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Denied Soupygay's Hospital Application || Psychiatrist


Level 7

IGN (In-Game Name):
I am applying on my alt account “SoupyGay” as my main is Gaysoup

What is your Discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
Alrighty, well.. Let's start with a little backstory on how I even got into SRP so much and then a bit of how my activity can decrease although activity will never decrease for more than one month, A month is a Max for me.

Joining SRP I would have joined around the 2019 area, as that was when SRP first reached its peak for me. As going onto SRP it got extremely addicting, to the point where I stayed up at night and passed out mid-roleplay, the addiction only grew worse once I got into factions, as a professor was my first ever faction after that I got into EMS for a bit then took a very long break from SRP to maintain mental and psychical health. In 2022 I ended up rejoining barely going on sometimes just to see what was happening, as time passed by my addiction regrew around 2024 I ended up getting into professor again, as that increased my activity majorly, after so KPD happened and ever I have been in KPD I have been 10x more active, as I am usually on for 10 hours every day! The addiction is very real.

What can Affect my activity?:
Several things can affect activity, I do attend school daily and also work on the weekends. I don't stay at school and work for long which still gives me a good amount of time to play SRP roughly 5 hours although many things can happen without future notice if something happens and I cannot be online. I will almost always put in an inactivity log. It doesn't matter if it's a short period I will always inform those who are working with me...
There is no set schedule for anything, as I have to restart school and work, and I do not know the schedules.

Note: I do roleplay more on my Gaysoup account, as I dont have a real reason to go to my Alt which is why I am applying aswell, as this can increase activity on both accounts, as I will most likely split my time, between EMS and KPD!
I will be more active upon being accepted [IF]

What is your timezone?:
My current timezone is CST also known as Central Standard Time.

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:
HS x2
Animal x4


What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
Well, joining SRP I started as a professor, and as it slowly brought me into roleplay, I have learned several things. how the system works and how to correctly handle people misbehaving, while SRP provides school parts there were and still are a lot of delinquents in SRP and then after that, I moved to EMS for a while. Which soon brought me to the medical field of SRP, allowing me to experience intense detailrp. and several other things. This allowed me to learn how to detail being a doctor and what people I like to roleplay with.. Hint I love detailrper's makes my day every day! As I left EMS returning to the professor it was the same experience, slowly.. very slowly moving to the shrine I got to interact with people a slow interaction and to enjoy more detailRP. Returning to professor again.. and again I have been a professor several times. but currently, I am a KPD which provides combat RP, Serious RP, and now a newly implemented roleplay DetailRP.

I have learned a lot of SRP and have a good variety of roleplay experiences, not only as different factions but as a High school student as well making my knowledge of SRP bigger.

EMS I wish to learn new experiences with newer people, newer roles, and newer procedures.

What is your motivation for applying?
What is the motivation for EMS? Is there more than one?

Yes, EMS is a huge thing I love, and upon being denied last time I joined KPD instead and I have found the experience and the roleplay a huge difference within SRP. EMS has always been my love Job as I have been in EMS before. but during the time I was in EMS, everything was not the same. with current updated EMS logs, learning, and even training. it has been brought highly to my attention that I need to reapply for EMS not only to relearn the new ways EMS has gone. But returning to the roleplay experience that I have been missing, it's not only the experience that it's provided its also the detailRP I have learned detailRP from EMS and have always been so grateful for it..

Other motivations:
Upon hearing my other friends being in current EMS times, it has excited I to love to listen to people speak and talk about EMS so highly. how nice the community is. How the roleplay is worth it. I have a certain friend I talk to about EMS and I have only heard good things from him. EMS is the best faction other than KPD..

Another thing to add is I am getting my RNA [Registured Nurse Assistant certificate] Within a few months, Im OOC and very passionate about being a part of the hospital. As I plan to learn a lot. And being an RNA I will be taking that more seriously on my end which also adds major motivation to my EMS app!

Which role are you applying for?
The current role I'm applying for is Psychiatrist, although if I cannot get that role I do not mind being a doctor!

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?

This is Higher-Ups. Doctor Department to Psychiatrist apartment

Hospital Director
The hospital director is the main lead, they are to have leadership and to make sure the faction is going right towards excellence. making sure that the hospital meets requirements so they can ensure proper treatment to the community as they are also the ones who are in charge of managing the financial aspect of the hospital and the hiring process! Usually, they are to be seen managing and overseeing all of the workers to ensure they are following procedures and that they are providing correct and accurate medical care to the citizens.
Clinical Manager
The clinical manager is kinda the same as they don't have some aspect as the director they are to make sure there is quality healthcare given out and they pretty much oversee certain departments that need help they are to make sure the work is done efficiently too that falls along with the quality part aspect as well. From time to time you can see Clinical managers helping with hiring and or even the training part of the job as they are allowed to help alongside the Director and the Department leads if need be.
Clinical Lead [both Doctor and Psych]
The clinical lead in each department is to be seen with leadership and to make sure they are following rules, they are the ones who are most likely gonna be doing all of the training in the hospital, these two have similar roles as they are both expected to do pretty much the same thing, as they are suppose to ensure that people are doing their job correctly and to make sure if someone needs help they are there to help and assist if needed. They also need to make sure everything is updated in the system.
Clinical supervisor [Both]
The supervisor is the most likely the first person you go to if you have an issue or a question, they are alongside the leads as they can help with training and they can answer questions they are the ones who will be reporting certain things to the lead if there is an issue that can't be resolved during that moment.
Attending. [Applies for both]
Highest rank you can get within the faction meaning you have completed all your training and are now just doing your job! You aren't under the supervision and are allowed to do your job by yourself.. But still, try to maintain a professional look!
Senior Residence [applies for both]
This is the second highest you can get within the faction as this lets you have more freedom within the faction, you would most likely still be trained on very little things but most likely are trusted to do things by yourself! You are to ask the Attending if you need anything as they are there to help those who need it!
Residence [Appies for both!]
You're not done training as you're still under supervision and are listening to those who are supervising you, your job has certain restrictions on what you can do.
Doctor Trainee
Congrats! You're brand new to the faction! By doing this you're going through first training, meaning a tour and a brief introduction, as then you will have to follow alongside with people and to watch and make sure that you understand.. ASK questions all the time! You might need to take a test or show a sign of you doing your job well to upgrade to the next rank!
These can usually be seen after several months of working as an EMS, or if a higher-up sees you fit. As a paramedic, you will carry around a medkit which therefore you're allowed to respond to calls and patrol. They aren't as different from Doctors
A Psych can do several things, they can give advice and listen to those who need it they do planned therapy sessions and they can also do Police evals! Psychiatrists don't usually do anything psychically medical-related unless they have to!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do understand if I am online, and training is being held upon me being online. I am expected to attend the training. And that if I cannot join a meeting to let those know the reason why [A good reason why] and if I fail to do so it can result in a punishment either OOC or ICLY depending on the Higher-ups decision

Character’s Full Name:
[!] Presenting her hand forward towards the person who is interviewing her for the job, she offered them a soft smile as her eyes had a glimpse of excitement, her legs moved left to right shifting in the speech her body clearly showed she was excited to be here as the question is asked she straightens her posture and moved her hands into her lap the smile remaining on her lips as she spoke in a soft voice [!]

“My name is Michiko O’Sullivan! It's a pleasure to meet you!”

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
[!] Moving herself down and getting comfortable in the chair her hands still resting in her lap she nods as she follows along with the words carefully.. Her face showing intent.. [!]

“I am a female and I go by She/her pronouns!”

[!] Retracting her hand to the side of her chair eyes wandering around the room intaking what the place looked like she softly hummed a smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she returned her gaze to the person in front of her [!]

Character’s Age (if accepted):
[!] Pulling out a Karakura-issued ID and pressing it against the table to present to the interviewer before her a soft smile was on her face as she crossed her left leg over her right leg she spoke in a soft tone [!]

“I am currently 25 years old as of this year!”

[!] Shifting a bit her facial expression changed revealing her age. She felt very old and sighed [!]

Character’s Academic Background:

[!] Moving a bit her hands pushed into her lap a soft smile came to her face once again she seemed rather cheerful being in this room as she hummed thinking [!]

“Well, I went to college for medical, which soon I got PhD then also got my RNA”

Character’s Nationality:
“I am originally Japanese! But I am very well involved with other nationality families!”

[!] She frowned a bit thinking about something in her head before looking back up her facial expression was a bit more serious than before [!]

Character’s Marital Status:
[!] tilting her head a bit a soft smile came to her face [!]

“Currently I am single, and have not married yet!”

Character’s Religious Denomination:
“I am not religious! I'm more of oh… What do they call it..”

[!] Pushing her finger onto her lip thinking very hard about what she meant [!]

“An atheist! That's what it's called!”

Character’s Spoken Languages:
[!] Perked up as she pushed her hands onto the arm her eyes expanded as she seemed ecstatic about this she was proud of her Bilingo.. [!]

“I speak a few! I Can speak French, and Russian and I even know JSL!”

Character Backstory
  • 834 words

[!] WARNING: The context you're about to read contains Abuse, Death, and more if you are not comfortable reading DO NOT READ IT [!]

1999, July 21st

Michiko was born in a small town named Karakura. Which is located in Japan.. when she was born her mother was Tsukaimon Ichiyama.. Upon knowing Tsukaimon as a mother she also had a sister who is not spoken of.. Michiko was the older of her siblings and she always loved watching over her little sister it brought her happiness.. But a dreadful day happened around when Michiko was 7 her sister was murdered in an alleyway.. Her mother was torn. to shreds... Upon doing so.. she ended up becoming a male.. {Trans} Starting a new life, the death of Michiko's sister impacted her hard.. Michiko was very upset.. so upon going to school she began to act out.. It was more of rage on her part... Her father encouraged her to keep doing good in school. as her father was a teacher at Karakura a Art teacher at that! Upon Michiko turning more mature at the age of 17.. She met a girl she dated for a while.. But knowing it didn't end well the relationship was very toxic... Which soon led to Michiko's huge attack..

Michiko not being the kindest kid would have bullied a child which soon was her worst mistake.. Going to the shrine, by herself very oblivious of her surroundings, three men came and grabbed her and took her.. soon enough she was in a small cave confronted by men in masks.. Seeming very pissed off.. One grabbed her hair and slammed it into the wall.. another grabbed a knife.. Michiko tried her hardest to fight back but couldn't... She did kick the guy in the stomach but that only angered the man.. Her hair was grabbed and torn backwards she ended up being carved and her eyes expanded tears only streamed as she screamed in agony.. the carving was around 2 inches deep ouch. She was taken to EMS which was the start of her whole EMS frenzy.. She loved EMS they were always so kind to her! She even looked up to some of the EMS workers.. But she never knew she would be returning so much..!
Michiko soon got adopted by Kagoshima O'Sullivan Kosuki as he also adopted Melissa O'S Sidorova making it a new family. Her bio Dad was nowhere to be seen after a while.. Soon found dead...

After returning to her normal life attending school, Michiko's toxic ex appeared. But seemingly the lady had brought another her girlfriend? Or she had some type of spell Sonia wasn't the best lady she was rather.. Abusive.. and upon doing that she trapped people.. Michiko being one of them.. and the girl being another.. The girl ended up kidnapping Michiiko. Shoving her into the spartan mountainside.. knocking her out.. Michiko's eyes only opened.. slowly.. seeing her arm.. was MISSING!??! Fear fled through her so fast... She ended up passing out again to due shock and major blood loss.. a girl brought her to the hospital where they were able to reattach her arm... Lovely..!!

Due to all these constant attacks on Michiko her mental health decreased majorly.. making her slightly insane.. She ended up hurting people.. very badly.. One day she was hurting her sister, her father.. a new father at that Kagoshima and her new mother Elenora came and stopped her.. A Paramedic arrived who was called Huali.. she felt a major safe vibe towards him she trusted EMS but her mind was loose.. very loose.. Upon being brought to the hospital with EMS she was put on medicine.. and helped..

The last attack Michiko encountered, was her being kidnapped AGAIN! but this time she was tortured for days.. Several days.. She had new scars every day.. her eyes were taken away from her and carvings marked her body heavily.. and upon that, she was very bloody.. she was soon let go but woke up in the woods.. she was bleeding horribly.. which it was snowing.. leaving a trail of blood along the way she made her way to a shrine which to see Kuren.. Kuren is one of the people Michiko looks up to as well seeing her like a mother... Michiko went to her and asked for help.. Went to the hospital once again she ended up staying for a while to get help.. severe help.. she was not mentally okay anymore.. I mean who would be..?

Now Michiko is still mentally ill but it's more handled. her random attacks don't happen and she seems much more mature, which Kagoshima her adopted dad was very proud of the girl.. Even at his other daughter.. Michiko soon showed a huge liking towards EMS, which was told by her father about.. Kagoshima was very accepting of this and told her to go for it! Which is did. She ended up studying very hard on her studies, working hard in school, and focusing on very little things that relate to drama. From Michiko's Previous experiences, she has learned several things, her being previously skittish and stuttering her body and emotions soon have come to an understanding as now she is more on the serious side and takes things more seriously than before..

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?
[!] Situating herself in the chair her hands resting along her legs as she thinks, she smiled a bit before looking up towards the person she leaned in close and hummed trying to find the words upon finding the correct words she spoke, her voice was serious and rather cold?.. Interesting.. [!]

“I specialize in geriatric psychiatry and Child and adolescent psychiatry.. Why exactly? Well, I think those two fit the majority of what I look forward to, I love working with adults but I also love working with kids, and upon specializing in both those things, I get to learn and understand how to speak to them!”

[!] Bringing her hands onto the table she rested them palm down as her fingers curl before a subtle tapping sound can be heard [!]

“I specialized in this field for several reasons.. Many children and older adults face several difficulties.. Which I know from first hand a few older adults do, as well as some very young kids. And I wanna try my best to be there and help those who need it!”

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

[!] Moved backward in the chair leaning her back against the chair she placed her hands on her lap, they were intertwining each other as her nails slightly rubbed against the knuckle.. She thought for a moment [!]

“Well, I got an RNA certificate when I was in college, which allowed me to start doing some medical field stuff, allowing me to observe nurses and to help out, I know the basics, but soon I got more interested in the Psychiatrist stuff.. So it ended up being more of a well- Yah! I did end up becoming a psychiatric aid! Which allowed me to observe many more things! I ended up working as that while I was in college, so I've had a long experience in the medical field, both as a nursing assistant and a Psychiatric Aid!”

[!] The soft smile was long gone as she seemed very serious standing up before the interviewer she offered a hand before firmly shaking the other's hand she offered a bow [!]

Describe your character; how do they look, and what makes them unique? How would others perceive them?
By Ferxl
Why am I choosing Michiko to apply for EMS?:
Michiko is a longest-living character I have had so far, she has had many mental and physical needs that need to be attended to although she might be mentally ill she has an ICLY passion for joining EMS as she speaks very highly about it in school. As I have built this character to only show ICLY wanting towards a Faction she has grown firstly to join the shrine, after words her EMS passion has grown too much. She is my only really good developed character which is also why I am choosing Michiko.

Michiko O’Sullivan is a 5’6 female who has medium length dark purple hair, with a blonde streak that lays neatly along her face, her body would be a hour glass as it was filled with several scars clearly from procedures and or incidents. She would have a eyepatch on her left eye as it shows she has only one eye, which is a dark color brown. The female would wear baggy like clothing, that remain in the darker color pallet. Her voice was lace with a soft tone. Some say she smells like peaches time to time, with a hint of vanilla..

Many people who already know Michiko already know how she acts but what about the people she meets randomly? Michiko over time has grown a very stern emotion towards a thing, she can be seen as a bit rude if you cross her the wrong way, don't threaten though her bubbly personality covers up anything she is a very sweet lady, and from what people can see are she's either very gentle and sweet or she is scared and traumatized. But knows how to put her feelings aside to act more seriously. She has grown this hard shell around her where her fear is slowly becoming non-existent!

Michiko I think in a way is very unique, from her life she has travelled down carrying constant trauma, she carries a lot of scars on her body. But somehow she always is happy, she is one of the most happiest people in the world most people can say, she always tries to find a way to be out there, she very open which is rare in a lot of cases..

How does your character act around the hospital?
Michiko being a psychiatrist, she will most likely stay around her part of the hospital, this meaning in the therapy session rooms. It really depends on how she acts around the hospital. This can be dependent on what is currently happening on the situation, upon entering the hospital for the first few days, she can be seen either looking around the hospital getting use to her surroundings which then wouldn't allowed her to speak much to people to her slowly sitting in a corner for a day or so. Though once Michiko is not only use to her surroundings, but use to the people she has met. She will become more bubbly, this can be her walking around the hospital greeting other people, showing signs of kindness. Coming out of her shell more, a more relaxed look can be seen on her body that and a serious expression, on certain situations. She will act rather cold and serious. on the other hand she will be the kindness she can and the sweetest she can no matter how hard it might be for her.

Michiko's is a very outgoing girl, she can usually be seen cleaning around the hospital taking the proper sanitary procedures and making sure the hospital looks presentable, this can be seen in her free time as when she is working she will use that cold hard shell people look for.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Depending on the people she works with.. She can work very well with a lot of people! But if its for a serious matter she will act very serious, ask questions. give suggestions all that. but if she needs to work with someone on a not so serious matter its way different, she will let the other one make suggestions all that she will hear everyone out either or and put in a lot of work so both parties doesn't have to work as hard. She finds working with people a great thing actually, it can not only help her improve her work. But create a better bond towards her co-workers

Working alone can almost be identical to working with someone, she is given a task to do she will do it with no questions ask. need to do a report? No worries! She will put in a lot of effort just to make the report the best as it can be! She loves working by herself as she can put her own plans to action! She would of course ask for feedback from any of her co-workers who are watching feedback is very important to her in both parties as it again can improve her knowledge of what she is doing wrong or right!​
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Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Firstly, thank you for applying to the Hospital Faction, and we appreciate your interest. However, after discussing your application with the higher-ups, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application this time around.

This decision was made based upon the following reasons:

- When choosing applicants for the Hospital faction, we tend to look for individuals with a decent reputation on the server. You can try to apply to other factions or community teams, or interact more around the server, to boost this!

Nonetheless, we encourage you to keep an eye on the Karakura Emergency #announcements channel for future application waves, and to re-apply at a later date if you're still interested.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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