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Denied Judge | Frankeistein's Application


Level 25


In-game Name:

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I've only been banned once, and this happened almost a year ago. Since then I have not been banned, nor do I intend to, I was warned once for spamming and have yet to be banned again— I learned about how bad of a mistake I made and got unbanned after making my second appeal for Malicious Behavior. It was a stupid mistake, a misunderstanding (in my opinion) that I will not be repeated, and I have learned my lesson from that incident. The person who made those mistakes in the past and I are not the same. I believe that most people do not perceive me in that light, which makes me happy. However, you are free to pass judgment on whatever you want. I’m still trying to change every day and to become a better person, and I think that should be taken into account while reading my application. This ban is still something I think about every week, it’s not something I take lightly at all and I can guarantee this will NEVER happen again.

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do.

Timezone & Country:
My timezone is BST / GMT and I’m from Portugal.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I am a pretty active person on SchoolRP. I get on every day, whether it is from one account, or another, I always seem to get at least two hours of playtime per day, though normally that is closer to 6 or more hours, especially on weekends. Since I have two roles that require a lot of activity (High-School Councillor and College Male Basketball Co-Captain) and besides this, also work for two shops, being one of the higher-ups for one of them, therefore also being responsible for openings sometimes.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for Judge.

What is your motivation for applying?:
For a few months, I’ve been thinking of applying for something in the Town faction, whether it is owning a business, or being a government worker. From what I saw, from other people’s perspectives… the roles of Judge and Governor were the ones that caught my attention for being fun to play as, but Governor didn’t stand out to me as much as Judge. Judge for me is fun since you get to take care of several tasks, like being responsible for Warrants, Criminals trials, Law Suits and documenting marriages. As you may have guessed, Judge was not my first option, however, since I have been banned last year… getting accepted into other factions has been really difficult, so I want to start off fresh / “clean” again, my motivation is definitely to show everyone that the ban that is in my past, doesn’t define who I am today. But of course, I’m not applying for Judge just because “it’s easier to apply than the others”. Not at all. I can say I have looked over these roles in the past and sincerely thought about applying but never had the courage to do so. So here I am!

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I have read these in the past and reread them a few other times before making this application to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I already had a good understanding before, but now I’m sure I know everything (or almost).

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I definitely want to further develop this character, that much is certain. He is very unlike any of my other characters in terms of personality. He is more serious than the average Karakurian, but also quieter and more reflective. He uses his words carefully and gives his actions a lot of thought before engaging iin them. Although he was initially intended for the KPD, I'm prepared to tweak his lore and possibly even his demeanour to make him work as a judge. I want to improve my roleplaying abilities, and this is one method I plan to achieve it.
Being relatively new to Karakura, not many people are familiar with Shu, who has an interesting personality. Even though he is a reserved individual, he nevertheless wants to learn more about the area and get to know more people, particularly those who are connected to his field of study - I suppose you could call them to work colleagues. He wants to meet people who share his interests because he loves his profession and wants to reduce crime in the city. He wants the people of Karakura to recognize him as a trustworthy person they can turn to with any problems, at the very least as a judge.
As a result, I am quite eager to join a new faction in order to expand my social circle, have some fun, and gain some experience in a fresh role that will help me develop as a roleplayer over time.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
To decide whether a person is guilty or not in a case, a judge effectively acts as a representative of the government. They essentially have the last word on issues that are important to every Karakurian's life, such as civil rights, religious freedom, and occasionally, life-or-death circumstances. They have to arrange and supervise court proceedings, and most significantly, they have to decide on an appropriate sentence (this being fines, time spent in jail or similar) or based on the accepted legal standards and the facts presented, without being partial. However, a judge must also demonstrate empathy and understanding for the parties involved in the case in addition to correctly reading the law. In addition, they handle the process of lawsuits and document marriages that take place in the city. They are also in charge of signing warrants.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I am aware of this.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, of course.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am aware.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have and I agree to follow the rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I am available most of the time. Only if something that is out of my control happens OOCly I will not be available, but this should only occur in very rare occasions. I will try my best on holding trials and will even do more even if my quota is complete (if my time allows me to do so, which I'm almost sure it will).


Full name:

Shu Yu

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. Shu

Current age:
30 (if accepted, 20 is his current age).

Date of birth:
“I was born on the 5th of March of 1992.”


Academic Degree:
“I graduated with a Criminal Justice PHD at the Shanghainese university, took a masters in Law, and also was a part of the Metropolitan Police Academy when I hadn’t finished my studies.”

Criminology and Political Science

Sociology and Psychology

Work experience:
“Before finishing my studies, I was a part of the Metropolitan Police Academy for some years. After doing so, I started working as a judge in Tokyo, where I worked for almost 3 years before finally moving to Karakura.”

Political background:
“I've always been really interested in politics. For those who don't know me, I'm from China, where the political system is very different from the one in Karakura and forces the majority of people to emigrate at a young age, a situation I can understand. Given how rigid politics are in our nation, you need to be well-versed in them. Although I wasn't very interested in it when I was younger and I wasn't particularly interested in how it operated in China, I was interested in how it operated properly in many other Asian and European nations. I began to understand the reasons why some aspects of Chinese culture and governance functioned the way they did. Seeing the corrupt ideals of his country, he chose to switch to government elsewhere…
Therefore, as soon as I finished my education and became aware of the icy and harsh reality I was experiencing because of the government, I made the decision to go to a nation where I could actually advance human rights and where I wouldn't be living under a dictatorship. A place where my studies can be used to actually help people by solving many issues in the city, the main one being criminality.”

Nationality & born location:
“I am Chinese and I was born in Shanghai.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
“I’m natural from Shanghai, therefore Shanghainese is my native language, followed by Mandarin, and lastly, Japanese.”

Criminal record:
Clean record. Never was arrested or fined.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“Because of the experience I've had working with a variety of people, including all kinds of citizens from criminals to serial killers, and because I know when to make the right decisions. I believe my past and present work experience make me an exceptional fit for this job. I listen to all sides of the narrative without making any conclusions about whether or not I know the persons involved. While I'd like to think that my viewpoint is important, so do everyone else's. I firmly believe that everyone has certain motives for the decisions they make in various circumstances. I've personally learned from past mistakes to always consider before I speak or act. As a result of my travels, I have observed a wide variety of individuals leading a wide variety of lives. I want to provide everyone with the best opportunities possible. In addition, I believe that all of my degrees have given me a lot of experience, and they have all really benefited my studies.”
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to DENY this application as we are full on spots for this position.

You may re-apply in 30 days

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