players online

Denied maeswrldd | Event Team Application


Level 7


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Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:

I’d say I have remained a fairly active player on the server for about 3 years, although I did take a month off last year In november. After this break I have come back and remained active since then. I tend to spend around 2-6 hours per day, I try to come on everyday and for the most part I do unless I am fully unable to.
My peak of activity likely started about a year and 6/7 months ago when I got onto cheer as I became more involved with the community and began to get online more frequently.
Since being back from my short break I have recently been involved with being on the college cheer team and previously the track team too with my college character Miyuki Ume which has been really fun and has kept me active too However since then I have joined the College Female Football team on my new character Rhiannon Tao-Tamura who has been just as fun to roleplay as. I have also been fairly active on my alt account recently as I purchased a cat whitelist and roleplay as a cat called ‘Custard’. In addition I am about to go on study leave, so while I will still have my GCSEs to worry about; I will have possibly some days off and whole afternoons off due to my exams being all in the morning. Of course I will still need to revise but it means that I won’t be stuck in school for 8 hours and can get online more if needed. Although it is possible that this application will be reviewed after June 16th and in that case I will have no more exams nor school until September. Due to my free time increasing, I will dedicate it to the event team and coming up with new event ideas and developing them while letting my creativity flow and hopefully allowing members of the server to have an even more enjoyable experience. The only time my activity will massively drop is when I'm at school for about 7 hours from Monday to Friday- however I tend to come on at times that aren't really affected by my school schedule and so I believe this will be no issue as it hasn't been in the past and I am no longer going to be at school after Friday so it shouldn’t be an issue. I really hope to be able to spend time on working for event ideas that would make players of the servers have an even more satisfactory time while playing. Overall my playtime on the account Im applying with is about 10 weeks so I'd consider myself fairly active and hopefully my activity will only increase- especially since I will soon have time free'd up from school or it is possible that by the time this application is reviewed my exams will be over and so I will be on an extended school holiday and will not have school in the way!

As said in my previous application, regrettably I do have a small history of punishments. Luckily I have not been banned and I hope to keep it that way however I have been warned three times. Majority of these warnings were due to my own previous immature actions, most of which were thoughtless and were not with any ill intent however saying that I have since then not received any warnings. My first warning was likely when I was around 14 and it was due to an inappropriate joke made in character while I was messing about with friends and got carried away- the warning I was given was ‘UnseriousRP’. Furthermore my 2nd warn was for failure to report something, I lacked initiative to do anything and wanted to be a good friend to the people involved but have now realised that what happened was wrong. Hopefully situations such as that do not happen again as I hope to avoid drama but if it does happen, I would like to think I’d be more careful and report it. Lastly my final warning was over a roleplay situation in which me and all the people involved all got warned as we all got carried away and threw about hurtful and spiteful comments that shouldn’t be used lightly nor immaturely. I have not made the same mistake since and realise why I was warned as I acted yet again immaturely and

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Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:



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Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
✭MAESWRLD#6645, I do have a working microphone which I believe sounds fine- although perhaps a bit quiet but not too bad as I am still able to be heard. I will try my best to join calls and actively participate in them.

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What is your time zone and country of residence?:
BST/GMT depending on the time of year, and I live in the UK.

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Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?
I am aware of this consequence and understand that activity is a key part of being on the team and will lead to demotion if the standards are not met. I will avoid being inactive to the best of my ability.

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What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:

I have had quite a lot of experience with being on teams, most notably HS cheer as I was previously on it for about a year in total which makes it my most long standing period on a team and it was overall a great experience. I have also been on college track, college baseball, college cheer and now the college female football team. This means I have been on a range of teams and interacted with a range of different people. For the most part all of the experiences I have had on these teams have been great, and I’ve really enjoyed being on a team and working with other people. In some cases like cheer, The teamwork has consisted of planning and writing things which seems fairly relevant to event team- although im sure the scale of things are very different, overall cheer allowed me to communicate well with my teammates especially since it is a non plugin sport, and so things such as routines needed to be communicated about as we wrote them and performed them.

Furthermore I have also been co captain on both hs cheer and college baseball before and so I know how to act responsibly and take a degree of control such as hosting practices and such. Due to this and my overall team experiences, I have fairly good teamwork skills and know how to (when needed) take control and be more authoritative which is useful for when ideas are being thrown about and decisions need to be made. In addition I also believe that being on a team has allowed me to take criticism as for example there were times in cheer that my chants needed working on... or my writing needed developing- to understand that I needed to improve, I was first told what I needed to improve and so I took the criticism and worked upon myself without taking it in a negative way.

I have also tried to contribute as much as I can/could to the teams I have been on or are on currently such as helping with event ideas, practice ideas, writing things in general and making skins for events, practice uniforms and such. Mostly just because I enjoy doing these things but also because I like to help out as much as I can when I am apart of something and skin making just happens to be something I am fairly good at (not to toot my own horn) so I tend to mostly make skins for teams im on or just any team in general, whether I am on it or not.

As for experiences out of SRP, I have been on my school's debate team which was really enjoyable and conducive to developing team work. Our job included making up arguments, ideas and reasonings together. We had to work hard and communicate our thoughts clearly to be able to form a logical and reasonable point in order to do well and so I believe that this has contributed to my abilities working on a team as it has allowed me to form well developed ideas not just on my own but with those around me.

In addition I have also been on multiple sports teams in my school such as C team netball and my hockey team too. This has allowed me to grow my sportsmanship skills and deal with having to lose sometimes. It has also helped me to just get on well with others. Working with a group of people in a competitive environment was stressful (and has also helped me deal with stress a bit better too) it also meant we had to heavily rely on each other constantly and have trust in each other. So it has taught me to put a little bit more faith in myself and those around me.

I've been in quite a few factions, for example the EMS, KPD and School as a student and a school employee. I've been in the KPD once, sadly I never passed the exam however it was fun while it lasted and working alongside other cadets HOWEVER I wouldn't classify it as a proper experience and so... My time on the EMS. I have been in the EMS two times, the first time I wouldn't fully count however the second time I did pass my exam and was there for about 3 or so months. Being in the EMS as a psych was likely my favourite experience out of all of them as It was one of my longer experiences compared to the KPD and such. For the most part it was fairly fun, keeping activity up was important as there weren’t always too many of us on at the same time and it could get a bit busy with people constantly coming in with injuries or wanting therapy. In the case of injuries- depending on severity we would have to contact doctors or surgeons to handle it hence why communication is fairly important in any team environment. If they wanted therapy we could either say yes or try to get another psych online as sometimes therapy could be very draining and could last an hour or much longer. This could of course cause some distress and so when one psych didn’t want to take someone, we would communicate as to who would.

My experience as a school employee was a bit too long ago to remember it all that much however I do remember having to communicate with the teachers I helped as a Teaching Assistant as I would ask to join their class or they would ask me for extra help just to help with misbehaving people both ic and ooc and so on.

For my whole time on SRP I have been a tailor and have made skins, even before SRP i was making skins but they weren’t very good. However, over my 2-3 years tailoring, I have been in MANY servers, some of which being Cartier, Asagao, Furiku/Herri, Ghost and Euphoria. Being a part of all of them was/is very fun. Overall in these servers communication was also fairly important, as well as staying active. Most tailoring servers I have been to have done magazines- especially Asagao. It was important to communicate during this time as the tailor would need to make skins, a model would need to model them and a photographer would need to screenshot them. After all of which, an editor would need to make it into a magazine. Overall it ended up being a lot of work for everyone and it was important to communicate timings, ideas and such- if not, things would get a bit messy and confusing. Which possibly led to the timings of things set back due to people not being able to make skins on time, or get online on time and such.

Staying active is also an important part of teamwork- and is something that I have had to face within most of the examples I have given above. If someone is inactive, and then a bunch of people on the same team also become inactive… it tends to bring down the whole team and reduce productivity. So I have always tried my best to stay active as well as communicate when I cannot be active and why. Yet I think it’s best to stay as active as possible if possible and being on multiple teams and tailoring servers has helped me realise this.

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Are you currently part of any Community Team? If so, which one and do you think you are able to manage your activity in both?
No I haven’t ever been on a community team but if I am given the opportunity to be on the event team, I will stay active and try to be a useful asset to the team.

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Please provide a minimum of three (maximum of five) detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:

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“YOU CAN DANCE. YOU CAN JIVEEE!! Choo Choo conga chain coming through!”

WHAT'S THIS? a loud screeching sound was evident throughout the whole school- a lot of feedback… Has someone broken into the broadcast room!? DO THEY KNOW WHAT THEY’RE DOING? clearly not!

“one two… one twoo CAN YOU HEAR ME?” The mysterious individual seemed to be tapping the mic rather aggressively. Giggles could be heard in the background? it was a group! “which song? this one? ARE YOU SURE? ok how do I do this!!”




This event could also take quite a while, despite being a flash event, it will lead to a party at the end. The idea is that a group of rowdy individuals will break into the broadcast room and use the intercom, resulting in school being cut short for the rest of the day and a specific iconic song being played simultaneously. The intruders direct students and teachers alike into forming a conga line down to the beach, similarly to the movie Mamma Mia where a line is formed, they all dance down to the coast. Players would all head down to the beach in a long line, as they arrive it seems as though it's time for a party. It seems slightly poorly done... as the students who took over the intercom likely put it all together. Little booths would be set up to sell food, and alcoholic beverages. In addition a DJ booth and a dance floor would be mapped out for people to dance on.

The party will be full of little activities for players to interact with such as bobbing apples, where a person has to put their head into a pool of water and fish for apples, as well as a dunking tank... have good aim and dunk the poor person into the tank of water!


The building for this likely won't be too strenuous as for the most part it will be done on the beach going down the coast on the left side. The only things needed for the building would be a bar for food and drinks and some stalls for items such as flower crowns and flowers to be sold. In addition a dance floor could also be added too as well as a DJ stand, for people to continue to dance on and have fun.


/event [hexcode] CHOO CHOO! A piercing sound of feedback screeched about before... MUSIC PLAYED! Do you hear it? Dancing Queen. It's time to get your dance moves ready, a conga train is stopping by! Head to the school gates to participate... and follow to the beach. CHOO CHOO.

/event [hexcode] As dusk falls and the evening goes on... people begin to get drowsy. It is clear that the party is coming to a halt. The slow songs are starting to be played and stores are closing up. Last chance to spend your savings and dance! Thanks for coming to the event!

Not too much, Some volunteers will be needed to be the 'intruders' as well as a member of staff to sort out the intercom being taken over.​
  • Staff will be needed to monitor the event as well as send out the /event.​
  • builders will be needed for building.​
  • Shop owners may be needed to help run the booths as well as some willing event team members or volunteers.​
  • A few volunteers to be a DJ and help out with the game booths (can be event team members or possibly team members if they are willing)​

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“ROCK AND ROLL BABYYYY” BAM a mic drop! Feedback was screeching from the speakers, it wasn’t as cool as he had thought it was.

“stop. that was cringe. You have no fangirls!” Another individual on the stage grimaced, cringing.

A group of five (old) men strolled onto the stage and… the crowd did not go wild! Who are they? this isn’t what we paid for!


A group of famous idols were supposed to make a stop at Karakura on their tour but OH NO! Their coach broke down. The merch, tickets and venue was expensive- it can't go to waste! The owner of the venue must think fast- a replacement band! It seems that they were on a budget as the best they could get was a group of five VERY old men. It was practically a scam! The wrinklies made their way onto the stage... in their old band outfits- which were now slightly too small and young for them... Their hairy chests were out on display. yuck.

A large volume of players would head over to a bus to be transported to a stadium/concert venue in which they wait patiently for the 'idols' to enter on stage... During this wait period, players can explore and buy food, drinks, accessories and band T'shirts! Get into the mood for a good time. However once this period is over, a loud BANG is heard, cool typical concert effects happen on stage such as confetti and flames The crowd went WILD until.. it didn't! WHO WERE THESE MEN? THIS ISN'T WHAT THE CITIZENS OF KARAKURA PAID FOR! Emotions were already through the roof before... but now a few people seemed very AGITATED. It seems as though a few wild folk in the crowd started a riot... soon KPD would need to be involved! A few people close to this violent breakout would likely get injured. EMS would be needed at the scene too!


This event will likely require quite a lot of building, sorry builders! I was thinking that a bus could be used to teleport players into a stadium built by the building team. Things like a merch store could also be built where items such as food, drink and perhaps some accessories too. BUT more importantly skins such as band T-shirts. This would likely require quite a few builders to make as It would be a lot to build and requires a group of talented builders.


/event [hexcode] AHHH! THE CROWD WENT WILD! People were screaming and squealing left and right. pushing and shoving! Until the realisation hit. This was a SCAM! Things seemed to be picking up, not in a good way. If you were smart, it would be a good idea to move away!

/event [hexcode] CLANG CLANG! That was the song of protective gear and shields... the KPD had arrived- it seemed as though BANG BANG gun fire had just happened! They were not playing around.

  • Builders for building​
  • staff to oversee the event and send the /event​
  • volunteers to be the old men on stage (likely event team members)​
  • skin makers to make the band outfits as well as the merch T-shirts​
  • shopkeepers at stalls, selling their items.​
  • A group of people being the rioters to cause drama!​
  • KPD and EMS to breakdown the fight and treat any injuries.​

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Another event that could take possibly quite a while... It is said that a comet will be passing oversky above Karakura! what a sight to see. A mixed reaction has been a result of this information hitting the news- most average citizens seem highly excited. This is a chance for a possible romantic night with your loved ones or a platonic friend date! (ouch friend zoned...) Microscope and Binocular spots will be set up on the hillside by the shrine for people all over to travel to and take a good close look. It is not only the comet tonight that seemed to be shining- both the stars and... the odd few planets seemed to be bright enough to be visible! The vibes seemed quite right. Picnic blankets will be set up, bring your own food or grab a snack and drink from the stalls nearby! It will surely be an exciting but serene night to watch the stars and space above in the night sky. Furthermore, while at the shrine it is always good to take advantage of their hot springs to help soak the muscles and relax the mind- perfect for such an eventful, pleasant night. Despite all the hussle and bussle, there will also be a chance to possibly get a reading done by some of the staff at the shrine. Individuals have the option to step on in and pay for the chance to have a look into their future- is it good or bad? Hopefully it doesn't ruin the night for you! An alien conspiracist could also appear... someone who is VERY interested in space but has been told absolute rubbish! They would vaguely come and crash the event, spouting nonsense and shouting gibberish about aliens and comets crashing down on us! the end of the world. LUCKILY They would get kicked out, but it would certainly cause a stir.

Sit down... relax and enjoy the view! Hopefully it doesn't hit us... the Alien conspiracists would be all over that news!


Again nothing too strenuous, Possibly a few little areas to use binoculars and stare at the stars. This could consist of a tiny wooden platform, slightly outlooking the mountain with a fence to lean against as people stare into their binoculars or take pictures! Furthermore some picnic blankets could be set up around in random spots, with a few heads used to look like food and such- a cute romantic setup! Lastly some stalls for food, drink and possibly some items sold at the shrines such as lanterns so that people can see their way in the darkness and some flowers, if any romantic individuals want to spice it up a bit!


/event [hex code] The stars seemed brighter than usual! A mystical feeling was in the air... it was time! A comet had been reported on the news recently and now it was time for it to travel above us at this very moment. Head over to the shrine to see such a beautiful event take place. food and drink will be provided as well as some trinkets!

/event [hexcode] Is that an alien? NO. It's just a person... stay clear people! They seem a bit wrong in the head. A shrill shriek would be heard as the individual dressed as an alien began to spout random facts and knowledge. It seemed to be an attempt at scaring others. However it seemed as though they were being dragged away.

  • Staff would be needed to oversee the event and send the /event.​
  • builders would be needed to build some small structures.​
  • Someone would need to be the alien conspiracist.​
  • Shopkeepers would need to sell some items at booths​
  • Shrine priests would be needed to do readings and such.​

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''Now, I'ma light it up and pass it. PUFF PUFF and pass it! Dont be a dick and babysit, c'mon, just pass it over here!'' - Melanie Martinez.

A group of misbehaving delinquents seemed to be up to their usual antics in the bathroom… all was well, passing around cigarettes and lighters- that is until OH NO! CLICK.. The door locked? Out of surprise one of them dropped a lit cigarette by the door onto another student's jacket. Despite their attempts to put it out, it has already caught fire to potted plants, the door and such. It seemed to be an uncontrolled fire- and the students were locked inside! Soon enough the smoke detectors went off and an obnoxiously loud fire alarm went off throughout the school. As per protocol, all the students were led by teachers to line up outside on the baseball pitch in orderly fashion, in ‘silence’ although not many students followed that requirement as most of them asked the obvious question ‘is it a drill? Or is there actually a fire?’ ‘Does this mean I can go home?’.

The sound of sirens filled the air as the police and EMS pulled up to the school, rushing to the area affected. Despite the fire eventually being put out, the hallway around the bathroom wasn't too affected; however the bathroom itself was in bad condition. It was completely soot black, the air was thick with smoke and almost unbreathable. Within the debris, the group of the delinquents laid. It was clear that the smoke had been too much for them- In fact one of them didn’t seem to be moving at all. The students were rushed to the hospital yet it seemed as though not all of them survived. Now the question at hand is… who locked the door? Investigations were to be held by the police… will they find out the cause of the disaster or not?

Likely not too much building would be required, The bathroom in question would need to be made to look burnt and damaged and perhaps some of the outside area by the door. Some signs could be placed to describe the extent of the damage. The building would also need to be closed off so that students do not enter, such as some crime scene tape across the doors.


/event [hexcode] BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! A shrieking alarm split through the air like a sharp knife, It was enough to provoke the flight or fight response within everyone. It seemed as though the fire-alarm was going off- was it a drill?

/event [hexcode] Yet again another shrieking sound pierced the air as cop cars and ambulances pulled up to the gates. Each individual stepped out with a grim expression. It was go time.

  • Staff would need to oversee the event and send the /event​
  • Build team would be needed to build the burnt room​
  • Volunteers would be needed to play the delinquents​

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Wind has caught onto a new unknown VIRUS. It seems to be highly contagious... People are rushed to the hospital in a feverish sweat. It seems like just a fever however some odd behaviour is noted. Each patient seemed to be highly aggressive and on some accounts lashed out at some of the employees... It seems as though this virus was spreading- before a full lockdown could be put into place, things ascended into chaos. It seems as though it's every man for himself now. Survival of the fittest. The infection seemed normal. That was the scary thing. Other than their sweat dripping off of them, they didn't look overly ill. It wasn't like a zombie apocalypse exactly HOWEVER If you were unlucky enough to encounter an infected... well You're done for. Not everyone gets 'turned' , some just die. It could be you down on the floor next if you aren't careful.

It seemed as though this virus just enhanced the violent human nature within us. Our desires could fully be let out. Freedom at last. People took it as an opportunity to steal... kill. MURDER. Laws have just disappeared. Most people assumed they would end up dying soon- so why be a law abiding citizen? The police won't care. They may already be dead. HOWEVER above all the gunshots and sounds of screams... a chopped could be heard? or was it a plane? It was multiple helicopters... They seemed to drop flyers. It was a government announcement to stay inside and stay safe. Help will come soon.

DAYS seem to pass, still NO HELP! While people were just about to lose hope, the distant sounds of helicopters came again... as well as a boat! HOORAY HELP IS HERE.. but something was off? One of them.. BANG CRASH. It hit the building. What was going on? People headed to the beach where the choppers seemed to be headed. Their hopes of being saved skyrocketed high and then DROPPED ALL THE WAY DOWN.

They were infected. It was the end. There was no help. The disease had spread oversees and infected all the military men... There was no hope.

This event would take place on the other event server where the map for karakura would be used and it would seem mostly the same except a bit more derelict. Bin fires everywhere, Windows broken, houses broken into, shops robbed, rubble and debris everywhere. The city would be in a complete state. So no massive structures would really need building except for maybe a broken helicopter that had crashed and some ambience things such as damage done to the city. E.G broken down light poles, broken houses and shops, fires everywhere. Just a chaotic environment.


/event [hexcode] An alarm would pop up onto everyones phone while a blaring, ear bursting alarm shattered across the whole City. The warning read out 'STAGE 5 THREAT. DO NOT LEAVE HOME FOR ANY UNNECESSARY JOURNEYS.' The alarm continues to sound out and panic hits Karakura. It ascended into chaos.

  • Staff would be needed to oversee the event and send the /event​
  • Builders would be needed to build the ruined city.​
  • event team members would be needed to act as the infected military at the end. They could also be placed as some gang members who are stirring up trouble.​
PET VET CHECKUP! - Mini pop up event

I would certainly say this is one of the less important and smaller event ideas, yet I think it could be quite fun and inclusive for players who play as pets/animals as well as pet owners as sometimes events aren’t usually catered towards animal whitelisters and so I can imagine they may find it less enjoyable than other players sometimes. SO! A quick pop-up ad is spotted on your phone screen, advertising a nearby vet setup in the hospital- all kitted up! Pet owners from around Karakura gather, along with their furry friends. The idea is that they get a quick checkup, the normal blood tests, scans, weight testing… just to see if your pet is in peak health or not! In the meantime, the owners can either stay by their side or sit in the wait room to have a cup of tea and be relieved of their pet parent duties. The event likely won’t be too long depending on how many animals are online hence why it would be a short, non pre announced event. It isn’t exactly the perfect event for everyone but I think it could be quite interesting for animal players to enjoy first hand and be actively participating as the main focus. In addition , non pets/owners could come along too as there may be many cute animals on display, some of which may possibly need adopting depending on if they are stray…

A stall could be set up outside for food and drinks to be sold to both the owners and pets while they wait too. Inspirational cat posters could be hung up around the hospital, to remind owners how to care properly for their pets. In addition a person standing outside and in the hospital could walk around in a catsuit as a mini vet mascot. They could walk around, take pictures with people, hand out mini pamphlets about how to care for an animal properly, what diet is needed and overall some things about vets and how they work. It could not only be beneficial for pet owners and their pets but also students who wish to go into the medical profession as they could watch live examples of checkups, medical operations and such being carried out in front of them. In fact a side booth outside next to the food and drink could have one or two doctors inside who are willing to explain their field of work and what it is like for those who are interested.

Builders will need to put up signs and banners to display pet/vet posters around the hospital as well as some stalls outside for food/drink as well as the doctors information tent.


/event [hexcode] DING! A small ad popped up onto your phone screen, it read out about a vet checkup going on at the local hospital within Karakura! Pet owners head over quickly- bring your furry friends and felines!

  • Staff would be required to look over and oversee the event as well as send out the surprise /event​
  • Builders will be needed for some fairly basic building of stalls and mini things such as posters to create ambience for the event​
  • A shopkeeper will need to supply food/drink for the event too​
  • A volunteer will be needed to be the mascot, and some EMS will be needed to either carry out the checkups or answer questions!​

Additional notes (You may leave this blank):

I know this is technically not required but I wanted to add it on to show extra dedication. So my MOTIVATION for applying! I was on an event team for another server a little while ago, and I really enjoyed it actually. The team work was fun and we came up with some good ideas however I ended up leaving as I wanted to focus more on SRP. I miss being on an event team as it was really fun for me. I loved coming up with ideas and contributing to the team as well as communicating with the other members. It really let my creativity flow and so when I saw that there was a chance to apply for the event team on SRP I thought I'd give it a shot. In addition I would just say that I am a creative person, I'm constantly coming up with small ideas for cheer stuff whether it's practice stuff or actual events which has also motivated me to apply. Some of the ideas I have for the team are slightly too big and would work better in an environment such as the event team where they would make more sense and be more realistic to what standards can be met as it is catered to the whole server, not just a team. In addition, as said before in the application I MAKE SKINS and I would say I am very good at it due to my experience. I believe this could be useful for being on the team in case any skins need being done as I would be completely fine with making them likely for free as I know it would be used for something important and I like to help out people that I work with. I would also like to add that another motivation to join the team would be that I’ve seen the types of things you guys do during halloween time and I think it looks really fun- I’d love to be a part of something such as that.

I'd also like to thank you for the team reading my application. I personally believe that I would be a fairly useful asset to the team as I have been a part of the server for a while and have been dedicated to it as well, and I would like to think that my ideas are fairly good too. If you have any questions about my application or things linked to it then I can be contacted via dms using the discord shown at the top of this application, My dms are always open.​


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for your application, unfortunately, we have decided to deny this application, the majority of your application is copied from your old, denied, application. If you decide to reapply again, come up with new, original, events instead of reusing the ones from your other application.

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