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  1. Imdaalex

    Accepted Troy's Chef Application Imdaalex

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Imdaalex Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes it's iamdaalex How old are you? (Optional): I am 24 years old What is your time zone?: Central European Standard Time GMT+1 Describe your activity on the...
  2. Imdaalex


    IGN: Imdaalex VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Sailor Moon Wand EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: have a good day
  3. Imdaalex


  4. Imdaalex

    "Remove you're ticket"

    IGN: Imdaalex DATE: 10/25/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The new ticket is good but adding a "Remow your ticket" after you got it done or when you don't need help anymore so you can't make another one if you really need one HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: So we all know...
  5. Imdaalex


    Hello there how are you you all and hope you are doing well talk to me :D
  6. Imdaalex

    Tinto shades

    IGN Imdaalex VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Gold Tino shades EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was gonna put them on and i had my beard on me the hat beard. Then the glasses turn into the can i an holding right now
  7. Imdaalex

    Imdaalex Shop

    IGN: Imdaalex Discord: My discord is Imdaalex#2341 Describe your activity on the server: I am mostly active on the weekends also 24/7 but it all depends if I got work in real life. So if I got work I can mostly be on 6-5 hours a day. Previous applications: Alt account rprprprpr KPD Applecation |...
  8. Imdaalex

    rprprprpr KPD Applecation

    This is my alt my main is Imdaalex IGN (In-Game Name): rprprprpr Previous bans: I was banned back in 2017-2018 for glitching thru a door and I have not been banned ever since and I'm not planning to be banned this very day Describe your activity on the server: I am mostly active on the...
  9. Imdaalex

    Feedback on calling in different languages

    me and my friend did try the command and we could call in Germand but just by the number not by names Just by the number. I think when it is the Name bugging it out or something I got some proof down here The first one here was with a phone number and no name and it worked Here is when I typed...
  10. Imdaalex

    Accepted Chef

    What is your Minecraft username?: Imdaalex Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes my Discord is Imdaalex#2341 How old are you? (Optional): I m 20 but turning 21 July 7 What is your time zone?: I am from Sweden Gotemburg (EU) Describe your activity on the server: I'm...
  11. Imdaalex

    is this a bad idea??

    be fully honest with me now! is attempting 5 hours stream on srp bad idea?
  12. Imdaalex

    Troy Garcia's science Professor

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Imdaalex How old are you?: I am 20 year's old. Do you have any previous bans?: I was Banned back in 2017-2018 By glitching. What Country are you from?: I am from Western of Sweden. Do you have Discord (if so, what is your...
  13. Imdaalex

    Imdaalex KPd

    IGN (In-Game Name): Imdaalex. Previous bans: I was banned back in 2017-2018 for glitching. Describe your activity on the server: I'm mostly on all day but depends on time then maybe 5-6 hours because of work Which timezone are you in? Im from Sweden GTU Do you have Discord? Yes i do it's...
  14. Imdaalex

    Accepted IMDAALEX janitor app

    [OOC section] In-Game Name: imdaalex School Employee Role you are Applying For: School Janitor. How often do you log onto the server?: Mostly every day but when I'm at work, "5-4" hours maybe. Do you have discord? IM_DA_ALEX#6119 Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do. Have you ever been...
  15. Imdaalex

    Denied counselor application

    [OOC section] In-Game Name: imdaalex School Employee Role you are Applying For: Guidance Counselor How often do you log onto the server?: I have work IRL so "4-5" Hours at least. Do you have discord? Yes, I do IM_DA_ALEX#6119 Do you have a microphone? Yes I do Have you ever been...
  16. Imdaalex

    Denied Janitor application

    In Game Name: imdaalex School Employee Role you are Applying For: Janitor How often do you log onto the server?: Mostly every day Do you have discord? Yes, I do IM_DA_ALEX#6119 Do you have a microphone? Yes I do Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: I was banned for glitching...
  17. Imdaalex

    Denied Office Secretary app

    In-Game Name: imdaalex School Employee Role you are Applying For: Office Secretary How often do you log onto the server...
  18. Imdaalex

    Denied Library assistant AP

    [OOC section] In Game Name: imdaalex School Employee Role you are Applying For: Library assistant How often do you log onto the server?: i try to get on atleast everyday Do you have discord? yes, IM_DA_ALEX#6119 Do you have a microphone? Yes i do maybe not the best one but i think it works...
  19. Imdaalex

    IM_DA_ALEX Application

    IGN (In-Game Name): IM_DA_ALEX Previous bans: yes Glitching Describe your activity on the server: i am activity almost every day Which timezone are you in? Central European Standard Time Do you have Discord? I do currently have Discord. My username is - IM_DA_ALEX#6119 Do you have a...
  20. Imdaalex

    News reporter

    ign: IM_DA_ALEX Previous bans: Yes Glitching Activity: I'm most active 24/7 Discord IM_DA_ALEX#6119 Do you have a mic? Yes, I do. Current and past applications: Janitor but it was taken Motivation: My motivation is finding out what's happening in the city and announce it, That's part of...