Bon's Shop Application
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I have been consistently active on the server for around 3-4 years now I’d like to say, however my original appearance on the server dates back later than that. I would occasionally pop up when I was younger but I take active part in the community thus I am around a lot more. I’ve been online almost daily for the past 3 years of activity. I’d say right now, my activity is a 9/10 purely because I am not online every single day, however when I am online it is for hours at a time, which evens the scale out.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, of course. I wouldn’t apply for this role if I thought I’d go inactive as I know how much time and dedication shopkeepers need to maintain a business.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Accepted Applications (xBonnie):
French Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/language-application-french.24825/
Russian - https://schoolrp.net/threads/language-application-russian.25652/
School Council - https://schoolrp.net/threads/school-council-application.26495/
German - https://schoolrp.net/threads/language-application-german.29985/
Psychiatrist - https://schoolrp.net/threads/xbonnie-psychiatrist-application.31357/
Professor - https://schoolrp.net/threads/xbonnie-college-professor-application.31892/
School Nurse - https://schoolrp.net/threads/xbonnies-school-nurse-application.37008/
Judge - https://schoolrp.net/threads/judge-xbonnies-application.41282/
Professor - https://schoolrp.net/threads/professor-application-mathematics.48375/
KPD - https://schoolrp.net/threads/xbonnie-kpd-application.50094/
School Council - https://schoolrp.net/threads/school-council-application-xbonnie.53059/
Surgeon - Surgeon Application | yBonnu | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
3D Modeller - Accepted - 3D Modeller Application | xBonnie | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted ALT applications (yBonnu):
Russian - https://schoolrp.net/threads/russian-language-application.34496/
JSL - https://schoolrp.net/threads/jsl-application.37937/
Event - https://schoolrp.net/threads/ybonnu-event-team-application.40542/
Musical Theatre Club - https://schoolrp.net/threads/musical-theatre-club-application.47982/
Professor - Accepted - Heffalumpsie | Professor Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied/Pending/Unreviewed Applications:
Athletics Club - https://schoolrp.net/threads/athletics-club-application.38636/
Jin - https://schoolrp.net/threads/language-application-xbonnie.48602/
Shop -
French Application - https://schoolrp.net/threads/language-application-french.24825/
Russian - https://schoolrp.net/threads/language-application-russian.25652/
School Council - https://schoolrp.net/threads/school-council-application.26495/
German - https://schoolrp.net/threads/language-application-german.29985/
Psychiatrist - https://schoolrp.net/threads/xbonnie-psychiatrist-application.31357/
Professor - https://schoolrp.net/threads/xbonnie-college-professor-application.31892/
School Nurse - https://schoolrp.net/threads/xbonnies-school-nurse-application.37008/
Judge - https://schoolrp.net/threads/judge-xbonnies-application.41282/
Professor - https://schoolrp.net/threads/professor-application-mathematics.48375/
KPD - https://schoolrp.net/threads/xbonnie-kpd-application.50094/
School Council - https://schoolrp.net/threads/school-council-application-xbonnie.53059/
Surgeon - Surgeon Application | yBonnu | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
3D Modeller - Accepted - 3D Modeller Application | xBonnie | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Accepted ALT applications (yBonnu):
Russian - https://schoolrp.net/threads/russian-language-application.34496/
JSL - https://schoolrp.net/threads/jsl-application.37937/
Event - https://schoolrp.net/threads/ybonnu-event-team-application.40542/
Musical Theatre Club - https://schoolrp.net/threads/musical-theatre-club-application.47982/
Professor - Accepted - Heffalumpsie | Professor Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied/Pending/Unreviewed Applications:
Athletics Club - https://schoolrp.net/threads/athletics-club-application.38636/
Jin - https://schoolrp.net/threads/language-application-xbonnie.48602/
Shop -
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
I am in the Hospital Faction as Clinical Manager and I am on the College Volleyball Team.
What shop are you applying for?:
I am applying for Ryuketsu, formally a restaurant. I intend to keep the food service dynamic of this property whilst also rebranding with a unique idea I have yet to see in the town faction. If this property becomes unavailable, I will happily wait until another becomes free for the taking.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I have applied for shopkeeper twice before. The first application is dated back in 2021, when I applied I didn’t have too many grand ideas and I believe the denial was fair. The second time was in 2022 when I applied for a cosmetics shop. My reasoning for denial was my item list, so with this application I want to make sure I dot all of my I’s and cross all of my T’s. Shopkeeper is a unique role, and one difficult to come by due to the competitive nature of the role. Despite that, I still want to give it another go. In my application I have worked hard to make sure everything is planned out thoroughly to make sure that my shop will create a new and exciting experience for the players of SchoolRP. I want not only to serve food, but to give customers a show too.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
I love writing, which brought me to SchoolRP in the first place. With that in mind, I’d like to own a shop that allows customers and employees to properly roleplay with one another. One tendency I’ve noticed with already existing shops is that customer / employee interactions have become more tedious. There’s less drama and character and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I mean it’s a shop after all, a service providing desired items to its consumers. However, I’d like to do more than that. Personally, I love in-character theatrics and pizazz. With that in mind… let me introduce you to Betty’s Diner.
Betty’s Diner is a blend of Karen’s Diner, Hardrock Cafe, Musical Dining and Mystic Grill all in one. Taking the best bits from each restaurant to create the ultimate experience; dinner and a show. As of late, a lot of influencers rave about these unique food service places on the internet and I thought, we don’t really have anything like that in Karakura, let's change that. With the help of a friend, the name Betty’s Diner was created as we bounced ideas off one another. I think it’s a fitting name and will help create the atmosphere I’m going for. To give you an idea of the atmosphere I’m trying to create, I’ve made a moodboard to give you a rough idea of my plans.
As you can see, lots of pink, blue and chequered patterns! I love the neon lights and the retro feel these interiors give me. I also really love the Hard Rock Cafe pink car that they have in the middle of their restaurant. I think it really adds to the rock n’ roll vibe of that cafe. I’d love to have this sort’ve thing myself. With the help of my friend Iris, we’ve come up with a build to be implemented into the server. I’ve attached pictures below so you can take a look for yourself. I took a lot of inspiration from Vampire Diaries oddly enough. They have a grill in the show called Mystic Grill and it’s a place where all of the kids and townsfolk go to hang out, listen to music and play pool. I really loved the concept and I was always jealous as I wanted to go to the Mystic Grill. So I’m doing myself a favour here and creating this Diner in Karakura. I have a LOT more photos of the interior of this build. If you're curious about what other spots of the shop looks like, please get in touch @bonnu and I will gladly share those photos with you.
Now that you’ve got an idea of the atmosphere, let's get into the show! If you aren’t familiar with Karen’s Diner, it’s essentially a retro diner where the staff are supposed to act poorly with the customers, and to be deliberately bad at their job. The customers are encouraged to give the same energy back, as the idea pokes fun at people who give actual servers or retail workers a hard time for no good reason. I wanted to play with this idea however I didn’t want to completely rip it off either. I think the idea is good but for Karakura, things could get out of hand fairly quickly. So, instead of having Betty’s employees rip on customers and vice versa, I would like the servers to take on characters. We’d have designated character persona’s for all of the employees, and they’d act as their character would throughout the shift. This was inspired by a TikTok influencer by the name of Drew Talbert, he has a series where he plays different characters in a restaurant called Bistro Huddy. It’s a great series and I recommend it as it may help you get an idea of where I’m going with this. Anyway, the servers would essentially take on these persona’s, some will be sassy, some will be bubbly, some will be mopey and the others will be hot-headed etc. The fun part is the customer won’t know which type of server they’ll get until they come inside. I think it’s an interesting turn of events, as most servers worry about the type of guests they’ll be serving. This way, the roles are reversed and the customers can “collect them all” in a sense. Of course, there will be limitations to the employee’s behaviour, they cannot outright swear at a customer or give them a whole bunch of freebies because they’re supposed to be nice. We’d like to make this a fun and interesting experience for all parties involved. Oh, and we cannot forget the role of Betty. Betty will be played by my character, Barbra Roberts. The owner of the diner! I have written some examples of how the employees will be trained to interact with guests. Servers will need to have decent grammar and punctuation but we can build on the actual character writing together. Having examples of the person's behaviour should help the employees have an easy enough time putting on a show. Betty’s Diner will also be available for private hire, so big parties can come in for a night of food, drinks and music with no interruptions!
The Bar
I want to bring in as many different audiences and age groups as I can to the diner, so we will also have a bar in the diner. The bartenders will not have character personas, so for anybody who isn’t interested in the show side of the diner, can take a seat at the bar and be served the name food and drink anybody else would. I understand that not everybody is a fan of the pizazz and theatrics I intend to add, but might still be interested in the food and our normal dining experience. I want to give people the option to opt out by having the casual bar setting too. That goes for people looking for work who aren’t all about the show either. Bartenders will not be required to play a part like the servers, and will be a separate role for people to apply for. I want to reach as many people as possible and hopefully with this I will be doing so.
Open Mic Nights
We will also be playing a retro music playlist throughout the shift. That will be my main priority during an opening, making sure the music is popping! Music is a passion of mine, especially the in-character kind. That’s why I also want to introduce ‘Open Mic Nights’ at Betty’s Diner. These nights will be for people who love to karaoke or even those in a band and plan on making it their career. The night will be all about singing, dancing and cheap alcohol. What’s not to love?
Food Eating Challenge
Ever seen those shows of people taking on massive meal challenges? I want to try and recreate this in-game. Obviously, it’s fairly easy to eat quickly in Minecraft… it’s not real after all. That’s why it’ll be based on a rolling system. The challenge is called Betty’s Buffet. The buffet will consist of a variety of dishes for the player to try and “eat before the timer runs out”. Whoever takes on the challenge will be given a number to roll to OOCly. The player must then roll out of 150, if they roll the exact number, they win. If the player wins, they get Betty’s Buffet for free, as well as a one-time use voucher for Betty’s Diner worth 15,000 yen. What a deal! If the player does not roll the number, they lose and will have a bill to pay at the end of their visit for Betty’s Buffet as well as some good ol’ fashion public humiliation. The food in total will be worth 10,000 yen. Meaning if they succeed, they gain an extra 5000 yen to spend at Betty’s and essentially win 25,000 yen worth of food for free. This challenge only becomes available when Betty announces so during an opening, and will only be open for one person. The winner will also get their name carved permanently on Betty’s Wall of Winners! What an honour.
Betty's Logo
For Betty’s Logo, I was thinking of something more classic. I started off with just some basic research, looking into some already existing logos. One example of a classic logo I liked is Luke's Diner from Gilmore Girls. I wanted to logo to have that neon vibe I spoke about earlier, that was an important factor. I had the help of batchi when it came to the logo design, thank you. With her help, four designs were created, and two were finalised. So we have two to work with. The main logo will most likely be the one on the right, however I intend on using both.
Of course, with the social media platform currently thriving with the teens, I had to have an Onrain account too. We'd post updates and cute photographs of openings on there to gain hype for Betty's Diner. A lot of clubs take photos of busy nights and upload them, I want to do that sort of thing but with the Diner. Especially on Karaoke nights!
Private Bookings
Private parties is not unusual for a lot of Karakura's establishments, and it's something I also plan to offer. I just wanted to go into detail of some of the packages we'd offer. So we have quite a large space with booths along the sides of the walls, however the tables in the middle can easily be taken away. With that in mind, I'd like to make sure our restaurant can fit any large parties needs, such as a teen's birthday party or a work dinner. We'd give the party the opportunity to make any adjustments to the layout of our floor to fit their needs, such as adding a dance floor or some larger tables in the middle of the room etc. We would also be able to offer entertainment which would come as an extra charge to the booking. This entertainment could be a DJ or a band etc. Mostly music based, if they have any special requests we'd try our best to meet their needs for the booking. If they choose to seek out their own entertainment, they can do so at no extra cost. There would be a deposit sum they'd have to pay towards the booking and depending on the size of the party, a certain amount the party as a whole will be required to spend.
What will you sell in your shop?:
I didn't want people to get tired of my shop or its items. That was something that held me back last time I applied, thus I've come up with a solution. The show will be the main thing that attracts people to the restaurant, yes. However the food will also look delicious enough that people come back for more! I've taken the designs into my own hands, as a 3D modeller on the server, I will have no issue getting these implemented. I'd also love to use some of the older models that exist; however the main star of the show will be the restaurant's customs. There are a lot of items on my list, I would gradually add to the list and start with fewer than the list below.
I’ve made up some of the customs I’d plan to add to the restaurant. I have more ideas in mind that I’ve listed below, but I thought I’d make a couple too so you could get a glance at the aesthetic I’m going for with Betty’s food. I think these look like real classic diner items.
Here is the list of items I’d like to sell:
- Betty’s Burger
- Betty’s Vegan Burger
- Chicken Sandwich
- BBQ Fries
- Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
- Salad
- Cheesy Pizza Slice
- Bento Box
- Sushi
- Takeout Noodles
- Nakamura Ramen
- Rice Bowl
- Beef Curry
- Lamb Donburi
- Ketchup Hotdog
- Mustard Hotdog
- Fried Chicken
- Lasagna
- Bacon & Egg Toastie
- French Fries
- Fish and Chips
- Cheesecake
- Ice Cream Sundae
- Swiss Roll
- Cookies
- Water Bottle
- Americano
- Orange Juice
- Oreo Milkshake
- Strawberry Milkshake
- Hot Chocolate
- Beer Can
- Beer Jug
- Wine Bottle
- Glass of Wine
- Sake Bottle
- Gin Bottle
- Tequila Bottle
- Betty’s Burger
- Betty’s Vegan Burger
- Chicken Sandwich
- BBQ Fries
- Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
- Salad
- Cheesy Pizza Slice
- Bento Box
- Sushi
- Takeout Noodles
- Nakamura Ramen
- Rice Bowl
- Beef Curry
- Lamb Donburi
- Ketchup Hotdog
- Mustard Hotdog
- Fried Chicken
- Lasagna
- Bacon & Egg Toastie
- French Fries
- Fish and Chips
- Cheesecake
- Ice Cream Sundae
- Swiss Roll
- Cookies
- Water Bottle
- Americano
- Orange Juice
- Oreo Milkshake
- Strawberry Milkshake
- Hot Chocolate
- Beer Can
- Beer Jug
- Wine Bottle
- Glass of Wine
- Sake Bottle
- Gin Bottle
- Tequila Bottle
How many employees do you plan to have?:
I intend on hiring 20+ servers with 5 managers to help me run things. I would hire based on an application and possible interview if deemed necessary to get more information from whomever is applying for a position at Betty’s Diner. I want to have as much help on board as I possibly can to assure that the business runs smoothly and profit comes in as needed. Here is a mock-up of the uniform I would like to have for my staff. I will make alternate versions to fit all characters.
I will also have five hostess' who greet customers and seat them at a table. Their job will also be to keep track of how many tables are occupied and how many are available. Their job is to assign customers to different sections as equally as possible for the servers. Servers aren't to greet customers at the door but greet them at their table after they've been escorted their by a hostess. There will be 3 different sections in the restaurant in total. Tables will be split up equally between two of the sections, the other section will be the bar. If necessary, two servers will be assigned per section, however ideally we'd strive for one server per section.
[Shopkeeper] - Barbra Roberts
[Manager] - 5 SLOTS
Barbra Roberts, the owner of Betty’s Diner is a thirty-seven year old woman who moved to Karakura from America. She moved with her three children for a Culinary Professor position at Karakura Community College, however Barbra longed for something else. Little Roberts always dreamed about owning her own restaurant, she was a true foodie at heart, right from the beginning. She loved to cook and she was good with kids, hence her original career move. Although she enjoyed the job whilst it lasted, owning her own restaurant was always the goal. Feeding others delicious meals was her love language, her kids were very familiar! Barbra got to work and after a lot of hard work and dedication, Betty’s Diner was born. Named after her mother dearest.
Additional notes about your application:
I started working on this idea a few days ago and as you can see, I've made a lot of progress in very little time. Imagine what I could achieve as a shopkeeper with this efficiency and passion!
Do you have any questions?:
No, thank you for reading.
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