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KPD Application #2 | RexLobo


Level 138
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity varies throughout the week. I am a full-time student, but my schedule allows for plenty of free time. During the week, I spend at least 3 hours on the server on days I am in class in person. On other days during the week, I have virtual classes, which I am active on the server for much longer. On weekends, unless I have prior plans for that time, I am online for nearly all day. Along with this, my discord is always active, so I can respond to any DMs whenever I am available.

My activities on the server include writing lore, roleplaying with different groups of people, moderating the server as much as I can, or tending to my two roles, being shopkeeper and SLT. Both of these roles in no way hinder my activity, as their activity is fully based on my schedule. I can easily achieve the needs of the roles I currently possess, being my monthly quota for shopkeeper, or responding to any concerns within my faction and managing it. Along with my in game roles, my OOC roles of being a moderator and the lore coordinator will not be hindered by being apart of another faction. I will still be able to complete any tasks that are needed of me.

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying for KPD stemmed from early on in my SRP career. I had gotten involved in Gang and Criminal roleplay a bit after I joined the server, and that type of roleplay is intertwined with KPD. It was those instances of seeing the faction in action that drew my attention to it. At first, I did my research on the faction, even drafting an early application. However, I held off to make sure it was a faction I could devote my time and energy to, all the while working on boosting my reputation. This is when I started joining more factions and gaining more roleplay experiences. The first faction I joined was the reporter faction, where I had to actively learn information, getting involved in situations that should have led to police intervention. It also enabled me to have detective-like situations, many involving gangs that were interviewed or learned about. It was encounters like these that also blossomed my interest in the role opposite of the ones I was looking into ICly.

Adding onto this, I also befriended multiple members of KPD, former and current both ICly and OOCly. From these people, I learned about their experience within the faction from both an IC and OOC standpoint and fell in love with the idea of being a part of it. After learning more about the faction, my desire to apply grew more. It got to the point I decided to leave crime and gang roleplay entirely to give it a shot. It was at this point that I made mention of my wanting to apply for KPD and got the support of many of my friends. This newfound support helped motivate me to take that next step in trying. My first attempt did not succeed, but I would not let that deter me from trying again and putting in more effort. In reality, the denial opened my eyes to how much I wanted the role and helped push me to put that much more into applying. This second application is the accumulation of my desire for the opportunity to be a part of this faction, as well as fulfill the interest I had early on in my career. This is the first step towards achieving this goal, and I will take it as many times as I need to.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
A majority of my knowledge of Police work comes from my research both in character and on the forums when looking into the role.

To begin, there are two divisions of KPD, being the main division and the detective division. The main division includes, from highest rank to the lowest, the Commissioner, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, Patrol-Officer, then Cadet. The detective ranks are broken down into the Detective Superintendant, Detective Chief Inspector, Detective Inspector, and then Detective Constables. To join the detective division, an officer must be recruited after reaching the rank of corporal by the Detective Superintendent.

Next to my knowledge would be police training. This process takes around two weeks, in which officers will be teaching cadets the basics of the faction, from how to use the standard issued equipment, to how to deal with certain situations. After the two weeks, the cadets will be given evaluations that mimic the physical and informational exams that they will take afterward. The evaluations allow the higher-ups to see if the cadet is ready to take the exam. Each cadet is given two attempts at the exam, with the second taking place after an additional week of training if they fail the first exam. If a cadet fails both exams, they will be removed, but able to reapply the the next wave.

Officers on SRP have a lot of equipment, some being physical items and some being itemrped. To begin with standard-issued items all officers possess, there is pepper spray, breathalizers, radios, batons, stun blasters, riot shields, handcuffs, and gas masks. Additionally, items that are itemrped include luminol spray, latex gloves, a body camera, a first aid kit, and a fingerprint scanner. Lastly, items that are restricted to certain ranks are crowbars, which are given to corporals and above, and tranquilizers, which are given to sergeants and detective inspectors, and higher ranks. Each of these items has their own profile, which is located in the Weapon Profiles or KPD Equipment and Information forums.

Next are the duties of officers. All officers have the ability to answer the emergency hotline and respond to situations that are told over the phone. Cadets cannot respond to these calls without other officers joining them. Some situations may require KPD to respond in riot gear. Officers called to a scene or on patrol may issue certain punishments to those who are breaking the law. These include fines, which are minor crimes that require an amount of cash to be paid, along with some that lead to an item or items being confiscated, detaining criminals, which allows the individual to be questioned on a situation they may be involved in or have witnessed, and lastly arrests, which is when there is enough evidence to convict a criminal of their crime. Depending on the reason behind the arrest, there may need to a search on the criminal’s residence for other illegal items.

There are also some additional duties that officers have, which include the government faction. Firstly, in any criminal trial, officers are present within the court room to ensure the criminal does not attempt to escape or take someone hostage. Additionally, officers may need to make a request for a warrant for judges to respond to, which allow the officers to search a residence.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police work is important to SchoolRP for a multitude of reasons. The largest being that they are a way to ensure players add regard to the consequences to their actions in character. One of the largest examples being crime and gang roleplay, where the biggest opposition to them are either other gang roleplayers or the police. Police pose a larger threat to this group of roleplayers, as well as add a sense of realism to the type of roleplay. The variable of police showing up to a crime scene adds spice to crime roleplay, as well as making sure players keep their eyes open.

The presence of police also ensures that other aspects of roleplay are respected that are not criminal-related. These could be standing guard at criminal trials, to answering wildlife disturbance calls. The police force also doubles for fire teams if a fire breaks out, as there is no designated faction for them. They handle from minor breaks in the law to large ones, and everything in between.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that I must attend training if I am online or I will be punished.

What's your character's full name?:
Kure Kaseya

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female | She/Her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Icelandic, Jin, Korean

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Kure Kaseya is a woman shrouded in mystery. She stands at a conservative 5’8, weighing a modest 130 lbs (59 kgs). Kure’s hair holds a light wave that reaches down her her mid back and chest. Each strand of hair is kept accounted for, showing just how serious Kure is about orderliness. The color of her hair is jet-black, which match her slate gray eyes. The woman consistently has dark bags under her eyes. Her expression is always gentle, as a way to be approachable. However, contrary to her guise, she is extremely attentive and thorough with her gaze. She is a people watcher, leading her to listen intently to others to fully understand them, as well as observe them to see their nature. This often leads her to search for small, minute details among the larger picture. Her figure is slim and cut, all due to her diligence in keeping fit. As a former Judge, she carries herself with much respect and esteem. To match, her posture is near perfect and exudes confidence. Along with this, she has a personality to match. Kure is very charismatic around those she meets and knows, but also remains reserved at times.

What sets Kure apart from others is her innate sense of seeking the good in everyone and everything. As a part of one of Karakura’s Itsbyoshi families, specifically the family devoted to their sense of Justice, doing right is only natural to her. Whether it is due to natural sense of moral good from birth, or from what she was raised to believe and behave as, that sense of doing morally good is instilled in her. Her voice carries authority, honed through her years of speaking loudly throughout bustling courtrooms. Though, there are still many mysteries hidden behind the walls she built up, waiting to be uncovered by those curious enough to scale them.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Kure Kaseya’s behavior varies in both, yet heavily remains the same. The way she relates in both situations is her readiness to assist the people around her. At the drop of a hat, she volunteers to help if its within her ability. If she is unable to accomplish the task with her current abilities, she will either help figure it out the best she can, or find someone who can. Along with this, Kure will read the room no matter where she is, finding the writing on the wall in the situations she puts herself in. She remains mature, responsible, and respectful to everyone she is involved with. No matter where she is, she will do her best to carry herself in ways to show her politeness and properness.

Now as for when they differ, in professional situations, she will ensure that she remains calm and collected. She will also be more forward and attentive to be ready to help. In this environment, she will mostly remain quiet, only speaking when spoken to or if a situation calls for her to speak up on her own. Instilled in her from when she was a judge, she listens intently to what other people are saying in her vicinity without interjecting at all. It may come across as her judging the people, and that assumption is somewhat true, where she is looking to see a person’s true nature.

In more casual situations, Kaseya will speak freely. In these environments, she truly shows off her charisma. Rather than waiting to be spoken to, she carries out normal conversations. Her forwardness is replaced with a more approachable behavior, making it so others go to seek her, rather than the other way around. Kure tends to people-watch more in these situations, as she has less to worry about. If a topic she is enthusiastic about comes up, she opens up completely, speaking until she is cut off or until her rant is complete. However, these situations are rare to happen, as she prefers to listen.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Kure has a positive outlook on both her co-workers, and teamwork in general. To begin with the former, she respects anyone who ensures the public’s safety, as well as those who seek to better their society. Stemming from her first employment as a judge overseeing criminal and civil trials in Kyoto, she grew to respect all of her coworkers, as they devoted their lives to serving the people. This continued when she moved back to Karakura and became a professor for a few months. Employed at the college, she learned to respect people from all walks of life, as their way of life is helping the general public. This realization continues to play a large part in her work life. As a main part of her personality, she will listen to her co-workers and take any of their thoughts, praise or critique, and apply it all to whatever situation the team is facing.

As for teamwork, she views it as a necessity. In any position, working together with co-workers is how progress is made. Kure has the capacity to work any role in a team, as one who listens to instruction, or in a leadership position. No matter what role she is in, she knows her own limits and is humble enough to pass on whatever role she plays to someone who is better suited for that specific job. However, if her changes in role assignment leads to issues, she is also one to claim fault for any issues that her wrong judgement may have caused. She has a very profound sense of loyalty to everyone she sees worthy of her trust, including her team.

What's your character's backstory?


In the rural district of Tsubasa, east of Karakura’s main city resided a small branch of the Kaseya family. The family of three resided in a farmhouse outside of the small town until June of 1990. Suko Kaseya had discovered she was expecting another child. The family prepared for the new addition to their family. Finally, on the fifth month of 1991, a miracle befell the family. It was at dusk when Kure Kaseya was brought into the world.

Not much occurred in the early years of Kure’s life. She stuck by her mother’s side while her older sibling remained working at her father’s side. The family lived modestly, keeping away from the main city drama. In their rural district, they rarely encountered the crime that Karakura was known for. Mostly runaways, seeking a place of refuge from the law. Kure attended the island’s elementary school, keeping mostly to her studies. Eight years after her birth, she began to work alongside her father on the family farm. Here, she acquired her strong work ethic, having it engrained in her by her family. Her daily routine consisted of school, work, study, sleep until she passed her elementary years of schooling. At the age of 14, she was trusted by her family to move away on her own and stay in Karakura City to continue her education.

A Change of Scenery

The innocent and naive Kaseya went headfirst into the city of Karakura, unknowing of what would be in store for her. For the first few months, she had not been witness to a single crime. It was to the point she believed the rumors were false. The now emboldened Kaseya and her friends began to live fearlessly, continuing their lives as if they were invincible.

That was until she was wandering the streets late at night with her group of friends. A group of masked individuals surrounded the crowd, threatening them with baseball bats and pocket knives. The young kids had to surrender their wallets and phones. At first, they refused until force was shown on one friend, who was quickly rendered unconscious from a swift strike of a bat.

True fear filled Kure as they began to surrender their belongings. It was at this point that the words of advice that had been forced on her ears finally came to light. The warnings of getting home before dark and keeping away from those who seem to be involved in that way of life. When she lost faith they would be able to get away, sirens seemed to get closer and closer. The criminals were unable to flee the scene and were quickly captured and arrested, and the group had their items returned to them.


After the traumatic experience, Kure avoided the spotlight. Anytime she heard of a hotspot for criminals, she avoided them like the plague. She remained as far from danger as she could, resorting to returning home following schools closure and studying in safety. Every time there was an extended break from school, she would return to her rural home to stay away from the ones who could hurt her. It was only after her encounter that she seemed to notice the different types of crimes and corruption wherever she looked. Cases in the government, police and EMS were becoming more apparent. Years of seeing these issues occur drove the young woman to make a change.


Kaseya looked back at her first and only encounter in crime. The memory was still traumatic to her, yet she could not get the idea of her saviors out of mind. She had a heightened perception for crime due to her fear. She was alert at all times, and thus began her research into government positions.

At first, she began with the responsibilities and education requirements to join the police force. A hands-on position that could stop crime one by one. The memories of that one night attracted her to this line of work, yet she knew she was still far too fearful of a dangerous encounter similar to the one she had to fully pursue it. This led her to governmental jobs, where she learned more about judge work. A safer position in which she would rule over cases involving criminals and more. A way to prevent danger from befalling innocent lives.


With a new goal in mind, she set her mind to her studies. She strove to be at the top of her class, achieving her goal. Throughout highschool, she devoted herself to this newfound dream of making her home safer. She attended her first two years of college in Karakura’s community college, passing her first college exam. She kept achieving the results she believed would allow her to reach her job of choice in the future.

Not everything worked out in her favor. Studying in such a dangerous environment took its toll on her mental health. She continued to witness her peers getting injured, and there was no end in sight to the crime wave. After her second year of studying, she moved away from Karakura, pursuing a safer education. She spent five years in Kyoto, getting her degrees. A master’s degree in Criminal Justice, and three bachelor's degrees in Criminology, Psychology, and Creative Writing.

Career Path

After her graduation, Kaseya took no time before applying for a career out of college. Usually, she would have begun her law career as a lawyer, as many judges had, but she had gotten a position as a district judge. She had made plenty of connections while in school, and taken many internships in law firms and government bodies in hopes of getting to this position. For seven years, she remained in Kyoto, ruling over dozens of cases of various types. She strove for criminal trials, where she could save innocents and sentence the true criminals, yet something continued to weigh on her. For seven years, an overwhelming feeling on homesickness weighed on her.

After 12 years total of being away from her home, she finally made her return to Karakura. Once she made it back home, she was disoriented. The changes to her home seemed vast, leading her to wait some time before continuing her dream. She made a transition into teaching at Karakura’s Community College as a professor, as a way to inspire students to follow their dreams as she had. For a year she remained teaching before she acquired a position as a judge in Karakura’s government.

She enjoyed her position as a judge, taking civil and criminal cases to rule over. Slowly, she was making a change in her home. Almost as a competition, her and other judges would respond to the police’s needs for warrants and race to the station to deliver them. Kaseya also held more encounters with officers at her criminal trials, yet she had not gotten to know more than their faces. Over time, her trials seemed to have less and less weight. Her coworkers began to resign, leaving a backlog of trials she and the chief judge were unable to carry. Added onto the fact that her final trial was an execution trial. The last one that was held in Karakura’s history.

Kure resigned following the hiring of the new judges in Karakura’s government. Her interest in the other end of the justice system continued to grow from then. A way to make her city safer with her own power. Over time, she put together her resume and submitted her first application, to which she had not made the selection. This did not dishearten her, as her resolve strengthened. In the meantime, she put her effort toward bettering herself, working toward her goal.

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“In Karakura, you cannot legally own a pocket knife. Possession of illegal weaponry is a felony, and results in three months of jail time.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“Five medical items that do not require a prescription are Paracetamol, Cough Syrup, Eyepatches, Bandaids, and Wooden Canes.”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“I would rush toward the situation, assess the situation as quickly as I could. Of course, approaching as I do so I can end the encounter as soon as possible, but also to get as much information to report if needed. Before anything, I would make sure my co-workers are safe, and the inmate is safe in their cell, or getting treated if any injuries require medical treatment. Afterwards, I would need to see who the main aggressor was in the situation, as there may be a case of my co-workers defending themselves. However, that does not rule out their behavior, which would be more suspicious as there were multiple officers attacking the inmate. If I can properly assess that they were in fact abusing the inmate, I would be sure to save my bodycam footage first thing, as it likely caught the abuse dealt to the inmate. After that, I would look for any CCTV footage that would have caught the situation before I noticed, whether it be audio or video of how the situation began.

After acquiring all of the proof, I would approach the co-workers again, individually if possible, with my bodycam still turned on. Once I got to speak to them, I would ask them what was going through their head at that moment. I would be sure to capture their admission of guilt on recording, or their lying of the events that transpired, of which there is video evidence of happening. Asking them separately would let me capture any gaps in their stories, if any were. Either way, I would check over all the evidence once more to make sure none had been tampered with before bringing all of the evidence forward to a higher-up who can properly deal with them, as I would have no authority or power over those co-workers.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“Without a second thought, I would quickly radio in for assistance, giving our location as clearly as possible before rushing in to assist them. Depending on the location, I would use either a taser or baton to deter them. If we were near any body of water, I would avoid using the taser as it may lead to greater injury, but otherwise, I would quickly disarm the aggressors and pull my co-worker out of harm's way. In the meantime, I would radio in for assistance once more, as there may be more threats in the area. After getting away from the immediate danger, I would look over my co-worker’s injuries to see if they needed treatment. Hopefully, by that time, backup would have arrived to help escort them to EMS to be treated. If they had not, I would keep my eyes on the aggressors, as they would need to be arrested and escorted to the station. Afterwards, I would wait for backup to arrive and then transport the aggressors to the station, where I would properly file their arrests.

In a situation where no backup was on its way, I would see if my co-worker could continue on with their injuries. If so, we would work together to escort the assaulters to the station ourselves, then getting their injuries treated as soon as that was done. After they were safely in the hands of doctors who could treat them properly, I would make my way back to the inmates and give them their proper sentences for assault on a government official, along with any other charges they may have acquired in the assault. If any illegal weaponry was found on them, I would also request a warrant on any of their properties, as they may have more stored in their homes.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“If I were to discover a co-worker secretly helping criminal organizations or any other forms of corruption, I would as secretly as possible start gathering evidence. From small interactions I may have witnessed, body language, the types of people they may have spoken to, all the way to the work they had completed and filed. I would remain as observant as possible, saving any lead and possible evidence to turn over. Once I had gathered irrefutable proof of their wrongdoings, I would waste no time reporting it to our higher-ups for them to debate the punishment of the co-worker. I would also give them every lead I had saved for them to search into themselves in case I had missed anything. In this case, I have no reason to approach my co-worker, as it risks myself for knowing about it, as well as gives the co-worker time to give tips to the criminal organization they are helping.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“If a criminal made any sort of attempt to bribe me, I would turn it down without any form of hesitation. Afterwards, I would fine them for their attempt at bribing an officer who is on duty. I would then continue the stop, giving them the punishment suited for whatever it was they had done to be pulled aside. The criminal must have had a reason for the bribe, whether it was them carrying an item they were not supposed to, or another crime large enough for the need of a bribe.

I would never accept money from a criminal, as it would only harm me and my career. Along with this, it would clash with my moral values. There would be many strings attached, from the fact it could be discovered by the force itself, or me having to be that criminal’s puppet, as they would hold the bribe over my head as a bargaining chip, getting their way in any situation I am involved in.”​
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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!​

In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

- We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!​

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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