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Accepted Tuffluck Culinary Professor App


Level 103

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

My timezone is EST GMT -5

My availability ranges from 12 pm to 1 am since I would have already finished college by the time I'm writing this application so I am just in my job-searching phase of things, this doesn't exclude any day of the week so I'm just really free anytime until I get a job

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I only have experience with roleplaying on SRP and some other Discord roleplays, my expertise on SRP has been bittersweet, I've had my good moments and my bad moments, my bad moments being my bans and mostly my good moments involving my brother and the rest of my good friends, though nowadays it's mostly in=between with my roleplay being restricted due to not being in any factions to make things interesting

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

Journalist College

What is the subject you want to teach?:



What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I@d like to become a professor, specifically culinary, since i completed my culinary course in Chef De Patisserie Level 3, aswell as receiving my A.C.F certificate, alongside, four other certificates, and the diploma i will be receiving when i graduate in November, i have thought about applying for professor, to kind of share the knowledge i actually learnt, since i am still looking for a job in hotels and other bakeries, i might as-well share my knowledge one way or another, and i really want to share the recipes i have in my recipe book since working at my college hotel program, i want to also see how well that system would work in SRPs college system.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

A class where the students must go into groups, depending on how many join and work together to make a meal based on the criteria i would provide, these classes would be held every Friday icly, groups and what they should make would change and rotate by then, with the groups choosing the meal they should make, and group leaders will change depending on those who cant work together since the students would have to learn to cooperate regardless of if they like each other or not, they'll be graded depending on teamwork, and they're ability to do the tasks given, and of course how well they made the product

2. Chocolate sculpting class, students would go in groups of four, this may vary, gain, depending on how many decides to join the class, they would have a few weeks (4 days oocly) days to come up with what they want to make for their chocolate sculpture, they can draw a mock up of the sculpture they want to make. of course this is gonna be optional, and have to work together to make said chocolate sculpture using the techniques they were taught from previous classes, i myself will work out making a chocolate sculpture as a demonstration two weeks prior, since i plan on teaching in units, sugar-works, chocolate works, etc

Both of these were actual classes i participated in during my time in my culinary course, aswell as the unit system i will base my classes off of.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

Just like any other culinary Professor would, a field trip to a restaurant or bakery within Karakura, but this trip would work similar to an internship, basing it off what i did in my culinary course, the students would go in groups, choosing from a list of restaurants and bakeries they will be placed in a position to work their as an employee, to get hands-on experience on the food production process and sales process through the hands-on experience they will be getting, they would be evaluated by the feedback, the employees give back to me, and will be graded based on what they learnt and how well they performed either as a team or individually, i would be giving the students paychecks, out of my own balance as if they were to recieve through working there for real, i also wish for this to be a long term system aswell, or a concept i would partner with a restaurant to do, this is basically a rough draft from what my colleges system was


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Hina would try to break up the group at first, to deescalate the situation at hand, Hina is naturally a sweet person, just like the food she likes, getting the sides of the story would be simply, since it wouldn't have been a fight or have escalated to that one as yet, telling them to disperse, not to make anymore trouble than they already have, and not to cause anymore trouble and not to get any warnings, then her attention would turn to the bobcat that was being surrounded, ensuring that the bobcat was not injured in anyway shape or form, asking afterwards if the bobcat would want to spend the rest of the day with her, to insure their safety, even though she is unfamiliar with the rivalry itself, she would start noticing a pattern either way.

If the situation did escalate to the point where it got physical, rushing in to separate the group and ensuring the bobcats safety would be her top priority, with assistance from some of the other faculty members, she would have successfully done so. afterwards she would ask all of those involved to move to one of the classrooms, having them take a seat, leaving them in the class to then go back to the bobcat, checking if they were injured in any way, after that she would ask if said bobcat wanted to spend the rest of the school day with her, to insure the safety of the student again, going back to the group she would one by one hand them detention slips, but they wouldn't just get a regular detention, no, they would have ended up cleaning one of the bathrooms or classrooms .

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

One of the rules in detention was to be quiet, but clearly the student wasn't following that rule, and threatening SLT wouldn't change that fact either, so instead she would decide to give the student a different type of detention, especially one for bad behaving students, cleaning her classroom or the toilets! it was a detention that was common at her high-school, so she would give it a try, since detention tasks wouldn't teach anyone a lesson, taking the janitors job for a week maybe would!

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Hina isn't by no means an intimidating person, shes quite the opposite, and yelling inside of a kitchen and playing music would only disturb the other students, she would have already had a box to put their phones in already, so this would have already been easily avoided, electronics that aren't used for cooking in a kitchen in her eyes, is strictly forbidden and can only cause things to go badly, so she would already have a strict no phone policy within her kitchen classroom.

If these cheerleaders somehow got past not putting their phone in the boxes, Hina would confiscate them for the rest of the class or school day, its a requirement to put your phones in the boxes, and that means they would have lied to avoid getting their phones taken at the start of the class, so a simple confiscation would seem fit, no other punishment would ensure, since, she would have done the same thing back in high school.

For calling out other students, simply telling them to be quiet or face being kicked out of the class if they do not want to participate any further

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

HIna, again, is by no means an intimidating person, so its natural they wouldnt have listened to her the first time, so she would do the next best thing, getting help from one of the other faculty members, radioing in that she needs assistance with a fight stduents are too caught up into, to listen, and with the help of the other professors, and at that point there was no room for excuses, detention would be the only suitabl punishment, and possibly involvement with SLT, a fight that bad couldnt go un-recorded


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

A young woman, who seemed to be in her mid twenties, she had bean-shaped eye-brows and dough eyes that were given shape by her black eye-liner and eye-shadow, matching her black-lipstick that stained her plump lips, her nails were-- almond shaped and painted black, She also had five ear-rings in each of her ears, her hair was also dyed black, being wavy flowing to her back. Her thighs were wide but her waist was slim, giving her a gracious curves, defining her avocado build.

Hina could be unique in many weighs, but her hieght is her most notable feat, with her being 7'0 she was way above average than most of the women i nthe town, this makes her sticj ou quite alot form crowds, and her eating habits didnt help this fact either, she has always had these two factors play the most part in her social life, with them being main conversation starters and how she got most of her friends anywehere.

Hinas outlook on students is no different than how she would see herself, shes only a few years older than the college students demanding a lot of respect form them wouldnt be on her mind at all, instead she thinks building a proper relationship with them would prove to be more beneficial in the long run. The same thing could be said for high school students, but not so much, while they are technically adults, they are still more immature than college students, she would be a little more strict on them than she would the older students, but still not demanding of a lot of respect, wanting to build a proper relationship the same way.

Hinas outlook on professors, to her it’s more like having more mature and older friends, not treating them any different than her peers she would end up having a mutual and respectful relationship with them, theyre not much different from her when it comes to teaching about something she loves, so they would have something in common with her, especially the other culinary professors, she would be able to talk hours on end about the food she eats and likes with them, if someone was unlucky enough to be ask her the question ofcourse.

Hina is naturally a cheerful person and a joy to be around her friends no matter the time of day, being someone who used to babysit from time to time she developed a soft spot for kids and out of habit, speaks to them as if they were three years old, She likes to use pet names when referring to people, such as sweetheart, dear or sweetie. Hina, really likes food, and even that’s an understatement, if it meant having a delicious meal she would do anything, and she isnt an exception to gaining weight either, her habit of eating has taken effect on some parts of her body, such as her thighs and cheeks, which were slightly puffed out, shes also into Goth styles piercings so she had quite a lot herself, but never dared to take on the whole look, bright colors are more her style.

Hinas plan for the future is to marry someone her type, which is a man under the height of 6’0, shy, and owns a restaurant, and start a loving family with said person. It was her father who set these standards for her, it’s either one or the other, or it’s all of them, there was no in between when it came to it, and her type is set in stone, Hina also wants to start a restaurant, even if it came down to starting one by herself she totally would, it would either be a bakery or a buffet style one, these ideas coming from her travel to countries

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Hina Pesutori was a large young woman, standing at a surprising height of 7'0, like her mother and some others, she was extra-ordinary, and her love for food, caused by her father being a top class chef, owning multiple restaurants dint help her case either, putting on weight at her height became no problem at all, her father fed her all she wanted, and she developed a sweet tooth form this obsession with food. Hina also had no issues dealing with living situations, her mother was 6'8, and her father was 5'11, so they both has experience dealing with accommodations for someone way above average height, same for schools, parks, where-ever. Loving food Hina decided to travel the world, to try different meals, her first destination was china, where her fathers side of her family lived, and thus she also learned Mandarin, net was Italy, then France, and America before she took a trip back to japan, but not its mainland, but Karakura. There she would make four great friends, all shocked about her height but by then she was used to it! she graduated from the college there and decided to try out to become a Culinary professor, because of her father and her love of food, she then filled out the application, having a previous diploma in Chef De Patisserie level 3 and a American Culinary Federation Certification she had the qualifications, she got accepted successfully, and went on to teach Culinary arts.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Hina Pesutori

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:




Gender & pronouns:

Female, She/Her

Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Tokyo, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):


Working Experience (# of years):


Academic Degree:

Chef Patisserie Level 3

Year of Graduation:



Language and Cultural Studies



Native Languages:


Other Languages:

French, Mandarin

Preferred Teaching Subject:



Additional notes about your application (if any):

If this application does get accepted, move my adult tag to a secondary slot before giving the professor role to it.​


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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