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  1. _ImHere4You_

    why is srp freakishly quiet right now-

  2. _ImHere4You_


    hello [peoples !! so basically, i need some advice with how to apply for height applications! what are some details i need to include, and how do you suggest i got about it?! :OO please, i need help </3
  3. _ImHere4You_

    YO!!! Ask me questions about my chars!!!!

    the title is amazing ikr. ask me questions about my chars! If you have any or know any of my characters, go ahead . im curious !
  4. _ImHere4You_

    ' The one that got away. ' || BIOGRAPHY : XION KIM-MIN || WHOTFAREYOU_

    [Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ] [Xion Kim-Min] The character belongs to [ WHOTFAREYOU_ || OOFLUFFYDREAMSOO || _IMHERE4U_ ] All the information here aside from the looks, is only to be found ICly or through OOCly consent. JOKER - A card representing all and nothing. Two-faced...
  5. _ImHere4You_

    [ I'm going insane - CONNECTION ?? ]

    So, I have faced this issue multiple times. It would let me join the server, however, it responds to nothing i type. it lags a lot, and often times just 'time-out' from hub. unplugged the wifi and back, relaunched Minecraft a million times, waited HOURS - somehow it solves itself and times it...
  6. _ImHere4You_

    collecting the people that know my char eiichiro

    yall, if your character knows eiichiro hiragi, write their full name and how bcs im doing his biography and wanna make sure im including everyone <3
  7. _ImHere4You_

    is srp down rn ?

    is SRP down rn? i keep getting 'disconnected' from the server before i even load in. it just goes 'connecting..' then disconnected-
  8. _ImHere4You_

    old threads

    am i the only one who roams in old threads that no one sees anymore and reply to them ?
  9. _ImHere4You_


    [Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ] [BIOGRAPHY 2.0] [CONCLUTION TO AARON MARIE’S ERA] [theonlynewthingswillbeheadcannons/rpbits] [Aaron] [Marie] | [ アーロン・マリー] - [“ THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SHY AND QUIET. I AM NOT SHY. ”] ♪ ♫ [] S O U N D T R A C K ♫ ♪...
  10. _ImHere4You_

    [ CHALLANGE ART || DESGIN CHALLANGE ] : How close can you get?

    So, my main character Aaron Marie. ill give you vague information about him. and the challenge is, see how close any of you get to his actual design!! - nickname : Cotten Candy, BubbleGum A 6'4ft guy and long legs age 27 but no beard curly hair _ GO WILD! @DrainingFeeling ALREADY KNOWS IT !!!
  11. _ImHere4You_

    [ _IMHERE4YOU_ || WHOTFAREU_ ] The disappearance introduction

    Hola Amigos! This is Aaron Marie speaking! I'll re introduce myself quickly and let it be known that- I've gotten banned from like all of my devices. yUp. This is for the people who knew me but I didn't have a chance to inform them! I don't want them thinking I went Ghost-mode. -...
  12. _ImHere4You_

    [ Raphaël 'YOUI' Arthur - BIOGRAPHY ]

    THIS DOCUMENT DEALS WITH SENSITIVE ISSUES UNDER THE LINES OF ABUSE AND VIOLENCE . IF YOU ARE NOT COMROTABLE PLEASE DONT READ THE PAST TIME SECTION. THANK YOU! ❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚ ╚════════════╝ ↬ Full name ↫ Raphaël Arthur ↬ Nickname ↫ Kiwi, Youi ↬ Age ↫ As of currently...
  13. _ImHere4You_

    [ TEACHER EIICHIRO HIRAG || WHOTFAREU_ ] - Biography / character profile.

    This Document deals with sensitive topics under the line of abuse AND uses strong language, in the PAST LIFE section and again strong lang in other sections. . Nothing is heavily detailed. I will soon update this and add a shortened summary for those who still want to know his story!! ❦...
  14. _ImHere4You_


    I'm gonna be vv hot and tell you its on google docs <33 I ain't gon like- copy paste all the colors- [ i have too anyways . . but yall can have the docs link too lovies <333 ] *********************************d/1EPnUVGfEGBqO0VhlZsZMbZNKUv1syB21br9Eijiv8d0/edit?usp=sharing [ NOARI...
  15. _ImHere4You_

    [ A totally not late post. ikr? ] - MISTER AARON >:DDDDD

    HI THIS IS _ImHere4You_ SPEAKING . Did you ever see that one person that people call ' AY-AY-RON ' or 'A-A-RON' yes thats me :D - I'm a minor living in the middle east with english as my 2nd language that nearly beats arabic in how much i speak it- writer, digital artist, teacher's...
  16. _ImHere4You_

    Accepted [ P.A - DRAMA TEACHER || _NotThere4Me_ ] #2

    Hellooo!! I would like to thank Kimi for the feedback on my previous application!! This application is the same however I've added more details to the Teacher Roles as requested!! hopefully this time around I'll get accepted. again, thanks for the feedback! now on with the application. What...
  17. _ImHere4You_

    Denied [ P.A - DRAMA TEACHER APPLICATION ] _NotThere4Me_

    – What is your Minecraft username?: _NotThere4Me_ Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): loveme<3.#3476 Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I do. How old are you? (Optional): I don’t feel comfortable sharing this piece of information. What is your time zone?: GMT+4 Do...
  18. _ImHere4You_


    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: _NotThere4Me_ Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Loveme<3.#3476 How old are you? (Optional): A minor . What is your time zone?: GMT+4 Describe your activity on the server: if I were to rate it out...
  19. _ImHere4You_

    [ inactive apartment ]

    USERNAME: AlwaysThere4Me APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): X - 1863 Y - 57 Z - 547 ISSUE: DumbVal has not been active for nearly a month! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: non.