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  1. xBonnie

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Ice Cream Mania!

    “BIG MAN TRUCK RULES!” — 06/06/2022 — Spring has arrived, meaning the snow has melted away and the sun is beaming. We can all agree that when the sun is out, it’s time to get out the shades, kick up our feet, and enjoy some cool treats. Speaking of cool treats, if you have never been graced...
  2. xBonnie

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Spring Dance

    “This is rigged! We need a recount. . .” — 29/05/2022 — The school dance! One of the most important social events of a teenager's life (who has no real responsibilities of course). KHS and KCC hold annual school dances for us students to dress up, have a dance, and make some new memories with...
  3. xBonnie

    xBonnie | KPD Application

    Banner Credits to 6Pancake KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): xBonnie Discord Name & Tag: Bonnu#8868 Previous bans: I have no previous bans. Describe your activity on the server: My activity on the...
  4. xBonnie

    SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Preparing for Tryouts

    “Come prepared and be ready to strive!” — 09/05/2022 — School is designed to educate and benefit the students that are keen to learn and strive in the environment. Supporting a range of career paths and hobbies, allowing the creative mind to explore and find its niche. Our school offers a...
  5. xBonnie

    If you do any job in-game, which would you pick?

    Hey friends, an interesting question for you all today… So, there are plenty of jobs and roles to choose from on the server for your character, but they aren’t always the easiest to access. Despite this though, I wanna know what role you’d pick if you could choose any! By this I mean… no...
  6. xBonnie

    Favourite character age to roleplay in?

    Hey again! It’s been a little while since our last discussion (apologies for that). I wanted to know more about your characters stories! Thus, I ask the question… what is your favourite character age group to roleplay in and why? For me it would probably be either 14-16 year old highschool...
  7. xBonnie

    Professor Application | Mathematics

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft Username?: xBonnie Do you have any previous bans?: I do not have any previous bans. What is your timezone?: GMT. What is your discord username and discriminator (e.g. Tippie#6666): Bonnu#8868 Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive...
  8. xBonnie

    Glitched Item | Fake ID

  9. xBonnie

    ETSUKO SAITO | Biography

    ETSUKO SAITO - 斎藤悦子 Basic Information First Name: Etsuko Surname: Saito Preferred Name: Etsuko or Suko Nicknames: Suko, Ets, Saito (I probably forgot a lot, let me know) Gender: Female Age: Eighteen Height: 5'5 Build: An athletic girl, she looks as though she trains. Which in all...
  10. xBonnie

    What has changed about your character?

    Hey folks, it’s that time again. I wanted to know something quite specific this time. What is something that has changed about your character from when you first made them. For example, my character used to be what we would call a nerd, however now we covers up her intelligence, letting none of...
  11. xBonnie

    Suggestion | Careers Advisors

    IGN: yBonnu DATE: 11th of March, 2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A new role or alternatively a new responsibility for already existing roles. The Careers Advisor role is as simple as it sounds, they advise students on career choices. Their duties would consist of researching and...
  12. xBonnie

    Musical Theatre Club Application

    INFORMATION IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name): yBonnu RPName of Club Leader: Etsuko Saito Discord Tag (Discord#0000#): Bonnu#8868 Permanent Discord invite to the club discord: Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do...
  13. xBonnie

    What would you like to see more of on the server?

    Hey folks! So I was curious as to what you’d like to see more. For me I’d like to see more flash events (which I will hopefully be doing in the near future) as I think they are entertaining and a good way to bring the server together! It can be anything you want, more… school assemblies, more...
  14. xBonnie

    Favourite in-game event?

    Hey! Back again, as always. So I was wondering... do you have a favourite event that you've attended on SRP? This could be anything. For example, the valentines festival! Or the winter prom. It can also be something which was on the event server. My personal favourite is from a little while ago...
  15. xBonnie

    Favourite character memory?

    Hey, it’s been a little while since our last character question. So! I would like to know, what’s one of your favourite character memories you made? For example, one of my favourite moments for my character was her receiving her model student award. Get the idea? Feel free to give more than one...
  16. xBonnie

    If you could change one thing on the SRP map..

    Hello hello, so! I was wondering, if you could add/remove/change one thing in the Karakura map, what would it be? Curious to know your answers! - A Curious SRP Member
  17. xBonnie

    What inspired and influenced your character’s outcome?

    Hello again, as you may be able to tell I like to learn about people and their thought process. Something I would also like to know is if there was any influences which inspired you to take your character in a certain direction. If so what was that inspiration/influence? - A Curious SRP Member
  18. xBonnie

    What is something interesting about your character?

    Hi! I’m guessing you read the thread title before clicking this, got anything interesting about your character that makes them unique? I’m interested to hear about it! - A Curious SRP Member
  19. xBonnie

    What is your favourite character role?

    I’m back again! Curious to know what SRP members most memorable and/or favourite character role is or was. My most memorable would either be having the [Hospital-Staff] role or of course the more recent [Judge] role. For my favourite? Probably [Cheerleader] as I gained more friends and roleplay...
  20. xBonnie

    If you had 10 million yen…

    Hey again, fun question for ya. (If you already have this amount or over… this question may not be for you). What would you do/your character do with 10 million yen? How would you spend it? Would ya share it? Save it? Curious to know what people would get up to with that much. - A curious SRP...