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eunjiin's KPD application


Level 19
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
GMT , Going into BST soon!

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Denied - Hospital Application
Accepted - Professor Application
Accepted - Judge Application
Accepted - Nurse Application
Accepted - Librarian Application
Accepted - Shrine Application
Accepted - Hospital #2 Application

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is up and down, mainly because It is coming to the end of the first year of my degree, meaning exams and assignments will start flooding me. However, I always manage to make time for SRP. My time on SRP is around 5-8 hours, maybe less during the week and more on the weekends. I may go inactive for an x-amount of time; this is due to my medical issues, which have already been spoken about previously. I will make sure to place an inactivity log in if I am not expected to be active at all.

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation fluctuates, however, It is stronger when it comes to applying to things I personally have a keen interest in. For awhile, before I even applied for EMS I was considering the aspect of KPD, however, I never really had the whole level of confident to step into such a large faction until I joined other factions which I eventually over time, gained more confidence and development in the understanding of certain factions, such as becoming a Receptionist/Nurse for Karakura High school, then applying for Shrine, Professor and Judge. As Judge, I had a semi-closer connection to the KPD as I had to work alongside them with cases, warrants etc, meaning we had to communicate on a day-to-day basis. This made me have a higher interest in KPD and how they worked as a group, fast forward to becoming an EMS worker, I work with KPD day to day and interact with them all the time, I enjoy watching how they do certain situations and being able to assist where I can, now I want to be able to experience that myself and expand the knowledge that I’ve learnt about KPD and their surrounding elements.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge on Police work is slowly expanding as the days go on, and would expand further upon acceptance and training within the faction. My knowledge is currently limited as far as I’m aware, however, I am aware what equipment is required, the rankings within KPD and the basic line of what they do as a whole.
My knowledge other than equipment and ranks is limited, however, I do understand what certain officers can do. Some officers are limited to what they can or can’t do based on their rankings within the KPD structure. KPD as a whole are what police would do IRL, arresting people, dealing with contraband, raids, dealing with top secret cases or simple cases. Overall, there to help keep the town safe.

Police Baton​
A Police baton is used to help arrest or assist themselves in defending during a situation, they can also be used to knock out a criminal after two hits.
All rankings have access to this.​
Handcuffs are used to help detain and arrest any criminal/individual that requires to be detained/arrested.
All rankings have access to this.​
Pepper Spray​
Pepper spray is used as a way to protect the officer on duty, if they are in close range and unable to be stopped, they can use pepper spray and spray it in their face which blinds them for 30 seconds, giving the officer enough time to escape or detain the suspect.
All rankings have access to this as well as EMS.​
Breathalyzer is to check a civilian's intoxication level, if above 50% the officer is allowed to fine them for Public Intoxication which if they refuse they can be arrested for not complying with the officer.
All rankings have access to this as well as EMS.​
Riot Shield​
Riot Shield is a Shield that helps aid protection against the officer themselves, they can use it to defend themselves against any weapons and depending what position they have the shield in, they have weld their baton at the same time.
Riot Shields also help push against any crowds or criminals trying to attack, so they are able to get out of their current situation.
All rankings have access to this.​
Gas Mask​
Gas masks are used in different situations, when an officer is required to go into riot gear, this conceals their identity from any suspects/criminals, they also use Gas mask when it comes to situations where there are dangerous fumes they may inhale, such as smoke from fire or any chemical leaks.
All Rankings have access to this as well as EMS.​
Crowbars are an item that helps gain access to apartments or storage, opening places that require a key or certain access, they are usually used during raids or any situations where a civilian may be stuck.
Only accessed by ranks of CPL and upwards.​
Stun Blaster​
Stun Blaster is used on suspects/criminals when prone to danger or when an individual refuses to stop moving, such as evasion etc.
All Rankings have access to this.​
Tranquilizer is used to calm any threats coming the officers or civilians way, preventing any further danger.
Rankings from SGT and above have access to this.​
A Radio is a communicative device where all on-duty and off-duty officers or EMS workers are able to communicate with each other.
All Rankings have access to this as well as EMS​

There are two divisions with different rankings, the Main division and the Detective Division. I don’t know as much regarding the rankings, I mostly know more about the Main Division than the Detective Division. As far as I’m aware, the Main division has 5 ranks, this is excluding the Captain and Commissioner rank. Those are; Cadet, Patrol Officer, Corporal, Sergeant and Lieutenant.

Whereas from my knowledge in the Detective Division there is, Detective Constable, Detective Inspector, Detective Chief Inspector and Detective Superintendent.
All KPD officers start at Cadet being the lowers rank possible and begin their training on that rank, then once they’ve passed their exam when they are ready, they get promoted to Patrol Officer, meaning they are able to commit to more duties, however, Detective and Main are completely separate and have no control over each other. They focus on their own division but they work together as well.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Theres different reason the police are important to SchoolRP, however, the main reason is really to keep everything intact crime wise as well as bring some stability and balance. Without the Police, crime rates would be increasing and there wouldn’t be any boundaries to prevent these crimes from getting out of hand. Police also help with keeping civilians safe, just by patrolling the area and making sure nothing is out of place or in danger, they also act as the fire department for SchoolRP.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I completely acknowledge that If training is held while I am online, I will be required to attend otherwise there will be consequences for it.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Dalisay Valencia

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
27 years old

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female with She/They pronouns

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Masters Degree

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Filipino and Japanese Sign Language.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Brief Description:
Dalisay is a 5'3 Filipino female with a toothy smile that outlines her personality, her warm-toned skin blending in with her chestnut-coloured hair and chocolate-coated eyes. Dalisay is mainly covered in a golden tint of freckles splattering across her face and body. Her hair would layer in beach wave style to above her waist line, usually wearing some studs in her ears along with some lightly dusted on makeup, mostly eyeliner to enchant her eyes.
Unique Features:
Dalisay has a few unique features about herself, one of them being the fact she was smothered in golden freckles across her skin, she also does have a few scars scattered on her arms from her childhood, where she would get into fights with the fishing net. Another small feature that wasn't spotted unless you was close up, which is a beauty mark on her left ear that mostly covered the top part, but her hair covered it most of the time.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professional Setting:
Dalisay in her professional setting is a bit different from her casual, she is more focused on being professional and understanding during tough situations when it comes to dealing with criminals or situations where people would be under pressure. Her attitude doesn’t change too much from her casual, but it's more focused and stricter, making her limit how energetic she gets. She is approachable and mostly focuses on the task at hand, helping out where and however she can in situations she's needed in.

Casual Setting:
Dalisay is seen to be more relaxed and collective attitude while off duty, being able to express her full nature around those she hangs out with, work is tiring which means she doesn’t give a more full on response when it comes to people asking her questions about work or how her day is going, however, she does seem outgoing when shes doing certain things she's enjoying, using this time to fully relax and be more herself, than having to worry about being professional.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Dalisays outlook on co-workers is strong, the fact that she has people to turn to regarding situations that she may get herself in or situations where she will need an extra pair of hands which is where the teamwork aspect comes into place, having the support of her co-workers to complete these tasks. Even though there are times where

What's your character's backstory?
Dalisay was raised in her hometown on the south coast of the Philippines, where she spent most of her life there with her parents and older sister. She had a pretty average and traditional filipino family, she may not have been the first born but she was the second and last born, which didn’t bother her, her parents or her sister. Since they lived near the coastline, her father was mostly early mornings working with the fishermen to help bring in the sea food stock while her mother and sister prepared the food for the community. Dalisay? She just ran around in the sand causing utmost chaos as most toddlers do, with flowers in her hair and a bucket full of seashells, while the sun shined on her golden tanned skin and brightened her freckles.

Each day in Dalisay was like living a dream in a wonderland, she was always curious about things, how they become one thing to another, object or human. When Dalisay turned 8 years old, she started helping out with assistance regarding the sea food production and noticed something regarding her parents. It turned out they both had applied for jobs to bring in a better income for the two children they had to provide for, which was upsetting considering they loved where they lived, but their Job is something the Parents have wanted for a while.
A year later, the Valencia family had finally moved into the city where they started their new Job, a new environment, a new school, new friends, new everything. Her mother got a job as an animal forensic scientist which she was mostly focusing on old bones that were found and testing them, as well as doing anything behind the scenes that were necessary. Whereas her father got a Job at the local PD and was doing detective behind the scenes work, he was mostly focusing on solving cases that would require him to be on scene. Dalisay always looked up to her parents and sister, her sister was a college student just getting way with life, wanting to become apart of the local PD herself but the lawyer side of things, she wanted to be a criminal Justice lawyer, which is the complete opposite of what her parents were, but they were just as supportive.

During Dalisays years at school, she struggled a lot mostly with verbal communication with others, having a fear that people would judge her for being so quiet and shy, though she was proven wrong when she gained a small friendship group that lasted her through the whole of the school year. Like most kids, there was bullying and a few issues with grades etc, but that didn’t stop Dalisay or her family from being proud of how far they’ve come.
Years eventually passed, her sister had moved away to finalize her studies to become a Criminal justices lawyer, her father got a promotion and was now the lead detective of his precinct and her mother was still in the same job, enjoying what she did. Dalisay? She just finished her school with good enough grades to be able to go into College.

College was just around the corner, while Dalisay may have excelled in highschool with a good outcome of grades, the first year or two of college was a struggle, mostly because it was a battle on getting assignments in and what career path she wanted to go down. On Top of that, she was struggling with some things back at home, not all families are happy families, sometimes they can get into fights or have a disagreement that leads to another thing.
Dalisays’ main focus was getting her grades and heading to university, while she was a shy and non-verbal kid back at school, she gained more confidence as time went on and she was gaining more social interactions within her group, she then delt with her family issues and eventually decided her career path. Dalisay wanted to follow in her parents footsteps, but at the same time she wanted to follow her own. She wanted to be a part of the PD and be an officer herself, being able to help civilians and deal with cases. Luckily, the area Dailsay lived in was low maintenance, there wasn’t much concern for crime, it was calm, this did bring her motivation down and she did go through patches of wanting to drop out of college and just go back to her hometown and live there, but her parents continued to motivate her and she eventually got the grades she needed to go to university to complete criminology and gain her Police degree, which she would have to go on Police academy for further training. The training in general brought down Dalisay's motivation even further, to the point she was writing her resignation letter, her parents and sister sat her down and told her to re-think what she was doing, she had studied for these moments in her career and she was so willing to throw it out the window.

After the University years had passed, she eventually got the diploma she needed and moved to Japan to continue her studies and follow the path of becoming a fully fledge officer.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
In Karakura, it is illegal to carry a pocket knife; if you are caught with a pocket knife on you, you will be arrested for possession of illegal weaponry and could face up to 3 months in jail.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol, Multivitamins, Band-Aid, Melatonin, and a Wooden cane!
These five items do not require a prescription, and civilians will not be fined or arrested for having these items on them; more items do not need prescriptions; these are 5 of the ten or more items found in the pharmacy.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"If I were to witness my co-worker physically abusing/assaulting an inmate, my first thing would be asking for a higher-up, avoiding using the radio as this could alert them. After a higher-up would be alerted, I'd approach the cell with my taser and tell my co-worker to drop the weapon they were using or to face the wall before asking the inmate to place their hand through the gap to cuff them and head into the cell before cuffing the co-worker who was committing the assault. Once they have been cuffed, I'd pass it over to the higher-up to deal with the situation, focusing on the potentially injured inmate and doing what is necessary to get them some help."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"If we are on patrol, responding to a call, or even responding to a Code 0. The first thing would be to pull out my taser and point it at the suspect before shouting at them to get onto the floor or face the wall, before going towards them with another co-worker watching my back and patting them down before cuffing them and arresting them for Government assault which is up to 6 months in Jail. After they have been transported to the hospital, my attention would focus on my co-worker before radioing into EMS and asking for a Doctor/Paramedic to be on standby before doing first aid and transporting the co-worker to the hospital."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"Since all co-workers of mine would have access to a radio, they would hear what is said. I'd make sure my body cam was switched on to catch any audio or video evidence to use against them. Suppose this happened, and they saw me before acting as if nothing happened. In that case, I'd leave the area before heading to the higher-up who resides on duty, report the situation to them, and provide any evidence I have gotten within that moment. I wouldn't let it build up because that would allow the corruption to brew on a bit longer; before they are charged and arrested, I'd await direct commands from my higher ups and follow the necessary procedures to capture the corrupted officer. The sooner it has been reported, the sooner the co-worker can be detained and arrested for Government corruption and Gang affiliation, which is up to more than 20 months in Jail and removal from their position as an officer of the force."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"I'd dismiss them, not accepting their bribe no matter what they wanted. Since they may already be detained and on their way to Jail, I'd inform them that bribery is a fineable offense, and it would be added onto their current charges."


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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