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  1. Sashabelle

    Sashabelle05's LATE (Really.. REALLY.. late) Introduction.

    Hello everyone! It's .. 2025, somehow. And, for some odd reason *cough* laziness *cough* I still have not written an introduction to SRP. So, I figured better now than never. I've been playing SRP since likely late 2019, perhaps early 2020. Putting me.. yeesh, at around 5 years of playing now...
  2. Sashabelle

    Yasuko Saitō-Murakami | A Biography (V2)

    Note: I've been told that the black on red color scheme makes this biography difficult to read, and I apologize for that. If you have any difficulty, try turning your brightness up <3 Relationships and backstory sections coming in the (hopefully) near future! <3 I've been working on this...
  3. Sashabelle

    Vehicle request

    GN: Sashabelle05 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Corvetti C7 Lapis Lazuli EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I walk away, car go byebye :(
  4. Sashabelle

    Vehicle request :))

  5. Sashabelle

    A Guide to Making Good Descriptions!

    Hello! If you don’t know me already, I’m sashabelle05, someone who has been hanging around SRP for a few years (Maybe around 4 at this point) now, and I’ve noticed in this time that some players struggle to figure out what information is useful to have in a description, how to write a proper...
  6. Sashabelle

    h e l p

    Hello! I have a..stupid question, for you biography makers. - How do people make such beautiful biographies using photos, but without the file being too large for the forums? Every time I try to upload a file, it says it's too large. However, any smaller of a file will make the words...
  7. Sashabelle

    Aki C. Akiyama - A character biography (V3!!!)

    NOTE: This biography may now be outdated. Giving credit where credit is due!!! Biography format credit, along with credit for the relationship section format: @Gamma Rose Credit for multiple things across the biography, notably the text at the top and the trivia section: @D3_sp41r...
  8. Sashabelle

    Apartment Issues

    USERNAME: Sashabelle05 ( owner of the apartment is d3_Sp41r, I'm creating the ticket for her) APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1577 36 524 ISSUE: A modern sofa, two birch shelves, and a toaster are unable to be removed ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: N/A
  9. Sashabelle

    Over-The-Phone DetailRP | Suggestion

    IGN: Sashabelle05 DATE: 11/22/22 (22/11/22, if you're of another nationality) WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I wish to suggest some form of /phoneme or /callme, or even just a way for *(message)* to work over the ICLY phone. I know that some people do [!] (message) [!] and * (message) *...
  10. Sashabelle

    (#2!) Aki Akiyama's Character Biography

    [Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ] Aki Celosia Akiyama 秋 秋山 Favorite quote: " 笑いはフロントガラスのワイパーのようなものです。彼らは雨を止めませんが、私たちが進み続けるのを助けてくれます。" "Laughter is like windshield wipers. They don't stop the rain, but they help us keep going." Please note that none of this should be taken ICly and...
  11. Sashabelle

    Links to all my character biographies!

    Biographies!! Yasuko Saitō-Murakami [Click] (Mostly outdated..) Aki Celosia Akiyama [Click] (ALSO mostly outdated..) Noboru "Nobu" Makino [Click]
  12. Sashabelle

    Noboru Makino Biography

    [Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ] REALLY OLD AND OUTDATED YALL Noboru Makino 陽槇野 "疲れた" "tsukareta" "I'm tired" ♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫ ♪ _____________________________________________________________________________ B A S I C • I N F O R M A T I O N...
  13. Sashabelle

    ~Yasuko Saitō Murakami~

    Biography Format Credit:@Gamma Rose This biography is outdated. Click here for the link to the new one. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Yasuko Saitō Murakami-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 村上靖子 "戻って始まりを変えることはできませんが、今いるところから始めて終わりを変えることはできます。" Please note that none of this should be taken ICly and that most...
  14. Sashabelle

    Natsu Akiyama Biography

    Natsu Akiyama Basic Information First Name: Natsu Surname: Akiyama Preferred Name: Natsu Aliases: Karita Uchi Nicknames: Nat "No." Tsu "No." Rita "No." Kari "No." "Nicknames are stupid." Gender: Female Age: Due to the player being too lazy to apply for college/adult, the in-game...
  15. Sashabelle

    Aki Akiyama's Character Biography.

    Aki Akiyama [This art was commissioned by RADICALRAINBOW, go check em out! :D] First name: Aki Surname: Akiyama Gender: Female Age: 18 Height: 6'2, or 187.96cm Weight: 150Lbs, or 68.0389kg Build: Athletic Skin Color: Ivory Eye Color: Deep teal/blue Hairstyle: lower back length Hair...