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Denied Kagenouta Clan Verified Business Application | JustJuiceHex |


Level 96

IGN: JustJuiceHex
Discord: @soulanatomic
Describe your activity on the server:

1) My Application History will demonstrate Forums Activity within SRP
[!] Link formatting seems to be buggy from my laptop, so I used the pooled table method to make it less messy [!]

2) In the community I have made following Past and Current Activity

Past activity

-I have held following party tags: HS-Baseball; College-Baseball; Tutor; Professor.
- I have determined my time to divers rp as Bird "Flamenco" (Here) and Racoon, roles that I enjoyed but realized it is not my type of spice.
- I was also accepted in the following stores: La Casa Nostra (quit), Lightning Electronics (quit), Shizukesa (quit), Shiawasena Konyu (quit), and Joyoung (quit). During 2024 I used to work in Mai-Yume (resigned) and Oto-Nashi stores (resigned)
- I was also entrusted to manage: Nohara Tower & Misfits Tailoring before my temporary break.
-I have helped over 15 new players adapt to the environment and help them get along with the system.
-I have constantly engaged with players and assisted them with minor things such as interiors, and backstory writings, I have once written lore for Ketsueki Family and Hayashi Clan. (You can verify this with ReaperLove#0810)
I was engaging with Journalism Club as Soi'vju Ya and delivering high-quality articles with the expectancy to grow in it and inspire roleplay among the players.
-I had animal role of Bear and expected to make rather wholesome content for different factions to engage with. Whilst I loved playing it, I decided to step out of the role

-I have also benefited the community by writing a number of articles, and contributing to the server in the wisdom of observation:  DetailRP-Guide, Christmas-Event, BearCave-Remake & more..

Current Activity

-I lead a newly introduced clan of art & philosophy Kagenouta (Here). I expect it to thrive in the community and motivate people to roleplay engagement.
- I have been Advert team member in FJ tailoring for a while now helping out the management team when asked. And I also work for Customable's Jaibatsume Tailoring project ^^.
-I have commenced into GangRP story written content with fierce p2ling and quality content making in SRP community. However, I paused it due to the lack of engagement and lack of productive roleplay.
- I am currently Roleplaying as Professor Daniel Keating, and got promoted to QP to my hard work and activity!
-With current records, I do not hold any negative reputation and with the past concerns raised during previous applications, I can assure you all is cleared. I give my vows to the server & SRP community for a full-satisfactory build. However, if you have any questions feel free to DM me on Discord.

My availability to play GMT+1
Server6pm-10pmN/AN/AN/A5pm-10pm8pm-2amAll Day
Discord6pm-10pmN/AN/AN/A5pm-10pm8pm-2amAll Day

Keep in mind, if the community's availability will swap - we will always inform it over discord server; 24 hours before venue goes unless SRP faces technical difficulties last minute. To secure this, I will be requesting time zones and availabilities to fit in for venues.


What is the name of your business?: Kagenouta Clan
Attach a discord link to your business here: Kagenouta Discord Link
Upon successful, I am deemed to consent to any Discord Changes with the lead of the Faculty. Our priority is to secure server runs smoothly and is accorded to SRP policy, whilst we already have some SRP staff overseer our activity, once transitioned to a business - I would like to secure final prints to it.

In a paragraph or more, please describe what your business does:
Kagenouta was originally formed in 2023 July as Family and Clan mix. Considering time, this July we hit official year in SRP! The community started as a group of interactive SRP players who were interested in Shinto roleplay and worthy leisure time activity group. The name of Kagenouta - is built of Japanese meaning 'Songs of Shadows' - referring to mysteriously dwelling melody that may mesmerise anyone whether remaining in bright light or lurking shadows. In simple words, the clan does not seek power or popularity in the server, but desires to bring together people who want to enjoy in different type of roleplay, one that SRP miss out on. Our project initially was meant to contribute to the server to help people grow their social connections, build friendships across play-stream of SRP and allow people to make positive memories by contributing to the SRP. Now we seek to grow into bigger circle, allow more SRP players hear about us, apply and enjoy the game experience together! Having opportunity to make this a business settings will fulfil the set goal. Obtaining this opportunity would allow us to create shows and performance based plays, making us an performing art business. We will include range of Clan based branches into commitment of venue planning and fulfilment of business goals.

We built different community branches that specialise in own fields, for instance:

- Geisha, Taikomichi and Neo-Geisha | carrying out dance, philosophy and art qualities of the Clan. These three business roles will be responsible for main stream of activity such as doing detail roleplay in singing, dancing, playing musical instruments on the stage or set performing environment. The core element is to bring out the undeniable elegance and cultural passion of known Geisha figures.

- Aidoru | Modern Idol branch outlining performance with prints of old Shintoism aspects. From the word Idol, it can be understood that branch will delivery the committing performance in more trend-based settings, yet focusing the essence of it towards Shintoism field, whether it being song lyrics or staged performance.

- Butoka | The Branch dedicated to cherish the very core roots of Martial Arts on performance stage settings. Their performance will be based on sole, pair displays of detailed attribution to dynamic combat moves taught through generations of Japanese culture. This may involve bokken wielding, performing Western part aspects of the role like Aikido, Judo, Jujitsu - elements of performance. The act beauty lies in conscience understanding of one's body movement and coordination of sharp and full-of-grace combat variations.

Is your business non-profit or for-profit?:
Currently Business is aimed to be non-profit with customized donation option. The said business will serve role of charity based work, hired by Restaurants, Shrines or Town Hall for venues to do performances and finally self-initiated. Originally we seek to obtain opportunity to rent Business Tower where we could make a public studio - inviting Karakuran citizens to watch aesthetic cultural performances. Deliver Exhibition of Philosophical findings cherished by Shintoism instigators. Donations will initiate canonical context to support service from town's side and help us gather IC fundings for helping town's Shrine finances, which will be arranged with the Mayor and Faction Lead.

What is your business’s mission statement?:
"Here in Kagenouta we tressure the leisure time of our customers and clients, we seek to provide high-value shows and brighten the life with numerous acts!"

We exist to bring satisfaction to community, increase the life quality of local citizens and based on our staged performances bring out the best vision of traditional art. We shall welcome our clients with warm entry to minute context of the venue's day, and allow them to fulfil their imagination by watching our performances.

What do you plan to accomplish with your business?:
Our main goal is to gather Karakura together, enable our participants and allies to enjoy quality performances which you would not get in normal shops or restaurants. We seek to fill your time with energy, joyful and rich atmosphere! During each venue you will get a piece of our hidden literature context that was passed through generations! Thrill, action, & well organized venue is a standard to the community to create expected performance level and as Kagenouta members we will deliver it to the extend we manage. Additionally, if it meets the interest of the Faction Lead, we are happy to ally with local shops and advertise their products - letting their selected staff members represent them in our venues. This would undoubtedly allow, to open friendly competition to distributing High Sale rates for them and show their solidary participation.

Specify one event your business would host/take part in on the server:
Annual Shining Lantern Walk - Our Clan Business would make a request through Event Team Lead to arrange certain roadway by the beach into small sale area for venue, and prepare path through which our community members would demonstrate the sacred walk-dance performance cherishing the Kami, the nature, the divinity. The carried Lanterns would establish a bond between earth and sky, as performance would explore a deep connection between two. One could describe it as a dialogue between a mortal and the unreachable heights, that can be vividly teased one's wish to be free like a bird in a sky using a lantern. Such tradition was followed in Kagenouta for generations. This would include versatile use of our Clan Custom Items. Citizen participation as viewers is foremost needed as well, creating socially welcoming atmosphere in which a detailed dance actions will conclude an exhibit of Kagenouta traditions and demonstrating Charity's artistic spirit. While the said event would be going, local shops would have their own selling stands where they can participate and allow citizens to lavish their spontaneous desires with their sale items and join the Lantern Walk.

Do you understand that your business may lose its verified status if not kept active?:
I fully consent and agree to the given terms. We shall carry out our quota activity, and understand that if it is not done - appropriate consequences will turn and in this case Verified Role removal

Do you have any additional comments?:
Thought the year wouldn't rush so quickly, yet we made quite a community. We have around 20 Kagenouta Clan members and still welcome newcomers! We are happy to accept both OGs and Greenies as we give the training on our Business field according to their flexible times. We shall explain the use of our custom props that are applied in stage work and give a background on traditional Kimono wears and aesthetical code of Geisha nature. We gradually grow our inventory and are happy to accept any donations and assigned appropriate credits to flourish participation of our SRP folks!
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Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Thank you for applying, however unfortunately I have decided to deny your application. Though your application is well written and describes a thorough business which has the potential to become incredibly popular on the server, having looked at your discord all I viewed was a tailoring server.

I encourage you to reapply when you have implemented the features described in your application into both your discord and in game, or simply apply to be approved for verified skin tailoring.

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