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Recent content by Prosthettics

  1. Prosthettics

    Major Consequences for Major Permissions

    -1 existing rule about leaving combat when mortally wounded is good as it is. A character experienced in fighting and killing can still perform even with one arm (once recovered), this suggestion doesn't make much sense
  2. Prosthettics

    FEEDBACK | Kill Permissions Re-Evaluation

    -1 With major assault permissions being the new norm, players can now keep their mangled characters, sure, however that just means that there's going to be loads of amputees running around. If I were a brand new player logging on to see that loads of people have 'missing arm/leg' in their...
  3. Prosthettics

    GangRP Suggestion & Removal of a certain 'Rule' | Ruin06

    +1 Players arent going to fear imaginary consequences of their actions, make them actually be afraid to commit crime IC because half the time the current police force DOES have members online in the later hours, they're just too busy romancerping on alts or something to log on and respond, the...
  4. Prosthettics

    KIMITSU TOUHEI - Character Biography

    are you guys going to ask her for kps in advance too?
  5. Prosthettics

    Powerplant Suggestion || Chained_

    You can assault & mug people in the powerplant area as long as you have some sort of reason for doing it, examples could be you don't like the way the person talks to you, you want to rob them, you think they're a threat, etc. It's really not difficult to string together a motive as long as one...
  6. Prosthettics


    Very cool biography
  7. Prosthettics


    akihito clan is good at snitching on people
  8. Prosthettics

    Karakura News | The Alex Koji Clapback

    bao stuck in the 1600s
  9. Prosthettics

    Please, revamp the Crime Lead

    ACCEPTED While having an entire 'staff team' to manage one faction really isn't viable, we will do something similar in the future where Black Market Dealers will aid the Crime Lead in work where applicable. They can be sent information by players that will then be forwarded to me & I can make...
  10. Prosthettics

    hey guys apply for black market dealer

    hey guys apply for black market dealer
  11. Prosthettics

    Whitelist GangRP

    -1 This has already been suggested numerous times throughout the past few years, it's not worth allocating an entire team of people to solely reviewing gangrp applications; not only that, all a whitelist would do is restrict roleplay
  12. Prosthettics

    Ban GangRP

    This will never happen
  13. Prosthettics

    Rick's taser suggestion - 06-03-2022

    -1 With the power to take away peoples hard-worked characters, you run the risk of having your own hard-worked character taken away