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Accepted Karl Santorini's RETURN | Department Switch - Professor to Counsellor


Level 59
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

snowprints → Professor
‘Malachai Yeou’ (account i’m applying with)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):

18 turning 19 in July!

What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I’m practically a 10/10 when I’m not at school or work! When it comes to work i’m on before and after my shifts and on weekdays I'm on after school! Other then that I’m pretty much on the whole time if I’m not asleep!

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Never and I plan to keep it that way

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I fully acknowledge that as I’ve been apart of the faction multiple times and completely understand and live by that rule.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

There of course is the student council but what I’m applying for here is for the counselor role within the school faction. Now, the counselor's role within the adults really goes more into setting up students for success and graduation, they also identify issues affecting school performances, addressing any social or behavioral problems within the school whether that's students or fellow co-workers, counseling individuals and small groups to help with a students mental health, discussing student’s abilities and interest for future career opportunities. Being a school counselor has huge responsibilities to carry out throughout the school day. Counselors deal with of course he students' concerns about their academics. Getting more detailed into that, counselors help students maintain academic standards and set goals for them to be successful academically. They help the students develop skills to improve their organization, study habits, and manage their time. Of course, working through personal problems may affect their academics or relationships, so counselors give them improvements on social skill salong with how to cope with school, community-related violcence, accidents, and trauma. Any mental disability or mental issues. Also, counselors identify the students interest, strengths, and aptitudes through assessments. Honestly, without counselors, a students school life can struggle depending on if a student isn’t doing well with their academic or mental stability.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I honestly believe I have a lot of general experience when it comes to roleplay. When I was first starting out as an artist and Minecraft enjoyer, I had learned what original characters were and what roleplay was. I was first exposed to roleplay through a famous YouTuber Aphmau and later on SirCutieYuki. I started roleplaying on a pocket edition server for about a year or so until roleplaying out with my characters with my friends and even with little toys called Littlest Pet Shop. Remember that was all when I was very young. The middle school life came along and a friend and I really wanted to get into a Minecraft school roleplay server. In 2016, we found SRP. It honestly was such an eye-opener for me as it was a new experience to roleplay that I’ve never seen before. I honestly enjoyed it! During that time I was also roleplaying on some roblox server but soon after ditched it and stayed loyal to the SRP minecraft server. Throughout the years I’ve learned different ways to roleplay and bettered my detailRP as of recent years. As of three years ago? I built up the courage to apply for job roles within the server. No matter how many times I had been denied, it still kept me going and applying again and again. To current time, I have experienced the EMS team, and KHS team only. And my personal favorite so far has been KHS as I had been a professor twice now, a nurse three times? And a counselor once. Anywho, as you can see, I’ve been roleplaying for a pretty long time and I’m currently at my 8 year on SRP! Which is super crazy to think about in all honesty.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

Like I said above, I personally love the School Employee faction. As shown, I’ve been apart of the faction for a long time and finally decided that the counselor spot is a personal favorite. I used to think it was nurse but ever sense the counselor role came back to be a playable role, I had enjoyed it thoroughly. I’ve enjoyed every second of working for the school employee faction and once I had tired professor again, it really just wasn’t my thing no matter how many times I try! I personally missed the counselor role, and was thinking about joining the student council. Honestly, I don’t see any other faction being fit for me besides the school employee faction. It’s honestly my type of speed to where you have a certain amount of time during the day to fulfill your job duties and then you get a break! I prefer that as I feel more freedom and creativity with it than being stuck in one place most of the time.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


Russian Application [ACCEPTED]
Russian Application [DENIED]
Katsuo Hakye Marie's Professor Application [ACCEPTED]
Chinese Application [ACCEPTED] <- Recent
Denied - YerPuppy STRAYS Shop Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Language Application [ACCEPTED] <-New
Council Application [DENIED]
Yuugi Santorini's JSL Application <- NEW[/SPOILER]

NOTE: As far as my other IGNS. Nothing has been applied for.

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

DrainingFeeling → College PhD
‘Jiwoo Holland’
springleaves → College B
‘Yuugi Santorini’
BugBitter → Grade-12
‘Masahiro Hajime’
SuitKink → Adult
‘Finneas King’
snowprints → Professor
‘Malachai Yeou’
Beetlebxg_ → Adult
‘Bao Andante’
YerKiller → Snail/Cat


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

When it came to the situation at hand, Santorini had maintained his calm and reassuring presence as he spoke and fulfilled his movements. Continuing on, Santorini’s hands waved around by his sides as his lips soon parted to speak as his head tilted with a warm smile. “Hey hey! Kiddo, what's with the sudden change! I hear your words alright, theres no need to be yelling hun!” Santorini’s hands waved out towards the student's shoulders “I appreciate how you are speaking your feelings about me so forward but as we are in an educational environment, I will need to ask you to fix the language and cool those jets! Anywho- I have no personal comment to make in response to your cursed remarks. You know if you really do need anything, I’m here for you emotionally and academically!” His lips curled more upward as his teeth revealed in a warm smile. “But for your life lesson of the day! You really shouldn’t be treating others the way you were treating me. For someone your age, I’d suspect a little more maturity! But if you want, we can talk it through like adults in a more calmly matter if thats what you so desire instead of shouting fowl language in an aggravated attempt.” His smile slightly dropped but he was persistent! Once the student had just simply .. not replied he waved his hands and shook his head. “Anywho! You hungry kiddo? I got some snacks back here! Oranges, Apples, er- peach treats, marshmallow treats, you name it and it’s all yours!” Santorini held up a bag of treats waving it around before handing it over to the student! “Don’t want ya making any harmful choices because of an empty stomach! Or well- .. matter of fact, dont make any harmful choices at all!” He clapped his hands together! “You know it could really affect your educational career in a negative way along with your future if you keep up the act! Now enjoy that little snack and come back to me if you really need to speak your mind about something! I care for you like I do for all of my students, even if you just spouted harmful words at me.” He waved the other off giving a small nod of confidence that the student had learned something valuable from the experience.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Viewing the situation at hand, a disappointed expression ran across Santorini’s face as a fight was upon him. He held his ground and stuck his hands out carefully between the two students and immediately and carefully pushed them away from each other as he stood between them. His arms folded as a glance was shared between the two fighting students. “Alrighty you two! Thats enough. Why are we fighting? You know you can use your words right?” He checked each individual for any major injuries. If major injuries were noticed, he’d call down a nurse to help him out as he spoke to them or if they weren’t able to come to the scene, he’d take the two to the nurses office to get tended too. He was mainly concerned on if any students had gained injuries before discussing the rest of the situation. He started to speak to them despite the outcome of the injuries to move forward after they had been dealt with. The injuries that is. “Why don’t we practice using our words huh? Lets try that!” He clapped his palms together before turning to one of the individuals. “Explain your side of the story here.” His eyes fixated between the students, ready to stop any possible chance for another fight to arise. His left hand closed into a fist but his index finger bent outwards as he placed the knuckle against his lip as he nodded, taking in every word the student said. Waiting for them to finish up, his eyes opened and he turned to the other student. “Right right, now! Your turn kiddo! Whats your side of the story?” Once the student started to explain, he had done the same action of showing how carefully he was listing as he nodded along, taking in every word. Once the student had finished up he’d take a moment to let the information of both sides sink in before opening up his hands and clapping his hands together. “See! Now that wasn’t so bad now was it?” A smile finally formed upon his lips feeling satisfied to get the students to talk it out rather than throw punches and kicks. “Next time, if you have a problem with someone, talk it out! Or report to me or any other faculty that could help you out without putting you and others around you in such a violent environment. We are in school remember? School’s a safe place, so please don’t go making it a harmful one.” His arms laid out as he had spoken, maintaining his calm and reassuring aura.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Santorini felt rather annoyed and disappointed about his co-worker's actions. He still did his best to remove any signs of aggravation from his body and did his best to reveal his reassuring and caring attitude. He wiggled his body to double-check all the bad juju had left his physical being. Now, being a witness or even a victim to his co-workers actions, he’d carefully re-insure the employee of how their actions is harmful yet inappropriate for the environment they find themselves in. He put his hands up, palms facing towards the other and his hands slightly waved back and forth as he tried to speak the employee out of the situation and to change their attitude and rethink their choices of actions and words considering their positon as an employee. His approach would be gentle yet effeticve for sure. It was his goal to get the employee to fix up their act no matter if it was the simple mistreatment of students or just being downright inappropriate. He’d go over each of the employee’s actions, listing them off and how they are seen as harmful to the school environment, reminding them that their job lists them to be doing the opposite of what they chose to do. Of course, if there were any other witnesses, he’d ask for them to make their claim as a witness and put their imput on the whole situation on the employee that was causing such a scene. He’d wait to see their perspective on things and how the actions were seen as inappropriate and something that should not be carried out through the school environment. If the situation were to get out of hand and the employee continued and got more aggravated, a person of higher power will be informed and requested on seeing their perspective on the situation and have them be aware of it all. He’d comment about how their actions were highly uncalled for and should be taken care of as how the higher up so pleases.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Santorini within the employee break room is as you’d expect! Santorini placed his hand carefully on the door knob of the room and opened it just enough to where he, himself would be able to enter, closing the wooden door behind him carefully as to not disturb any other of the employees who might be hard at work on class planning or any paper work. He’d have a laptop in his free hand as he made his way over to an open seat and placed the laptop down carefully before making his way to the coffee machine. Of course on his way he shared a few hello’s and waves with a happy smile upon his lips making sure not to disrupt the calming environment. Once he reached the coffee machine, he’d make himself a simple coffee, putting a clean mug he had brought from home under the tap. Once the mug was filled he’d remove the mug and moved to the station that filled with sugars and creamer and all that jazz. He’d pour in some vanilla bean creamer and mixed it in with a wooden stick before making his way back to the desk where his laptop was placed. He opened it up after placing his coffee down on the desk, taking a quick sip before hand. His face made that ouch look as he burnt his tongue! A slight upset look took over for a moment as he tried to cool down his tongue with his hand before continuing. Once his laptop was opened, he’d pull up a few documents he had to fill out, keeping himself busy of course! Here and there he’d start up small talk with the fellow faculty members who weren’t doing much, not wanting to be a bother but still wanted to share some interactions and interest towards his co-workers, seeing them as friends. Finishing up his work after a good amount of time, he closed his laptop and stored it away somewhere safe in the breakroom for him to find later to pick up after the day had ended. He’d wave his goodbyes to his fellow co workers, bringing along his coffee mug, taking another sip as he made his way out of the breakroom quietly. He had known the breakroom well as this wasn’t his first time working in the school. He knew where everything was, so his time there was swift! He had the knowledge that he had to be back in his office just incase of the chances a student was in need of his attention.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Santorini sat at his desk, taking a sip of his coffee, doing his daily chores of filling out paper work for files of certain students who came into the office that day. He did this so he could keep tabs on what each student had requested of him but of course keeping it all private to himself. A fellow co-worker came by the office, seeming to check out the area! He sat himself up properly to welcome the co-worker! “Good morning! Welcome to the office! It’s cute aint it!” He shared a toothy grin with a warm giggle as he slid his papers off to the side to review on a later time as he was only doing so to keep himself busy. The co-worker had seemed to have questions regarding the counselors role. “I actually really like it here! I love getting to know each and one of the students and help them with what ever I can! I honestly am a really down to earth person so when it comes to talking to students, I find it a fulfilling job! It makes me feel like I can be of use!” He seemed really passionate about his work and seemed to really be enjoying it. His expression shared such excitement and joy. The fellow co-worker listened to Santorini just being excited about his job and explain everything that he does.

/me Santorini found himself sat in a small office with a student going over academic interests. “Alrighty! Tell me a bit about yourself! Hobbies, and self interest?” He pulled out a pen and paper and clicked the pen open and wrote down the students name along with the date and the topic of the meeting. Once the student went on about their hobbies and interests, the student started to list things about how they were interested and really enjoyed watching crime related shows! Mafuya nodded, listing into what the student had to say, writing down some ideas! Once he was done, he placed his pen down and look at the student. “Sounds like a fun little path you could put yourself on! I think you should consider taking some criminology like courses and see how ya like those! And maybe later on in life try and join a police force? Or even our very own KPD! If I’m sitting across from a future officer then holy wow! Would that be such an honor! Hey! Remember me when you’re an officer! Or even go down into the law side of things and join up on the government jobs! Those are usually pretty cool right?!” He grinned as he awaited the students reply! Luckily for him, the student seemed to really like those ideas he threw out! He circled a few classes he had suggested to the student that they seemed to really like. “Alright! Start taking those classes and let me know what you think?” He ripped out the paper from his notepad and handed it over to the student who nodded and agreed upon doing such! “Perfect!” He smiled widely seeming pretty excited for the individual! He got up out of his seat and walked over to the door to open it for the student to allow them to leave. “There ya go! I’ll see you later?” The student nodded back as his smile continued to grow “Perfect! Have a good day! See you soon! Bye!” He waved off the student, closing the office door behind him before making his way back to the main desk, sitting himself down.

/me Santorini adjusted his clothing a bit and his sleeves as pushed himself out of the chair he sat himself in to walk outside the small office! He smiled at the student who was waiting for him to exit to soon lead them into a small counseling room to continue their conversation. He’d open the door for the student, letting them walk in “Please, take a seat!” Once the student walked in and took a seat, he walked in as well and closed the door behind him. He walked over to take a seat, placing his coffee mug on the desk as he got comfortable! His smile remained as his hands held onto one another, placing them into his lap, making sure he sat politely. “So! Whats up! How are your grades lookin?” He questioned for starters, allowing the student to reply! “Good to hear! I’m glad you’re keeping up! Now, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” He noticed how the students face grew with worry and more of a negative emotion seemed to fill the room from the students aura. Santorini began to worry of course but awaited for the other to speak. Once they did, he listened with such care and give them all the attention they could ask for. He looked at the other as if they were the only two on this earth and the student was a friend asking for some help emotionally. The topic of depression came up and the student had asked on what to do. It seemed to be affecting their relationships romantically and platonically. Once it was Santorini’s time to speak, he took a moment and offered the other a fidget toy which he slid over to the other before he spoke with such soft and care intentions. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I am no expert on romantic situations but be transparent with your partner and friends. Let them know you’re struggling and what they can do to help you. Whether its asking for space or maybe some emotional reasuring help. Depression is never a fun thing to deal with and it can be very hard. I myself out of all people should know. Things take time of course and please make sure you understand your friends perspectives on their responses to your request of need in this dark time you find yourself in.” He let that settle in for the student and waited for a small response from them. “And you always know that I’m here if you just need a break from anything and need a breather or just someone to rant or vent to. I’m always here to talk to you if you need me. I got snacks, drinks, fidgets, anything you could ask for. Especially time to hear you out.” He reassured the student! Once the two had finished talking, the student returned the fidget and stood up along with Santorini.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

“Hello! My name is Karl Santorini! Or- .. Karl Andreev Santorini but- That is way too long..”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

“You can address me by Mr.Santorini”

Preferred Name:

“Hiya! Karl works just fine! Unless in the public setting- then Santorini works!”

Age (Minimum is 25):

“I’m currently 27 years old!”


“I was born male and identify with the male gender!”

Religious Denomination:

“I currently don’t have any religious denomination”

Marital Status:

“I am currently single! I have no relational history what so ever! I was never really interested in relations as I was always to burried into my work!”

Academic Degree:

“I graduated with a masters degree!”

Year of Graduation:

“I graduated in the year 2019!”


“My college majors are Psychology and Human Sciences”


“And then my college minors are Sociology and Interpersonal Studies”


“I am Latino!”

Current Location:

“I currently live in Karakura, Japan and have been for the past 7 years.”

Native Languages:

“My native language is Spanish.”

Other Languages:

“Other languages I know are Japanese and Japanese Sign Language!”


Karl Santarini's life had been a tapestry woven with threads of love, loss, anger, and an unquenchable thirst for a meaningful existence. Born in the year 1986, in Havana, Cuba. Karl’s journey began with a childhood of rich memories. He was born into a close-knit family and his early years were filled with the comforting presence of his parents and siblings, including his twin sister. His parents were both hardworking and dedicated which instilled values of diligence, kindness, and perseverance. Havana’s streets were like a mosaic of colors and sounds, where the aroma of street food mingled with the laughter of children playing games. Karl was often found playing with his friends in the neighborhood, going on various adventures, exploring hidden corners, and forming lifelong bonds. Karl’s childhood was marked by the relentless storm of adversity that raged within the walls of his home. Born into a family burdened by financial strain and emotional turmoil, Karl's early years were a delicate dance between his aspirations and the suffocating weight of his circumstances. His parents struggled to make ends meet, their arguments echoing through the cramped spaces of their modest home. The constant tension at home cast a long shadow over Karl’s spirit, leaving him perpetually haunted by a sense of inadequacy. No matter how hard he tried, his efforts seemed to fall short, and he grew up feeling like a perpetual disappointment. Karl's academic achievements offered a flicker of hope, a glimmer of possibility that he might one day break free from the cycle of struggle. Yet, the joy of his accomplishments was muted by the harsh reality of his family's discontent. The mere pursuit of his dreams was met with skepticism as if success were an illusion meant for others but forever out of his reach. As he approached his 18th birthday, the storm within his family reached its crescendo. A misunderstanding, fueled by long-standing resentment and miscommunication, ignited a fierce argument that shattered the fragile equilibrium of their home. Words were exchanged like daggers, and in the midst of the chaos, Karl's parents made a devastating decision. "You're not welcome here anymore," his father's words pierced through the tumult, the weight of their finality sinking in. With the remnants of his shattered dreams and a heavy heart, Karl was thrust into the unforgiving embrace of the world, left to fend for himself amidst the darkness that had consumed his childhood. Alone and adrift, Karl faced the harsh reality of life on the streets, a stark contrast to the dreams he had nurtured as a child. Yet, within the depths of his despair, a spark of resilience ignited. Determined to prove his worth, Karl took odd jobs, worked tirelessly to secure a place to stay, and pursued his education with a tenacity that even he didn't know he possessed. In the crucible of adversity, Karl's spirit transformed. The echoes of his parents' disappointment were replaced by the resolute beat of his own heart, propelling him forward despite the odds. His journey was arduous, fraught with challenges that tested his limits, but he emerged from the crucible stronger, wiser, and driven by an unyielding resolve to reclaim his life. Years later, as Karl stood on the cusp of a new chapter, the scars of his past bore witness to the battles he had fought. The storm that had once defined his existence had transformed into a wellspring of strength, shaping him into a man who would rise above the ashes of his hardships and create a new destiny for himself—one marked by triumph and an unshakable determination to build a brighter future.During Karl's 20s, it was a warm summer day in Havana, the streets bustling with activity as locals and visitors alike went about their daily routines. Karl had just finished a long day of studying at the library at his university, his mind engrossed in medical textbooks and research papers. Eager to take a break and clear his thoughts, he decided to stroll through a nearby park, seeking solace in the embrace of nature. As he walked beneath the shade of towering trees, Karl noticed a woman sitting on a bench. Her gaze fixated on a sketchbook that was spread across her lap. Intrigued by the sight, he couldn't help but admire the intricate strokes of the pencil and the way the woman seemed lost in her creative world. Curiosity piqued, Karl approached her with a warm smile. "You're quite the artist," he remarked, nodding toward the sketchbook. The woman looked up, her eyes meeting Karl's with a mixture of surprise and amusement. "Thank you," she replied, her voice soft and gentle. "I find solace in sketching. It helps me capture moments that words often fail to convey." Their conversation flowed effortlessly as if they were two souls meant to cross paths. Karl shared his aspirations of becoming a doctor, his passion for healing and making a difference in people's lives evident in every word. The woman, who was named Ji-Eun, turned and spoke about her dreams of sharing her art with the world, telling stories through his sketches. From that day on, their friendship blossomed into a beautiful lifelong marriage. Until death did them part. Within the adult years of Karl Santorini's life, his story took a bittersweet turn when he lost his beloved wife Ji-eun shortly after she gave birth to their two daughters. The weight of grief bore down on Karl's shoulders, yet he found solace in his daughters' laughter and the memories of his wife's warm embrace. Determined to provide a loving home for his girls, Karl navigated the challenges of single parenthood with unwavering dedication. As the years passed, he found strength in his role as both mother and father. Life, however, had more surprises in store. During Karl's time at medical school, Karl's compassionate nature led him to cross paths with a young girl whom he ended up adopting later on within their knowledge of one another. With unyielding determination, Karl excelled in medical school, his dedication to his studies a testament to his commitment to bettering the lives of others. Graduating with his doctorate, he felt a mixture of pride and humility. A new chapter beckoned, and Karl's heart was drawn to an island in Japan—a place of serene beauty where he hoped to find to find tranquility. Leaving behind the familiar streets of Havana, Karl and his daughters embarked on a new adventure on the island. Settling into their new home, they were welcomed by the large community.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

“My motivation is simply wanting to go back into the working game as I had been taking a long-needed break for my health and such. Mental and physical. I am looking forward to joining back in the Karakura High School Faculty due to well, having such positive experiences before my leave! The co-workers were simply so kind and fun to be around that it warms me up and encouraged me more to apply for the team once again. This school has taught me a lot and I would love to return the favor back by playing a role in the school community. The friendships i’ve made during my years here has honestly been such an uplifting feeling. Karakura is such a positive environment in my personal perspective so I mean why wouldn’t I want to come back! I want to continue to be a faculty member who can help his fellow co-workers and students as much as possible. I want to give back to the community. You could say I even owe the educational environment the support! This faction was my very first job in Karakura to begin with! I would just hope they would welcome me back with opening arms! Honestly, helping those students achieve their dreams and helping them academically and mentally was such an honor and I would love nothing more but to continue that. One more thing to mention, those faculty members I had worked with were really my saving grace. They were something I never knew I needed until I needed them. Karakura’s educational faction has always never dissapointed. Without them I don’t think i’d continue on living here, but because of those kind people that I had surrounded myself with really motivated me into reaching out to do things I strongly want in my career choice and life wise, long term.”

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

"I sure do! I used to work for the school a bit ago as a counselor. I had worked there for a while and was even honored with being given the title of 'Head Counselor'! It was such a lovely experience which is why I'm back! Working as a counselor before had really opened my eyes and perspectives on things so it's good to be back! I had of course ran into all the scenarios you could think of when it came to troubled students! So I am more then prepared to handle those situations once again."

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

“Talking over the topic of being accepted over others, I have a strong belief that I should be chosen over other equal candidates as I of course venture to achieve the goal of a professional and well-displayed environment for others and myself. Generally, I excel at showing how invested I am in my actions and work and open myself to any use that I can be towards those around me to better our social environment. I’ve always been known to keep myself occupied with work making sure I don’t let a day go to waste without being productive and efficient. Each day is filled with motivation and hard work to end off the day calling it a successful one. I always offer a lending hand and my own thought/input on matters with students or fellow faculty members to strive for a healthy communicational environment. I’ve always been ensuring that I place myself and others around me in an positive and effective environment that is beneficial for them as required. I plan to keep myself active within the faculty to prove myself worthy and my appreciation upon acceptance (if accepted). I will strive to prove myself that my time will be a productive and efficient one and in fact not a waste of time and energy. I appreciate you taking the time in reading my application thoroughly and considering if I should be accepted or not for such a position that I have prepared myself for.”


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

My current character is Malachai Yeou but I will be switching to Karl Santorini if accepted due to past experience with counseling resides in Karl Santorini the character.​


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Congratulations on being accepted, please DM me on discord so we can get started!
- ozinth

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