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SoupyGay Nurse Application


Level 7
Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
CDT is my timezone aka [ Central Daylight Time]

Describe your activity on the server:
I am a very active player in SRP after being gone for around a year now. I was able to relearn all the rules for the past six months. Not only do I stay on for several hours day after day, but it's more of a fact that I try to involve myself in any roleplay that is available, I love to roleplay as an adult in SRP as I feel like it gives you a better chance to explore with others who have had experience with roleplay, and or even a job in SRP, I do not mind being a Highschool student as it can provide many different types of roleplays as well. I have been in several different types of roleplays. I have been a professor MANY times, and an EMS back then including other applications. I love to go into SRP and spark up any conversation I can, if not I try to be active in many of the SRP discords, this can lead from SRP Certified Discord servers to Tailoring servers. I'm on SRP and Discord for 10 hours daily when SRP isn't lagging or bugging. I always keep myself active and never lose the chance to learn a new roleplay experience. I plan to keep the streak of being online so much, but this will change within a year or two due to my moving, which means my activity in SRP will decrease.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do understand that if I am inactive without putting any sort of inactivity log-in, it can result in me being demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
School Nurse!

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
School Nurse: School Nurses are to be medically trained in some type of field, as they should know the basics of medical treatment, as they can only provide a certain amount of treatment to a student. They should know how to deal with fights as some students fight in school and KO each other. They can also walk around school grounds and supervise the area, they are also permitted to go to students if there is an injury that needs an on-site nurse, or if someone requests a nurse in general. Being a nurse does provide some detailed roleplay. but not a lot. Nurses are to be dressed properly in the correct clothes either given by the school or being able to bring from home.

Types of treatments Nurses can Provide without Involving EMS:
Nurses are allowed to give Ice Packs, Pills to deal with pain, and any other medications that would be permitted on school grounds.
Take pulse, let DRUNK students sit in the room before sober [SLT will be told]
Allow students to rest after a fight, or a pass-out session.
There is a lot more nurses can do but this is what I usually see nurses do within SRP school.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have a lot of roleplay experience, as I started to roleplay in Roblox the game TD's was a roleplaying game that had to have perfect grammar and profession, it was about being a dentist and going up the ranks you can be a dentist! Once a friend and I got together we started to play SRP we started in around 2018-2019 area When the old map was out, I met a lot of people and roleplayed as a student for a while, once SRP started to develop more and once the newer map was inputted in, I began to start applying for SRP jobs as I first Applied as a Professor, and once that was accepted I got more into applying for several jobs, ever since that year I have been roleplaying in SRP, Some times I will go back to Roblox and only roleplay in like BloxBurg, or something simple. But SRP is my main roleplay place.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Well, I do love working within the School Faculty part, as I have been a professor and have applied for employment in the past. I generally think that school faculty would most likely be the best option out of all jobs, it gives you something to do all the time, as for the role I'm applying for a lot of people need a nurse, and well I think the faction is nice, a lot of people are in the faction and it isn't a faction that has less attraction. It is a popular faction, and I'm mainly here just for the experience… I do want to try and do every job in SRP and this is one of the best ways to do that is to go ahead and start with the school Factions!..

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
[!] These are my applications, I have lost almost all these accounts, but my Minecraft accounts are PookieeRP, PookieRP, and Kiyuah DURING the time I took a break the Migration account thing occurred as I did not get a chance to do that my Kiyuah account [!]



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):

HS, animal x2




During a work shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
[!] De Bourbon wouldn't seem as bothered being called such things she would smile a bit at most, going towards the student her face going into more of a serious look. lip curling as she shook her head a soft hum left her lips "Let's not call people such things yeah?" her behavior was rather relaxed as she gave the students a warning about their actions she would return to whatever she was doing, but if the student ends out continuing she would sigh her hand going to her head. going to the student once again she crossed her arms this time her voice way more serious than before she promptly gave them a second warning. eyes locking on the student's face to read their expression she would wait to see if the student was going to say anything to her face. If the student does so she would give them a THIRD warning depending on what they end up saying [This means if they are calling rude words and being disruptive] if they no longer wish to continue she would go back to her work and continue to do what she was doing. [!]

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
[!] Seeing the students fighting her voice would be raised as she walked towards them “You two! Stop this instant!” upon getting to the students she would separate the two the best she could. This meaning any type of circumstance she could after stopping the students she would huff and sigh requesting another employee so she could question the students. Upon another employee showing up, she would ask the two the simple question “Why are you two fighting?” her head would tilt as she sounded rather serious her lip quivered listening to their explanation, upon hearing it she would give them both a detention slip as fighting is prohibited on school grounds, then she would take them to the nurse's office. Upon going to the nurse's office she would make sure they aren't sitting next to each other rather much farther away. Working on the students she would look very disappointed almost like a disappointed mother! [!]

Another school employee is acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
[!] Upon seeing this she would first make sure they are within camera reach in the school, if not she would grab her phone and record just in case! She would walk over to the employee who was acting rashly and coughed a bit to get their attention “Excuse me! Can we not do that?” She would say in a very soft-toned voice, she kept a bit of distance making sure she would get herself in harm's way and making sure no other students were witnessing this. If some are she would tell them to move along. If the employee doesn't wish to stop she would have to get another employee here to help her assess the situation as she didn't wish to do this alone.. Upon making a plan on what to do she would enact the plan. In the end, she would show the footage of the employee acting rashly to a Higher-up once the situation was semi-handle with. IF so happens higher up was within school grounds the same day she would request to have them there over the radio just so it would be reassured and assessed correctly. [!]

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
De-Bourbon doesn't seem to be bothered with other people within the break room, she would be eating lunch or taking a mental break from her job. If an employee does come to talk to her she would gladly speak to them but nothing more than work. She doesn't disclose any out-of-work life to her co-workers or students as she is very strict with people knowing her life. Upon employees talking to her. If she is needed somewhere she would have to stop and go there she takes her work rather seriously even if she doesn't get a break she will be there the fastest she can!
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst in your chosen role:

/me stands up opening the door for the student to come into the resting area, once she asks questions on what happened on why they are hurt, seeing that it was a head injury she would first ****yze it. Firstly putting on a blue glove over her hands before looking through their hair, checking the head for Bumps, cuts, or any large injuries that can be seen. Once she was done she would stand up smiling lightly before asking the students how they felt. Asking for symptoms such as “ Do you feel like you might pass out? Are you in any pain?” If the student answers yes to any of these she would move to an ice machine grab a plastic bag soon place ice in the bag, once she was done she would pinch the top of the back making sure the bag is secure and closed. Then grabbing a paper towel and wrapping it around the plastic bag, she would move to the student and hand it to them “I suggest staying in here for a bit to relax before leaving, i'll check on you in a bit alright?” She smiled before going to the bathroom, washing her hands before going back to the front. Once around 10 minutes passed she would go back to the students checking up on them, if they felt better she would release them if they still didn't feel good she would allow them to stay in there for another 10 minutes soon after dismissing them from the room. [Max minutes she will do is 20 ICLY minutes]

/me Upon entering the nurse's station, she would need to make sure everything was sanitary. This being everything wiped down! Getting a wet wipe and beginning to wipe the beds down she would hum making sure the place was ready for the day, simple clicks of her heels could be heard moving from time to time as she moved throughout the nurse's station. Upon finishing that task she would throw away the wipe and wash her hands. After doing so she would go to the glove box making sure it was full. If the glove box was not full she would throw away the empty box or refill the box upon finishing this she would smile seeing that everything was clean and ready for the day. Moving to the actual front desk for nurses she would sit down and begin to do some paperwork. This being whatever she had to do! After doing so she would simply wait for a student to come or she would go on a small patrol around the school depending on how busy the day is for her or not!

/me Seeing students at the little lobby for the nurse's station she lets out a soft sigh, before going to the counter she leaned a bit onto the counter before raising her voice just a bit “What can I do for you kiddos?” keeping a soft demeanor towards the students, she would listen to what the kids had to say, listening intently she would nod as she walked around the counter to open the door to the nurses area, she hummed “Take a seat on the bed” Taking one student at a time she would go and grab gloves from the glove box. As she put one glove on at a time a soft ‘Snap’ was heard from the gloves she hummed a bit before going to the student. “Alright, so explain what happened again” Listening once more she would hear the student who had gotten hurt by another she simply shook her head a slightly disappointed look was on her face before then she inspected the student for any injuries this being sc****s and a punch to the face. Turning to the table she would go and grab some disinfecting wipes, and band aids. Walking over once more her heels click against the ground softly. She leaned down to the student and hummed “This might sting just a bit alright?” She would wipe the sc****s with the disinfecting wipe once the area was clean she grabbed the band aid peeling the first protective layer over it then placing it where she wanted it making sure to get the second protective layer off. Once that was done she moved back over grabbing a small ice bag [Ziploc with ice or just an ice pack!] and a paper towel. Walking over to the students she would give it to them “You free to go or you can sit in here for a few minutes!” Nodding gently towards the student she went back to the resting area to grab another student who may be in need of assistance.


In-Character Section


Full Name (First & Last only):
[!] Presenting her hand forth towards the person a sharp smile is on her face as she speaks in a mid-tone voice [!]
“The name Aurelie De Bourbon Sir/Ma’am”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
[!] Snickering at the question just a bit her hand pressed into her lap resting idly. [!] “I am not married so its Miss!”
Preferred Name:
“I prefer if kids call me De-Bourbon!”

Age (Minimum is 25):
[!] Once sitting down crossing her legs over each other her eyes shine a bit while looking at them [!]
“I am 25 years old as of currently!”

[!] The female would smile once more her fingers lightly tapping against her leg as she hummed a soft tone [!]
“I am a female”

Academic Degree:
[!] Eyes wandering around the room her face went to a natural look as she thought for a few seconds before her eyes locked back onto the person before her a soft smile was on her lips [!]
“I ended up graduating college in France, which was for medicine.!”

“I majored in Chemistry and Science!”

“My minors are History and Athletics kinda boring eh..?”
“I am Korean! I moved here after a while”

Known Languages:
[!] Hummed thinking a bit before looking at the wall once again [!]
“I know Japanese, JSL, Russian, and of course Korean!”

  • In 1998 in August,
  • Ms. Yuri and Mr. Francis gave birth to a beautiful girl, who they named, "Aurelie". She lived alongside her parents in Paris. Paris was a beautiful and yet at times a gloomy place. (Young life) | As Aurelie grew older, she noticed how and why Paris could be gloomy at times... You see, her parents were quite busy a lot of the time, leaving her to have a pretty iffy young childhood. Despite that, Aurelie grew up to be a bright and kind young lady!! She had lots of joy, and found ways to keep herself entertained when her parents were busy. Though it did annoy her at times of how busy her parents were... And before she could ask them what made them always so busy, it was very tragic... The incident happened before young Aurelie's eyes... Her parents were dead and she had witnessed a man entering her home forcefully… her eyes shook violently as she saw her parents get stabbed several times, blood seeping through their clothes.. Dripping onto the ground she was hiding under the desk where she wouldn't be seen... Once the officers and paramedics found her parents' dead bodies, they saw Aurelie's trembling tears strolling down her face she was as white as a ghost. They brought Aurelie to a foster home in Karakura the officers thought it would be the best place for her to so she isn't in Paris anymore.. And luckily they found a good, faster home that was looking to adopt/have a child for a while now.
17-18, 2007 (Teenage years)
  • | She stayed in the foster home for many years, until she turned 17. When she was 17, she was adopted by the Sidorov family and has been in the Sidorov family for a few years now. Sidorov was quite the nice family towards Aurelie, a lot of them were supportive, welcoming, heartwarming, and just all around, the kindest and sweetest family for Aurelie providing her attention and help in the path she wished to go. Yakov and Anatoly Sidorov were two of the people that Aurelie trusted and understood the most; they were like actual parents to her even though Yakov is the father (and some might just say, the "leader" of the Sidorov family), he's very kind! And Anatoly is the understanding and trustful uncle. At the time, Aurelie was struggling badly in school, the homework and almost everything about school was just... Hard. struggling with understanding it from converting to French her mind still raced with the thoughts of the scene of her parents.. It got so bad that she was forced to get help from a tutor named Latte Finch. Which helped her enough to understand and finally figure out her homework.

Upon entering college, Aurelie didn't know what she wanted to do, it was very hard for her to decide that she wanted to be an officer she decided to go down the medical path, she truly loved the idea of medicine, and well she did that! She ended up getting into a very popular college that was outside of Karakura upon study she took until she was 25 to finish college, and as she was very happy with her successes she brought it to her family the Sidorov family! Not only were they where happy it made her happy to know people were proud of her in some sort of way for her accomplishments.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
[!] A soft smile was on the female's lips as she sighed her hands clasped over each other as she stood straight [!]
I wanna join Karakura High School employee because I love working with kids, it has always been a dream to work with kids and it always will be! Even though I did get a medical degree I think working within a small defined school is way better than working by myself, this school has provided a lot for the kids as it is and I wish to provide just as much to make sure students are safe and secure with the place they go to learn every day
[!] Exhaled from a long sentence she smiled once more [!]
Working in a school can not only improve kids' points of view on certain things but can also improve others. There may be something I may not know that other nurses know! I am willing to learn to the fullest in everything!

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
[!] scratching her head a bit she shook her head [!]
“I don't think I should be considered the HIGHEST applicant. But I also think I have a lot more knowledge as a person. I have worked with kids before I was a student teacher beforehand. And then I also babysit kids which shows my experience with working with kids well! I also have worked within the medical field a bit. I went and volunteered with some doctors as I do have an RNA “[certified nursing assistant]

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