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  1. jeemay

    School Posters Suggestion

    IGN: jeemay DATE: 1/1/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: As of right now, you are very limited to how you are able to advertise certain school-related things like Clubs or Try-outs ICly. Of course, the announcements channel exists but when it comes to IC, there's nothing to advertise...
  2. jeemay

    Role Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Glazebury WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [20][College] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [20][College][Baseball-Team] EVIDENCE:
  3. jeemay

    Uchiyama Ryu | リュウ

    ―――――――――――――――― NONE OF THIS INFORMATION IS TO BE TAKEN ICLY. 《 Credit to @ShuGamingg for allowing me to use this biography format. 》 ―――――――――――――――― BASIC INFORMATION ―――――――――――――――― ➵ FIRST NAME: Ryu ➵ LAST NAME: Uchiyama ➵ AGE: Thirty-Seven ➵ DATE OF BIRTH: 30/6/1983 ➵ BIRTHPLACE...
  4. jeemay

    Jimmy's Doctor Application Pt.2

    OOC SECTION CURRENT In-Game-Name (IGN): I have 3 accounts: jeemay jeemay2 jeemay3 I’m applying with jeemay2 What timezone are you in?: GMT (+2) How old are you? (I.R.L): I’m 16 years of age. Do you have discord, if so what is your discord username?: My discord is jimmyyy#5830 Describe...
  5. jeemay

    jimmy's police application :)

    _________________ - OOC SECTION - IGN (In-Game Name): jeemay (MAIN) jeemay2 (ALT) jeemay3 (ALT) I am applying with jeemay2 Previous bans: I have one ban for Bypassing on the jeemay2 account. I wasn’t bypassing. A bypasser hacked my account and used it to bypass so I was banned in the process...
  6. jeemay

    Accepted Culinary Arts Teacher Application | jeemay2

    ⇨ What is your Minecraft username?: jeemay3 ⇨ How old are you?: 16 ⇨ Do you have any previous bans?: On my main (jeemay): One ban, It was a mistake and I was unbanned. On my alt (jeemay2): One ban, for Bypassing. I wasn’t bypassing. My account got hacked and someone was using it to bypass. On...
  7. jeemay

    New School Employee Job Suggestion

    IGN: Glazebury / jeemay DATE: 13/11/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest the addition of a new School Employee Job; the Lifeguard! The Lifeguard is currently a job/position that is only available to the Owner himself and it isn't an actual job you can apply for / get...
  8. jeemay

    Glitched Car Request

    IGN: Glazebury VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Nissan GTR EVIDENCE: --- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In the first image in my fourth hotbar slot, you can see the Nissan GTR in my inventory and my Spartan Baseball Bat in my off-hand. In the second one, the Nissan was in my second hotbar slot and I went to...
  9. jeemay

    Glitched Item Request

  10. jeemay


    "HENNY'S HOME, BABY!" バイオグラフィー ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ SECTION ONE: BASIC INFORMATION BIRTH NAME: Henrik Popovich ADOPTED NAME: Henrik Kuznetsov AGE: 18 ALIASES: Henny BIRTHDATE: 30/6/2002 BIRTHPLACE: Novosibirsk, Russia ETHNICITY: 100% Russian GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Heterosexual RELIGIOUS BELIEFS...
  11. jeemay

    Suggestion regarding /carry in the School

    IGN: Glazebury / jeemay DATE: 13/10/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest a simple change to the /carry permissions in school. I think they should be limited to only not being able to /carry in classrooms as opposed to the whole school area. This is mainly because as...
  12. jeemay

    Forums Change Suggestion

    IGN: Glazebury / jeemay DATE: 2/10/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest a change to the forums; this change is making the item request, role rank request, and things like that private. I hate seeing the newest posts just filled with "Can't grade up" or "Need my new...
  13. jeemay

    NEWS REPORT | Burn the Wealth

    BURN THE WEALTH ┆ - Marshall K. Constantine - Good day to you everyone, this is Marshall back at you once again with another story, another report, this time we have a lot to cover so let us take a look at all the events and mishaps that occurred in the city of Karakura. Our first story comes...
  14. jeemay

    EMS (Doctor) Application | jeemay

    OOC (Out Of Character) Information _____________ Current In-Game-Name (IGN) : The account's username that I'm applying with is jeemay. My other account (MAIN) is Glazebury. What timezone are you in?: GMT (+2) Do you have Discord, if so what is it?: glaze#5830 Specify your activity on the...
  15. jeemay

    BUNKEN︱文献 ︱A Community of Writers

    BUNKEN︱文献 _______________________ Welcome to Bunken! A small, growing community of writers and literature lovers. The concept behind this idea is to give inspired writers space to write about whatever their heart desires and either sell it or showcase it to the community to judge on. This...
  16. jeemay

    NEWS REPORT | Happy Pills

    - Happy Pills - ( Marshall K. Constantine ) _________________________________________ Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a fantastic day! This is Marshall Constantine once again reporting to you about stories from all around our beautiful home that we call Karakura. Today’s story is a...
  17. jeemay

    Marshall K. Constantine | マーシャルコンスタンティン

    < ⚠ > None of this information is to be taken ICly (In-game) < ⚠ > ┋ ________________________________________________________ Before anything, here's a small list of songs to listen to as you read along . . . ________________________________________________________ MARSHALL K. CONSTANTINE...
  18. jeemay

    Apartment Changes

    IGN: shadyjimmy DATE: 08/09/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd like to suggest some changes to be made to the apartments: The first change I'd love to see is the addition of a new command, that command would be the /apartment clear command. This command as it suggests would simply...
  19. jeemay

    NEWS REPORT | The Karakura Summer Festival Dance

    - The Karakura Summer Festival Dance - | Marshall K. Constantine | Good day to you, dear citizens of Karakura! This is Marshall King Constantine, one of the newest reporters recently appointed to the position. Our story today comes from the High School and College of Karakura! Let’s see what...
  20. jeemay

    Karakura Radio Suggestion

    IGN: shadyjimmy DATE: 08/25/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: This idea/suggestion has been going around in my mind lately and I think it'll be one that players would enjoy. I got this idea mainly from two things: The volleyball tournament, and the recent Got Talent Show. I really...