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Accepted veebadoobee's doctor application


Level 79
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


To check my activity, refer to my alt toranekos

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
Right now, I am on like crazy! Every single day from about 4-6 ish BST until around 7 AM. This is not going to be the case, I have my GCSE exams coming up and will only be able to devote 4 ish hours per day to SRP, which will be distributed amongst this account and my football captain. On weekends, I will have more time and will be able to be on later. I can try to make exceptions for training and events..
Again, I have contacted Alex about my schedule :)

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
x4 staff application, unable to link - ACCEPTED/DENIED/PENDING

x1 shrine maiden application, unable to link - ACCEPTED
x1 police app, unable to link due to conversation - ACCEPTED
x1 forensic application, unable to link due to conversation - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED


What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have tried pretty much every role on the server excluding city roles such as governor, etc. I joined the server approximately in 2016, and have left once or twice for my own wellbeing. I’ve introduced a few iconic OCs to the server such as Miyu Masayoshi, Seno Soda, Antigone Gabris and now Ramona Tao-Tamura. I’ve interacted with a multitude of different groups of players, and have participated within a variety of team and rivalry activities, as well as previously being a higher up of the hospital itself.. Of course, I’ve played more than just these in my time on the server - But, let me tell you about some of my favourites!

Antigone Gabris was a stone cold officer. . She transferred from a Greek police department in order to protect & serve in Karakura. Her motivation for this sudden move was unknown, but she was followed closely by a sisterhood of unique women. Gabris was a tough nut to crack, preferring to roam solemnly as opposed to with a partner; she had no friends, nor enemies. . You could call her cruel as she locked up some of those closest to her for their heinous crimes. A strange mission of her’s in particular was uncovering a cold case, involving a maid cafe owner murdering someone!

Tomochin Taikan was for sure a lot to unpack. This kooky lady, often mixed up with her twin sister, was the walking talking CCTV of Karakura. Taikan personally encountered the treacherous beast which terrorised Karakura, known as Metagaoru Tachitsu! Her meticulous work as a news reporter aided in catching him when he was at large. Apart from these dangerous endeavours, Tomochin spent her time as joyous surveillance within the city, better known as a news reporter! If there was an event, this lead reporter was sure to have heard about it. . Though, no one’s ever been in her office, you know?

Seno Soda, the Regina George which redefined cheer as we know it. After a strange hiatus period with a lack of performances and energy, a small yet fierce teenager, daughter of the vice-principal, stepped in to make things right! .. Sort of. She survived a golden age of Bobcats, prancing around like royalty and proving to any old Spartan that she was better than them! This girl was vocal, with a lot of pride. You could often times find her at Kitipara icecream parlour, or getting into all sorts of drama in the housing district. . Joined at the hip to football captain Sora Seong.

Uno Tamanaha, many’s beloved number ONE! Truth be told, she wasn’t the perfect fit to be a cheer captain.. That girl just couldn't stomach all the fighting. Tamanaha was all peace and love, making fashion statements with every outfit. The girl was a gyaru, and stood for the principles of no judgement and good vibes! Her time was short-lived, but she made many friends in her period of captaincy.

Miyu Masayoshi is a name that will forever be burned into Spartan history. She was born and raised in Karakura, continuing the long legacy of the Masayoshi family. Her dad, certainly not biological, was Marion Masayoshi, a well reputed and respected KPD captain. At first, this girl began her story as a skittish and nervous character, hardly socialising and unable to find her clique. There was one or two friends she hung around, till something urged her onto bigger and better things. Then, came the Spartan cheer team. This is when things began to blossom. A huge chunk of her life was spent cheering for the various sports teams, in her own edgy way! Of course, she had her… spontaneous outbursts - but not one person could really stay mad at her. This was the peak for the Spartans, a grand sorority and fraternity overshadowed the housing district, and Miyu was proud of it! Live was lavish, untillll… Her best friend’s father, Karakura’s most wanted black market dealer, killed Marion. Athough, no one won that battle. Both men died. This is when Miyu began to grow violent, and her tale began to come to an end. She dissapeared.
Only to come back and teach drama! This is fairly recent, and short lived.. That life just wasn’t for her.

Reiko Oh is recent enough for some to have met her. I won’t quite call her an archived character, yet.

And now, the character I am most proud of! Ramona Tao-Tamura. She joined the team as a co-captain in order to replace Reiko Oh.. The antisocial, low-spirited woman was a transfer straight from Taguig City, in the Philippines. As one blessing comes, so does another. She was accompanied by Rhiannon, her intriguing goofball of a sister. Mona ran a quiet life, sticking to her clique and not really socialising outside of the team. She was pretty, and rather mysterious. . Until she became captain! It was time to reclaim the pride of the Spartan females. The longer her reign ran, the more untouchable her and her girls became. They walk the halls of Karakura highschool & college, asserting dominance over anyone who so much as steps to them. At the moment, there is almost nothing that can knock her off her podium. . Except maybe that time Kahlil Kesler socked her in the jaw. If you want to know more, why don’t you go meet her?!

What is your motivation for applying?
In all honesty, to help with time management. I don’t want to overwhelm myself with studying this year, as important as it is. After some time dedicated to education, I want to wind down with a few hours every day just for leisure. I enjoy playing different characters and feel good having some sort of responsibility to keep me in check.
I also miss this sort of roleplay. There are hardly any roles which would not stress out my schedule but also involve playing an adult character, sometimes I’m sick of being a bossy 20 year old football captain, and want to experience something a little different!
My motivation is entirely selfish, as I want to better myself through this pastime.. But it would also be nice to roleplay with some new faces.

It's been a while since I was in the hospital faction, and I feel like I achieved a lot, but still have some unfinished business! I do have quite a craving to achieve. With the introduction of new roles, there are more things I haven't tried and would like to do. It'd be great to climb the ranks again and explore the new additions to the faction since it's changed so much.

In addition to this, I want to try out a new character concept. Some of my friends have urged me to do this and it’s definitely caught my interest. Recently, I have played quite stereotypical characters to support my college role. There’s nothing wrong with the good old jock, but I would like something a bit calmer. I’ve spent some time creating a character which I am ultimately really proud of and I need a consistent reason to use her.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
My knowledge is pretty good, considering I used to train it. I am probably not entirely up to date since new things have been implemented but I remember the majority of what I should probably need to.
I can recall casting, MRIs, X-rays, morgue work, checkups and other procedures of that sort! In addition to this, I remember emergency sutures and pharmacy work. If anything has changed since I was in the faction, I may need a recall.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Nope.. Haha, just kidding. Of course

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
As with any role, I do.

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:
Subaru Tengku

Character’s Gender and Pronouns: Female , She/her

Character’s Age (if accepted): 33

Character’s Academic Background
Master’s in medicine, bachelor’s in health and social care

Character’s Nationality: Japanese

Character’s Marital Status: Single

Character’s Religious Denomination: N/A / undecided

Character’s Spoken Languages: Japanese

Backstory (100+ Words)

Subaru Tengku is your typical girl next door.

She’s nothing special, I guess.

You could only describe her childhood as a blur. There were no awards, no clubs - not really many friends. Just a rather melancholy shell of what could’ve been an incredibly expressive child.
Subaru had every right to express herself, had it not been for her father; a stone cold man, you know, the type who picks up the wrong kid from daycare? That was her rock, her one n’ only to look up to in life. And god, did it suck!

There weren’t many opportunities for Subaru to spread her wings. Nothing really was her forte. Sure, she could play the flute, but so did the entire third grade class. Things carried on rather mundanely, and that was her life. Until, something a little curious began to occur.

In the fourth grade, one of her peers had an accident during break. . And there weren’t any teachers around! It was just Subaru, and a couple of friends. . Whatever could they do?!

- “Don’t panic . . I’ll get you a wet paper towel!”
Subaru practically screamed, sprinting to the girl’s bathroom at full speed to wet some tissue for her classmate. By the time she’d return, a teacher or two had already been alerted of the incident. . But she did get there first!

With a smile on her face, she handed over the wet tissue, ultimately saving the devastating case of the sc**** on a knee. You know, it was just a kind gesture, until. .

“Woah, Subaru. That was AWESOME!!!!!”

- “ Really. . ? “
“Yeah, Su. You’re super cool.”

And that was all the validation she needed!

From then on, Subaru made it her mission to save the day. The moment a tussle broke out, if someone fell off their chair, if someone had a headache - she was on it. The remainder of her school life was spent coming to people’s aid, just for the attention, just because she was good at it.

“You know, Subaru. You’ve really got a skill for helping people, why don’t you go into medicine?”

Those were the wisest words Subaru would hear in her entire life, courtesy of her homeroom teacher.
It changed the entire course of her life.

Now, Subaru Tengku had a skill - and motivation! She already had fairly decent grades, considering her surplus of free time, therefore pursuing a path of medicine wasn’t too tricky.
She saved up just enough for her textbooks and resources, borrowing others from friends or finding notes in libraries. Every weekend was spent studying n’ studying for those damn finals. It just had to be perfect.

And it was.

She’d pretty much aced it, you’ll be glad to know. I guess she managed a happy ending.

Now, you want to know how she got to Karakura after her studies?

Despite her not-so-perfect upbringing, her family did frequently travel on business. Karakura just happened to be one of those locations. There was a period of nursing which she participated in, and shortly after that there was the vacancy of a job in Karakura!

So, Subaru got to re-writing that darn CV.

- “Aaand.. Send!”

Looks like she’s just sent it in.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)
Dr. Subaru Tengku’s speciality is Emergency Medicine. Her decision to specialize in emergency medicine was heavily influenced by her strong experience with adventure, quick thinking, and desire to make an impact - to make permanence!. From a young age, she was drawn to playing the “hero” of the story.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Subaru spent a huge portion of her time after medical school working in Japanese emergency rooms. She dealt with various traumas and critical wounds, practicing a multitude of emergency procedures! Apart from this, and a short period nursing, she has no other medical residencies.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Yes, she completed a nursing programme and worked as a nurse abroad for a short period of time, before returning to study.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Indeed, a programme in emergency medicine.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Subaru is. . normal, I suppose? You wouldn't really call her all that attractive though. Her jet black hair curls naturally in some places, though the lower layers are heat damaged and rather straight. The hairstyle she wears, a lazy low bun, isn't all that appealing - with strands sticking out as if she'd been electrocuted !
Her eyes are deep set, and rather full of life. They're a regular brown, but seem to always carry her contagious smile. You know when you can see the sparkle within someone's eye? Amplify that by ten. Her eyes were easily her best feature, outshining the rest of her visage by a mile. Subaru had thick and expressive eyebrows, you can tell she tried to pluck them into shape rather unsuccessfully. Still, they were sort of cute, in a way.
Now, the cherry on top - a big n' broad smile!
It'd be rare to not catch Subaru smiling, regardless of the weather. Her thin lips tend to curve into a smile at any statement thrown at her. .

There was room for improvement, if you were being picky.. But she didn't seem to care for it! There's always something scruffy ongoing with her appearance, though it isn't bad enough for anyone to call her up on it. For example, I bet her shirt is ever-so-slightly untucked by just a centimetre!

There is not much that's special about Subaru's appearance. Nothing stands out to you about this girl. In a crowd full of people, she might just blend in with the girl standing next to her. Maybe it lies within the personality.

How does your character act on and off duty?
There's a fine line between how Subaru would act on and off duty, and it's pretty hard to tell!

On duty, she's just a damn straight ray of sunshine! Any request, query or conversation is treated with utmost joy, and slight tease. . You can bring up anything, without fear of being judged. Sure, she might slide a far-fetched joke between the lines if appropriate, but other than that, nothing but respect. If you're her co-worker, expect little gestures like an apple on your desk in the morning! Don't get it twisted, though, this makes up for the fact that she left you a glitter bomb card there the Monday before that. . Haha.

Then, there's the other half of it!

Outside of work, she's still got her bundle of joy vibe going on. . Just with the Barbie self awareness trope.
Just kidding, it isn't that bad.

Subaru maintains a positive attitude, but sometimes can't help but wonder where she'd be if it hadn't been for that playground incident. Maybe she isn't good at this, at all? It's nothing huge on her mental health, just something that sits in the background of her mind. It's safe to say she copes with it pretty well, and is open about the idea with her friends and family.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Subaru is indubitably a people person. She thrives ten times better when she's around other people, otherwise things get a little lonely. It's harder for her to deal with her own thoughts, as opposed to having someone there for discussions. This girl will never close her mouth, if given the chance to start on something she likes.

What plans does your character have for the future?
. . None.
This is what life is, for Subaru. If she has another one of her 'eureka' moments, then maybe something will advance for her. Right now, she's living in the moment and only for herself. It's far too early to think about the future when she's still trying to grasp the present.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Subaru perceives herself as positive. Someone who doesn't give up and is easily motivated, as well as spreading their motivation upon other people! She's not a self conscious person, having quite a lot of love for herself as a being. Some people might see the constant praise and energy as an annoyance, but she would entirely disagree. It's just her way of life, is something she might argue. To be honest, the way she sees herself and the way she really is isn't all that different. Maybe she thinks a little lowly of herself at times in regards to her job, but that is it.

thx 4 read xoxo



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Level 231
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted!

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 4lx. - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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