Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes I do, it’s Frankie!#6485.
How old are you? (Optional):
I just recently turned 20 years old.
What is your time zone?:
My timezone is BST (British Standard Time) though I can be found more active at times referring to the EST timezone since I stay up late at night for team events or just to hang out with friends. There are exceptions though. During school weeks, some days what I referred on the last sentence applies, however for most days, since I have to wake up early for university (or for summer work) that doesn’t apply.
Describe your activity on the server:
I am very active on the server, getting online for several hours a day. On a weekday this can go anywhere from 3-6 hours and on the weekends, more than this. I have a few responsibilities since I have three roles (Basketball Co-Captain, Councillor and Professor - maybe more if you consider that I work for several shops) that require it, so most of the time I have to be active.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I've only been banned once, and this happened over a year ago. Since then I have not been banned, nor do I intend to, I was warned once for spamming and have yet to been banned again— I learned about how bad of a mistake I made and got unbanned after making my second appeal for Malicious Behavior. It was a stupid mistake, a misunderstanding (in my opinion) that I will not be repeated, and I have learned my lesson from that incident. The person who made those mistakes in the past and I are not the same. I believe that most people do not perceive me in that light, which makes me happy. However, you are free to pass judgment on whatever you want. I’m still trying to change every day and to become a better person, and I think that should be taken into account while reading my application. This ban is still something I think about every week, it’s not something I take lightly at all and I can guarantee this will NEVER happen again.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do know this, and I am not planning to be innactive at all (unless I have a good reason for it OOCly, and even having to do so, I try to spend as much time on the server as I can).
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
IC factions
College Application - Accepted
Receptionist App #1 - Denied
Recioptionist App #2 - Accepted for Librarian
KPD Application #1 - Denied
BMD Application #1 - Denied
BMD Application #2 - Denied
BMD Application #3 - Denied
KPD Application #2 - Denied
Councillor Application - Accepted
Librarian Re-Application - Denied
KPD Application #3 - Denied
KPD Application #4 - Denied
Judge Application - Denied
College Application - Accepted
Receptionist App #1 - Denied
Recioptionist App #2 - Accepted for Librarian
KPD Application #1 - Denied
BMD Application #1 - Denied
BMD Application #2 - Denied
BMD Application #3 - Denied
KPD Application #2 - Denied
Councillor Application - Accepted
Librarian Re-Application - Denied
KPD Application #3 - Denied
KPD Application #4 - Denied
Judge Application - Denied
Language Applications / Character Authorizations
Italian Application - Accepted
German Application - Accepted
JSL Application #1 - Accepted
French Application #1 - Accepted
Third Language Authorization - Accepted
JSL Application #3 - Accepted
Height Authorization - Accepted
Filipino Application - Accepted
Shanghainese Application - Accepted
Chinese Application - Accepted
French Application #2 - Denied
JSL Application #2 - Denied
Italian Application - Accepted
German Application - Accepted
JSL Application #1 - Accepted
French Application #1 - Accepted
Third Language Authorization - Accepted
JSL Application #3 - Accepted
Height Authorization - Accepted
Filipino Application - Accepted
Shanghainese Application - Accepted
Chinese Application - Accepted
French Application #2 - Denied
JSL Application #2 - Denied
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Frankieprankie (account I’m applying with): [Grade-7]
Frankaphone: [College][M][Basketball]
Frankeistein: [Professor][UP]
Frankuccine: [Adult]
Frankadank: [Grade-9][Councillor]
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
I am currently applying for Shiawasena Konyu, since I know the spot is open, for the Retail & Convenience Shop category.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I want to participate more in the server's business-ownership roleplay, therefore that is the main motivation behind my desire to become a shopkeeper.
Despite having extensive experience working for other stores on the server, I can confidently state that I am familiar with the most of its workings.
Since I joined SRP, I've always aspired to be a shopkeeper. It's one of the most amazing jobs, in my opinion, because you get to manage your own business, employ staff members, select goods for customers to enjoy, and decide how to decorate your establishment (according to the SRP and Karakura building style of course).
I've considered applying for other jobs, positions, or factions, but this is by far the one I've been looking forward to the most and have been waiting the longest for. It's definitely a chance I don't want to pass up.
On SchoolRP, Shiawasena Konyu is arguably one of the most recognizable stores. Because of the welcoming atmosphere, and also it's looks and the stand that's viewed from the outside. As a result, I don't really want this shop to close.
For a while now, I've wanted to make a meaningful contribution to the community, and one of the ways I want to do that is through roles. After all, providing people with better roleplay is one of the main reasons I applied for Councillor on my alternate account. This is primarily due to the shop and its surroundings. I want to eventually establish a place where players may enjoy spending their time, whether it be by chatting with other players in a special shop, as well as with the employees there, or by providing them with products that can greatly enhance their roleplay.
In addition, as I've already mentioned, I have a significant amount of experience working with shops (I have worked for about 5 or 6 in the past and currently). With the website Tippie created, I feel quite at ease dealing with everything relating to stock takes, recruiting and firing staff, taxes, construction, arranging things, etc.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Due to the reason it’s already an existing shop, I won’t change the design in the beginning due to the respect I have towards the old shopkeeper and of course the reason I like how it looks like. I’m planning to leave the building pretty much what it is currently, however, maybe I’ll do a few changes to make sure it will still be related to the way I want to run my shop and at the same time it will still be related to the shop’s theme. Changing a little bit will make the shop’s personality be more suitable to me, as a shopkeeper and to the way I want to run it as I mentioned before, but this is not the only thing I’ll keep in my mind while running the shop. As for example, around holidays I’ll add few simple stuff to be related to the holiday (e.g will add a tree in Christmas, and add some spooky stuff around Halloween), keeping the shop refreshed will attract more customers around the server over and over, which will make them come to the shop and pay a visit for a lot of unique items, which I’ll specify them in the next part. Keeping the shop refreshed and changing the design every few months(around between every 8-10 months) will show how unique the shop is and not getting old at all. A design is the face of the shop, before they watch the whole new items, the way the shop looks is the first thing they see when they come over and this is why it’s very important for me to change the design every year.
Referring to it’s name… it’s something I’m willing to change however it’s something that is up for debate.
The name is already iconic, so changing it would probably be against the opinion of many SchoolRP players, however… I think giving the shop a more simple version of its original name would probably be more fitting to the server, especially knowing that the name is NOT that easy to remember, and having a recognisable name is defenitely a big part of a business, since it allows your customers to spread the word about the shop more easily.
The logo will be done from scratch, but I have done a temporary one (probably the current logo if I’m allowed to keep the current discord), until I can get an original one made by an actual artist or designer, since I don’t want to base myself on logos made on Canva or any free website. I want something new and original (probably around the colors already used in the interior of the shop) that can make the shop shine.
There’s another change I am willing to implement on the building which will also bring a new role in, or better yet, separate Cashiers into two different roles: Alcohol Sellers and Cashiers. This may seem a little confusing to some, but for me, this brings in the opportunity to sell much more than just accessories / other retail & convenience items and to grow the business a little more. Alcohol Sellers will be mainly responsible for selling beverages and / or food (still haven't decided) on the secondary part of the shop, using special outfits and Cashiers will be responsible for selling special items that will be brought in NEW from time to time (items which I will talk about more in the next question). The idea of this is to bring something new to the shop more often, and to make it more exciting for recurring SRP players. However this doesn’t mean I won’t be adding new items on the secondary part of the shop… that’s not the case whatsoever!
But the main idea of separating the original Cashier into 2 different roles would probably have to be done if I wanted this to work as intended, since I want the shop to be somewhat organized, making the food / beverage section (it's main focus will be drinks however) seperate from the average accessories (or other) section. This would give place to a new role, a new version of cashier, an Alcohol / Beverage Seller if you will. This would also be pretty cool since I could probably work with other local Enterprises that distribute the alcohol to the city.
In terms of events there are a couple ideas I have, mainly the ideas being doing item sales during holidays or doing partnerships with other shops, tailoring services etc…
However there is one I already plan on doing with Euphoria (one of SRP’s official tailor servers, which my character owns ICly - not OOCly, I was just asked to hold onto it ICly since the OOC owners don’t play SRP anymore - and I should also mention I moderate that server OOCly) which would be my first ‘partnership’ I guess you could say. My idea would be to hang posters about this around the shop (I don’t know if I’m allowed to do more then this so I will presume NOT)... and the poster would be something like this:

Credit to the outfit: @Bunniez
This collaboration would bring all the Tailors together to create streetwear outfits to auction off (all money going to them of course) and to help bring popularity to the shop. Not that the shop would be related to this in any way, but it would definitely have items that would benefit these styles! But this would not be the only thing I would be focusing on, since I want everyone to enjoy the store.
What will you sell in your shop?:
First of all, since it’s an already existing shop I will list the whole items on the website and organize them in numbered / labeled chests both in that same place, and in-game. I will make sure the quantities of the items at the shop are indeed what is mentioned on the website. And after a few openings, I will see what items are the least wanted by the customers and will (probably) remove them (not only because of this but also because it might be surpassing the 80 items limit) and replace them with a new item, which will probably be a custom item, but I will talk about this on the next topic. Because they're already public, if I have some items which I don’t need or think they’re suitable for the shop, I’ll make sure they will get added to the list of the public items so other shopkeepers will be able to sell it even if I’m not planning to sell it. Though I believe I’ll keep most (if not all the items) of the custom items specific for this shop, since I believe most of them are pretty popular around the SchoolRP player base which will make the sales go up and I’ll be able to get more items for the players in the future. On another note, I’ll attempt to keep the prices fair to make sure everyone will be able to afford them at some point. Of course, this discussion will get discussed with the other uppers and the shop employees, it will be helpful to get others’ opinions about new items and I believe getting others' opinions will make everyone be happy in the end.
New Items
As said above, the new section of the shop being introduced will be an alcohol / beverage part. However, I'm thinking about adding other food related items, if allowed and if I also have space for it on the item list (considering it has a limit). This being because, Alcohol has a large quantity of buyers, as well as other 20y/o+ items (knowing the big dimension of illegal businesses in Karakura).
(I am not sure, but I'm 99% certain that this shop didn't sell beverages before, so that's why I'm adding this part).
For new items I’m thinking I could ask the player base what they would like to see in the shop, not only that but create polls on the discord for people to choose custom items from a grand selection of images. But I already have some ideas on what custom items people would like to see, like for example sunglasses, new kinds of hats, backpacks or more.
Besides this, I’m thinking of incorporating other kinds of customs, like the ones I present below. Ones you can actually wear, or accessories that actually look the part and that could be good for certain roleplay situations. The first custom item I'd like to suggest is the Florist Hat which I think is pretty self-explanatory... this was originally gonna be used for Flora Bust since that's what I originally applied for, however, I am willing to do a collaboration with them if they also want to sell this item at their shop, not only that, but I am willing to supply this item to them (of course first I would ask them if they already had the idea of ordering said item, and if not, then we'll talk about further details). The second would be these glasses I recently found that I think a lot of people (mainly the female audience) would love, the butterfly glasses. There's a few others I have as an idea that I will keep on another spoiler to not 'over-crowd' this text too much, but the basic idea is to have more wearable custom items (besides the more common ones that we will also serve) to give more variety of items to SRP, to appeal to all genders, and to make everyone a little more happy.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
I am planning to have plenty of workers, maybe even some people to help me run the shop and to open it when I’m not able to. Having people from different time zones would be a great help, therefore I am looking for a total of 19 employees, divided in different categories. Therefore, including the Shopkeeper role, there will be a total of 20 people working for the shop. After looking at several shops examples, I thought this was a nice and round number of people to have working here, if I do get accepted.
The rules for the employees are pretty simple. I won’t be listing them all here to not *spam* the application, however, the code of conduct would go along the lines of: Always respecting your co-workers, not taking part on any criminal activities (or at least we DON’T recommend you to, or you’ll end up giving the shop a bad reputation), always treat your customer with respect and professionally… etc. The application process would be open over Google Forms, and would have a series of questions relating to their activity, and other more detailed ICly questions to keep the process fair and non-bias for everyone.
The roles for the shop would be:
Shopkeeper - 1
Pretty straight to the point, owns the shop, takes care of most of the openings and restocks… Make sure everything is running correctly, and will be responsible for hiring and firing employees (according to their activity or bans on the server that happen while working for the shop). Also taking care of paying taxes, ensuring that the shop is having enough profit to be a reliable business and finally taking care of promotions, sales or any events for the shop.
Co-Owner - 1
Co-Owners will mainly be taking care of openings whenever the owner is not able to do so, but also help to choose applicants for Cashier, help to moderate the discord server but also the employees. They will receive a slightly higher percentage then the average employee and will help with restocks. They are also responsible for talking to other shopkeepers, getting contacts and partnerships going, with the Owners permission of course.
Manager - 3
This role is somewhere in between Co-Owner and Cashiers. They are essentially Senior Employees from the shop, who have been promoted, and can help in various tasks if necessary, but mainly opening the shop when no one else is around and to make sure everyone behaves correctly inside the shop.
Alcohol / Beverage Sellers - 7
Their main objective is to sell alcohol and other beverages at the secondary part of the shop. Their knowledge about alcohol should be pretty good, and they should know what beverages to recommend for each and every situation. In my opinion this will be a very fun role to play as. They will be selling alcohol on the side part of the shop.
Cashier - 7
The Cashiers will be the main workers at the shop, they will be receiving a certain percentage (I expect for them to earn around 25% of the items sold, but this may be changed according to the restock values of the items, the profitability of the shop and etc.).
I don’t plan on having any security guards (since I think it’s a pretty much useless role on shops nowadays, unless you run a restaurant or a bar…), and all roles will be taking care of making sure the stock is according to what it is on the website, and if not having permissions to do it, inform any higher-ups (manager, co-owner or owner) to alter it to make sure it is correct.
When joining initially, the cashiers will be put in Trial to prevent any accidents. From there on, if their work gets better in the shop, they will get promoted. If not, either they will stay as Trial, or in a worse situation, will get demoted.
The uniforms:
Since I don’t want to bother / stress any tailor to make outfits for this application (so it’s posted in time for it to be reviewed) I figured it would be best if I put the references itselves here.
Alcohol / Beverage Sellers Uniform
This uniform will remain the same apron as offered before with the previous ownership of the shop, since I think it fits the theme and looks pretty good already. Most I would do would probably be to order an outfit to use beneath it to make it look more formal.
Cashiers Uniform
Made by @Luxid
And while still on the topic of Employees... The procedure for closing the shop will make sure to confirm that there is no stealing from our employees, and I may even hire someone to make sure the inventory is right at some point, but at the beginning I will be in charge of said task. This is because I know stealing has been something that has been happening as of recently to many shops, and it will facilitate it for me to know who are the primary suspects for it.
Update: Not sure if I'll be using this outfit still, but until I get a new one, I will be using this for our employees.
Additional notes about your application:
I’m thinking I can keep the same discord server if this happens? It would save a lot of work but I don't have a problem with creating everything from scratch. I’ve also been doing this application over the course of several weeks… originally it was Hanakotoba, and then Flora Bust but when after many changes, I finally settled out for Shiawasena Konyu, and it ended up even better then the original idea.
Another thing is, I know this will probably get rejected for my past ban (since all most of my apps have been denied for so) but I wanted to give it a try before I can give up on it I guess!
Edit: This application has been updated to the shops currently updated. This means, I changed the banners, along with the adverts and other minor details on the texts. This application was originally for Flora Bust, meaning it's content would be more directed towards flower related items, however, I decided to keep most of the main items I had for that same application, but with a different purpose, this meaning... that even though now the items are more focused on "retail shops", the ideas for the items remain the same, this time though, the second part of the shop, will not be a gift related isle, but a beverage one, since it's a retail & convenience shop rather then a flower shop.
Thank you for reading!
Do you have any questions?:
Not as of currently, no.
I am planning to have plenty of workers, maybe even some people to help me run the shop and to open it when I’m not able to. Having people from different time zones would be a great help, therefore I am looking for a total of 19 employees, divided in different categories. Therefore, including the Shopkeeper role, there will be a total of 20 people working for the shop. After looking at several shops examples, I thought this was a nice and round number of people to have working here, if I do get accepted.
The rules for the employees are pretty simple. I won’t be listing them all here to not *spam* the application, however, the code of conduct would go along the lines of: Always respecting your co-workers, not taking part on any criminal activities (or at least we DON’T recommend you to, or you’ll end up giving the shop a bad reputation), always treat your customer with respect and professionally… etc. The application process would be open over Google Forms, and would have a series of questions relating to their activity, and other more detailed ICly questions to keep the process fair and non-bias for everyone.
The roles for the shop would be:
Shopkeeper - 1
Pretty straight to the point, owns the shop, takes care of most of the openings and restocks… Make sure everything is running correctly, and will be responsible for hiring and firing employees (according to their activity or bans on the server that happen while working for the shop). Also taking care of paying taxes, ensuring that the shop is having enough profit to be a reliable business and finally taking care of promotions, sales or any events for the shop.
Co-Owner - 1
Co-Owners will mainly be taking care of openings whenever the owner is not able to do so, but also help to choose applicants for Cashier, help to moderate the discord server but also the employees. They will receive a slightly higher percentage then the average employee and will help with restocks. They are also responsible for talking to other shopkeepers, getting contacts and partnerships going, with the Owners permission of course.
Manager - 3
This role is somewhere in between Co-Owner and Cashiers. They are essentially Senior Employees from the shop, who have been promoted, and can help in various tasks if necessary, but mainly opening the shop when no one else is around and to make sure everyone behaves correctly inside the shop.
Alcohol / Beverage Sellers - 7
Their main objective is to sell alcohol and other beverages at the secondary part of the shop. Their knowledge about alcohol should be pretty good, and they should know what beverages to recommend for each and every situation. In my opinion this will be a very fun role to play as. They will be selling alcohol on the side part of the shop.
Cashier - 7
The Cashiers will be the main workers at the shop, they will be receiving a certain percentage (I expect for them to earn around 25% of the items sold, but this may be changed according to the restock values of the items, the profitability of the shop and etc.).
I don’t plan on having any security guards (since I think it’s a pretty much useless role on shops nowadays, unless you run a restaurant or a bar…), and all roles will be taking care of making sure the stock is according to what it is on the website, and if not having permissions to do it, inform any higher-ups (manager, co-owner or owner) to alter it to make sure it is correct.
When joining initially, the cashiers will be put in Trial to prevent any accidents. From there on, if their work gets better in the shop, they will get promoted. If not, either they will stay as Trial, or in a worse situation, will get demoted.
The uniforms:
Since I don’t want to bother / stress any tailor to make outfits for this application (so it’s posted in time for it to be reviewed) I figured it would be best if I put the references itselves here.
Alcohol / Beverage Sellers Uniform
This uniform will remain the same apron as offered before with the previous ownership of the shop, since I think it fits the theme and looks pretty good already. Most I would do would probably be to order an outfit to use beneath it to make it look more formal.
Cashiers Uniform
Made by @Luxid
And while still on the topic of Employees... The procedure for closing the shop will make sure to confirm that there is no stealing from our employees, and I may even hire someone to make sure the inventory is right at some point, but at the beginning I will be in charge of said task. This is because I know stealing has been something that has been happening as of recently to many shops, and it will facilitate it for me to know who are the primary suspects for it.
Update: Not sure if I'll be using this outfit still, but until I get a new one, I will be using this for our employees.
Additional notes about your application:
I’m thinking I can keep the same discord server if this happens? It would save a lot of work but I don't have a problem with creating everything from scratch. I’ve also been doing this application over the course of several weeks… originally it was Hanakotoba, and then Flora Bust but when after many changes, I finally settled out for Shiawasena Konyu, and it ended up even better then the original idea.
Another thing is, I know this will probably get rejected for my past ban (since all most of my apps have been denied for so) but I wanted to give it a try before I can give up on it I guess!
Edit: This application has been updated to the shops currently updated. This means, I changed the banners, along with the adverts and other minor details on the texts. This application was originally for Flora Bust, meaning it's content would be more directed towards flower related items, however, I decided to keep most of the main items I had for that same application, but with a different purpose, this meaning... that even though now the items are more focused on "retail shops", the ideas for the items remain the same, this time though, the second part of the shop, will not be a gift related isle, but a beverage one, since it's a retail & convenience shop rather then a flower shop.
Thank you for reading!
Do you have any questions?:
Not as of currently, no.
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