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  1. Kandu

    Codeine Smasher's Role add 1# |26/10/2021

    IGN: CodeineSmasher DATE: 26/10/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Adding a new role for Builders aka. [Architect] HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will add more roleplaying opportunities with Shop owners, Tower members/owners and people who own Houses. This will benefit...
  2. Kandu

    Lost Car Request | Blue Hennessy

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Hennessy EVIDENCE: This is a very old picture but its the only screenshot i have of that car in my inv since i deleted my screenshot folder since it was over 10 gb
  3. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's forum role suggestion

    IGN: codeinesmasher DATE: 28th of july 2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: add ranks/roles to forums HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: well it will benefit by showing which people are 3D modeller, lore team etc. This could just be a fun "addon".
  4. Kandu

    Lemme get 1# in most likes

    Let me got the most likes, ty
  5. Kandu

    New Era | Speakeasy

    IGN: CodeineSmasher DATE: 6/20/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I suggest adding back a Speakeasy. This speakeasy would be called 'New Era Speakeasy'. It would be located under the Apartment block D, Deluxe residence. Since there is a graffiti spot already there, we will make a...
  6. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's College Rank request from Alt

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Codeinesmasher WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) I need to get my college rank transferred from Nowts to my main account CodeineSmasher YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade-12 EVIDENCE:
  7. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's Street name | Suggestion

    IGN: CodeineSmasher, Nowts, Ikzd DATE: 4/9/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I suggest adding street names since Karakura is a-ok big street it could be cool to have street names, this could also benefit rp'ing since its hard to say what house you are located at like 1st person: "where...
  8. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's Ice-Cream trucks | Suggestion

    IGN: CodeineSmasher, Nowts, Ikzd DATE: 4/9/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I suggest adding ice-cream trucks during the summer since it could add more map interactions we already have some ice-cream models so nothing would really add to the pack but, this could show that the map is...
  9. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's Fruit tree's | Suggestion

    IGN: CodeineSmasher, Nowts, Ikzd DATE: 4/8/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I suggest adding fruit around the map we have right now and the new map. It could be cherry trees, Apple tree's, pear trees and peach trees around the map where it could have a sign on it saying [!] Pick a...
  10. Kandu

    Best Moments on SRP (Karakura map) [Screenshots / text]

    Hey! I have an idea of the best moments you guys/girls had on the Karakura map, so if you all could post at least one screenshot or text with the best moment you ever had on this map since the new map is coming out
  11. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost car application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: i think it was called something like "Biggestroadman's whip" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: it turned into my backpack
  12. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost car application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Hennessy EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i just placed my car down then it turned into my back pack And the picture are quite old but I still have the car (well still have it as its still my backpack) i bought the car from mikrosoft
  13. Kandu

    New map item transfer / movement of storage | CodeineSmasher

    IGN: CodeineSmasher DATE: 1/21/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Basically, as the new map is coming out soon a lot of people will worry about how they are gonna transfer their items, or if they will lose them cause of the map transfer. so basically what I am suggesting is using the...
  14. Kandu

    School Uniforms & more school stuff.

    IGN: CodeineSmasher DATE: 1/4/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: School Accessories: I think you should start in SchoolRP with the following items (Eraser, sharpener, pencil, and a notebook) this could make you do more roleplay, like let's say I wrote something wrong in the notebook...
  15. Kandu

    Yui Hashimo Nurse application | Nowts [2]

    OOC SECTION CURRENT In-Game-Name (IGN): Nowts What timezone are you in?: I am in the CEST Time Zone How old are you? (I.R.L): I am fifteen years old IRL Do you have discord, if so what is your discord username?: Nowts#0069 Describe your activity on the server?: I am pretty active, I’ve...
  16. Kandu

    Got denied

    Got denied so remove
  17. Kandu

    Denied Yukkuriyukke's School nurse application

    Out-of-Character Section In Game Name: YukkuriYukke Do you have discord? Yes I do indeed have discord. My discord is : ruski?#7738 Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: I have not been banned on YukkuriYukke but I have been banned on CodeineSmasher for toxicity, but I have...
  18. Kandu

    Denied Yukkuriyukke's School-Nurse application [For Alt Account] #2

    Out-of-Character Section In Game Name: Yukkuriyukke Do you have discord? Yesi do indeed have discord. My discord is : ruski?#7738 Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: i have not been banned on YukkuriYukke but i have been banned on CodeineSmasher for toxicity, but i have matured...
  19. Kandu

    Denied Yukkuriyukke's Librarian application

    Out-Of-Character Information In Game Name: Yukkuriyukke Do you have discord? Yes and it is Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: i have not been banned on this account but i have been banned on codeinesmasher for toxicity, but i have matured since then. Because the way i talked...
  20. Kandu


    IGN (Minecraft Username): DragonTTV WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Grade 12 | 18 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 9 | 15 EVIDENCE: