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Level 109
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
I do have a microphone & my discord is evan#4096
List your timezone and country:
America - EST
Describe your activity:
Since I’ve graduated high school, I’ve been active a lot more. I’m mostly online during the afternoon & night. (Since I try not to spend every waking hour on minecraft roleplay . . lol.) I would honestly say there’s a bit more time to pass until my vow of activity can be seen, but I do enjoy coming on the server so I try to be as active as I can. I’m only active on my cheer account pitapet, since cheer is the only role I have.
Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:
My last bans were appealed a year after the occurrence in 2019 from the discord & forums (which were punishments from 2018) and my last server appeal was in 2017. I’m happy to link those appeals if asked for them, it’s just been years since then so I didn’t feel the need to.
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):♡-✔.7139/♡.12173/✘.2854/
College Application [discord]
College Professor x2 [private convo]
Club Application x2 [google form]
Staff Application
Col Cheer x2 (Captain for a bit at one point)
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I was a journalist in the past and I thought it was very fun to fulfill. I enjoyed the creative freedom I had with writing anything I wanted to write about, giving a fun twist to things while still keeping professional. (My alien story hehe.) I want to be able to give many serious stories, interviews and an occasional fun report.
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Writing was always something I enjoyed while in school, creative writing in particular. My writing was praised by my teachers all throughout my four years of school & in my Senior year, I took creative writing, a class in which I learned many different styles of writing such as story writing & poetry. It’s generally something that I enjoy, I put my all in, especially when I enjoy what I’m writing about. I kind of see it as an outlet, I always have a billion thoughts running through my mind at once, and writing gets all of those thoughts together and pushes it to the goal of what I'm writing.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I read through the rules while making this application and swear to follow them.
Why should we accept you over others?:
I want to be able to bring a fun side to reporting along with reporting on serious and breaking news that happens in Karakura. (Like Ironside being exploded by a bomb.. ahhaha.) With my brief time as a school journalist, I didn’t see it as my ‘job’ of sorts on the server, but something I thought was fun to do. My favorite story, one that I’ve mentioned in this application already, is my story on aliens in Karakura. I not only want to do crazy things like that, but bring serious reporters on anything I’m able to witness to give the first word. Writing has always been a hidden passion of mine, and I hope to fuel a bit of my passion as a news reporter for the server.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes, of course I do. It’s what makes a reporter, a reporter. You won’t be able to give the people a complete and honest story if you don’t keep it completely unbiased. An example of this is a station having bias towards an electoral candidate to persuade people to vote another way, like releasing an article bashing the candidate they oppose.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I know that I'll be able to. Crazy stuff is always happening in Karakura, it's like reality TV!
Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:
News Reporters are the link to the truth and facts about what is happening to our world to the people of the town. They are expected to be the first to know anything breaking, whether it be the latest scandal with a local band, famous celebrity or criminal activity.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
Tatsuo Terusuno
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title:
Tatsuo Terusuno
Current Age (25+):
Past job/work experience:
Barista for about four years, Assistant Journalist at Allkpop for two years.
A Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Central Florida.
Nationality and born location:
Japanese-American, born in Wahiawa, Hawaii, USA.
Phone Number:
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
I like to think of myself as a mature, handful of a person. I never met my dad and my mom just up and disappeared out of my life. I never felt normal or calm in my life, ever. I lived in America until I was about 11, then moved to South Korea after my adoptive mom’s third husband. I’ve always known chaos, and I’ve grown to love it. There was a moment in my life, where the constant chaos got to me and I had to take time to heal, but now, I live and accept it. Karakura is exactly that, a town in shambles, ridden with gang activity yet with a community which seemingly goes with. I love it. I’m very outgoing and willing to take anything on, I’ve taken almost everything. And I’m ready to take on Karakura.
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I'm mostly interested in reporting on the rising entertainment industry in Karakura, it's what I'm most experienced in. With my work in South Korea, I assisted higher up reporters on gathering information for any breaking scandals, or writing my very own reports on new releases and groups in the music industry. I built connections at my job and brought them across the seas to Japan. I believe that having connections is one of the most important parts of reporting. How else are you supposed to get the first scoop on everything? Other than that, one of the biggest reasons I'm even coming to this town. Criminal activity. Karakura is one of the most dangerous towns in Japan, making it one of the best towns in Japan to work in as a reporter. You basically have a constant flow of stories and events to report on. I want to be the first one to hear about all of them to keep the citizens as informed as possible. I've never done work like this before, I worked in entertainment, not anything like this. I hope that the experiences I'll gain in this town will make me the best reporter around.
What are your expectations for the job?:
I expect danger, drama, excitement and everything in between. I expect to meet an insanely wide range of people, criminals, C-list and hopefully even A-list celebrities, the people who heal and protect and serve, and those who make our laws. I know what to expect with the entertainment and pop culture side of reporting but I quite honestly have no idea what to expect coming to this town. From what I’ve researched about this town, you’ll never know what will happen next. Machine gunner from a helicopter, gang wars, city wide blackouts. But, what I do know is I’m ready for the challenge to come, and I’ll take it with all of my might.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
Disorderly Conduct charge. Icheon, South Korea in 2018.
Disorderly Conduct charge. Seoul, South Korea in 2018.
Disorderly Conduct charge. Miami, Florida, USA in 2019.
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):


You will have to write two ‘reports’ about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you’re found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing player’s about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

Former Karakura Mayor Alex Koji suspected to be dead after sewer explosion

Karakura Police Force and EMR respond to explosions heard coming from sewer gates behind the town’s school after student reports. The explosion from under could be felt in the foundation of the school and throughout.

Police and hospital staff arrive at the scene to find a room in the sewer waste and management department exploded, in ruins, and on fire. Our top doctors and surgeons immediately went to treat the victims found, Mayor Mike Akihito, his two children, one unidentified citizen and what was left of former Mayor Alex Koji.

The three victims were sent to the hospital for immediate treatment and police took samples of the ashes and fragile bones left in the pile of rubble and blood to forensics to collect DNA samples to compare to other previously complied samples to identify the last victim as Alex Koji, the only fatality from this tragic accident.

Although, it’s been labeled as an accident now with what we know, townspeople suspect something else. Why was the Mayor down in parts of the sewers with the former Mayor? what brought them to be in such a terrible place at a very terrible time? Family and friends of former Mayor Koji mourn the loss of their loved one, but some still want answers to why their Mayor was caught up in this, and when he’ll give his people a much needed statement on it all.

Everything is still developing, I am here for the people of this town first, the second I know, you will know. This has been Tatsuo Terusuno reporting for the Karakura News Station. Stay strong, stay safe, and work for your better and brighter tomorrow.

#2 - Interview. It’s important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

Mayor Akihito addresses Karakura after tragic accident

This is Tatsuo Terusuno reporting for Karakura News, and I have the pleasure to sit down with our Mayor, who is esteemed to be able to be here today and address what we have all needed closure to.

[!] The recording began, you could hear distant chairs squeaking before Tatsuo spoke. [!]

TT: Good Afternoon, Mayor Akihito. It’s a great pleasure to be here with you today. I must ask before anything, how are you feeling? Have you been recovering well?

MA: Thank you for asking, it’s a pleasure to have you. I’ve been recovering very well, especially with the renowned team of surgeons and doctors at our local hospital. They’ve treated me and my family very well.

TT: I’m very glad to hear that! I was just going to ask about them as well, how have they been doing?

MA: They’ve been doing as good as they can. It’s been very confusing for them, in general. But, I’ve been spending more time with them to help them heal. They’ve had an excellent team with them as well.

TT: I’m so glad to hear that, we’ve all been worried sick about your entire family. The news team, and your people. Let’s shift to something more, mayoral related now. A week into office, you were faced with way more than expected. Karakura is, well, to not sugar coat it, a crime ridden town. Do you still plan to give it your all? to lower this town's crime rates?

MA: It is one of my top goals to keep this town and its people safe. I’ve closely worked with the police commissioner and his force to do everything we can to bring crime rates down. We’ll increase the police budget so that there will always be someone to report to any scene as soon as possible, and much more for the future.

TT: It’s so refreshing to hear that, I’ve seen so much more in this town than I’ve seen in my entire life. I think of this town as my home, even if I’ve only been here for as short as I have been. What do you have to say to those who don’t feel safe walking down the street to go shopping, or to even go to school?

MA: I can’t say much but to have hope in myself, hope for your town, and hope in yourself. Words are merely words, but I hope these words mean much more than that. This is your home, don’t let people take away your security and happiness of the town you love so much.

TT: Beautiful words, I can tell that you truly care for this town, and I know that the people do as well. Since you’ve taken office, a lot of incidents and criminal activity in the town somehow link back to your clan, what do you have to say about this?

MA: I’ve addressed this one time before, but in a town like ours, where what we thought we could predict, never is what we think will happen. This is another one of those terrible, unpredictable things. It hurts to see my clan's name have harsh accusations thrown towards it, even to say that some members of my clan are apart of it all. I completely condone any violent actions in our town, and if I knew of one my clan members partook in something, anything illegal in the city. They would be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

TT: Alright, good to hear. What do you have to say about this town having some of the highest criminal rates in the country?

MA: Any country has its worst. But, that means nothing if you’re able to improve what is bringing you down. This town has some of the most resilient and diverse people I have ever seen, facing some of the most challenging of times. I don’t think much of the statistics, but I think about the people, the people who make this town great, not those who try to tear it down.

TT: Beautiful words, truly. You inspire so many people in this town to do great. Let’s keep it going, firearms are already near impossible to get in the city, would you ever work to do the same for illegal weaponry?

MA: That would be the dream for this town. I want to keep it as safe as possible for my people, and doing that would mean completely ridding the importation, buying and selling of illegal weaponry. I will always work with our police force to rid the streets as much as we can of this illegal activity, but it’s still an ongoing battle.

TT: Now, let’s talk more about recent events. We all saw how you and your children came out of this accident looking. How and why did you and your children end up down there?

MA: I can’t comment on that at the moment, for the safety of my family and the ongoing investigation into what caused the explosion.

TT: Alright . . How would you describe your relationship with the former Mayor Alex Koji?

MA: I respect him and the work that he did for the town, I was honored to be able to take office after the incredible work he did.

TT: Would you say you’re good friends with him then? If you were considered for such a position without election, you must have worked closely with him.

MA: You could say that.

TT: Is that how you ended up down in the sewer with him? Was it an annual sewer system inspection? Or are you not telling us something?

MA: Inspection, a consult from a respected individual. I cannot comment on more at this time, unfortunately.

TT: There was one more person involved in the accident in the sewers, why were they down there with you? And if it was a consult for an inspection, why were your children down there with you?

MA: I think that’s all for today. Thank you Mr. Terusuno for your time today, I hope to see you again soon.

TT: Alright, you as well Mayor Akihito

[!] The recording cut, suddenly. [!]

And this was all from my chat with the profound Mayor Akihito, I hope that the town can get some much needed answers about the recovery of their Mayor. This has been Tatsuo Terusuno. Stay strong, stay safe, and work for your better and brighter tomorrow.


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

Upon reviewing your application, you have been deemed fit for the reporter role!
Please DM Aania#0117 once you've acknowledged your application so that I can set up your roles!

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