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Denied Simon Satoshi's College Council Application


Level 59
College Council | Simon Satoshi


What is your Minecraft Username?:


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What is your timezone?:


Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001):


Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Senketsu's Librarian Application [DENIED]

SuitKink's Department Switch Council

Mitsuba's German Application [ACCEPTED]
Denied - YerPuppy STRAYS Shop Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Italian Application [ACCEPTED]

Seth Tachibana's Art Professor Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server <-NEW
Seth's Korean app - NEW

NOTE: As far as my other IGNS. Nothing has been applied for.

Describe your activity on the server:

The last few months, I had been super busy with getting used to my work schedule as I was working two jobs but it's back to one. But now that I’ve gotten settled, I’m very active within weekends, mainly Saturdays I'm pretty free! Sundays, I can get busy with friends wanting to hang out, but it's usually only for a few hours and I'm free the rest of the day! On the weekdays, it’s a bit before work and after work. After work i’m pretty much free and online all night!

List your accounts and roles on this server:

DrainingFeeling - COLLEGE PHD
SuitKink - Adult
YerStalker - Snail
Puppydxq_ - Adult
springleaves - Grade-12
SCH1Z0FR3N1C - Grade-12
snowprints - Grade-12

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

I am fully aware and I acknowledge that if I were to be inactive without proper reasoning, then I can be removed from council.


What is the student council and what do they do?:

The student council members are representatives within a body of students in a school and/or college that is typically elected by their peers to serve as leaders and advocates for the student body within the community of a school. The specific structure and responsibilities of a student council can vary but their primary purpose is to represent the interests and concerns of the students to school administrators and of course, their faculty! Some common functions and activities of a student council include advocacy, organizing events, leadership development, communication, student input, community involvement, fundraising, and policy recommendations. The roles and responsibilities of a student council can be determined by the council’s constitution, which outlines its structure and objectives. Overall, student councils play a vital role in giving students a voice in the decision-making process within their school and in creating a sense of community and engagement among the student body.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

After being a part of SRP for a bunch of years, I have applied for student council a few times! I’ve always been interested but never got in! I eventually even made it to the swim team and became head counselor on my other account! More specifically when it comes to my motivation, I’ve wanted to be more a part of the school specifically, other than playing a role in their clubs and teams which I have done so already. I want to be more behind the scenes and on the floor. I’d love to be an advocate for change, be a voice for the students, and ensure that their ICLY concerns and ideas are heard and acted upon. No matter if the request addresses academic challenges, improving activities, or enhancing the overall experience for students within the school. Along with wanting that community involvement. I believe that Karakura’s school and community college should not exist in isolation, and I would love to provide it strength with the student council's ties to the broader community through community service and outreach initiatives. I am pretty enthusiastic about the opportunity that I continue to strive for to serve within the student council and to contribute my energy, ideas, and dedication to the student body.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I am fully aware that I will have to use my creativity strengths and teamwork ethic within the student council.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

The more common positions and roles that are typically found in the student council from my understanding would be the following:

President: The president is the head of the student council and serves as the primary spokesperson. This person often leads meetings, set the agenda, and represents the body to school administrators and faculty.

Vice President: The vice-president supports the president and often takes on their responsibilities in their absence. The vice president also may have specific duties related to coordinating committees or projects.

Secretary: The secretary is responsible for keeping minutes of council meetings, maintaining records, and handling communication within the council. The secretary may also assist with scheduling meetings and sending out notices.

Treasurer: The treasurer manages the council's finances, keeps track of the budget, and may be responsible for fundraising efforts and financial planning for council activities.
Committee Chairs: The student council members can be very much responsible for various committees, each focused on specific areas such as event planning, community service, fundraising, or communications. Committee chairs oversee their respective areas and report to the council.

Other roles that would be possibly important to the council would include diversity and inclusion officer, environmental affairs officer, health and wellness coordinator, technology innovation officer, Arts and culture representative, and safety and security monitor! Thats all from my understanding as there could possibly be more roles that would serve as an importance to the council that I am not knowledged on yet.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

In this scenario, it’s important for me to address the verbal harassment between the two girls. I would approach the situation calmly and non-judgmentally, assessing its severity. I would of course politely intervene, asking if everything is okay and offering a listening ear. If the harassment were to continue, I’d meditate on the dispute, encourage open communication, and guide them toward a resolution. Of course, emotional support and empathy are provided for both parties. If the situation were to escalate or pose a risk, I’d involve an authority figure! After resolving the immediate issue, I’d follow up with the individuals to ensure that their conflict has been resolved and not facing any more ongoing problems.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

In this scenario, if a student refuses to remove their mask after detention is threatened and ran away, I’d stay calm and prioritize safety. I’d report the incident to school authorities, document it, and follow established school protocols. I’d ensure everyone's safety around the individual that had fled and investigate based on the knowledge I had on the student's other appearances such as clothes and possible hair if noticed. If they are seen again with said mask, I’d report over the radio and call for possible backup and let them know I had found the student once again.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?

In this scenario, seeing that the student councilor is abusing their powers and causing distress to a student, I would address the issue by gathering information first as I approach the scenario. I would maintain confidentiality and start to speak to the counselor with a calm tone. I’d start exploring mediation if necessary reviewing council guidelines, involving school authorities if needed, and providing support to the affected student. I’d let a higher-up know about the ordeal that had just occurred with a fellow council member to see if any punishment is seen to fit. I’d finally check in with the student who was in distress to see how they are doing and provide any needed resources if applicable.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?

If missed an important piece of information or a chunk of it during a meeting, I would first run over the notes already gathered and reach out to my fellow peers for clarification. I’d also review any sort of recordings or shared documents and consider scheduling up a follow-up meeting with whoever is hosting that meeting where I had missed a few important pieces. Once I retain the information missed, I’d make sure to go over it with myself on my own and read back over all the notes taken during the meeting and put the pieces all together to make better sense of it all. If there is any more confusion then I will go back to a peer or higher-up about the confusion to get it all simply cleared up.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

In this scenario, if a faculty member were to approach me and inform me that my actions are not consistent with the training I had received from my higher-ups, my response would simply be characterized by open communication, keeping professionalism. I would, of course, listen carefully to the faculty members' concerns, expressing gratitude for their feedback and encouraging constructive dialogue. I’d then follow up with seeking clarification and providing insight into the training and guidance I received from my superiors. If there's some sort of discrepancy, I’d consult with my higher-ups for guidance, with the goal of resolving the issue and aligning with the correct procedures. Throughout the entire process, like said, I’d maintain a professional and respectful attitude. I’d follow up with documenting the conversation and following up to ensure any necessary adjustments have been made during said process.

Please provide atleast one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

For a future event, here’s an idea I had been thinking about during the application process thus far. The event would be called “Campus Arts and Culture Festival.” Basically, what the event aims for is to celebrate the diversity of talents, interests, and cultural backgrounds within the school’s community. I would see the event going into action during the Spring or Fall, most preferably on a weekend to allow for those all across Karakura to attend, student or not! The venue would be located on the baseball field like most events or in the gym depending on what would be best for the school. The highlights for this event would be the following, Multicultural Food Fair, Art and Craft Exhibitions, Performing Arts Showcase, Cultural Workshops, Cultural Awareness Booths, Open Mic and Talent Show, Fashion Parade, Collaborative Art Projects, and Interactive Games.

To get more into detail on each topic, those will be listed below.

Multicultural Food Fair: For this highlight, we’d set up stalls featuring cuisines from different cultures represented by the student body. Students, parents, and community members can prepare and sell traditional dishes, providing a unique culinary experience!

Art and Craft Exhibitions: For this highlight, we’d reserve spaces for students to display their artwork, crafts, and projects over the years that they are very much proud of! These could include interactive art stations where attendees can try their hand at various forms of art!

Performing Arts Showcase: Next, in this highlight, we’d organize a stage for live performances including dance, music, and theater. We’d encourage students to participate and perform pieces that reflect their cultural heritage.

Cultural Workshops: We’d offer workshops on activities like origami, calligraphy, traditional dance, and cooking. These workshops will be led by our students!

Cultural Awareness Booths: For this booth, we’d set up informational sections about different countries and cultures, where students can learn about traditions, customs, and history!

Open Mic and Talent Show: For this, we’d allow students to sign up for the open mic session and talent show to demonstrate their unique talents, whether it’s singing, stand-up comedy, or magic tricks! All of these must be school-appropriate.

Fashion Parade: Knowing that Karakura is full of creative tailors and models, we can organize a multicultural fashion show, where students can showcase traditional clothing from their cultural backgrounds!

Collaborative Art Projects: For this highlight, we’d initiate collaborative art projects where attendees can contribute to a large canvas or mural throughout the day! Or another option would be a huge wall filled with sticky notes with positive messages within them!

Interactive Games: For this, we’d incorporate culturally diverse games and challenges that encourage teamwork and engagement! Nothing too complex for this one!

Basically, the whole idea is to bring Karakura’s community together and make sure that they feel included within our school, student or not. To make this event a success, we’d of course like mentioned, involve the community outside of Karakura’s schools. They can help with preparations, performances, and workshops! This is a huge opportunity to strengthen the school’s ties with the community.

When it comes to promoting this event, we can do so through various channels. This would include Social Media such as Onrain, School Newsletters through our journalists, and the local newspapers with our reporters.

This Campus Arts and Cultural Festival not only showcases the creative talents of the student council but also fosters a sense of unity, inclusivity, and cultural appreciation within the school community. It’s an opportunity to celebrate diversity and promote a deeper understanding of the rich cultural tapestry that makes up the school’s population.​

Personal Information
(in character)


“Hiya!!! I’m Simon Satoshi at your service!”


“I am Non-Binary but with he/they pronouns!”


“I am 23!”

Phone number:

“Woah .. my number! Here it is! (030)-116-306”

How would you describe your personality?:

“Me? My personality? Well .. umm lets see, I’ve got a pretty vibrant and energetic demeanor! I always am that person who exudes enthusiasm and passion in my actions along with interactions! I have a high energy level and I am likely to stand out in social situations and make an engaging presence. I can be described as outgoing and extroverted as my energy often leads me to seek out social experiences and connect with others easily. I typically thrive in group settings, enjoying the company of friends and acquaintances! My enthusiasm and positive attitude can be infectious, uplifting the spirits of those around me! In addition to my sociable nature, I also tend to be someone who is highly motivated and hardworking!”

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

“I believe what sets me apart as a candidate for the student council position is my rich history of leadership roles, a diverse set of skills, a deep-seated passion of making positive changes in our school, and a strong commitment to promoting inclusivity and diversity within our community. I bring creative ideas and initiatives to the table, coupled with a proven ability to work collaboratively and a dedication to fulfilling the responsibilities of this role. Furthermore, my track record includes examples of impactful contributions to our school, and I possess personal qualities that align perfectly with the values and responsibilities of this position. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the betterment of our school and am confident that my unique blend of experiences and qualities will enable me to make a meaningful difference.”

Why do you want this position?:

“I seek this student council position because I am motivated to pursue the student council position to be a voice for my fellow students, drive positive change, empower the school community, and foster leadership development. I see this as an opportunity to contribute to a more inclusive and united school environment and to make a lasting impact on our shared future!”

What interests you the most about student council?:

“What interests me the most about the student council is the opportunity to be a proactive agent of positive change within our school community. I am excited about the chance to address the concerts, aspirations, and needs of my fellow students, advocate for their voices to be heard, and work collaboratively to implement solutions and initiatives that enhance our overall school experience. Additionally, the prospect of fostering inclusivity, unity, and empowerment within our school community is particularly appealing as I believe these values are fundamental to a thriving education environment. Serving on the student council provides a platform to actively engage with my peers, encourage leadership development, and contribute to building a stronger, more interconnected school community.”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

“My contribution to making the school a safe and enjoyable environment revolves around the principles of inclusivity, wellness, communication, engagement, and holistic well-being. By promoting inclusivity and respecting diversity, I aim to ensure that all students feel welcomed and valued. I will actively support wellness programs, encourage open channels of communication, organize fun and enriching events, and prioritize the physical and emotional well-being of students. My overarching goal is to create a positive and supportive school environment that fosters personal growth, unity, and a sense of belonging among all students!”
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Level 201
Council Lead

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