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Surgeon EMS Application | SuitKink


Level 59

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

SuitKink <- Account I’m applying with

DrainingFeeling <- Main Account | College Swim Account
PuppyFeeling <- Professor Account
YerStalker <- Snail Account
HvnnyBvnnie <- Highschool Account

Previous bans:


Describe your activity on the server?:

I’m an 8/10! I’m on every day after school and on all day on the weekends! In November after I get my license, I’m going job hunting and plan to have a work schedule on the weekdays after school so I’ll be online after work of course! But yeah! I’m pretty active within SRP!

Which timezone are you in?:


Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?:


Do you have a microphone?:

I sure do!

List your current and past applications:

Senketsu's Librarian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Receptionist Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Dutch Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
German Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Russian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Norwegian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Kasper's History Teacher Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Yasuno's Korean Application [DENIED] <- OLD

Bo's JSL Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Izumi's French Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Izumi's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Finneas King's Korean Application [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Slot [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Slot [DENIED]
Karma's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Montsuki's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Hayden's Italian Application [ACCEPTED]
Hayden's Height Application [ACCEPTED]

+ Staff application but because those are private I will not be linking it. [Not Reviwed]

SuitKink's Shop Application [DENIED] <- Most Recent
Fukui's Dutch Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Fukui's Hospital Staff Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Marceline's JSL Application [ACCEPTED]
Marceline's Height Application [ACCEPTED]
Fukui's Nurse Application [ACCEPTED]
Marceline Marie's KPD Application [DENIED]

Dallas's Spanish Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD

Mitsuba's German Application [ACCEPTED]
Russian Application [ACCEPTED]
Russian Application [DENIED]
Katsuo Hakye Marie's Professor Application [ACCEPTED]

None. Just a snail account <3

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:

I have tons! I’ve been roleplaying for the longest time and had joined SRP in late 2016. I started getting more into detailrp around 2018-2019 and improved those skills over the years. I love to detailrp when I have the chance to. When I was a nurse I detail-rp’d to my heart's content and had a lot of fun with it! I even detail as much as I can when I teach my college classes as professor! Not only do I detailrp out within jobs but within just regular actions. My favorite type of roleplay is of course romancerp. So I love detailing out cute romantic moments between characters. It’s so wholesome and adorable.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:

Well, I’ve been taking my time over the past two years experiencing different aspects of SRP. I’ve done faculty, and want to try EMS next. As I already loved being a nurse, I thought I’d try to get more into it with EMS and come for Surgeon! I have had friends and do have friends within the EMS community who absolutely love being a part of it and have supported and boosted my motivation to finally apply for EMS.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist):


Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:

The role I’m going for is Surgeon and my knowledge upon their role would be that they are a doctor who specializes specifically in evaluating and treating conditions that may require, well . . . surgery! Or things that are physically challenging to the human body. Surgeries can not only be to done diagnose but also treat disease or injury. When in the operating room, surgeons lead a team of other doctors and nurses to make sure that the procedure that they are working on goes smoothly.

There are many different types of surgery. Open surgery requires the surgeon to cut into the skin to see into the patient's body. Minimally invasive surgery requires smaller entry points to make repairs and take tissue samples. It generally has a less recovery time than open surgery does. But, not all surgeries have a minimally-invasive option.

There are different surgeons for each area of your body, ones that they specialize in if you will for the patient's body, and each uses a variety of techniques. Some of the most common surgery specialties are:
General surgeon: A general surgeon operates on a wide range of conditions that can affect almost any part of the body.

Colon and rectal surgeon: These surgeons deal with patients who have issues in any part of their intestines.

Neurosurgeon: Neurosurgeons normally deal with disorders and illnesses related to the patient's brain and nervous system.

Obstetrician and gynecologist: These have two areas of expertise! The first one involves working with pregnant women, delivering babies, and caring for babies after they’re born, The second is treating conditions related to the female productive system.

Ophopedic surgeon: One of the duties that a ophodic surgeon has is doing surgical procedures to correct eye and visual problems.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeon: This specific surgeon operates on the head, neck, face, and jaw of a patient.

Orthopedic surgeon: Orthopedic surgeons treat issues of the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, muscles, joints, arteries, associated nerves, and overlying skin.

Otolaryngologists: These surgeons are also called ear, nose, and throat doctors because they specialize in those body parts.

Pediatric surgeon: Pediatric surgeons work with children which range from newborns to teenagers.
Plastic and maxillofacial surgeon: Plastic surgeons do cosmetic surgeries as well as handle the repair, replacement, and body reconstruction of the body.

Thoracic surgeon: These surgeons are also called cardiac or cardiothoracic surgeons, these doctors specialize in operating on your heart and other chest organs.

Vascular surgeon: Vascular surgeons operate on your circulatory systems.

Within SRP, the surgeon role will take place of all of those specialties and will have to operate for all and more that were listed above.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:


The director is in charge of patient care, setting work schedules, and making budgetary and management decisions within the staff. They are also responsible for making any personal decisions, coordinating meetings, and creating safe environments that promote patient engagement.

Clinical Manager:

The clinical manager maintains responsibility for all of the administrative aspects of a clinical facility. They have some responsibility for onboarding new employees, training existing employees, auditing clinic operations, establishing a budget, reviewing treatment plans, or communicating with the executives.

Clinical Lead:

The clinical lead are healthcare professionals who oversee the work of other clinicians. They may be doctors, nurses, or other types of health professionals. Their job is to ensure that all clinical staff are working efficiently towards the same goals.

Head Department:

The head department is responsible for staffing, overseeing operations, setting priorities, and managing budgets among many other tasks to ensure the hospital can run efficiently.

Attending Positions:

The attending positions provide patients comfort by utilizing resources and materials, transporting patients, answering patients’ call lights and requests, and reporting observations of the patient to nursing supervisor.


Surgeons operate on patients to treat injuries, such as broken bone; diseases, such as cancerous tumors; and deformities, such as cleft palates. They are responsible for the preoperative diagnosis of the patient, for performing the operation, and for providing the patient with postoperative surgical care and treatment.


Doctors work to maintain, promote, and restore health by studying, diagnosing, and treating injuries and diseases. Doctors generally have six core skills: Patient care. Doctors have to provide compassionate, appropriate, and effective care to promote health and treat health problems in their patients.


Psychiatrists are a branch of doctors of medicine that is focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. They study human behavior and psychology, and in practice, they diagnose and treat psychological and emotional disorders. On a daily basis, they meet with, listen to, and observe patients. From these interactions, a psychiatrist develops treatment plans to help alleviate their client's mental distress.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

I fully acknowledge that I can be demoted during my acceptance of the role at any given time.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

I fully acknowledge that upon applying for this role, i’m agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the hospital staff role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?

I fully acknowledge that during training and I am online, I must be participating and attend the training or proper punishment will be given.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

I fully acknowledge to not take things OOCly when dealing with trainings and further situations.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Izumi is a Dutch male who stands at 6'5 with a confident expression. His smile always felt warm and inviting toward those around him. He has brown messy soft hair to compliment his pastel muted green eyes shined with such adoration.

Izumi would be placed in the ENFP personality type which means he’s a people-centered creator who focuses on possibilities and has a contagious enthusiasm for new ideas, people, and activities. He’s energetic, warm, and passionate and loves to help others explore their creative potential. He has a strong sense of imagination and holds a great deal of enthusiasm for life. He may seem overwhelming at times, but looking for ways to help others explore their creativity. He’s pretty pleasant, supportive, and an equal to his colleagues. He’s typically easygoing and maintains a happy mentality.

What are they like on and off the job?

During the job, he’s always finding a way to keep his hands full so he doesn’t get bored while waiting on patients. He likes to stay productive or if he has nothing to keep busy he’ll make that normal conversation for those who aren’t doing anything either as he makes himself some coffee! During his actual work with patients, he makes sure to get some proper background on the situation and what needs to be worked on/looked at during the operation. When he’s off the job, he’s usually like said, keeping himself busy. He’s a busy bee if you will! He might be found typing away at a computer on some document for quota logs or just documenting some journaling for himself to keep himself on track. During those times when he’s off duty, he usually tries to make some sort of social plan with a fellow co-worker who shares an off-duty day with him and see if they’d like to do some fun activity together! If he’s by himself, he’s usually found in the plaza or beach trying to form connections with others or entertaining himself with a sandcastle or any animals that roam the island. He loves talking to people. It’s a huge part of who he is.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:

For his Co-Workers, he likes to keep things positive! He tries to build healthy connections with them and makes sure to build that healthy connection and communication with them as he is working with them and would hate to create any negative impact on the environment. He loves to bring up conversations with his workers when there's a period of free time when the building is free of patients. For the male's plans for the future, he plans on being a surgeon for his whole life! Studying the human body and getting to see it up close and working with patients just genuinely interests him. He loves seeing how it works and learning about it. It grows quite the interest for the male. He has grown up his whole life wanting to become that surgeon, filling all the questions he pondered about.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?:

The only thing that Izumi has on his medical record would be his diagnosis of Attention Deficict Hyperactivity Disorder. He used to take medication for it. He has both the ADD and ADHD. His focus and hyperactivity has been a bit more under control as he has grown older and more under control if you will. He has his own mechanisms to keep him on the task and such.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

December 18th, 1994 in the capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, a baby boy was born into a family of 7 making him be the 8th member. He was given the name Izumi after his father. Growing up in a fairly large family, Izumi had quickly grown accustomed to socialization with others and learning how to work with his siblings despite of course bumps here and there of sibling fights. He grew up in the busy town of Amsterdam, getting used to being surrounded by multiple different people, having the desire to get to know each and every single being that filled that capital. He always had such a desire to get to know people's stories. That's just who he was! He was very popular with making friends during school and of course struggled a bit with paying attention in class, causing him to fail as he was busy doodling on his homework or daydreaming outside the window. He was usually disciplined for talking during lectures which rose concern to his teachers and parents which soon suggested the idea of getting a diagnosis for possible learning disabilities. He was 7 years of age when he was diagnosed with Attention Defictic Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He took all sorts of medications until they found the perfect match fo him when it came to school. During his teen years, he had experimented with himself and tried to explore questions that arose from certain feelings he had toward people. He grew up learning that it’s normal and more accepted for boys to be interested in girls and girls interested in boys when it came to romantic scenarios. He never particularly felt any attraction towards the opposite gender. Females never really seemed to make his heart race the way males had. They never made his stomach hold fluttering butterflies like boys did. He felt confused, frustrated even on how he felt. He began to question it. He researched and researched, still finding himself just confused. He decided to talk to his older brothers about it but they all just gave him weird looks or uncomfortable answers. He just felt like the ods one out. He had completely shut down from the reaction he was given by his brothers, feeling out of place and a complete mess up of the family. His parents, teachers, and friends quickly noticed the sudden change in personality and rose concern, trying to talk to the younger. Eventually, his parents had placed him in therapy, thinking it was depression. Izumi had refused to talk to anyone about it for a while until therapy. Eventually he managed to open up to them and told them about his confusion and frustration before finally learning to come to terms with his sexuality. He opened up a bit more after his year-long therapy sessions but waited a bit longer before coming out to his friends and family. He had to build up that courage which was of course a struggle with his mind stuck in an overthinking state which soon dissolved. His family wasn’t very open-minded about it which Izumi learned the hard way which kept him in some sort of shell until he finally moved out. Once he moved out for college, moving to Karakura, Japan to fulfill his college career, he finally decided to not let others pull him down because of who he was. He didn’t want to hide his true self and became way more social and comfortable within himself and made friends who shared those same struggles growing up. His college years were truly his happiest as he was able to fully be himself and was able to focus on his education instead of worrying so much over why he was struggling with those types of things. When it came to interests for careers, he was more intrigued when it came to his science classes, more specifically units that based around body systems and how they worked. It was so fascinating to him he decided to take that interest further into college and studied around a few sections that poked at human sciences. From learning about the human brain, how people and why people act certain ways to how each body functions, and how they can be different depending on their states of health. He was most excited when it came to dissection labs which guided his path towards the Surgeon profession.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Izumi Kobayashi

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):

Mr. Kobayashi

Characters Given Name(s):



Characters Preferred Name:


Characters Age:


Characters Gender:


Characters Religious Domination:


Characters Marital Status:


Characters Nationality:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:


Working Experience(s):

Ex Head Nurse of Karakura Highschool/College

Academic Degree:


Year of Graduation:




Health Sciences




Native Languages:

Korean (don't have on the account) , Japanese

Other Languages:

Japanese Sign Language


Last edited:


Level 231
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
We appreciate your interest in the Hospital Faction, and we hope you're happy to hear that you have been accepted.

- Refer to the Karakura Emergency Discord as soon as possible for further information.

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