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Accepted JustJuiceHex | Professor Application | Law & Criminal Justice Module 'How to Get Away with a Murder'


Level 96


What is your Minecraft username?:

What is your time zone?:
GMT+1 / GMT+3 (Depends on Location, I tend to travel. This can be elaborated only privately in DMs with the faculty lead if they need clarification under anonymity & safety conduct)

What is your discord username?

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
[!] Link formatting seems to be buggy from my laptop, so I used the pooled table method to make it less messy [!]

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Past activity

-I have held following party tags: HS-Baseball; College-Baseball; Tutor; Professor.
- I have determined my time to divers rp as Bird "Flamenco" (Here) and Racoon, roles that I enjoyed but realized it is not my type of spice.
- I was also accepted in the following stores: La Casa Nostra (quit), Lightning Electronics (quit), Shizukesa (quit), Shiawasena Konyu (quit), and Joyoung (quit).
- I was also entrusted to manage: Nohara Tower & Misfits Tailoring before my temporary break.
-I have helped over 15 new players adapt to the environment and help them get along with the system.
-I have constantly engaged with players and assisted them with minor things such as interiors, and backstory writings, I have once written lore for Ketsueki Family and Hayashi Clan. (You can verify this with ReaperLove#0810)
I was engaging with Journalism Club as Soi'vju Ya and delivering high-quality articles with the expectancy to grow in it and inspire roleplay among the players.

-I have also benefited the community by writing a number of articles, and contributing to the server in the wisdom of observation:  DetailRP-Guide, Christmas-Event, BearCave-Remake & more..

Current Activity

-I have newly created another animal role of Bear and expect to make rather wholesome content for different factions to engage with. Whilst I am still learning it, I do find it interesting and feel promising results to show. KEEP IN MIND, in case I am accepted I would like to swap my Bear Character Slot for Professor (because other one is Adult)
-I lead a newly introduced clan of art & philosophy Kagenouta (Here). I expect it to thrive in the community and motivate people to roleplay engagement.
-I have reenrolled to the Misfits Tailoring as a writer and auction tailor. I have been Advert team member in FJ tailoring for a while now helping out the management team when asked. And I also work for Customable's Jaibatsume Tailoring project ^^.
-I am now working in Mai-Yume and Oto-Nashi stores.
-I have commenced into GangRP commencing into story written content with fierce p2ling and quality content making with SRP community. However, I paused it due to the lack of engagement and lack of productive roleplay.
-With current records, I do not hold any negative reputation and with the past concerns raised during previous applications, I can assure you all is cleared. I give my vows to the server & SRP community for a full-satisfactory build. However, if you have any questions feel free to DM me on Discord.

Availability to play
Server6pm-10pmN/AN/AN/A5pm-10pm8pm-2amAll Day
Discord6pm-10pmN/AN/AN/A5pm-10pm8pm-2amAll Day

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
Citation from My Previous app:
"In past, I have played in the following RPGs where I interacted with people on roleplay-based engagement: Twin Saga, Dragonica, Aura Kingdom, Guild Wars 2, Genshin Impact.
SRP, I officially joined in 2022. I have had various testing of terminology and community-wise base. Around mid-June was a time when I got into detailed roleplay and began making my own character lore. I personally never enjoyed gang theatre play (spoiler: horrible roll luck SOB), thus I started making friendly roleplay engagements, went to romance roleplay, family roleplay, basic sparring content, jock rp, cooking rp, aiding rp.. In short, I devised all basics to make entertaining and funny roleplay creating quality time for people and myself.

Whenever I roleplay I try to focus on my character and rational wise actioning, which wouldn't break the reality code. At times due to SRP rules realistic roleplay doesn't always turn out, thus some questioning moments appear, but regardless I stay to enjoy time on the server and engage with the friendly people I meet.

Evaluating SRP as a game community, I won't say it is ideal - just like in life there is nothing perfect, game always has opportunities and ways to grow. While I have time I will do what I can to make worthwhile roleplay and maybe come up with suggestions for the server."

At the current, I had a massive break from SRP, and as I come back (was back since September) I see more time to dedicate to growing a fun and thrilling game experience! During 2023 mid-end I was a part of voice acting project, so if you feel like you can consider it an RP experience?

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[Adult] - Soi'vju I. Kagenouta
[Bear] - Don Asmong Sicarius

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Law & Criminal Justice | Module 'How to Get Away with a Murder'
(With all due respect, this is how I would like to label the class in the system. Thanks in advance.)


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

The statement will summarize my recent goals and motivation regarding the SRP (including a small OOC Reflection)

Ever since I came back to SRP I started to notice a slightly changed game environment. I noticed a number of people I used to play with were either gone or inactive and ones that still remained, were slightly demotivated by the monotony that they experienced for years. Nevertheless, we continue to develop social and engaging game projects from our hearts: one of which is Kagenouta Clan, a project that I implemented to gather fellow players and slowly build up the concept of geishas and art in SRP as player-made events. As it continues to grow, I observed and noticed an interesting contrast between the current generation of SRP. A lot of players prefer to engage in scenario-based roleplays which give a certain background and ideas to start roleplay from. This led me to remember my University lectures in Forensic Science, where we were tasked to solve out hypothetical scenarios and make reflections on learnt materials. This was a rather engaging and thrilling activity outside of constant reads and writings typo. That's when I came up with the idea to create a character - a professor, who leads the lectures based on scenarios, where people can debate and let their crazy minds imagine whatever they desire. Not only does this let the SRP community taste a sense of flexible roleplay, it also cherishes their creative perspectives and spontaneous interactions with each other. This is when I remembered a show called 'How to Get Away with Murder' which presented quite a similar method to present the 'daily life' of law students. I believe it would be iconic, to make an RP based on a similar principle.

Thus, prioritizing one of my goals - I seek to create a character that would brighten up the College atmosphere with fun and easy activities like solving hypothetical scenarios or making a fancy debate by prompting Karakura-related topics (on the contrary this way to share more of SRP town established lore). Secondly, I missed doing a professor role, in the past I had to leave due to pressuring life circumstances, which have now vanished and engaging with the said role would be undoubtedly one of the most exciting features for me as an SRP player. From the previous Professor's Application, you should be already aware of my skills and credibility.

Lastly, my aspiring motivation led me to dedicate my in-game time to building a more engaging and thrill-taking experience by creating interactive classes. Allowing players to develop their characters is truly satisfying to watch. From critical discussions to slang-free chit-chats, the scope roleplay can take is enormous and I would like to make it even more intriguing by giving players a sense of deductive spice. Opening quite fun and considerate topics, making a fun yet precise RP background for college class - surely is something my motivation is lit and up for breaking down in the game.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

1. Contextual issue of filing a lawsuit

The benefit of this class is hidden within a few points. While college players and their characters should be aware of ways to file a lawsuit, there is a number of those who don't or never had the opportunity. Initially, hosting this class will help players to get a hang of ICLY sense, hosting a 'scenario' case where someone is attempting to file a lawsuit, additionally giving players to refresh their knowledge on forums provided information -> Forum Information on Lawsuit. The following benefit lies within creating an interactive class where people can allow their characters shine and build their student reputation: sharing their perspectives, ideas, and knowledge. Lastly, class directly prepares students for actual ICLY situations where they seek to create a lawsuit.

Class Plan
Period 1
  • Welcome Talk
  • Discussion of Day’s Topic
  • Revising Class Knowledge on it
  • Presenting 3 Brainstorm questions to secure understanding of lawsuit filing
  • Informing of the class task for the upcoming period.
  • Giving a scenario task [!] posted through SRP forums [!]
  • Time to prepare for upcoming class
Period 2
  • Forming three groups for scenario discussion: Ones that agrees with the DEFENDANT, Second that agrees with the PROSECUTOR innocence & Third side which stays on 50/50.
  • Initiating debate talk
  • End the debate talk with conclusions
  • Inform students of availability to ask questions regarding the topic on next period
  • Time to enjoy lunch, think of possible questions or continue with the day flow
Period 3
  • Question time - Letting students ask/discuss/solve any sort of matters regarding class topic.

2. Mrs. Snow White Death Case - a Faulty Murder or a Set-up?

Daniel's strongest and most universal side of the profession is preparing people to deal with difficult lawsuits - putting students through distinctively formulated stories. Everyone loves Disney stories, but what if they were transitioned as trial scenarios? Knowing the nature of the Movie and the Character can players figure out why the one character shining brightest was faded, were they killed? By who? Step by Step game which initiates 2 periods of the day. Based on the evidenced picture of the day when the victim is found, witnesses that encountered them for the past 24 hours and accusers that delved into pain because of the victim's loss - can college students prepare an evidenced lawsuit? Excellent opportunity for players who seek to become part of Town Hall or Private Lawyership companies. Therefore, in this class, the classical story of Snow White (or Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) is modified into a modern-day situation where Snow White is found dead one morning, her family found about this a few hours from an old lady after shocking news spread through 'Forest' town; Snow White's family accuses the seven dwarfs of poisoning her... [!] following scenario is not disclosed, play to find out![!]

Class Plan
Period 2
  • Welcome Talk
  • Discussion of Day’s Topic
  • Presenting the Mrs. Snow White Murder Case [!] posted through SRP forums [!]
  • Forming groups based on class size
  • Giving a scenario task - core 3 questions that each group should discuss through
  • Students given time to prepare for the class
Period 3
  • Continue the Period 2 task, allow formed groups to present their conclusions over the case and answer given 3 questions
  • Debate and weighting of the outcome
  • Overall summary
  • Inform students of availability to ask questions regarding the topic on the next period
  • Lunchtime, ability to think of any question for last period of the day
Period 4
  • Question time

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

A Visit to the Town Hall

Organizing a small venue between School and Town Hall bodies. This would involve 1-2 Lawyers or Town Hall Staff, taking students to the actual courtroom, and giving a small introduction to how the set system works. Outlining basics and ethical manner that should be held during law trials. Students will be allowed to ask questions regarding Town Hall procedures and career perspectives that their set employees undergo. Students will then be set in 2 groups and each group will have to make an improvised court play with every group member playing accorded law roles (Defendant, Prosecutor, Bailiff, Plaintiff, Jury, Judge, Lawyer), a court play will have a short background to it and it will become a live opportunity for students to experience life on another side of the window.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
My character would interfere with the situation, and clarify what's going on. If college jocks ignored him, he would give them up to 2 warnings to split on the third pointing out detention for them and informing of Higher-ups on amends assigned in the detention room. If bobcat was student would be found with injuries they would be directly taken to the nurse. If both parties were encountered in fight, regardless of equality terms, all would be given straight up detention.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Give them 3 warnings on 3rd, if they did not show any compliance, directed to SLT for failure to fulfilling student conduct

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Since it is college, my character would state noise and sound proficiency rules. As long as it is noisy (held in /mec) my character would not interfere with it. However, if any disturbance would be made they would be given 2 warnings to calm down, on 3rd handing out detention hours.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
In this matter, no following action can be made apart from:


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

| Appearance, Characteristics, Perspectives & Goals |

Daniel Keating is an Italian male who stood 5’9 121lbs. He would have sharp hazel eyes and soft black hair that lined down until his mid-back. His slim-masculine build would be outstanding with appealing tattoos: Tiger inked from shoulder blades to tailbone, Sea Serpent on his right forearm and Life Compass on his right quad veined by rose thorns. Strangely a warm feeling would be felt from the Vibrant Lavender and bold Black Cedarwood cologne that would be scented from mere blocks of standing figure; it ruptured the intense Woody Fragrance of character.

His personality is encrypted with the unique distinction of social circle: white mass, grey mass, & black mass; White mass stands for people he respects and is willing to work with under no circumstances, these are people whom he holds close as friends, family and reliable resources; Grey mass is population of individuals that do not show any big reflection or essential need to be talked to, Dan would only engage with the for work or necessity reasons; Black mass is the layer of people who Dan ignores and sees as non-existent, they lost his trust/hurt/used in bad way, thus, earned a place below garbage bin. Another distinction of Daniel is his ****ytical mindset, he always acts cool and thinks through happening; while some would desire to see him smiling, he chooses what matters and acts on his own provisional goals and success. He masterfully achieved the art of 'Happy Face' that he uses to work with people, he doesn't show much emotion that he experiences. As he has quite a traumatic childhood, he had to adapt to the world of 'cruelty and neglect' becoming quite an enclosed figure.

Seldom when he sees students represent the standards that he sets up at the beginning of the academic term. This leads him to become a bit strict and still manage to put entertaining classes. He doesn't bother to delve into the past of students or their difficulties, after all, he was in their shoes and he understands, the best way to lead college life is to keep it in and calmly pass graduation until employment. With fellow workers, he keeps somewhat isolated, he doesn't care much about chit-chattery, however, to keep his professional status he does engage in talks time from time. Normally he would spend time in his class working on papers, researching and sorting his queries related to lecturing. Quite unusual, but Daniel is happy to welcome students or colleagues to his working settings on breaks to sort anything crucial or emergency-based. His life outside of school is to be kept faded (play to find out!).

Lastly, he seeks to continue living his life in the law sphere as an experienced and valued academic. At a very young age, he was put under heavy pressure, which led him to enable a defensive system. To secure his life, he will continue working, growing his reputation and cherishing the well-known reputation of the Keating family. His life goals related to his personal side are not to be disclosed (play to find out!).

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

**The following information will be delivered in ICLY 1st person format - this is to give canon knowledge that exists on the character. You have been informed.**
**Following part may consider a sensitive subjectivity, thus if you feel discomfort - skip to the following part Path of Education & Lecturing**

| Backstory | Part 1 |

Paragraph 'Childhood'

[!] Recording Begins - you hear the voice of little boy[!]

“Mommy, Daddy! Look, I drew Pogo in the class today and Miss Gloria said I d-”

“Useless? But-”

“Okay Daddy… I will go do my math…”

. . .

“Mommy and Daddy are fighting again Pogo… is it because of me…? I just wanted them to be proud… why… Ever since Liyah vanished… the happiness that I saw in Mommy was gone… Liyah why did you leave us…”

*Sniffle sounds* “ - … Thank you Pogo, you are my best friend… lets go to bed! We have another day, I am sure I will make daddy proud!”

. . .

“Daddy I got best score in math! D-Daddy? Why are you walking so wably and what is that bot-” *loud shattering sound flew* “D-Daddy you almost hit me… What’s wrong… aren’t you happy?”

“D-Daddy… please no-” *sobbing sounds* “Pogo- NO POGO STOP-”


. . .

“Mommy… Daddy did bad to Pogo.. Pogo is not breathing… Mommy I want Pogo back…”

“NO! I don’t want another d-” *Slap sound*

“... M-Mommy but-”

. . .

*Crying noises* “I just wanted to make them happy… what did Pogo do to deserve this…” *sniffle* “Pogo… why did you leave me as well… I don’t like being alone… no.. ”

*Crying continued*

[!] Recording Breaks into Transition [!]

######## ..... ########## ..... ###########

Paragraph 'Teenage'

[!] Recording Follows - a somewhat changed tone, yet recognisable tone, perhaps the little boy speaking in a grow-up manner [!]

”It’s been 3 years now… nothing has changed. Father and mother continue to fight. I don’t exist in their eyes… or better say I am not even a human being to them. Constant abuse, neglect… I ******* hate this.”

“Studying and overstaying in the library have been the only options to me that helped so far… helped to stay away from that hell hole. I realized that they are not only messed up but people around me the same… Disgusting and intoxicating behaviour. They put on happy faces but in reality or just overfilled demons. My family, classmates, teachers… they all deserve to go to hell.”

“Now that I think of it… People who get jailed… do they really end up assigned final verdict on real evidence… heh… never killed anyone yet accused of murder… indeed what a wonderful way to end up. This world is messed up and to survive in it I will do everything that needs to be done… even if it means siding with same serial killers.”

. . .

“When I entered the house… the scenery I saw… It shocked me, I was supposed to be crying right? But I wasn't… seeing that woman on the floor with a knife piercing through her chest… hah… father has completely lost it… what a marvellous opportunity… I can get rid of these people…”

“Pogo… your deeds were finally avenged… and I can finally… start my life fresh…”


[!] Recording Breaks into Transition [!]

######## ….. ########## ….. ###########

Paragraph ‘Adolescence’

[!] Recording Continues – An adult intonation spoke [!]

“It has been another 3 years… I live in a different country… have a nice part-timer, accredited first-class law student… nothing could gone more perfect right…? No… I still live among those nasty people, well… for the most part. When my father got jailed that day, the next morning police found him strangled with the shirt… that man never had any hope… treated his son like crap, and then murdered own wife. Tho, that woman was not any better, she ignored the things he did.”

“I am glad I was taken in by the Keating family. It’s a truly different world with them. They may have their secrets, but at least they welcome me like their own child. Both dads are noble lawyers in their field, well that’s only on the bright side… In reality, they do what any other lawyer wouldn’t imagine to attempt. Regardless of the client’s case, they strive to successfully get them out of the court clean or at least cut the penalty to the minimum line. I admire their work skills and I am sure to carry their will. They don’t prioritize a person being an arsonist, or killer. At the end of the day, they unveil if they had an actual reason for doing the crime, if it was vengeance-seeking, loss of hope or perhaps mental illness – and keep it behind the scenery of court. The only thing that matters is winning the case… yes being victorious in life. That is what I shall achieve. Be the winner, be strong.“

. . .

“I have formed a validated application, and soon will start my Doctoral, meaning I can finally follow up and do small teaching classes for first-year students. Can’t wait to give them a peace of Keating’s way, I wonder how many will crumble and how many will last my lessons. After all, the lawyers best show their skills when they deal with the hardest cases.”

[!] Recording Breaks into Transition [!]

######## ….. ########## ….. ###########

Paragraph ‘Adulthood’

[!] Recording Begins - depressed and deep intonation sounds in [!]

“I have accomplished years of work, endless hours of research, studying, solving crime cases and defending humanity for its mistakes. The law that people live under is a simple dialogue approached in courts. Real talk and actions begins when you begin to dig those cases… but not as a lawyer, to be successful you need to spy, observe, use your resources… become a role model like a detective, hacker, or businessman… that’s right… the world never had any bright shades. It’s a simple matter of power, money and material achievements. Simply keep the positive smile, stay ethical and no one will question it.”

“So many cases solved, yet I only keep encountering faulty accused. The reputation I built… I could easily open my new company, but I don’t like showing off in everyone's eyes. I caught too much attention as it is… Better stay a lecturer rolled… dealing with students is more beneficial than putting yourself in danger for someone. I have given over 2000 hours of teaching in general, I am confident in my skill and my material is what makes the liquid gold for those inexperienced peers. Pogo… do you see my accomplishments… I made it through as far… yet I don’t feel much happiness…”

“My old friend vanished down some Karakura Island. I heard they are looking for Professors in the main town College. Perhaps I can pay a visit, and have a slight swap of settings… doing my 2 jobs now has been rather upsetting. New town, new people, new mess, new corrupted system where law plays its mere brush role painting over the town… hah… Deja Vu is what I call it. Let’s see how well their local students can cope with my studies, perhaps, I can find an apprentice worthy to inherit my knowledge, skills and Keatings Way of the lawyer.”

[!] Recording Stops and Null Effect continues [!]

######## ..... ########## .... ########### .... ########### .... #########

*The following information will be delivered in ICLY 1st person format - Imagine this is an interview setting. You have been informed.**
| Path of Education & Lecturing | Part 2 |

*positive and gentle tone began*

"You would like to know how I ended up teaching in general? Well, it began ever since I entered university as a Bachelor's student, because I had great ****ytical skills, a high academic level in writing, had a clear speech and was often sought by peers to assist them in their work, I decided to begin tutoring services. In the beginning, I was slightly stressed as I didn't know if anyone in general would reach out to me for paid help opportunities. Surprisingly it started with 8 high schoolers needing help in essay writing. I taught them basic grammar and sampled them with different ways to approach essay questions. Their wave passed after 6 months of tutoring and then I had college students who starved for advice in criminal justice fields and law - I was unsure if I could manage it, again, I was only 2nd-year student back at the time; however, as they say 'You will not find out until you try it' so I decided to take up on this task and tutor students. I found it intriguing as I didn't know people could find basic law, defence pitch talks and evidence presenting on this scale of hardship. Years passed, as I entered my Master's level in Law Acts, Control Psychology & Deception Science at Tokyo University."

*Ironic Intonation*

"A word got around with the rapid speed of my tutoring and high-class grades at BScs, two weeks after doing my postgrad year, I got a ring from the professor who deemed a need of help in their research and offered me to become their research assistant. This is where I had to work with diverse groups of law students in gathering quantitative and qualitative data, and presenting research reports and that was accordingly one of the most satisfying years of work I had. It helped me build a more academic perspective of research, allowed me to take a breath of Ethical Manner Studies. Safety, Respect, Integrity and Writing flourished on my CV paper. The professor's study was published and I was offered an honoured spot as a PhD researcher and Assistant Lecturer - obviously, such an offer was in no matter to be declined, so I happily took on it."

*Gave a brief talk on his PhD work and How it was integrated in a leading lecturing role*

"For 3 years, I followed this scheme and it wasn't much of a difference to my tutoring years. However, the band level that I worked with was on a far higher level, I guess this could somewhat paint my professionalism. Once I got my first PhD published, I started a new one right away by stepping in as Associate Lecturer at TU. I wasn't as welcomed by fellow staff since I achieved the role at a young age, I think they saw me as a redfish in a stack of white. Therefore, to secure my liking I focused on my students over them. Another 3 years passed as I delivered a whole generation of Bachelor students and one year of Master students to their graduations. On the contrary, my work was cited and printed over one of the new Law Books that go around Tokyo, this really inspired me to continue my profession, but not on the main Island. I am a bit exhausted of big cities, thus, I looked for opportunities and found Karakura's College offer, hoping I can step up as their new academia fellow and share my knowledge with local college students."


(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers) <- This was used in the Application form, mostly taken from Tippie's old Format, please ensure to moderate it so future applicants don't get misguided. *This part is specifically addressed for @MuffinCat, thank you *


Full Name:
Daniel Keating

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Daniel De Lacarte [!] Birth Certificate [!]


Daniel Keating [!] Adoption Papers [!]

Preferred Name:
Dr Keating


Gender & pronouns:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Primary Nat.: Italian
Dual Nat.: Korean

Current Location:
Port & Harbor Bureau, City of Osaka​

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree:
PhD - Forensic Psychology
| Project 1 | 3y, Forensic Psychology Combined with Criminal Logistics. "Deceptional Levels in Criminality. Outlining Psychological Factors of Psychopathy and Childhood Trauma in Convicts. ****ytical Doctoral" | 2019-2021 | This work has been published as a book in Japanese Law University Ed.
PhD - Criminal Justice
| Project 2 | 3y, Law & Criminal Justice. "Documental Records and Meta-****ysis of Performing Acts in Justice Framework" | 2021-2023 |

Year of Graduation:
Band / Level of Qualification 6 - 2018
Band / Level of Qualification 7 - 2019
Band / Level of Qualification 8 - 2021 & 2023

PhD - Law & Criminal Justice
PhD - Forensic Psychology Combined with Criminal Logistics
MSc - Law Acts, Control Psychology & Deception Science

BSc - Law & Criminology

Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Law & Criminal Justice | Module 'How to Get Away with a Murder'​


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Alternatively, if Law & Criminal Justice is capped, please consider the following Subjects: Arts of Deception Science, Performing Psychology, Academic Writing, Ethical morals.
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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