Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
I am currently 18!!
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
On a scale of one to ten (ten being the most active, one being the least), I would currently be at a 9/10! I currently am on every day and usually on for almost the full day! I do have a paying job that I had applied for, so when that starts up I should be a little busy but it shouldn’t disrupt my time on SRP by too much.
I am also the college swim Co-Captian and a Counselor which puts proof into my activity.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Nope, I have not!
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am fully aware that if I am inactive I will be demoted. If I don’t share a valid inactivity log, demotion for inactivity will be necessary.
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
I am currently 18!!
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
On a scale of one to ten (ten being the most active, one being the least), I would currently be at a 9/10! I currently am on every day and usually on for almost the full day! I do have a paying job that I had applied for, so when that starts up I should be a little busy but it shouldn’t disrupt my time on SRP by too much.
I am also the college swim Co-Captian and a Counselor which puts proof into my activity.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Nope, I have not!
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am fully aware that if I am inactive I will be demoted. If I don’t share a valid inactivity log, demotion for inactivity will be necessary.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Denied - YerPuppy STRAYS Shop Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
NOTE: As far as my other IGNS. Nothing has been applied for.
Senketsu's Librarian Application [DENIED]
<- OLD
Receptionist Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Dutch Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
German Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Russian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Norwegian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Kasper's History Teacher Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Yasuno's Korean Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Bo's JSL Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Izumi's French Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Izumi's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Finneas King's Korean Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Third Language Slot [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Third Language Slot [DENIED] <- OLD
Karma's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Montsuki's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Hayden's Italian Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Hayden's Height Application <- OLD
Receptionist Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Dutch Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
German Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Russian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Norwegian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Kasper's History Teacher Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Yasuno's Korean Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Bo's JSL Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Izumi's French Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Izumi's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Finneas King's Korean Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Third Language Slot [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Third Language Slot [DENIED] <- OLD
Karma's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Montsuki's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Hayden's Italian Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Hayden's Height Application <- OLD
SuitKink's Department Switch Council
<- NEW
Nurse Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLDISH
SuitKink's Surgeon Application [Accepted] <- OLDISH
SuitKink's Shop Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Fukui's Dutch Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Fukui's Hospital Staff Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Marceline's JSL Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Marceline's Height Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Fukui's Nurse Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Marceline Marie's KPD Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Dallas's Spanish Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Nurse Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLDISH
SuitKink's Surgeon Application [Accepted] <- OLDISH
SuitKink's Shop Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Fukui's Dutch Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Fukui's Hospital Staff Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Marceline's JSL Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Marceline's Height Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Fukui's Nurse Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Marceline Marie's KPD Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Dallas's Spanish Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Mitsuba's German Application [ACCEPTED]
Italian Application [ACCEPTED]
NOTE: As far as my other IGNS. Nothing has been applied for.
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
DrainingFeeling - College PhD Swim Team
SuitKink - Counselor
SpringRP- Adult
SpringLeaves - Grade-12
YerStalker - Snail
HvnnyBvnnie - Grade-12
FinneasKing - Grade-12
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
STRAYS/restaurant & bar, But we will be rebranding it to “The Diner”
Credit for our logo design goes to _its_Cloudy_
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper? / Motivation:
I’ve wanted to become a shopkeeper for a few years now. I even applied back in September of 2022 but got denied! Along with applying in 2023 but then getting denied but I stay persistent! I am applying once again, taking my chances, as I’d love to have the experience of owning a shop on SchoolRP. As someone who’s worked within them, I’ve found them quite enjoyable and know that I’d enjoy owning one much more than being simply a part of one! I have had nothing but positive experiences working with shopkeepers. My friends from the school faction and I have come up with a creative idea for a restaurant within Karakura and would love to pursue it more than anything! So I have taken it into my own hands to apply and let all our hard work not go to waste! I also am currently wanting to experience the different types of factions that SRP holds, and I’ve already experienced and enjoyed EMS and School Faculty. My next faction interest is of course the Shops Faction! I have taken an interest–like I had said—for a while, and have been thinking about applying for the past two years. As I said, I applied back in 2022, as that was when I learned how to apply for said shop. The year before I had no clue on how. Anywho, being a shopkeeper would open up an abundance of new experiences for me. I have been a part of multiple stores as a worker, including a restaurant during my years of being on SRP, and I have loved every second of it. I had even worked myself up in the roles to get to the manager position within one of those stores for a while. The enjoyable experiences I’ve had when working within the store environment has really motivated me to keep on trying and applying to try out being a shopkeeper. I personally believe that I would enjoy the creativity it comes along with the role. You have the ability to create something new to SchoolRP or just add something to the server. With that being said, instead of replacing the building with something else, I want to add onto what was already there and keep the business going. The idea of Strays is something I want to be a part of and work on and grow its community back up.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
When it comes to ‘The Diner’, there’s a whole lot about it that makes it unique compared to other restaurants and applicants. For starters, most of our staff are faculty from the school. Our general idea was a diner where you could be served by your favorite faculty member! Whether that's your highschool teacher, professor, receptionist, nurse, counselor, chef, etc! Next would be the eerier demeanor The Diner holds within it! As you walk into the diner, the air is strangely colder and you feel chills run up and down your spine like little ants! That's all because we got our very own SRP staff to be the ghosts that haunt the diner from time to time! Depending on the time we open, like morning, afternoon, and midnight, the overall atmosphere will slowly deteriorate into a more unsettling aura. In the mornings, the employees will play the role of tired, and a little shaken up employees like something had happened to them the night before, and as the day slowly passes by, once the clock reaches the afternoon, the workers will start to act more friendly! Maybe a little too friendly! Anywho, as the day finally reaches midnight, the workers start to act well. .off. What I mean by off, is that the workers seem disturbed. Almost as if there was some evil presence that haunted over their shoulders as they worked. This is to stimulate a bit of fear into the customers but it’s all just a ruse. Another thing that sets our restaurant differently from others is our spooky-themed atmosphere, food and drink items, along with events that come and go. Our first idea for an event would involve a fake murder scene right there in the diner by a few of our employees! Of course, we will be informing EMS and KPD workers at the time to not be alarmed and they can even come and watch to double-check that nothing actually illegal is going on within the Diner walls. It’s all just an act to give our customers the thrill of their lives! When it comes to our nightly openings, we mainly target customers who enjoy the feeling of getting those scary chills down their spines or feeling the goosebumps texturize their skins. During the mornings and afternoons, our customer targets are anyone within Karakura honestly! It’s only more towards the nighttime and October when the store would get a bit more eerie than usual. When it comes to our uniforms, we have more of a gothic approach compared to other shops! Next let's go into our managers. Now each manager has their own little department that they take care of, like EMS! One manager takes care of training the servers, one takes care of the bartenders, etc. When it comes to my job as the shopkeeper, I train everyone and teach them how the panel works along with how things are run within our restaurant and basically make sure they get the jist of what we are trying to accomplish for the uniqueness of our restaurant. And finally, each month we have a food item that represents each month in its own eerie way. For example, we’d sell a red wine in maybe a skull cup and title it “Humans Blood” when it’s simply just wine, etc! Like a last-dinner type of deal.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -ENTRANCE- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
When entering The Diner, you’ll find yourself in our waiting area; the waiting area consists of couches/seats for customers to sit and wait for an opening in the bar or booths! The first thing you see is one of our hosts which will either seat you themselves or call over another host to seat you. The flooring of the entrance is checkered and slightly worn down, the entryway is the first eerie feeling to the customers. BooOooo! If there’s a wait, you’ll be given a number and once that number is called you’ll be seated! Hosts will have a book format that will allow them to log how many groups/singles they seat, this will be their paycheck; 2-5k per person. Once seated, hosts will give the customers a menu and make their way back to the entryway for the next group. There will be two security stationed at the front in case of those who want to break the rules.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° Seating Booths ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
The first thing you’ll see while being seated is our seating booths. These booths are diner-inspired, we’ll have 25 booth spots in total (this number might be more or less due to the size of Strays). Each booth has a light + lever system for the assigned Waits to know when new people have been seated. Our ‘Waits’ team, aka the waiters and waitresses, are assigned booth numbers that are placed on the booths at the start of their shifts. These numbers help make sure that the waits get an equal amount of work and aren’t fighting over who gets what booth! Waits are expected to be able to take orders, get the order, and give the order.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° Bar ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
The bar currently has three spots total (this number might be more or less due to the size of Strays), the backings are let down when customers are seated, and they’re free to leave at any time, but may NOT wander the restaurant. Customers will stay at the bar seat they are seated at until they’re ready to leave, which they will be guided out by any security, hosts, or members of the waits team. The bar will be handled by bartenders who will be able to notify security for help at any time. Due to our bartenders being faculty, fake IDs will never be a problem! The bar is elevated as well.
What will you sell in your shop?:
The Diner will fulfill many platings, and different foods served within the restaurant. Many varieties of foods, are served along with drinks of choice. The Diner will serve many assortments of cuisine, our menu will have many things to pick from. As we also will be selling alcohol within the bar of The Diner. There'd be a menu of selections of foods and desserts along with beverages such as different alcohols. Every month, The Diner will provide a new food item following a certain spooky theme through out the year.
As of now we're unsure upon the exact contents within the menu but an overall ideal of the meals and things being served.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
We have a pretty active roster to say the least but once the store opens up we plan on opening applications for anyone else who desires to be a part of it. We plan on having at least 10 slots open for the public! Employees will also be faculty related in some way.
Our current roster fills out to be:
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° OWNER ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
The owner, aka the ShopKeeper, is in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly within the opening hours of the building. They are also in charge of hiring and sending out application forms to the citizens who are interested in being a part of the job. Along with the tasks of being the ShopKeeper, they are also the ones who send out adverts for when they are open along with a second call-out advert later on for those who might have missed out on the first opening advert. This is to inform the citizens that the restaurant is open for a bit, ready to serve those who come in. Lastly, ShopKeepers are to notify their workers when they are about to do an opening shift to see who can show up and take the shifts.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -MANAGER- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
The responsibilities a manager holds within the occupation is to supervise the shifts during the restaurant's openings along with training new and current employees! The managers also are there to maximize customers satisfactions and respond to any customer complaints. Managers are also responsible for appraising employees and their performances along with providing any necessary feedback on how excellent a worker is doing or how they can improve. Managers are also to arrange tables for each server who is working during the shift so servers don’t have to compete against one another to get customers.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -SECURITY- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
Security’s responsibility during the work shift is to ensure the safety of the employees but also the customers who come into the restaurant. They are to ensure that no violent or illegal activities are happening within and near the outside of the store. They are also to alert KPD if things are getting out of control or if illegal weapons are being used or if illegal activities arise. Security is also to be patrolling the property, and monitoring the environment. If two securities are on the job, one must be at the front of the property while the other patrols. The two of them can take turns between shifts to make it equal. They are to maintain professionalism and cause no harm nor be aggravated by possible customers wanting to cause trouble or be under the influence. Security are to also escort any customers who are causing issues or being disruptive to the restaurant's environment when requested upon.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -BARTENDER- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
A bartender's job is to serve customers who sit at the bar, alcoholic drinks. First, they are to check for I.D. for anyone who sits at the bar and cannot serve any alcoholic beverage to those who are under the age of 20. They are to request the customers leave the bar area as they are underage to be served. The bartenders can also serve food to those who order along with drinks at the bar. Bartenders will also be requested to make their drinks that are requested before the customer (detailRP) and create small talk with their customers to ensure that those who come in are having a good time. Bartenders are to also limit customers to drinks. If a customer gets too drunk and is causing issues, they are to request upon a security to walk them out.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -SERVERS- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
Servers are in charge of preparing the tables with special attention and sanitation along with order. They are also to attend to customs upon entering the restaurant, presenting menus, serving and helping customers select food/beverages by making recommendations based on a customer's preference. Servers are to take and deliver orders, which means they’ll be the faces of the restaurant and responsible for the customers’ experiences. They must ensure that the tables are clean and tidy when guests arrive, and they must be quick on their feet, and have a polite and friendly attitude.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -HOSTS- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
When it comes to being a host/hostess, they present a positive first impression of the establishment's friendliness, excellent service, and high standards. They greet guests upon arrival, inform guests of their wait time, monitor a waiting list, enter guests' names into the log system, show guests to their table and bid guests farewell when they depart. They must be able to carry on natural conversation with guests without sounding scripted or intrusive. Additionally, the host cares for our guests by refilling beverages and performing light housekeeping duties such as cleaning glasses and menus and ensuring restrooms are clean, stocked and orderly. As a member of an energetic team, the hosts may also need to answer any phone calls and fill to-go orders when it’s needed.
Trial employees will be under the supervision of a manager or shopkeeper to ensure that they are doing the job correctly and responsibly along with if they have any questions about the job they are fulfilling, whoever is supervising them, can answer to them right away and help if at all needed. Trial members are given three shifts to attend before being promoted up to the regular role if they have done well! If they are still struggling, they are granted two more shifts! If they have done their job poorly and too recklessly to where it is necessary, they will be removed off the employee team.
What is your approach to employees handling alcohol?
I will not be allowing any employees under Karakura’s drinking age to have access to the alcohol storage nor be able to be a bartender. When it comes to customers requesting alcoholic drinks, they must be sent to the bar to request a drink unless their server is of age to handle the alcohol. This is to prevent possible employees who are under that age from smuggling any alcohol and stealing from the restaurant.
This follows with our take-out section. Ages 20 and above with a proper form of Identification Card can be handling the alcohol and selling it to customers during work hours.
Credits for making our lovely uniforms go to bheom
In-Character Information
Full Name (First & Last only):
“My name is Sungwoo Nakazawa.”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“My current and preferred title is Mr. Nakazawa”
Preferred Name:
“I prefer Sung, but Sungwoo or Nakazawa is fine by me! I’m pretty laid back when it comes to what my family or friends call me.”
“I am currently 37 years old.”
“I am a cis male, and my pronouns are He/Him!”
Religious Denomination:
“Shintoism has been the religion I have grown up with and continue to practice on a day-to-day basis.”
Marital Status:
“I am currently single.”
Academic Degree:
“I graduated with a PhD degree.”
Year of Graduation:
“I graduated in 2011.”
“I majored in Sociology.”
“The minors I studied were in Psychology, Hospitality, and Tourism.”
“I am Korean!”
Current Location:
“I currently live in Karakura, Japan. I had moved due to my family living here and I wanted to be closer to family.”
Native Languages:
“Korean was my Native but now I’ve been gone for so long I’ve grown rusty with Korean but I do know my fair share of Japanese to get by perfectly fine!”
Other Languages:
“I speak Mandarin and Russian.”
Discord Invite:
Application Forum:
Additional notes about your application:
I’ve wanted to become a shopkeeper for a few years now. I even applied back in September of 2022 but got denied! Along with applying in 2023 but then getting denied but I stay persistent! I am applying once again, taking my chances, as I’d love to have the experience of owning a shop on SchoolRP. As someone who’s worked within them, I’ve found them quite enjoyable and know that I’d enjoy owning one much more than being simply a part of one! I have had nothing but positive experiences working with shopkeepers. My friends from the school faction and I have come up with a creative idea for a restaurant within Karakura and would love to pursue it more than anything! So I have taken it into my own hands to apply and let all our hard work not go to waste! I also am currently wanting to experience the different types of factions that SRP holds, and I’ve already experienced and enjoyed EMS and School Faculty. My next faction interest is of course the Shops Faction! I have taken an interest–like I had said—for a while, and have been thinking about applying for the past two years. As I said, I applied back in 2022, as that was when I learned how to apply for said shop. The year before I had no clue on how. Anywho, being a shopkeeper would open up an abundance of new experiences for me. I have been a part of multiple stores as a worker, including a restaurant during my years of being on SRP, and I have loved every second of it. I had even worked myself up in the roles to get to the manager position within one of those stores for a while. The enjoyable experiences I’ve had when working within the store environment has really motivated me to keep on trying and applying to try out being a shopkeeper. I personally believe that I would enjoy the creativity it comes along with the role. You have the ability to create something new to SchoolRP or just add something to the server. With that being said, instead of replacing the building with something else, I want to add onto what was already there and keep the business going. The idea of Strays is something I want to be a part of and work on and grow its community back up.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
When it comes to ‘The Diner’, there’s a whole lot about it that makes it unique compared to other restaurants and applicants. For starters, most of our staff are faculty from the school. Our general idea was a diner where you could be served by your favorite faculty member! Whether that's your highschool teacher, professor, receptionist, nurse, counselor, chef, etc! Next would be the eerier demeanor The Diner holds within it! As you walk into the diner, the air is strangely colder and you feel chills run up and down your spine like little ants! That's all because we got our very own SRP staff to be the ghosts that haunt the diner from time to time! Depending on the time we open, like morning, afternoon, and midnight, the overall atmosphere will slowly deteriorate into a more unsettling aura. In the mornings, the employees will play the role of tired, and a little shaken up employees like something had happened to them the night before, and as the day slowly passes by, once the clock reaches the afternoon, the workers will start to act more friendly! Maybe a little too friendly! Anywho, as the day finally reaches midnight, the workers start to act well. .off. What I mean by off, is that the workers seem disturbed. Almost as if there was some evil presence that haunted over their shoulders as they worked. This is to stimulate a bit of fear into the customers but it’s all just a ruse. Another thing that sets our restaurant differently from others is our spooky-themed atmosphere, food and drink items, along with events that come and go. Our first idea for an event would involve a fake murder scene right there in the diner by a few of our employees! Of course, we will be informing EMS and KPD workers at the time to not be alarmed and they can even come and watch to double-check that nothing actually illegal is going on within the Diner walls. It’s all just an act to give our customers the thrill of their lives! When it comes to our nightly openings, we mainly target customers who enjoy the feeling of getting those scary chills down their spines or feeling the goosebumps texturize their skins. During the mornings and afternoons, our customer targets are anyone within Karakura honestly! It’s only more towards the nighttime and October when the store would get a bit more eerie than usual. When it comes to our uniforms, we have more of a gothic approach compared to other shops! Next let's go into our managers. Now each manager has their own little department that they take care of, like EMS! One manager takes care of training the servers, one takes care of the bartenders, etc. When it comes to my job as the shopkeeper, I train everyone and teach them how the panel works along with how things are run within our restaurant and basically make sure they get the jist of what we are trying to accomplish for the uniqueness of our restaurant. And finally, each month we have a food item that represents each month in its own eerie way. For example, we’d sell a red wine in maybe a skull cup and title it “Humans Blood” when it’s simply just wine, etc! Like a last-dinner type of deal.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -ENTRANCE- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
When entering The Diner, you’ll find yourself in our waiting area; the waiting area consists of couches/seats for customers to sit and wait for an opening in the bar or booths! The first thing you see is one of our hosts which will either seat you themselves or call over another host to seat you. The flooring of the entrance is checkered and slightly worn down, the entryway is the first eerie feeling to the customers. BooOooo! If there’s a wait, you’ll be given a number and once that number is called you’ll be seated! Hosts will have a book format that will allow them to log how many groups/singles they seat, this will be their paycheck; 2-5k per person. Once seated, hosts will give the customers a menu and make their way back to the entryway for the next group. There will be two security stationed at the front in case of those who want to break the rules.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° Seating Booths ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
The first thing you’ll see while being seated is our seating booths. These booths are diner-inspired, we’ll have 25 booth spots in total (this number might be more or less due to the size of Strays). Each booth has a light + lever system for the assigned Waits to know when new people have been seated. Our ‘Waits’ team, aka the waiters and waitresses, are assigned booth numbers that are placed on the booths at the start of their shifts. These numbers help make sure that the waits get an equal amount of work and aren’t fighting over who gets what booth! Waits are expected to be able to take orders, get the order, and give the order.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° Bar ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
The bar currently has three spots total (this number might be more or less due to the size of Strays), the backings are let down when customers are seated, and they’re free to leave at any time, but may NOT wander the restaurant. Customers will stay at the bar seat they are seated at until they’re ready to leave, which they will be guided out by any security, hosts, or members of the waits team. The bar will be handled by bartenders who will be able to notify security for help at any time. Due to our bartenders being faculty, fake IDs will never be a problem! The bar is elevated as well.
What will you sell in your shop?:
The Diner will fulfill many platings, and different foods served within the restaurant. Many varieties of foods, are served along with drinks of choice. The Diner will serve many assortments of cuisine, our menu will have many things to pick from. As we also will be selling alcohol within the bar of The Diner. There'd be a menu of selections of foods and desserts along with beverages such as different alcohols. Every month, The Diner will provide a new food item following a certain spooky theme through out the year.
As of now we're unsure upon the exact contents within the menu but an overall ideal of the meals and things being served.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
We have a pretty active roster to say the least but once the store opens up we plan on opening applications for anyone else who desires to be a part of it. We plan on having at least 10 slots open for the public! Employees will also be faculty related in some way.
Our current roster fills out to be:
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° OWNER ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
The owner, aka the ShopKeeper, is in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly within the opening hours of the building. They are also in charge of hiring and sending out application forms to the citizens who are interested in being a part of the job. Along with the tasks of being the ShopKeeper, they are also the ones who send out adverts for when they are open along with a second call-out advert later on for those who might have missed out on the first opening advert. This is to inform the citizens that the restaurant is open for a bit, ready to serve those who come in. Lastly, ShopKeepers are to notify their workers when they are about to do an opening shift to see who can show up and take the shifts.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -MANAGER- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
The responsibilities a manager holds within the occupation is to supervise the shifts during the restaurant's openings along with training new and current employees! The managers also are there to maximize customers satisfactions and respond to any customer complaints. Managers are also responsible for appraising employees and their performances along with providing any necessary feedback on how excellent a worker is doing or how they can improve. Managers are also to arrange tables for each server who is working during the shift so servers don’t have to compete against one another to get customers.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -SECURITY- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
Security’s responsibility during the work shift is to ensure the safety of the employees but also the customers who come into the restaurant. They are to ensure that no violent or illegal activities are happening within and near the outside of the store. They are also to alert KPD if things are getting out of control or if illegal weapons are being used or if illegal activities arise. Security is also to be patrolling the property, and monitoring the environment. If two securities are on the job, one must be at the front of the property while the other patrols. The two of them can take turns between shifts to make it equal. They are to maintain professionalism and cause no harm nor be aggravated by possible customers wanting to cause trouble or be under the influence. Security are to also escort any customers who are causing issues or being disruptive to the restaurant's environment when requested upon.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -BARTENDER- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
A bartender's job is to serve customers who sit at the bar, alcoholic drinks. First, they are to check for I.D. for anyone who sits at the bar and cannot serve any alcoholic beverage to those who are under the age of 20. They are to request the customers leave the bar area as they are underage to be served. The bartenders can also serve food to those who order along with drinks at the bar. Bartenders will also be requested to make their drinks that are requested before the customer (detailRP) and create small talk with their customers to ensure that those who come in are having a good time. Bartenders are to also limit customers to drinks. If a customer gets too drunk and is causing issues, they are to request upon a security to walk them out.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -SERVERS- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
Servers are in charge of preparing the tables with special attention and sanitation along with order. They are also to attend to customs upon entering the restaurant, presenting menus, serving and helping customers select food/beverages by making recommendations based on a customer's preference. Servers are to take and deliver orders, which means they’ll be the faces of the restaurant and responsible for the customers’ experiences. They must ensure that the tables are clean and tidy when guests arrive, and they must be quick on their feet, and have a polite and friendly attitude.
✧˖°――♡――✧˖° -HOSTS- ✧˖°――♡――✧˖°
When it comes to being a host/hostess, they present a positive first impression of the establishment's friendliness, excellent service, and high standards. They greet guests upon arrival, inform guests of their wait time, monitor a waiting list, enter guests' names into the log system, show guests to their table and bid guests farewell when they depart. They must be able to carry on natural conversation with guests without sounding scripted or intrusive. Additionally, the host cares for our guests by refilling beverages and performing light housekeeping duties such as cleaning glasses and menus and ensuring restrooms are clean, stocked and orderly. As a member of an energetic team, the hosts may also need to answer any phone calls and fill to-go orders when it’s needed.
Trial employees will be under the supervision of a manager or shopkeeper to ensure that they are doing the job correctly and responsibly along with if they have any questions about the job they are fulfilling, whoever is supervising them, can answer to them right away and help if at all needed. Trial members are given three shifts to attend before being promoted up to the regular role if they have done well! If they are still struggling, they are granted two more shifts! If they have done their job poorly and too recklessly to where it is necessary, they will be removed off the employee team.
What is your approach to employees handling alcohol?
I will not be allowing any employees under Karakura’s drinking age to have access to the alcohol storage nor be able to be a bartender. When it comes to customers requesting alcoholic drinks, they must be sent to the bar to request a drink unless their server is of age to handle the alcohol. This is to prevent possible employees who are under that age from smuggling any alcohol and stealing from the restaurant.
This follows with our take-out section. Ages 20 and above with a proper form of Identification Card can be handling the alcohol and selling it to customers during work hours.
Credits for making our lovely uniforms go to bheom
In-Character Information
Full Name (First & Last only):
“My name is Sungwoo Nakazawa.”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“My current and preferred title is Mr. Nakazawa”
Preferred Name:
“I prefer Sung, but Sungwoo or Nakazawa is fine by me! I’m pretty laid back when it comes to what my family or friends call me.”
“I am currently 37 years old.”
“I am a cis male, and my pronouns are He/Him!”
Religious Denomination:
“Shintoism has been the religion I have grown up with and continue to practice on a day-to-day basis.”
Marital Status:
“I am currently single.”
Academic Degree:
“I graduated with a PhD degree.”
Year of Graduation:
“I graduated in 2011.”
“I majored in Sociology.”
“The minors I studied were in Psychology, Hospitality, and Tourism.”
“I am Korean!”
Current Location:
“I currently live in Karakura, Japan. I had moved due to my family living here and I wanted to be closer to family.”
Native Languages:
“Korean was my Native but now I’ve been gone for so long I’ve grown rusty with Korean but I do know my fair share of Japanese to get by perfectly fine!”
Other Languages:
“I speak Mandarin and Russian.”
Discord Invite:
The Diner - Discord
Application Forum:
The Diner Application
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