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  1. lophey

    Denied passionated | Event Team Application

    IGN: passionated / passionatedfruit Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server: Personally, I'd say I try to be as active as I can. This is due to owning a club and other responsibilities such as shop manager. Though, I'm obviously not on every hour of...
  2. lophey


    Join us. Become one with the Literature club... oooohhh spoookyy...
  3. lophey

    luvingher | Psychiatrist Application

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): luvingher Previous bans: DOXXING 06/19/20 - This incident occurred almost two years ago, I can completely account for my actions and say what I did was immature and completely out of line which has been proven...
  4. lophey

    lovingherr | Literature Club Application

    LOVINGHERR'S LITERATURE CLUB APPLICATION INFORMATION IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name): lovingherr RPName of Club Leader: Aiya Hinode Discord Tag (Discord#0000): bells#3291 Permanent Discord invite to the club discord: [INVITE] Why should you become a club leader over other applicants...
  5. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | Fashion Trends

    I know right?? I wish I coulda put more of her in there! Love to Jina. ♡
  6. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | Fashion Trends

    Tailors: Zabine Sadek - wf#8448 Delilah Omori - Call#0001 Luca Swann - maeussy#2763 Jina Hyeong - kii#4406 feel free to dm them and ask for their prices!
  7. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | Fashion Trends

    Kohana Hinode - 05/28/22 I should have gotten this done before the dance huh? Well, that sucks! Anywho... Today, and all days... It's about Fashion. Well, that and upcoming tailors of course. In this article, I have exactly four bright and young tailors at your service. I know it can be hard...
  8. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | Social Spots

    No problemm
  9. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | Social Spots

    Kohana Hinode - 05/08/22 Yo, Karakura! New or Old in this town it can be hard to find places to hang out with your friends. I mean sure you can hang around the Plaza and bore those around you with your edgy or boring conversations.. Or, you can go to a cool local hangout to be edgy and/or...
  10. lophey

    Denied Event Team Application | lovingherr

    LOVINGHERR'S EVENT TEAM APPLICATION IGN: My main account is: lovingherr My other account is: luvingher Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server: During this whole summer of 2022, I am completely free and try to get on whenever I can now that the...
  11. lophey

    Karakura News | Interior Design; What you should Consider.

    Nakashi: material gorl
  12. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | College Interviews

  13. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | College Interviews

    IM JK </3
  14. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | College Interviews

    Better get your act together
  15. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | College Interviews

    watch out.. im comin for you next
  16. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | College Interviews

    ———————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————— 03/28/22 - Written by, Kohana Sakurako at Karakura News. Everyone has their own general opinion on the way the schooling program is led in our town Karakura, however, not many people are confident enough...
  17. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | Spring Importance

    Of course! Thanks so much again :)
  18. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | Spring Importance

    credit to @kuaoi for taking the photos in this article <3
  19. lophey

    KARAKURA NEWS | Spring Importance

    ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 03/22/22 - Written by, Kohana Sakurako at Karakura News. In the town of Karakura, one of the main tourist attractions is the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, with many shrines and traditional customs. However, most citizens...
  20. lophey

    Luvinghers Reporter Application

    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your in-game-name (IGN)?: On the account I currently use most, aka my main: lovingherr On the account I plan to use for the role: luvingher Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, What is your username?: Yes, my discord is bells#3291 and I...