Level 7
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
Central Daylight Time [CDT]
What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
[!] These are my applications, I have lost almost all these accounts, but my Minecraft accounts are PookieeRP, PookieRP and Kiyuah DURING the time I took a break the Migration account thing occurred as I did not get a chance to do that to my Kiyuah account [!]
School Related between the three accounts:
City Related:
PENDING [For my Main]
N/A??? [This was accepted but does not state it below]
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Alright, as we will begin to break into the fourth wall, I am very active in SRP as I do get on every single day... Also to get a rough estimate I am on SRP for around 6-8 hours depending on what is happening and how I feel, I do take breaks as I am human and do need days to rest. But I have always been active, I've never been gone for more than a week. I love SRP and will continue to be active...
; What do I do in SRP to stay Active: I always try to involve myself in roleplay as it is the best way to keep myself active, I rarely go AFK and nor take a long time to respond UNLESS I'm very tired to the point of passing out. but I try my best to stay on and keep it consistent as I do really love roleplaying and that it has always kept me on my toes.
Monday: Free; this means I am most likely on SRP the whole day, taking small breaks from the computer.
Tuesday: Work /School I will play less as I will probably be very tired!
Wednesday: Work/School
Thursday: Free
Friday: Work/school
Saturday/Sunday; Free
Note: From this day in around 6 months I will be moving to a different state, as this can affect activity but of course, I will make sure to put an inactivity log providing when I will start moving and the day I will return
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
As for my experience, We can start from the very beginning, I did start roleplaying in Roblox for awhile as It was the only thing I found that found my main passion for roleplay, as once I got Minecraft and got curious to find a server to roleplay in I came across SRP, as joining for the first year around 2019 developing a lot of time to the game my activity increased heavily during that hear, as I usually wondered around the old map, getting into any roleplays I can as the new map came out, I began to apply for several things, I applied for nurse around 2020, as I did get in I ended up changing through all the different types of jobs, I have been professor several times, as it has mostly excited me, as for many of the time, I have lost a lot of accounts on the SRP website having to remake them I ended up taking a break for a year, as coming back, I ended up deciding to return to the job force as it has been a thrill and very interesting to me. my SRP experience in roleplay has been ever since 2019 to 2024 as I have been through many accounts having 3 different accounts and losing one to the Migration thing... but ever since then I have mainly roleplayed on SRP I have been many different jobs and learned many different experiences, as I do also wish to keep moving to different jobs to try and do every job as it keeps my roleplaying experience going!
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[HighSchool x4]
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Traditional Art + Art History
Idea: As I have enjoyed the art and the history behind it, I don't usually see many actual art classes in the college part, as I do want to actually combine two classes, traditional art and the Art history. As I do want to actually teach art normally with pencil and paper, I also want to provide a historical idea of where, what, and why the artists did what they did and how they discovered their art form, The whole reason why I would like to teach this class as It can make several students ICLY find an art style, as many actual artists have amazing art styles and everyone also can have that different art style if they just looked at the different type of art styles and to experience it.
Traditional ART: During Traditional Art, we will be hosting a class a few times to let students take a break from the history part, we will allow them to go and draw, and collaborate with other artists within the room. And to put different art styles as their own, as I don't want to just do Pencil and paper. I want to allow students to be as creative as possible, allowing digital art, ceramics, and much more.
Art History: During the next classes that they are not drawing we will discuss famous artists and their art abilities and how they got where they were as it can be very interesting to students to know the actual history of art!
Students will be quizzed on different types of art forms and which famous artists made that art form.
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Well, from trying so many jobs and getting to learn that experience, I do find a huge passion for the professor faction as I have been in and out of it through the years, it's the only faction that I do enjoy, as it always provides me with a different experience of roleplaying every day and that it can expand my roleplay majority from people to the different type of situations. Also during the month after previously quitting, Ali starstruck recently became an adult soon returning to teacher themselves, as they are a huge motivation for me in general I also really wanted to go and become a professor again, not even for the money simply because i do find a huge passion for this type of work in SRP as its the only enjoyable one I can see myself doing. I do want to work hard as I do want a goal of becoming an HD professor as it is a dream and a motivation for rejoining but overall it's just for the experience again I miss too much to leave it forever and I must make a return to fulfill that missing part!
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
- [!] Interactive class [!]
MY first interactive class i would host is having students draw each other, pairing the two students up and letting them talk to new people as they will spend one period drawing the person as they are to try their best with the time they have, if they finish early with the drawing they will switch! This interactive class is supposed to allow students to show their own art and style and allow feedback so having feedback is never negative! It can be very positive towards the artist. But this also allows students to talk to people they have never spoken to.
- [!] Interactive Class [!]
Second interactive class will allow students to present an artist we have spoken about, as students will stand up in front of the class and tell others about the artist they are to guess that artist's style and or name and if they get it right, they will be able to go next. Firstly students will get in groups once they have been settled, the groups will sit and whisper about which artist they want and how they will present the artist in front of the class..
ITS like TRIVIA but with famous Artist
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
[!] Field Trip [!]
It's hard to pick out a certain field trip as I do have several ideas, but I would actually have our class go to the shrine as they shrine has several amazing views and it is a very gorgeous place, its peaceful and will allow students to actually focus and to draw with their partners, most likely the students will be instructed to draw their surroundings, and or to discuss work that has been presented towards them from previous classes.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Students applying:
She would begin to walk up to the students ****yzing the situation. Once she saw it she stepped in with a stern voice, her hands crossed over her chest 'Separate right now!" She would stand watching the jocks move away, she sighs as she rubs her head gently and looks at them "What happened?" she looks at the student on the floor.. she firstly would listen to the student's side. Once she has received that side she would turn to the Jocks and let them explain, after doing so, she would shake her head "You know bullying isn't allowed." she sighs as she looks down at the student helping them up once she is done she would write a slip handing them to the students "I'm sorry but I directly saw you bullying this student and that is not allowed on school grounds, I will see you in detention" She gently helped the student who was injured [Or not] to the nurse's station making sure to get him the correct help as she also ends up writing down the incident in a book making sure she keeps track of everything.
Students Not-Applying:
If the students don't apply by giving her the sides of the story she would make sure to look for CCTV and ask for a caregiver or HR to check cameras. As it will end the same once she figures it out.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbed by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Calypso sighs as she moves her arms in front of her she looks over at the student with a cold glare as she coughs she gets to the student's desk and asks in a stern voice ‘Did you finish your task?’ she looks at the student for an answer realizing they didn't. She let out a small groan as she stretched “Just finish your task and if you wanna ask questions I'll gladly answer them once detention is over” She moved back to her spot looking at the students making sure they wouldn't cause any more ruckus. as she soon looks away from the student entrusting that the student will stop and finish their task, IF they do want questions answered at the end of the day she will gladly stand outside and answer any questions that the student ask as long as their appropriate.
If the student decides to continue she would step back in front of their desk and place her hands on the sides of the desk giving the student a serious look as she would just glare “Please finish your task, I won't be asking again”
She moved her hands to her chest crossing them over as she let out a small huff before turning back to go to her spot.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
[!] She would lightly hum a bit as she looked at the cheerleaders at the back of the class. She announced out loud as a reminder “No phones in class and please pay attention..” She sighs as she turns to teach… once hearing it again she stops teaching, placing down a pencil she soon go over to the students and places her hands on the table gently smiling at them ‘Please shut off the devices. As today is not a digital art day” she hums lightly expecting the students to put the phones away [IF they do] she will continue to teach [IF THEY DON'T] she groans a bit annoyed tad as she turns to the girls “Last time, if you interrupt one more time I will have to kick you out of my class”... she would soon return to the front of class returning to the lesson she had planned. Her eyes would be on the students who have been chaotic as she soon dismissed her gaze focusing on her class.
Continuing: as the students would continue after the warnings provided she would go up to them telling them why their being kicked out of the class and then kick them out. IF the students decide to try and make a ruckus outside the class room she will either, call over the radio for a teacher to come and help so she can focus on her class or she will step outside and talk to the students allowing the students who are in class to keep working on their assignments and or let them talk to their peers.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Having her first attempt of breaking the students up she would soon pull up her radio, radioing in for someone to come and assist in providing a place, and the issue as she waits she would try and break them up as this means trying to get between the students, and or trying to dismiss their action from a serious voice, once help arrives she will help them slip the students up as then she would ask them what and why are they fighting for. as she listens she shakes her head giving a slightly disappointed glare at the students she soon asked: "Are any of you hurt?" If a student were hurt she would have the other teacher either stay with the unharmed student or have them assist the hurt student to the nursing station, she would then provide a detention for the fighting that happened.
Detention: She will make sure the two students are far away so they do not start fighting in detention
Continuing: IF they are found continuing after the first detention, Calypso will inform other teachers about it and make sure to provide evidence of the constant fighting as she will soon make a Faculty Report of their constant fighting after giving a detention as she will also break up the fight if need be.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs:
She would always be wearing a apron on her clothes! As She doesn't want to ruin them with the paint she uses.
Calypso is a 5'6 women with long ginger hair, she would wear mostly dresses as she would have a apron d****d over her clothing as she seems a bit dirty with pencil smudges and paint over her face and hands, she would look like a artist of course! she would have a hint of Vanilia, her eyes would be a gorgeous sage green color..
As Calypso on the outside can be seen as a normal girl she was diagnosed with several different type of disorders
She has
OCD- For this one she has to have everything neat, as she gets frustrated with things that aren't straight or not in the correct place. She can get upset but doesn't psychically affect her.
ADHD- She has to fidget, she wears a lanyard that has several small fidget toys as her mind has to be doing something at all times no matter what hint why she took up art since it keeps her distracted and happy.
Mood Disorders- She can control these as it doesn't affect her psychical outtake on people around her.
As she does have medication for these disorders, if they can be treated, she doesn't allow this to affect her work as she just a mix of everything,
Outlook on Students
Her outlook on students can be seen a bit more with expectation as she does want her students to accomplish what they want and to provide them with knowledge, she will listen to students if she needs to as she also wants to provide as much help to her students as possible to help them through the school years and to get good grades, she will stop anything to help a student even if its in a different class.
Outlook on Teachers
Her outlook on teachers can be expected a bit less. as she loves to work with her colleagues she doesn't want to interfere or want to hear about life stories, as she does want to keep her job on the professional side, she will treat her colleagues with respect and help them but she doesn't want to be their the******, she will listen to those about students if they have an issue that needs to be moved to other teachers/professors attention! But she does wish good will on other people as she does want them to be happy and to proceed with what they like.
Calypso has mixed personalities, as it depends on events, she is a sweetheart when she needs to be but she can be very rude and or serious, as if she was a strict mom! But in general she tries to keep that sweet loving demeanor as she doesn't want people to really get scared of her rude side or feel like it's their fault.
Depending on events leading up to her future, she has nothing really planned as she doesn't want to really think of the future and wants to stick with the present time, she wants to live life and let things happen naturally, as she doesn't want to rush anything or break the world cycle of how events should occur but she does wish time to time to have a family in the future and to be successful in her career.
Back story:
Calypso was born in Mexico, she was a very friendly kid when growing up as she had a good life while growing up, her mother use to take her to the art Museums as a way to push a impact of good on her daughter, as Calypso grew up she disliked art she thought it was very stupid and boring, but once she got into high school her father ended up passing away.. she was lost during that time wanting to give up as she was known as 'Daddy's girl' she loved her dad so much as this death had a huge impact on her life she ended up taking art as a way to release pain and sadness.. once getting into the joy of art she painted things for her dad at first she was really bad at art. But like every kid she went to art classes that were offered, once attending school for a while her senior year she absolutely fell in love with art, with a huge passion as her teacher was like a sub for her dad, he was very sweet and taught her everything she needed to know for art school.. her mind was set, she knew she wanted to do art not just for her dad but for the enjoyment of being creative. She ended up leaving for college. She met a lot of new people as she actually went through college with enjoyment. She got her teaching degree and art degree once she required them. She thought for a while.. realizing she wants to be away from family and the farthest place is Japan.. She decided that she would move to Karakura. a year passed by then when she was in Karakura she met some adults to live with for a while until she was settled. while being in Karakura she heard about the school and that it was a combine between high school and college she would get so happy as she knew she wanted to teach in that school it was big and she would be able to get her dream of teaching students about the art of history and so she did.. she wrote her application and... sent it in...
Full Name:
[!] She walks in and smiled a bit before bowing her hips turning to a 90 degree angle before she returns back to her original position she sits down in front of the person having a bunch of papers in front of her she slide a I.D over and some other papers that had several typed words on them providing all the necessary information… [!]
“My name is Calypso Collazo its a pleasure to meet you “
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“Im currently going by Miss Collazo”
Given Name(s):
“I do not have any Given Names expect for my birth name”
Preferred Name:
“I prefer if students and other faculty calls me Collazo”
“I'm currently 35 as I am going to be turning 28 within the next year”
Gender & pronouns:
“I am biologically a female, but I don't really care what pronouns people pronounce to me”
Religious Denomination:
“I am Atheist”
Marital Status:
“I am not married as I don't plan on getting married for another few years”
“I am from Mexico so im Mexican”
Current Location:
“I currently live in Karakura in one of the shopping district apartments”
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
“I worked in an elementary school for around 2 years before deciding to move here…”
Working Experience (# of years):
“In total I have around 6 years experience, I was a babysitter for a while, and other stuff”
Academic Degree:
“I got a Master’s degree in Fine Arts”
Year of Graduation:
“I graduated in 2017”
“I majored in art and History”
“I didn't do as well in science classes”
Native Languages:
“Since I'm from Mexico my native language would be Spanish”
Other Languages:
“I learned Japanese after being here for a while. I also learned JSL”
Preferred Teaching Subject:
“I would love to teach Art and a mix of History of Art! Like uh Exploring Arts!”
Additional notes about your application (if any):
ITS like TRIVIA but with famous Artist
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
[!] Field Trip [!]
It's hard to pick out a certain field trip as I do have several ideas, but I would actually have our class go to the shrine as they shrine has several amazing views and it is a very gorgeous place, its peaceful and will allow students to actually focus and to draw with their partners, most likely the students will be instructed to draw their surroundings, and or to discuss work that has been presented towards them from previous classes.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Students applying:
She would begin to walk up to the students ****yzing the situation. Once she saw it she stepped in with a stern voice, her hands crossed over her chest 'Separate right now!" She would stand watching the jocks move away, she sighs as she rubs her head gently and looks at them "What happened?" she looks at the student on the floor.. she firstly would listen to the student's side. Once she has received that side she would turn to the Jocks and let them explain, after doing so, she would shake her head "You know bullying isn't allowed." she sighs as she looks down at the student helping them up once she is done she would write a slip handing them to the students "I'm sorry but I directly saw you bullying this student and that is not allowed on school grounds, I will see you in detention" She gently helped the student who was injured [Or not] to the nurse's station making sure to get him the correct help as she also ends up writing down the incident in a book making sure she keeps track of everything.
Students Not-Applying:
If the students don't apply by giving her the sides of the story she would make sure to look for CCTV and ask for a caregiver or HR to check cameras. As it will end the same once she figures it out.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbed by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Calypso sighs as she moves her arms in front of her she looks over at the student with a cold glare as she coughs she gets to the student's desk and asks in a stern voice ‘Did you finish your task?’ she looks at the student for an answer realizing they didn't. She let out a small groan as she stretched “Just finish your task and if you wanna ask questions I'll gladly answer them once detention is over” She moved back to her spot looking at the students making sure they wouldn't cause any more ruckus. as she soon looks away from the student entrusting that the student will stop and finish their task, IF they do want questions answered at the end of the day she will gladly stand outside and answer any questions that the student ask as long as their appropriate.
If the student decides to continue she would step back in front of their desk and place her hands on the sides of the desk giving the student a serious look as she would just glare “Please finish your task, I won't be asking again”
She moved her hands to her chest crossing them over as she let out a small huff before turning back to go to her spot.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
[!] She would lightly hum a bit as she looked at the cheerleaders at the back of the class. She announced out loud as a reminder “No phones in class and please pay attention..” She sighs as she turns to teach… once hearing it again she stops teaching, placing down a pencil she soon go over to the students and places her hands on the table gently smiling at them ‘Please shut off the devices. As today is not a digital art day” she hums lightly expecting the students to put the phones away [IF they do] she will continue to teach [IF THEY DON'T] she groans a bit annoyed tad as she turns to the girls “Last time, if you interrupt one more time I will have to kick you out of my class”... she would soon return to the front of class returning to the lesson she had planned. Her eyes would be on the students who have been chaotic as she soon dismissed her gaze focusing on her class.
Continuing: as the students would continue after the warnings provided she would go up to them telling them why their being kicked out of the class and then kick them out. IF the students decide to try and make a ruckus outside the class room she will either, call over the radio for a teacher to come and help so she can focus on her class or she will step outside and talk to the students allowing the students who are in class to keep working on their assignments and or let them talk to their peers.
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Having her first attempt of breaking the students up she would soon pull up her radio, radioing in for someone to come and assist in providing a place, and the issue as she waits she would try and break them up as this means trying to get between the students, and or trying to dismiss their action from a serious voice, once help arrives she will help them slip the students up as then she would ask them what and why are they fighting for. as she listens she shakes her head giving a slightly disappointed glare at the students she soon asked: "Are any of you hurt?" If a student were hurt she would have the other teacher either stay with the unharmed student or have them assist the hurt student to the nursing station, she would then provide a detention for the fighting that happened.
Detention: She will make sure the two students are far away so they do not start fighting in detention
Continuing: IF they are found continuing after the first detention, Calypso will inform other teachers about it and make sure to provide evidence of the constant fighting as she will soon make a Faculty Report of their constant fighting after giving a detention as she will also break up the fight if need be.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs:
Calypso is a 5'6 women with long ginger hair, she would wear mostly dresses as she would have a apron d****d over her clothing as she seems a bit dirty with pencil smudges and paint over her face and hands, she would look like a artist of course! she would have a hint of Vanilia, her eyes would be a gorgeous sage green color..
As Calypso on the outside can be seen as a normal girl she was diagnosed with several different type of disorders
She has
OCD- For this one she has to have everything neat, as she gets frustrated with things that aren't straight or not in the correct place. She can get upset but doesn't psychically affect her.
ADHD- She has to fidget, she wears a lanyard that has several small fidget toys as her mind has to be doing something at all times no matter what hint why she took up art since it keeps her distracted and happy.
Mood Disorders- She can control these as it doesn't affect her psychical outtake on people around her.
As she does have medication for these disorders, if they can be treated, she doesn't allow this to affect her work as she just a mix of everything,
Outlook on Students
Her outlook on students can be seen a bit more with expectation as she does want her students to accomplish what they want and to provide them with knowledge, she will listen to students if she needs to as she also wants to provide as much help to her students as possible to help them through the school years and to get good grades, she will stop anything to help a student even if its in a different class.
Outlook on Teachers
Her outlook on teachers can be expected a bit less. as she loves to work with her colleagues she doesn't want to interfere or want to hear about life stories, as she does want to keep her job on the professional side, she will treat her colleagues with respect and help them but she doesn't want to be their the******, she will listen to those about students if they have an issue that needs to be moved to other teachers/professors attention! But she does wish good will on other people as she does want them to be happy and to proceed with what they like.
Calypso has mixed personalities, as it depends on events, she is a sweetheart when she needs to be but she can be very rude and or serious, as if she was a strict mom! But in general she tries to keep that sweet loving demeanor as she doesn't want people to really get scared of her rude side or feel like it's their fault.
Depending on events leading up to her future, she has nothing really planned as she doesn't want to really think of the future and wants to stick with the present time, she wants to live life and let things happen naturally, as she doesn't want to rush anything or break the world cycle of how events should occur but she does wish time to time to have a family in the future and to be successful in her career.
Back story:
Calypso was born in Mexico, she was a very friendly kid when growing up as she had a good life while growing up, her mother use to take her to the art Museums as a way to push a impact of good on her daughter, as Calypso grew up she disliked art she thought it was very stupid and boring, but once she got into high school her father ended up passing away.. she was lost during that time wanting to give up as she was known as 'Daddy's girl' she loved her dad so much as this death had a huge impact on her life she ended up taking art as a way to release pain and sadness.. once getting into the joy of art she painted things for her dad at first she was really bad at art. But like every kid she went to art classes that were offered, once attending school for a while her senior year she absolutely fell in love with art, with a huge passion as her teacher was like a sub for her dad, he was very sweet and taught her everything she needed to know for art school.. her mind was set, she knew she wanted to do art not just for her dad but for the enjoyment of being creative. She ended up leaving for college. She met a lot of new people as she actually went through college with enjoyment. She got her teaching degree and art degree once she required them. She thought for a while.. realizing she wants to be away from family and the farthest place is Japan.. She decided that she would move to Karakura. a year passed by then when she was in Karakura she met some adults to live with for a while until she was settled. while being in Karakura she heard about the school and that it was a combine between high school and college she would get so happy as she knew she wanted to teach in that school it was big and she would be able to get her dream of teaching students about the art of history and so she did.. she wrote her application and... sent it in...
Full Name:
[!] She walks in and smiled a bit before bowing her hips turning to a 90 degree angle before she returns back to her original position she sits down in front of the person having a bunch of papers in front of her she slide a I.D over and some other papers that had several typed words on them providing all the necessary information… [!]
“My name is Calypso Collazo its a pleasure to meet you “
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“Im currently going by Miss Collazo”
Given Name(s):
“I do not have any Given Names expect for my birth name”
Preferred Name:
“I prefer if students and other faculty calls me Collazo”
“I'm currently 35 as I am going to be turning 28 within the next year”
Gender & pronouns:
“I am biologically a female, but I don't really care what pronouns people pronounce to me”
Religious Denomination:
“I am Atheist”
Marital Status:
“I am not married as I don't plan on getting married for another few years”
“I am from Mexico so im Mexican”
Current Location:
“I currently live in Karakura in one of the shopping district apartments”
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
“I worked in an elementary school for around 2 years before deciding to move here…”
Working Experience (# of years):
“In total I have around 6 years experience, I was a babysitter for a while, and other stuff”
Academic Degree:
“I got a Master’s degree in Fine Arts”
Year of Graduation:
“I graduated in 2017”
“I majored in art and History”
“I didn't do as well in science classes”
Native Languages:
“Since I'm from Mexico my native language would be Spanish”
Other Languages:
“I learned Japanese after being here for a while. I also learned JSL”
Preferred Teaching Subject:
“I would love to teach Art and a mix of History of Art! Like uh Exploring Arts!”
Additional notes about your application (if any):
Grammarly: was used to help correct typing!
WordCounter: To help know how many words I have written!
WordCounter: To help know how many words I have written!
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