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pxrpIe | Psychiatrist Application - A unexpected appearance.


Level 9

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
(It’s with a capital I for your information, not a lower case L)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
As of now, my activity within the SchoolRP isn’t the greatest as it used to be quite some time ago, and that is due to me serving in the military. However, since I’m nearly done with it now, I suspect a rather big change to it, as I’ll surely start getting more active.

What is your timezone?:
My timezone is EEST.

List your current and past applications:
Teaching Assistant - DENIED
Tutor - DENIED
Tutor (2nd) - DENIED
Teaching Assistant (2nd) - DENIED
Tutor (3rd) - ACCEPTED
Physical Education Teacher - ACCEPTED
Psychiatrist - ACCEPTED
Police Officer - ACCEPTED
Tutor (4th) - ACCEPTED
Psychiatrist (2nd) - ACCEPTED

List your current roles on the server:
[Adult] - Daisuke Heddo & [Grade-12] Ayumu S. Axiotis | starljght
[Grade-12] - Hayabusa Kubo | pxrpIe

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

Over the past years, my roleplay skills have enhanced, to the point I’ve gathered enough knowledge and acted upon many types of roleplay, those ranging from the typical school student to even a leader of a family and even an enforcer of justice, as well as a health and care worker. To gather them all up in one, I’ve been in the following roleplays, based on my Roles given within the server: Football and Track teams, Tutor, Teacher, Psychiatrist and Officer. That alone, I think is good enough to tell anyone what type of roleplay situations I’ve either gotten myself into. Of course, there are more than that, such as the very common family roleplay, in which I’ve helped and made my own ones as well.

What is your motivation for applying?:
The main reason as to why I’m re-applying in hopes to get accepted into the Hospital Faction is none other than to be granted the joy of re-living the thrill of the roleplaying within it. Those days were some of my favorites and I’d adore being able to have them all over again. As you can already see, not only from this, but from my applications listed above, I’ve been a former Psychiatrist quite a few times before, though I feel like my leave was sudden and unreasonable. Now that I’ve got another chance, I’m willing to stay for the longest amount of time possible, as well as see how far I can take my journey of being an Adult. Perhaps I could finally rival my time as a Grade-12 too.

Which role are you applying for?:
I’m applying for the Psychiatrist role.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?:
I mostly acquire knowledge regarding the older Hospital roles, though I think I’ve already got a hint or two about what the newest additions of roles can do and what not.

Hospital Director
The Director is in charge of the entire Hospital facility, quite obviously. However, that doesn’t conclude to the Director being crowned the God/Goddess amongst all medicine. The role of the Director lies within the organization within the residence, to ensure if everything’s running smoothly and as it should be.

Clinical Lead
Of course, you can’t have branches within a hospital without a Clinical Lead. Their role is beyond important as their main focus is to ensure that the members of their branch are holding a good reputation not for just themselves, but also for the hospital as a whole. If they seek any further guidance, the Clinical Lead will step in to assist.

Clinical Supervisor
Of course, we can’t overstress the Leads and have them work all alone. Hence why the existence of the Supervisor comes into play. The Clinical Supervisor is like the Clinical Lead’s right hand, basically serving the same role, though not entirely. Consider them… A mini version of the branches’ Clinical Lead.

A standard of the Hospital. Doctors can arrange everything imaginable within such a building. Anything that’s listed below is well.. technically a Doctor. Depending on their specialty, they help out accordingly with the people’s needs, no matter how simple or complicated they might be.

Every hospital needs to ensure that they can not only provide for everyone’s physical health, but also their mental one. That’s where the Psychiatrist department shines. They’re able to figure out what’s wrong inside everyone’s head and brain after further investigation through the forms of therapy sessions, but also diagnose and if need be, hand out the corresponding medicine for the people’s illnesses.

Paramedics are usually the first to pick up any incoming calls, gathering the necessary information to react accordingly, as well as show up to the scene in no-time.

Naturally, everyone expects the wildlife of Karakura to be filled with aware animals, prey or predators. However, that’s where they all fall. Even they need some help, and that’s where Veterinarians excel. To help our small, or even big friends, with any illness or injury.

Everything has its own starting point, and Trainees, no matter if Doctors or Psychiatrists or anything else, are exactly that for the Karakura Hospital. If they want their roots to grow bigger, they’ll need to start from rock-bottom.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?:
Well aware of that factor, in which I’ll make sure to attend training as soon as possible. If not, I’ll accept the coming consequences with no question.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character’s Full Name:

Ling Hisakawa

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Male - He/Him

Character’s Age (if accepted):
27 years of age.

Character’s Academic Background:
Masters degree in Psychology

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Character Backstory:
Ling Hisakawa, a memorable figure to most's memories, would of vanished for quite a while after his marriage with Ekaterina Lacrosse. During his absence in Karakura, he wished to obtain new skills, no matter what. And that's where it struck him down. He recalled his many times of being there for family, friends and even strangers, and asked himself "Why do I not learn more about Psychiatry or even Psychology? Clearly, this is for me!"

The excited pink-haired individual had a rather busy schedule, as he had to take care of his wife at the time, his pet otter as well as his studies and work. Day and night, over and over again, he found himself enclosured to his little room, learning fact after fact, one after another over the days. However, after a few years had passed, tragedy occured in the building.. The couple was going through countless disagreements, from soft ones to even the most harsh ones imaginable to man. And to top it off, Ling had to even experience the loss of his good pet and friend. Broken entirely by those occurances, Ling decided to call everything off and just move back to the place he once hated most, despite said place feeling like home the most. That'd be none other than Karakura.

During his stay in the town after so long, Ling would start relaxing sooner than expected, and that's thanks to him realising that there's noone else to bother him anymore, so that he can freely focus on his studies and health, both physical and mental. However, at one night, as Ling was unpacking the last package which he had forgotten, he noticed a family photo, all dusty and messy even.

After that, he knew he had to meet his brother again, but first, before doing any major steps, he took a deep breath and with enough courage and even bravery, he stepped inside the Karakura Hospital, asking how he could apply for a position inside. Once the information was gathered, he prayed to Kami and even his family, that he'd both get to see his brother again, but to at last secure himself a job he'd most likely enjoy having.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?:

Psychiatry would be Ling’s main specialty, as he has shown interest in it ever since he was a college student.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?:
Ling’s record of medical residencies would be empty so far.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?:
Ling has not had any work experience in such a position, no.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?:
Unfortunately, no.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?:

Loved by many, hated by many, questioned by the majority.

Ling's iconic pink hair is what has made him get known throughout his stay in Karakura, as well as his company, support and even silliness.

Overall, this tall, slender Japanese man stood at 5'10". A subtle, pleasant scent of gardenias lingered around him, adding to his unique aura. Around his neck, he wore a delicate necklace with a small cross, hinting a quiet symbolism.

How does your character act on and off duty?:
: Ling is usually a 'goofball' even during worktime, but that's because he despises to be serious throughout his working hours. He seeks self-entertainment constantly, by any means. However, when needed, he won't fail to realise that he'll need to focus had he wished to give out successful advice/help to the civilians of the town.

Off-Duty: Ling can be seen more relaxed and open-minded whenever he’s granted the sweet time of Off-Duty. He usually roams around either Zen Garden or even the Shrine to gaze at its beautiful field of view, as well as grab the chance to sit down and enjoy his long-waited peace and quiet. If not, then he'll just be around plaza and try to find his friends to talk to, or even make new ones if lucky enough!

Does your character function better on their own or with others?:
Ling usually works within the pack, as he does NOT enjoy going solo for anything, unless there's no other choice, or if he has to do it alone.

What plans does your character have for the future?:
Reunite with his beloved twin, Kyosuke Hisakawa and just re-live their school days as adults, by.. basically spending time with one another, as well as to see what path his brother has chosen.

Either than that, he wishes to see how far he can go with the help of the Karakura Hospital's staff.
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Level 260
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to apply to the faction, and we appreciate your interest. Furthermore, we hope you're excited to hear that you have been accepted into the Hospital Faction! You'll be contacted regarding setting your roles up shortly.

In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles. You will also be contacted over Discord in regards to receiving an introduction to your duties as a Hospital Worker and receiving the necessary equipment to follow through with said duties.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - @6Pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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