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  1. Aania

    Aania | Rank Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Aania WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) College-Council [20] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): College EVIDENCE:
  2. Aania

    Aania | Hana Yagi's College Council Application

    GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft username?: Aania Any previous warns/kicks/bans?: Warns & bans none, only kicks for things such as role changes etc. What is your timezone in GMT?: GMT +1 - I live in Germany Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord username)?: Aania#1997...
  3. Aania

    AllTheCookies/ Aania's #3 Police App

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): AllTheCookies Previous bans: None on this account, in 2017 I was banned for a bit, appealed and then was let back onto SRP. Describe your activity on the server: I’m on basically every day, usually after school until about midnight, depending...
  4. Aania

    FabulousCookies | KPD Application #2

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): FabulousCookies Previous bans: None on this account, in 2017 I was banned for a bit, appealed and then was let back onto SRP. Describe your activity on the server: I’m on basically every day, usually after school until about midnight...
  5. Aania

    News Report |The Anti-Bullying Club event

    A few days ago, the school's anti-bullying club hosted its own event at which students could write letters to their friends, purchase cute little gifts for them or even go on a fun scavenger hunt! So what is the Anti-Bullying Club, you may ask? The ABC collects various reports from students and...
  6. Aania

    Hana Yagi | 八木はな | College Journalist

    “A picture is worth a thousand words - I guess that makes me a damn good storyteller.” - Hana Y. VERY OUTDATED! DON'T READ IF YOU WANT RECENT INFO. ➼ First Name: Hana ➼ Last Name: Yagi | Kruger ➼ Age: 20 ➼ Date of Birth: 16/01/2000 | ♑︎ ➼ Birth Place: Kyoto, Japan ➼ Gender: Female ➼...
  7. Aania

    News Report | Caesar Amador's dissapearence - Case solved

    Good evening Karakura, Kaz here! I think we’ve all heard about the disappearance of Caesar Amador, the High School Jock who left with no trace. I had the luck today to be able to interview the officer responsible for it all, Investigator Kaito Ikezawa. [The recording would begin.] M...
  8. Aania

    Olympia T. | Biography

    “You can't force a bird to swim and you can't force a fish to fly, but you can force a student to do homework.” ~ Olympia T. I don't even play this character anymore loool. Also v outdated. 》Full name: Olympia Thanatomachou 》Preferred name(s): Olympia, Ms. T./ Ms. VP 》Age: 38 》Birth Date...
  9. Aania

    FabulousCookies | News Reporter Application

    IGN (In-Game Name): FabulousCookies [One of my ALTs] Previous bans: None on this account, on my main Aania. I was banned for glitching, then bypassing, more than 2 years ago. Which I appealed, since then I’ve had none. Describe your activity on the server: Due to the other ranks, which I have...
  10. Aania

    Official [SchoolRP] Screenshots 2019

    Over the past months, I’ve taken many many many screenshots. And as celebration for the new year. I’ll be posting my favorites. Sometimes you might even see yourself! Now, enjoy. 24th of August 2019. This was when the school had an awards ceremony, for the best student, teacher, etc. 7th of...
  11. Aania

    Aania | Psychiatrist Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section: What is your Minecraft Username?: AllTheCookies How old are you?: 15, soon to be 16. Do you have any previous or ongoing bans?: I was banned a year and a half ago for bypassing a ban with an ALT. But it was explained to the other Staff and I was unbanned...
  12. Aania

    Accepted ClappedRp| Sociology Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: ClappedRp How old are you?: 14 Do you have any previous bans?: I was banned once for bypassing a ban with an ALT, that was understood as a mistake and I was unbanned. Since then no. What Country are you from?: Germany. Do you have...
  13. Aania

    Accepted FabulousCookies [ALT] Office Manager applications

    [OC section] In Game Name: FabulousCookies [Alt] School Employee Role you are Applying For: Officer Manager How often do you log onto the server?: It depends on the days, week days I usually can get on for 1-6 hours, if it’s a free day I can get on for 1-10 hours or even more. Weekends I can...
  14. Aania

    Denied FabulousCookies [ALT] T.A application

    [OOC section] In Game Name:FabulousCookies [ALT] School Employee Role you are Applying For: Teaching Assistant How often do you log onto the server?: It depends on the day, if I have school or anything else important. Mondays: 5 hours Tuesdays: 4 hours Wednesday: 3-4 hours Thursday: 2-3...
  15. Aania

    My introduction

    Hello! Sooo I saw my friend do this and I though maybe I should do this too! ^-^ I think a few people know me under many names: Aku, Jackie, Cookies, German, Lynn. But just call me Aania. I'm fine with that! Soo, I joined Srp in 2016 (I can't remember anymore), I joined for the first time after...
  16. Aania

    Accepted Teaching assistant

    [OOC section] In Game Name: GermanCookies School Employee Role you are Applying For: Teaching assistant How often do you log onto the server?: Monday: 1-4 hours Tuesday: 1-4 hours Wednesday: 1-3 hours Thursday: 1-2 hours Friday: 1-4 hours Saturday: 1-5 hours Sunday: 1-5 hours (It might change...