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Denied PookieRP || Governor's Application #1 [EDITED]


Level 5

In-game Name:


Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:

Yes, I do have a working Microphone.

Timezone & Country:

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
[note; This is when i had the third one. . .Lost it due to the Migration thing that microsoft and Mojang did!]

School Related between the three accounts:

City Related:
N/A??? [This was accepted but does not state it below]

Describe your activity on the server:


2018 joined SRP for the first time and would be on SRP several times the day even staying up late at night to play SRP as 2020 came around I took a couple of breaks, catching up with myself and letting the community and the game develop as of rejoining 2023 I play every day! Some days I will take a day break but within the whole week, I play around 50+ hours in one week as I usually play from 5 PM to 4 AM or 5 AM. On days off the time played can increase as I usually spend my whole day off playing SRP or sleeping I was a professor during the last three months and being in that role had to take some dedication of hopping on quite a bit so having that role helped my activity as it made me very active during the SRP months. . .! So in general I play SRP quite a bit and probably way too much for my good! But I'm a very active person. I try not to stay off for long as I love the SRP community a lot!



What position are you applying for?:

I am currently applying for the role

What is your motivation for applying?:

What's my motivation for joining the government faction? Well I can surely say recently once joining back into SRP the faction caught my eye only because it was a newer faction, as playing for a while I started to see more Lawyers, Governors and judges. this caught my eye because seeing many of them act professionally and be in the publics eye fascinated me, as putting it aside for a while some of my friends applied for the faction which soon motivated me because they would be talking very highly about it. hearing the high words that the faction is giving out and the actions they can perform it strikes curiosity because I personally want to study law in reality. and I feel like this is a big motivation because it close to what the real government does in USA so therefore my motivation popped up recently because of all the recent sightings of the workers and frankly! I was a law professor in SRP for awhile and I feel like this would be a great step into the right direction to keep into that. that also is going to be a new experience for me I've almost been to every faction and since this one is newer this is one I have no been to just yet.. That the main motivation I have for this role is to learn, have fun and experiment with everything the best way possible!

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do indeed understand and acknowledge the Karakura laws and Constitutional rights as I've read through them several times and have an understanding upon them.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I think my main goal for OOC for this role is that its a new experience to enjoy, and frankly, I think I can learn something by playing this role and I feel like that a big benefit playing I also have a goal of meeting more people in SRP by this role I feel like that can help by meeting more workers and getting into the law aspect in life! The biggest goal i say though is to just have fun with it and try my hardest to overcome anything and everything and to be dedicated to this role full-on!

My character I think has a pretty similar goal she wants her goal to keep peace in Karakura, wants to meet new people, and wants to try her hardest with this job she thinks that bringing peace is her main goal as she wants to become a governor for that reason and to make sure that Karakura is managed well. She can also have the goal of wanting to learn extra in this position as it's a newer position for her she wants to make sure she brings dedication and is willing to learn for this job no matter what! and to make sure she provide the best of service she can to the karakura citizens! even if some citizens disagree with her she is willing to make it a place where people can freely admit and or express anything and to allow them to be heard.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Before applying for this role, I have looked over the description this job holds, as it states that governors would be:

Issuing IDS:
Giving IDs out to citizens of Karakura as many newcomers are in Karakura every day! They would ask for the Citizen's full name and age, once doing so they would ask the citizen to place their finger on a scanner asking for a fee of 5.000 yen for the ID once they have done so they would be given an ID they can use freely on that character...

Verify businesses:
As Karakura has developed over the years it has added Verified Businesses as governor they would make sure that the business is running off legal matters, making sure there is no Illegal play happening that can cause problems for future events, so they are also making sure the business is running smoothly. this is a job specifically just for governors as they are held responsible for relaying and or stepping in if a business is not legitimate and not following the karakura laws.

Attending a Trial:
Governors and many more government officials are supposed to attend a trial as much as possible during their time of work as they are to make sure that they are writing down what they need and to make sure that everything can go smoothly.. many governors are asked to help within trials, but it varies on the case

Announcing trials:
Governors announce Trials as for past ones if its a recurring with the subject and or future trials that will take place, this is how it's organized into place and how it keeps the events calm. they are to provide the correct dates that trials will be held.

When documenting a trial its usually seen as how the trial is moving, they are to provide a date of trial, to provide the subject's name and or the offender's name, and to provide most likely the judge's and the lawyer's names. with this happening it allows the report of the past trials to have names just in case something occurs. this part is supposed to be very intend and dedicated as its a hard part only because you have to pay attention to matter the situation as its a very serious one.

Public speeches:
Many people have seen public speeches that can be given in court or simply outside court governors I say should try and make an appearance as much as possible as meaning they should go out and if there is a big event or a riot they should be able to go and give a public speech about the matter, by staying professional they are to provide the best of advice and to make sure that its a settled speech.


when newly people are to get married governors are to legalize it by documenting the day they got married and sorting certain files so that they can be seen as a “Married Wed” in public this is done by having both marriages at the office as they will announce both names and the last name they are willing to take governor is suppose to make sure legal documents are made correctly once they do that it can be considered that the two would be officially married!

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Yes, I acknowledge that at any given moment within my career, I can be removed. if being inactive for no reason or if I'm providing non-professionalism towards the job.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Yes, I understand that this job is supposed to be done with the utmost dedication and the utmost focus. and that if this is not followed after being accepted it can result in removal or other consequences.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Yes, I understand that OOC bias can be a removed depending on the situation, and or will have to face the consequences of punishment if so.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes, i have read and agreed to the Faction rules of this job and to agree to follow them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

I am able to end weekly meetings and or events but would like to be warned ahead of time just so I can see if I can attend if not ill notify you if I cannot show.


Full name:

/me the female can be seen entering the room, as small clicking sounds can be heard from the floor from the black heels she wore soon she would do a light bow towards the person who is interviewing her, before then she takes a seat in front of the person her left leg would swing and cross over resting her left leg onto her right left as she soon leans forward extending a hand towards the person she would speak. . while she is to speak her voice can be heard into a light mellow tone which can be rather pleasing. . .

“My name is Chinatsu Yaekoe. It's a pleasure to meet you!”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
/me Soon she would return her hand to a resting position on the chair side her eyes would wander the room shortly before her eyes shoot back to the person interviewing

“I prefer the title of Miss. Yaekoe”

Current age:

/me The female would open a black purse beside her. It had a hold bling to it so it showed a bit of shine, as she reached her hands into the purse you could hear a bit of rummaging like she had several things in this purse. . she would soon pull out a black wallet matching her bag, placing a ‘KARAKURA’ issues I.D that with close inspection of reading would state the females of age ‘30' as she then would curl her lips soon to speak

“I am currently 38 years old soon turning the young age of 30 “

Date of birth:
“It states on my I.D as well but I was born on May 3rd 1994”


“I am a female”

Academic Degree:
/me she would pull out a college diploma placing it flat on the table

“I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in the Karakura College”

“I majored in Political Science, Business and Communication.”


“My Minors are in Biology…”

Work experience:

/me she would take out a few pieces of paper that had numbers written on them. . stating the recommended contacts to call for a recommendation.

“I worked several places, as I did work in Finance for a while and also have worked in a school on the mainland .. I do have a lot of experience with speaking to people having these jobs. “

Nationality & born location:
/me she would reach back into her purse soon pulling out a folder… within the time she began to flick through papers before pulling out a birth certificate placing it on the desk before her soon pushing it forward to the mayor..
The birth certificate states she was born in
“I was born in Karakura so I'm Japanese!”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

“I'm fluent in Japanese. . And also JSL. I am learning other languages as I do like to be able to speak different languages…!”

Criminal record:

“My Criminal record should be very clean! I'm a very good citizen”

/it if the interviewer would look up the criminal record history it would state it was clean no warrants or arrest.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

/me she would put her leg down now both of her heels on the floor. She straightens her posture as she gives the person a smile pursing her lips slightly. . as soon as she speaks the voice is rather more serious. It was less mellow toned and now a deep-ish toned voice…

“I think I make a great Candidate… only for the reason of I want to make karakura a safe place, It is also a dream of mine to become a governor, and frankly I'm great at giving public speeches I'm not afraid to take chances i mean! Why else would I be here applying? I mean risk can change everything. This is one risk I am willing to take as I know this job takes a huge part of dedication and oh so much responsibility but I know I am up for it. I know I can be dedicated to this position and make it the best thing that has ever happened to karakura and I know I will sacrifice many things for the people in karakura! If I need to die for karakura so be it! but I want to ensure a safe life for the karakura citizens!"

/me she stops as she smiles as the interview ends. .. She stands up bowing towards the Mayor as she gives them a light smile before dismissing herself out the door before she leaves.

“Thank you for this opportunity to have a wonderful day…”


[!] With the new thing about adoptions I’m pretty sure governors are allowed to verify the adoption of kids and allowed to make paperwork to have the kids legitimately adopted for the court's file… [!]
The text in BLUE are actions of which my character would take upon each question this is to add more characteristics towards the character in the application!!!!

This so people are aware of what She looks like . ..

This character is a gender-bend of an anime character so uh hehe . . ..

A female stands about 5'6 her eyes are to be shown two different colors brown was to her left and blue was to her right. . as she would have long orange hair . . a slim like figure would follow along with her appearance she would be seen wearing most likely black items and or red outfits depending on the occasion she would be seen with semi-long black nails as she has a hint of RBF on her face. . . she would smell of vanilla. . .

Thank you for reading! >:3​
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Level 179
News Lead

After discussion with the Higher Ups of the Government Faction, we have chosen to place you on pending:

- Your application is well structured & written, but other applicants stood out more

Once a position opens, you'll be contacted to see if you'd still like to be part of the faction !


Level 145
Government Lead

Unfortunately we have decided to deny your application for the following reason: In the amount of applications we have every month, your application may have had good writing and detail, however some applications stood out more. You may reapply at any given time.

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