had no prior training at all, but she knew somewhat of the Otori’s martial arts skills and knew her grandmother would be grateful to teach her as she passed it off as a casual thing. Therefore, Umeko assigned her youngest grandchild, Kaede Otori, and one of her personal aids, [I cannot say this name :>], to train Nyoko to be the best she could be. However, only time could tell before Umeko saw through her. And oh how she did. Umeko lashed out one day and tore Nyoko from her training, questioning where Rubeus had been. Nyoko made plenty of excuses, but it was inevitable for him to return. For her life to return to its mundane, typical structure.
But, Nyoko wasn’t going to let this happen. She was now driven more than ever to seek something of her own will, something that she could control, what she could manage. Therefore, she kept striving for her goal, seeking to become an officer for the local police department. Kaeda’s will was strong, something that stemmed from the Otori lineage that would unfortunately pass through her. Nyoko would attempt to become a police officer, no matter how she had to do it.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. It's broadly considered a lethal weapon and can be seen as a threat in most cases. Along with this, it's not needed for any sort of everyday use. Pocket knives can be considered lethal in certain situations, and having this unstable advantage, even in an act of self-defense, works in a hostile way. Many other methods of protecting yourself deem themself less inhumane and are much more preferred. Possession of illegal weaponry finds itself to 3 months in jail due to its brutality. It’s rather immoral in itself to manufacture such an item of power, as to why the bail is placed highly to reflect that of the jail time."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
1. Paracetamol | Max. purchase: 3 | Importance: Used for temporary pain relief (cuts, abrasions, concussions) Side effects: Allergic reaction--rash, swelling, persistent fever Group: Pain medication

2. Iron Supplements | Max. purchase: 3 | Importance: Used to treat iron deficiency or certain types of anemia Side effects: Upset stomachs, constipation, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain/cramps, and diarrhea - to seizures Group: Dietary supplements

3. Melatonin | Max. purchase: 3 | Importance: Commonly used to help control how and when a patient sleeps - used in older patients and those with insomnia Side effects: Headaches, dizziness, nausea, restlessness, irritability, dry mouth, itchiness, drowsiness, and strange dreams. Group: Dietary supplements

4. Wooden Cane | Max. purchase: 2 | Importance: An assistive cane is used for those with mobility issues Side effects: N/A Group: Medical devices

5. Glasses | Max. purchase: 2 | Importance: Uses lenses that are built in a way to help and treat an individual who has poor eyesight through vision correction Side effects: N/A Group: Medical devices

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“Be extraordinarily cautious when approaching the situation. If I was to see my colleague assaulting an inmate, I would immediately page my higher-up through a private channel before I take caution to remove all lethal objects from my body, storing them out of reach. After I’ve taken these precautions, I would wait to see if my higher commanding officer has responded before anything bad has happened between the officer and inmate. However, if nothing has been done/said in a reasonable amount of time, I’d have to inform my higher officer that I am going to go in and separate the two. Making sure I have nothing that can cause harm, I could approach this situation based on two specific traits. Does the officer have something that could cause harm, or not? If they do not have a weapon or item that could cause harm, then I would try to talk to them calmly out of the situation, attempting my best to separate the officer and inmate. Once I had them separate, I would force my officer to wait as I ensured the inmate was resecured and not injured, if they were injured I would send them to the infirmary with a separate officer. If not, I would keep them in the cell.”

“If my fellow officer, however, had some form of weapon, I would have to assess the situation with a higher level of caution. I would try to enter the cell and remove the weapon, without or with force for best result. If the weapon is still in action, I would try to take it from the cell before everything else. Once it is secured and out of the cell, I would move back into the cell and remove the officer from the cell to the best of my abilities, ensuring there was some form of surveillance for my own safety. When the officer was secured out of the cell, I would have to place them in a separate holding area to pend investigation for their actions, as they can be considered dangerous. After doing this, I would proceed with what I’ve stated above.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“This depends highly on the situation. Though, the first thin that I’d ensure to do is to make sure that somebody knows of the situation so they can relay this information to our other officers. After this, depending on if I get a reply or not, I would almost immediately spring into action, threatening for the criminals to back away from my colleague as I use whatever tools I have at my discretion to get my co-worker out of that situation in an orderly manner. If the criminals suddenly decided to switch up midway through their actions, I would ensure that my officer is safely escorted out before I fend for myself, ensuring I do my best to escape the situation with as much minimal harm done to both parties. Entering and exiting this fight, it’s my priority to ensure that all my resources are accounted for, such as my body cam, baton, cuffs, pepper spray, and any other important item on my personnel. If something is missing, I would wait for the backup to arrive before taking the precaution to pat down every party that made themselves present. My top goal is to help my co-worker escape so that they face minimal damages.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“Well, there wouldn’t be much that I could do to physically intervene but I would try my best to get as much information about my co-worker’s affairs and the criminal organizations that they are helping with. However I’ve first found out about these criminal organizations, I would make it my priority to inform one of my superiors about this issue while making sure to clear my own name from this ordeal. If I found out about these associations in the midst of being with my colleague and the criminal organizations, I would try my hardest to get OUT of that situation while remaining professional, discreet, and safe. I make it my utmost priority to keep myself safe as I have a family who is looking to have me return by the end of the day, and I expect to make this request met. Moving forward on this issue at hand, I will try my best to work with the officer in trying to gain the trust of both them and the criminal organizations, without forging myself into some lethal deal, while relaying all information best to my commanding officer to ensure that the best result is produced for us and the police department as a whole.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“I wouldn't take to the criminal’s words rather kindly, but I would approach the situation with a laid-back attitude. Addressing the criminal and their wish with patience, I would attempt to get as much information about the bribe and the deal that they wish to make without 1. Causing potential danger to myself or 2. Getting in conflict with another officer because they don't know what I'm doing. So, how would I react to this criminal in short? Well, I would take their offer in acceptance as an “until further notice” and then report to my direct higher-up about this deal. Clearly, I would make sure to not agree with anything that could cause danger to me or endanger any of my colleagues and family members. With the authority of my higher commanding officer, then I would move to enact the deal, busting the criminals mid-act.”​
Last edited:


Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to place your application on PENDING.

Why have I been placed on Pending?
Your application was temporarily placed on pending for its future reviewal at a
later date during a future application wave because of the following reason:
We liked your application, but we currently have no open slots.
During next wave, we will review your application as long as you're still willing to
join the faction. However, you won't have to re-apply to be eligible for the next wave.

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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