[OOC Section]
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
My last bans were appealed a year after the occurrence in 2019 from the discord & forums (which were punishments from 2018) and my last server appeal was in 2017. Past then I have had a fairly clean record, besides very minor warnings.
Describe your activity on the server:
I am mainly active on my council account ‘dattokkatji’, being on that account for about 2-3 hours every day or so. I am frequently looking through RPH discords as well and the server forums. I would dedicate time as well to being on this account if I am to be accepted.
Do you have Discord?
evan#4096, I am in the Journalist Discord as well
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, and I can speak in VCs if needed
List your current and past applications:
Language Application x7
Character auth Application x2
College Application [discord]
College Professor x2 [private convo]
Club Application x2 [google form]
Language Application x7
Character auth Application x2
College Application [discord]
College Professor x2 [private convo]
Club Application x2 [google form]
What is your motivation for applying?:
I really enjoyed creating the piece that won the Journalist competition at the beginning of this month, it was enjoyable to be able to create that story. I have always been fond of creative writing, anything that I have control over really. While the Journalist aspect of the server isn’t exactly just writing fun stories, I get to have the chance to create interesting things for the students to read such as wacky conspiracies, interviews, and much more.
I have been complimented on my writing many times before within my time as a high school student (in the reaaaaal world) and my ability to create interesting stories, my grammar skills, and such. I
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
With the school’s Journalists, you have the freedom to create any type of story you wish! (Obviously being appropriate with the story) With any paper, interview, review, or a basic essay. You have to start off with your basic idea of what you want to create, sort of like a messy rough draft.
From then, you build on your story. Whether that be the online research you do, the interviews that you conduct with any student, adult, anybody! Or on-field experience for any sort of situation. After that, you want your report to look presentable before it goes on to be published, it should be eye-catching, you should be able to drag the reader in and shock them! Creating a piece that the reader won’t forget. If it is then presentable and readable. It’ll be published!
Why are Journalists important to SchoolRP?
It's how we get our information, without a source as such some may be completely blind to the things going on in their own town (unless a witness to whatever it is), whether it be some sort of dangerous gang-related event or any city or school festivals. All this information is given to you by the journalists.
Specifically to the server, it adds just another small drop of life and realism into the school world. The school has so many things to offer to players, such as teams, jobs, clubs, etc.. Journalists can be apart of delivering information after server events or even be apart of creating lore-based server events - Also being able to create a sort of 'buzz' with conspiracies, rumors, and such. Generally adding even more life into roleplay.
[IC Section]
Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Siyeon looks like any average Korean girl, facial structure-wise. Besides that, her hair was bleach blonde, she described it as a chip upon feeling her hair but that didn’t matter to her, as she loved the look on herself. Her eyebrows were her natural hair color, dark brown and the iris was about the same shade. If asked to give something unique about herself, she wouldn’t answer with anything, really. She is quite literally an average teenager. She has her obsessions over her favorite music groups, movies and more. She has always been able to make friends at any school she’s been at, she’s living the teenage dream.
At school, she is very talkative. Her friendliness and ability to get along with her classmates is the only flaw that her teachers could give about her. When she could actually focus on whatever was going on in class, to everybody's surprise, completed the work efficiently and most of the time received excellent scores. She always goes out of her way to get along with her fellow Journalists and classmates, people knew her best for her kindness, it was almost what some people hated her for. She adores those she spends her days with, always trying to be on the bright side of life.
She doesn’t have any clue of what she wants to do going into the future, many describe teenagers like her as going through the peak of their life. This may be the peak of her life, maybe she’ll go onto be an accountant slowly dying at her 9-5 job, or. She may find what she loves to do in the final years of school. She doesn’t know, but she isn’t worried. She knows whatever comes her way will be what she was meant to do.
She was born on May 17th, 2003 in Daejeon, South Korea to both parents. Her father is originally from a small Japanese town and her mother is a native Korean. Shortly after her birth, they traveled ways away from Korea to Nagoya, Japan. The location of her grandparents. (from her father’s side, of course) They all lived together for the majority of her life.
She lived her school life in Nagoya simply, she had many friends and excelled at school. She was exactly like how she is now, as kind (and talkative) as can be. Nothing really was ‘exciting’ in a sense, but she still had a very happy childhood. In 2018, she made the move to Karakura with her parents. They were finally comfortable enough to move out of the town and to purchase their own home.
After she was settled in this new, ‘strange’ town. She fit right into the groove of things. As she does best. She flew right through her freshman and sophomore years and is currently pursuing her 3rd year at this school. She was a regular student for quite literally all of her life, and wanted to be able to figure out what she wanted to do with her life - She looked at the clubs Karakura High had to offer and applied for the Journalist club, hoping for the best!
[SECTION 1: Personal Details]
Full Name:
Sonu Si-Yeon
Given Name(s):
Sonu & Siyeon
Preferred Name:
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
English, Japanese
Zainichi Korean
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
Phone Number:
Other notes:
As this application is posted, I am still working on the skin for this character. Just couldn’t wait to post it lol.
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